Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Who is Blasphemous Yaani Gustakh e Rasool Kaun - Part 3

KARACHI, Oct 17: The Pakistan Sunni Movement, a previously unknown organisation, and students of some religious seminaries demanded on Monday that former Sindh home minister Dr Zulfikar Mirza publicly seek pardon from Allah for blasphemous remarks he had allegedly made at a press conference in Lyari. The students, holding placards, demanded the institution of a case against Mr Mirza and severe punishment to him for his utterances. They were also joined by leaders of the PSM who had just concluded a press conference at the Karachi Press Club. Addressing the press conference, PSM leader Shah Sirajul Haq Quaderi recalled that ulema had warned former Punjab governor Salman Taseer also but he did not heed the warnings. He advised Dr Mirza to immediately ask for forgiveness of Allah at a press conference. He also said that the PSM had asked ulema to issue their edicts in this regard. The PSM chief urged politicians not to use Quranic and Shariah terminology for promoting their politics and stop referring to the Holy Prophet in their personal conflicts. Maulana Quaderi also announced his party’s support for a strike call given by the Sunni Ittehad Council over the award of a death sentence to Mumtaz Qadri, the convicted assassin of Mr Taseer.—Staff Report. REFERENCE: Protest over `blasphemous remarks`From the Newspaper http://www.dawn.com/2011/10/18/protest-over-blasphemous-remarks.html

Barelvi Mullah Shah Turabul Haq & Barelvis support Killing.

URL: http://youtu.be/dTbzufzijvY

MQM Delegation attended Funeral of Governor Punjab Salman Taseer

URL: http://youtu.be/7RPrwrQ99ag

Ulema press not to offer Taseer’s funeral prayers

Most religious parties avoid outright condemnation; Sajid Mir, Piracha assail murder - KARACHI: Leading Ulema of Jamaat Ahle Sunnat Pakistan (JASP) in a joint statement have asked Muslims not to offer Namaz-e-Janaza nor try to lead funeral prayers of Governor Punjab Salman Taseer. In a joint statement issued here they have also asked not to express regrets or sympathies over his assassination. Those issuing the statement include the JASP Central Ameer Prof Syed Mazhar Saeed Shah Kazmi, Allama Syed Riaz Hussain Shah, Shah Turab-ul-Haq Qadri, Allama Zamir Sajid, Pir Khalid Sultan, Pir Ghulam Siddiq Naqshbandi, Allama Syed Khizr Hussain Shah, Alhaj Amjad Chishti, Allama Ghulam Sarawar Hazarvi, Allama Syed Shamsuddin Bokhari, Pir Syed Ashiq Ali Shah Jilani, Mufti Muhammad Iqbal Chishti, Allama Fazal Jamil Rizvi, Agha Muhammad Ibrahim Naqshbandi Mujaddidi, Maulana Muhammad Riaz Qadri, Maulana Gulzar Naeemi, Allama Syed Ghulam Yaseen Shah, and over 500 other ulema and honorable muftis attached to the JASP. Those favouring the person indulged in blasphemy are themselves blasphemous, they announced. Paying glowing tributes to Malik Mumtaz Hussain, and his courage, who killed Governor Salman Taseer, they said he is lover of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and is a ‘Ghazi’. Mumtaz had revived the 14-century-old tradition of Islam and put their head high in pride. It was only Prophet (PBUH) who could forgive any act of blasphemy but none other could ever do it. They asked the rulers to save their faith by announcing that they would desist from attempting to amend the law of blasphemy. Asim Hussain adds from Lahore: Leaders of majority of religious parties desisted from expressing their views on the murder of Salman Taseer, while others gave a guarded response, saying the slain Punjab governor had been inviting such kind of reaction for quite some time. He had continuously been violating the constitution of Pakistan by supporting an amendment to the blasphemy laws and interfering in the judicial process of the blasphemy convict Aasia Bibi, though he knew well that Muslims were very touchy on the matter, they said while talking to The News. Some religious leaders like Jamiat Ahle Hadith President Prof Sajid Mir and Jamaat-e-Islami leader Dr Farid Piracha, however, condemned the murder saying Islam forbids people to punish even the criminals by taking the law into their hands. Jamiat Ulema Pakistan (JUP) President Abdul Khair Mohammad Zubair said Islam strictly forbids taking the life of anyone without judicial or state order, but added that Salman Taseer had shown utter disregard for the religious sentiments of the entire nation. The mobile phone of Sahabzada Fazal Karim, chairman Sunni Ittehad Council, remained switched off throughout Tuesday evening. A spokesman for Jamaat-e-Islami Ameer Syed Munawwar Hasan said he was not feeling well and could not be available on phone. The spokesman also expressed his helplessness to obtain any formal statement on the issue saying that any statement on the matter would be issued on the next day after consultations. Other main leaders of the Sunni Ittehad Council - Haji Hanif Tayyeb, Dr Ashraf Asif Jalali, Sarwat Ijaz Qadri - were also not available. Tahaffuz-e-Namoos-e-Risalat Mahaz (TNRM) leaders held an emergency meeting after receiving the reports of murder of Salman Taseer. The meeting, chaired by Razaul Mustafa Naqshbandi, continued for two hours. Later, in a statement the TNRM said Taseer had been violating the laws of the land by supporting a blasphemy convict, Aasia Bibi, from day one. His irresponsible acts from the high office of the Governor of Punjab were inappropriate and offending 170 million Muslims of the country. Meanwhile, Sunni Tehrik Lahore President Mujahid Abdul Rasool said Muslims should not attend the funeral prayers of Salman Taseer since he had wilfully committed blasphemy and shown disrespect towards protecting the honour of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). REFERENCE: Ulema press not to offer Taseer’s funeral prayers Wednesday, January 05, 2011 http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=3126&Cat=13

