Saturday, November 5, 2011

Calamity of Barelvi Fatwa of Apostasy (Kufr) Against Saudi Arabia.

MAKKAH: Mufti-e-Azam (Grand Mufti) of Saudi Arabia, Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al Sheikh in his hajj sermon on Saturday said that killing any innocent is forbidden in Islam and Muslims should respect the rights of other Muslims, Geo News reported. Sheikh Abdul Aziz was delivering the sermon from the historical Nimra Mosque where millions of pilgrims are have gathered to perform the key rituals of hajj. He urged the Muslims to avoid evil thoughts and action and take guidance from the Holy Quraan and Sunnah. He said that Muslims should be united and they should be mutually helpful. He said that Muslim governments should prevent crimes, injustice and poverty. They should not use weapons against their own people, instead the rulers should act in accordance with the Sharia. Sheikh Abdul Aziz said that Shariah guides economic transactions as well and Islam has forbidden interest therefore the business community should try to get rid of its menace. Shedding light on the importance of hajj, he said that it cleanses all evils that a man commits in his lifetime. He urged the channels of the Muslim countries to play their role and build character as global media is bent on damaging Muslim society. REFERENCE: Hajj 2011: Mufti-e-Azam urges Muslims to unite

Saturday, November 05, 2011, Zil Hajj 08, 1432 A.H.

Pakistani Mullahs particularly the Ahl-e-Hadith (Salafis/Wahabis) Mullahs e.g. Hafiz Muhammad Salafi, Ibtisam Elahi Zaheer, Hafiz Muhammad Saeed (Lashkar-e-Tayiba/Jamatud Dawa) and Ameer Hamza (