LONDON: 9TH MARCH 2011: Founder and Leader of Muttahida Quami Movement Mr Altaf Hussain has said that religious extremism, bigotry and intolerance are pulling down the country and in order to save the country from utter devastation it is necessary to promote the principles of harmony, toleration and live and let live. He said this while talking to a delegation of NGOs at Nine Zero over telephone. Members of the Co-ordination Committee were also present on the occasion. Mr Altaf Hussain said that Islam guarantees protection to the life and property and places of worship of all non-Muslims. He further said that the founder the country Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah had made it clear in his speech to the Constituent Assembly on 11h August 1947 that the followers of all the religions would have the freedom to worship in the country according to their beliefs but unfortunately religious extremism and bigotry was encouraged that has brought the country on the edge of the precipice. Mr Altaf Hussain said that he has been trying to wake the people up for quite some time now and informing them that Talibanization is being promoted in the country which is wrong and lethal for the country and hence it should be stopped. He lamented that his statements were not taken seriously and some elements not only ridiculed his statements but also denied them altogether. He deplored that the situation has come to a point that masjids, imam bargahs, shrines of saints, religious gatherings and even funeral processions are not safe from the hands of the terrorists and suicide attacks and bomb blasts have become commonplace. Mr Altaf Hussain bewailed that all this terrorism is being carried out in the name of Islam which is tarnishing the image of Islam and the Muslims throughout the world. Condemning the murder of Governor Punjab Salman Taseer and Federal Minister for Minorities Affairs Shahbaz Bhatti, he said that such incidents are increasing the sense of insecurity in the minorities. Mr Altaf Hussain said that the MQM considers that it is imperative to create the feeling of security in the minorities people belonging to various segments of the society must come forward to assure a sense of security for them. He said that it is necessary to promote the principles of toleration and live and let live in order to free the country from the menace of terrorism. Mr Altaf Hussain said that he personally opposes the use of the term “minority” for the non-Muslims. “I consider all citizens of the country as equal irrespective of their religion, religious persuasion and beliefs. I stand for religious and sectarian harmony and dignity of human beings. I have always been the proponent of sticking to ones beliefs and not touching the beliefs of others. Everyone should worship according to his belief and show respect for the beliefs of others.” Mr Altaf Hussain said that people should not be victimized on the basis of religion, faith and beliefs. Logic and reasoning should be adopted instead of intimidation and threats. He assured the delegation that MQM will continue to extend unconditional support for the religious harmony and tolerant views in the country. He also demanded of the government to apprehend the assassins of Mr Shahbaz Bhatti and give exemplary punishment to those resorting to bloodshed in the name of religion. REFERENCES: LONDON: 9TH MARCH 2011 RELIGIOUS EXTREMISM AND BIGOTRY DEVASTATING FOR THE COUNTRY: ALTAF HUSSAIN - Mr Hussain urged the Supreme Court and religious scholars to take notice of alleged blasphemous remarks of a former Sindh minister who had also said that Mohajirs were hungry and destitute when they migrated from India to Pakistan.MQM to field candidates across country By Our Staff Reporter | From the Newspaper (9 hours ago) Today http://www.dawn.com/2011/10/17/mqm-to-field-candidates-across-country.html 

Jang Group & GEO TV Murdered Salman Taseer & Shahbaz Bhatti (Abbas Athar BBC URDU)

URL: http://youtu.be/3y_VUznzbeI

Funeral of Salman Taseer Slain Governor Punjab : MQM Leaders attended

URL: http://youtu.be/Tg6trgCNyYs

Ulema press not to offer Taseer’s funeral prayers

Most religious parties avoid outright condemnation; Sajid Mir, Piracha assail murder - KARACHI: Leading Ulema of Jamaat Ahle Sunnat Pakistan (JASP) in a joint statement have asked Muslims not to offer Namaz-e-Janaza nor try to lead funeral prayers of Governor Punjab Salman Taseer. In a joint statement issued here they have also asked not to express regrets or sympathies over his assassination. Those issuing the statement include the JASP Central Ameer Prof Syed Mazhar Saeed Shah Kazmi, Allama Syed Riaz Hussain Shah, Shah Turab-ul-Haq Qadri, Allama Zamir Sajid, Pir Khalid Sultan, Pir Ghulam Siddiq Naqshbandi, Allama Syed Khizr Hussain Shah, Alhaj Amjad Chishti, Allama Ghulam Sarawar Hazarvi, Allama Syed Shamsuddin Bokhari, Pir Syed Ashiq Ali Shah Jilani, Mufti Muhammad Iqbal Chishti, Allama Fazal Jamil Rizvi, Agha Muhammad Ibrahim Naqshbandi Mujaddidi, Maulana Muhammad Riaz Qadri, Maulana Gulzar Naeemi, Allama Syed Ghulam Yaseen Shah, and over 500 other ulema and honorable muftis attached to the JASP. Those favouring the person indulged in blasphemy are themselves blasphemous, they announced. Paying glowing tributes to Malik Mumtaz Hussain, and his courage, who killed Governor Salman Taseer, they said he is lover of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and is a ‘Ghazi’. Mumtaz had revived the 14-century-old tradition of Islam and put their head high in pride. It was only Prophet (PBUH) who could forgive any act of blasphemy but none other could ever do it. They asked the rulers to save their faith by announcing that they would desist from attempting to amend the law of blasphemy. Asim Hussain adds from Lahore: Leaders of majority of religious parties desisted from expressing their views on the murder of Salman Taseer, while others gave a guarded response, saying the slain Punjab governor had been inviting such kind of reaction for quite some time. He had continuously been violating the constitution of Pakistan by supporting an amendment to the blasphemy laws and interfering in the judicial process of the blasphemy convict Aasia Bibi, though he knew well that Muslims were very touchy on the matter, they said while talking to The News. Some religious leaders like Jamiat Ahle Hadith President Prof Sajid Mir and Jamaat-e-Islami leader Dr Farid Piracha, however, condemned the murder saying Islam forbids people to punish even the criminals by taking the law into their hands. Jamiat Ulema Pakistan (JUP) President Abdul Khair Mohammad Zubair said Islam strictly forbids taking the life of anyone without judicial or state order, but added that Salman Taseer had shown utter disregard for the religious sentiments of the entire nation. The mobile phone of Sahabzada Fazal Karim, chairman Sunni Ittehad Council, remained switched off throughout Tuesday evening. A spokesman for Jamaat-e-Islami Ameer Syed Munawwar Hasan said he was not feeling well and could not be available on phone. The spokesman also expressed his helplessness to obtain any formal statement on the issue saying that any statement on the matter would be issued on the next day after consultations. Other main leaders of the Sunni Ittehad Council - Haji Hanif Tayyeb, Dr Ashraf Asif Jalali, Sarwat Ijaz Qadri - were also not available. Tahaffuz-e-Namoos-e-Risalat Mahaz (TNRM) leaders held an emergency meeting after receiving the reports of murder of Salman Taseer. The meeting, chaired by Razaul Mustafa Naqshbandi, continued for two hours. Later, in a statement the TNRM said Taseer had been violating the laws of the land by supporting a blasphemy convict, Aasia Bibi, from day one. His irresponsible acts from the high office of the Governor of Punjab were inappropriate and offending 170 million Muslims of the country. Meanwhile, Sunni Tehrik Lahore President Mujahid Abdul Rasool said Muslims should not attend the funeral prayers of Salman Taseer since he had wilfully committed blasphemy and shown disrespect towards protecting the honour of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). REFERENCE: Ulema press not to offer Taseer’s funeral prayers Wednesday, January 05, 2011 http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=3126&Cat=13


KARACHI: Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) Chief Altaf Hussain has appealed to ulema of various schools of thought to stop their demonstrations after clear assurances by Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani that no amendment is being made in the blasphemy law. He was addressing via telephone from London to an assembly of the office bearers of various wings of his party at Khursheed Begum Memorial Hall at Azizabad, said a statement issued by MQM here Tuesday. He said Islam is a religion of peace and it gives us lesson to respect all religions. Islam not only gives a message of peace to the Muslims but also guarantees peace and security to the non-Muslims, he added. He was of the view that history tells us that kings, monarchs and rulers have always exploited religion to legitimize their rule and perpetuate their power. He said the Holy Prophet (pbuh) brought mercy and blessings for all and also treated non-Muslims, even his enemies well. He said his party respects all schools of thought and it has been working for the last 32 years to promote interfaith harmony. Prime Minister, Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani has categorically stated in a press conference that the government is bringing no change to the blasphemy law. He appealed to ulema to stop protests after clear assurance by the Prime Minister that no amendment is being made in the blasphemy law. Altaf said he has always preached peace, security, dignity of human beings and moderation as told in the Holy Quran and enunciated by the Holy Prophet (PBUH). “I have always maintained that whoever you are and whatever sect you belong to or whatever school of thought you subscribe to, you should respect everyone. Do not hate anyone.” he said. He said “Everyone has a right to live. You must all adore Allah according to your way. It is for Allah to judge as to who is right and who is wrong. It is for Allah to decide as to who will go to heaven and who will go to hell on the Day of Judgment and not for man.” He said the extremists want to destroy the environment of tolerance and inter-faith harmony in Pakistan particularly in Sindh and want to promote intolerance but while MQM is yet present, they would not succeed. He said the MQM is a political party that believes in tolerance and inter-faith harmony. We are not only working for unity among Muslims but also unity among various faiths as well. We want to promote moderation and establish an environment where people respect religious sentiments of others, he said. We should not only revere mosques and imam bargahs but also give protection to all other places of worship. Altaf Hussain also asked the office-bearers of various wings of MQM to hold corner meetings in every nook and corner to promote tolerance and inter-faith harmony. – APP REFERENCE: Altaf appeals ‘Ulema’ for no protests on blasphemyAPP January 11, 2011 http://www.dawn.com/2011/01/11/altaf-appeals-%E2%80%98ulema%E2%80%99-for-no-protests-on-blasphemy-law.html  Saturday, October 15, 2011, Ziqad 16, 1432 A.H. http://www.jang.com.pk/jang/oct2011-daily/15-10-2011/u84895.htm

Aaj News : Bolta Pakistan : MQM's Point of View on Blasphemy law

URL: http://youtu.be/Mle0XuLkGgE

Blasphemy laws: 'MQM will protect Pakistan from religious tyranny' : Altaf Hussain address to DCRC

URL: http://youtu.be/JRxzVPkK6UA

Barelvi Shah Turabul Haq Issues Fatwa of Kufr (Apostasy) against Imam Kaaba Saudi Arabia.

URL: http://youtu.be/OCRBtqEjTB8

Note: Click the links http://razakhanimazhab.weebly.com/urdu10.html  http://razakhanimazhab.weebly.com/urdu11.html  consist upon Blasphemy Committed by Barelvis and these very Barelvis killed Salman Taseer and countless others whereas they have "Charge-sheeted" themselves in their very own book as far as Blasphemy is concerned. http://razakhanimazhab.weebly.com/index.html 



Saudi Fatwa on Barelvis [where is Unity of Ummah] The ruling concerning the Braylwiyyah http://www.fatwa-online.com/fataawa/creed/deviants/0010517_5.htm 

Question: There is a particular group in Pakistan called the ((Braylwiyyah)) or ((Jamaa’ah Nuwaaree)) which is a reference to their current leader known as ((Nuwaaree)). I ask your excellencies the Sharee’ah ruling regarding them and their ‘aqeedah, and the prayer behind them as this is a contentious issue which many people are unaware of the reality. I will mention some of their defective ways and beliefs:

1) The belief that the Messenger of Allaah (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) is alive;

2) The belief that the Messenger of Allaah (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) is present and all-
seeing, especially immediately after Salaat al-Jumu’ah;

3) The belief that the Messenger (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) is the foremost intercessor;

4) They believe in “saints” and the dead in their graves, and they offer salaah at the graves requesting them for their needs to be met;

5) Their commendation of domes and lighting up of graves;

6) Their saying ((Yaa Rasool, Yaa Muhammad (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam)));

7) Their hatred towards whoever loudly says ((Aameen)) and raises his hands in the salaah, considering such a person to be a Wahhaabee;

Their great astonishment at the use of the miswaak before the salaah;

9) Kissing the thumbs whilst doing wudhoo., the adhaan and after the salaah;

10) After the salaah, their imaam repeating the aayah:
{Allaah sends His prayers on the Prophet and also His angels too}, [Soorah al-Ahzaab, Aayah 56].

11) They gather after the Salaat al-Jumu’ah standing and reciting anaasheed and sending praises (to the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam));

12) After they complete the Noble Qur.aan in the Salaat at-Taraaweeh in the month of Ramadhaan, they prepare alot of food and distribute it in the dining area of the masjid, in addition to sweets;

13) They build masaajid and seek much importance in decorating them, writing ((Yaa Muhammad)) above the mihraab (standing place of the imaam);

14) They consider themselves the people of the Sunnah and correct ‘aqeedah and that (all) others are in error;

15) What is the Sharee’ah ruling regarding performing the salaah behind them (their imaam), considering I am a medical student in Karachi and live next door to the masjid where they are in (overall) control (i.e. their beliefs and practices prevail)?

Response: Whoever has these characteristics and attributes, then it is not permissible to offer your salaah behind them (their imaam), and whoever knows of their condition, then their salaah is not correct. This is because most of their characteristics and attributes are of kufr and bid`ah which negate the tawheed (oneness) with which Allaah had sent His messenger and revealed in His Book, and that which conflicts with the Qur.aan, such as His (Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala) saying:

{Verily, you (Muhammad) will die and verily, they (too) will die}, [Soorah az-Zumar, Aayah 30]
And His saying:

{And the mosques are for Allaah (alone), so invoke not anyone along with Allaah}, [Soorah al-Jinn, Aayah 18]

And their bid`ah which they practice should be detested with good manners, and if they accept (and leave these pratices) then all praise is for Allaah (alone); And if they do not accept (and continue in these practices) then you should leave them and offer your salaah in the masjid of the Ahlus-Sunnah. And in this, with respect to Ibraaheem (alayhis-salaam) there is a good example:

{And I shall turn away from you and from those whom you invoke besides Allaah. And I shall call on my Lord; and I hope that I shall not be unblest in my invocation to my Lord}, [Soorah Maryam, Aayah 48].

And with Allaah lies all success and may Allaah send prayers and salutations upon our Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) and his family and his companions.


Name of group – Braylwiyyah

Adherent to group – Braylwee, plural – Braylwiyyoon

The Braylwiyyah are a Soofee sect which was born in India at the time of the British rule there. It’s followers concern themselves in exceeding in their love and honour for the Prophets and the “saints” in general, and the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) specifically. It’s founder was a man by the name of Ahmad Ridhaa Khaan ibn Taqee ‘Alee Khaan who was born in 1272 A.H. (1851 C.E.) and called himself Abdul-Mustafaa (slave/servant of Mustafaa, i.e. Muhammad (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam)). He was born in the city of Braylee in the province of Uttar Pradesh and was a student of al-Mirza Ghulaam Qaadir Begg who was the older (blood) brother of Mirza Ghulaam Ahmad al-Qaadiyaanee (founder of the Qaadiyaaniyyah sect).

He was of a slim build and known to be shrewd and clever, whilst also being ill-tempered and foul-mouthed. He used to suffer from chronic illnesses, and used to consistently complain of headaches and back pains. He visited Makkah and studied under some of the scholars there in 1295 A.H. (1874 C.E.). Amongst his “notable” books are: ((Anbaa. al-Mustafaa)) and ((Khaalis al-I’tiqaad)). From the beliefs of this sect is that the Messenger of Allaah (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) has the ability/power to control the creation and all that occurs, and that the “saints” have the ability/power to influence the creation and all that occurs. And they have exceeded in their belief with respect to the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) such that they have ascended him to a rank close to that of worshipping him. And they have exceeded in their belief with respect to the Messenger of Allaah (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) such that they believe he has knowledge of the unseen, and they deny that he was a human being, rather that he was the light (noor) of Allaah. And they also permit calling for assistance from the “saints” and the Prophets and other than them from the false beliefs.


Saudi Fatwas against Pakistani Mullahs & Anarchist Mullahs of Pakistan.

Barelvi Mullah Shah Turabul Haq says that Deobandi and Wahabi are Kaafir (Apostate)

URL: http://youtu.be/zj5Z7yzzgpI

Note: Click the links http://razakhanimazhab.weebly.com/urdu10.html http://razakhanimazhab.weebly.com/urdu11.html  consist upon Blasphemy Committed by Barelvis and these very Barelvis killed Salman Taseer and countless others whereas they have "Charge-sheeted" themselves in their very own book as far as Blasphemy is concerned. http://razakhanimazhab.weebly.com/index.html

Blasphemy Law & Barelvi VS Deobandi - Part - 1

URL: http://youtu.be/GVlMINs_Lb4

Note: Click the links http://razakhanimazhab.weebly.com/urdu10.html  http://razakhanimazhab.weebly.com/urdu11.html  consist upon Blasphemy Committed by Barelvis and these very Barelvis killed Salman Taseer and countless others whereas they have "Charge-sheeted" themselves in their very own book as far as Blasphemy is concerned. http://razakhanimazhab.weebly.com/index.html

Blasphemy Law & Barelvi VS Deobandi - Part - 2

URL: http://youtu.be/bR7VOyv32ZI

Note: Click the links http://razakhanimazhab.weebly.com/urdu10.html http://razakhanimazhab.weebly.com/urdu11.html  consist upon Blasphemy Committed by Barelvis and these very Barelvis killed Salman Taseer and countless others whereas they have "Charge-sheeted" themselves in their very own book as far as Blasphemy is concerned. http://razakhanimazhab.weebly.com/index.html

Blasphemy Law & Barelvi VS Deobandi - Part - 3

URL: http://youtu.be/NUXKpbuY0Xc

Note: Click the links http://razakhanimazhab.weebly.com/urdu10.html http://razakhanimazhab.weebly.com/urdu11.html  consist upon Blasphemy Committed by Barelvis and these very Barelvis killed Salman Taseer and countless others whereas they have "Charge-sheeted" themselves in their very own book as far as Blasphemy is concerned. http://razakhanimazhab.weebly.com/index.html

Blasphemy Law & Barelvi VS Deobandi - Part - 4

URL: http://youtu.be/gr4bFTCnVN8

Note: Click the links http://razakhanimazhab.weebly.com/urdu10.html http://razakhanimazhab.weebly.com/urdu11.html  consist upon Blasphemy Committed by Barelvis and these very Barelvis killed Salman Taseer and countless others whereas they have "Charge-sheeted" themselves in their very own book as far as Blasphemy is concerned. http://razakhanimazhab.weebly.com/index.html

Blasphemy Law & Barelvi VS Deobandi - Part - 5

URL: http://youtu.be/j-Xt2Z1i5Qs

Note: Click the links http://razakhanimazhab.weebly.com/urdu10.html http://razakhanimazhab.weebly.com/urdu11.html  consist upon Blasphemy Committed by Barelvis and these very Barelvis killed Salman Taseer and countless others whereas they have "Charge-sheeted" themselves in their very own book as far as Blasphemy is concerned. http://razakhanimazhab.weebly.com/index.html

Blasphemy Law & Barelvi VS Deobandi - Part - 6

URL: http://youtu.be/_TIZ5mg-IEM

Note: Click the links http://razakhanimazhab.weebly.com/urdu10.html http://razakhanimazhab.weebly.com/urdu11.html consist upon Blasphemy Committed by Barelvis and these very Barelvis killed Salman Taseer and countless others whereas they have "Charge-sheeted" themselves in their very own book as far as Blasphemy is concerned. http://razakhanimazhab.weebly.com/index.html

Barelvi Scholar allows Murder for everyone on TV Part 1 (ARY NEWS 13 Feb 2011)

URL: http://youtu.be/fHraGjrChEs

Note: Click the links http://razakhanimazhab.weebly.com/urdu10.html  http://razakhanimazhab.weebly.com/urdu11.html  consist upon Blasphemy Committed by Barelvis and these very Barelvis killed Salman Taseer and countless others whereas they have "Charge-sheeted" themselves in their very own book as far as Blasphemy is concerned. http://razakhanimazhab.weebly.com/index.html

Barelvi Scholar allows Murder for everyone on TV - Part 2 (ARY NEWS 13 Feb 2011)

URL: http://youtu.be/0Iuna8bFVEQ

Note: Click the links http://razakhanimazhab.weebly.com/urdu10.html http://razakhanimazhab.weebly.com/urdu11.html consist upon Blasphemy Committed by Barelvis and these very Barelvis killed Salman Taseer and countless others whereas they have "Charge-sheeted" themselves in their very own book as far as Blasphemy is concerned. http://razakhanimazhab.weebly.com/index.html

Barelvi Scholar allows Murder for everyone on TV - Part 3 (ARY NEWS 13 Feb 2011)

URL: http://youtu.be/8PHk-wpL5gk

Barelvi Scholar allows Murder for everyone on TV - Part 4 (ARY NEWS 13 Feb 2011)

URL: http://youtu.be/QITvAM5MLD4

Note: Click the links http://razakhanimazhab.weebly.com/urdu10.html http://razakhanimazhab.weebly.com/urdu11.html consist upon Blasphemy Committed by Barelvis and these very Barelvis killed Salman Taseer and countless others whereas they have "Charge-sheeted" themselves in their very own book as far as Blasphemy is concerned. http://razakhanimazhab.weebly.com/index.html

Wahabi Mulla Zubair Ali Zai Accepted that Barelvi's are Ashiq e Rasool as Compare to Deogandi's

URL: http://youtu.be/R8f2TCGvXHY

Note: Click the links http://razakhanimazhab.weebly.com/urdu10.html  http://razakhanimazhab.weebly.com/urdu11.html  consist upon Blasphemy Committed by Barelvis and these very Barelvis killed Salman Taseer and countless others whereas they have "Charge-sheeted" themselves in their very own book as far as Blasphemy is concerned. http://razakhanimazhab.weebly.com/index.html

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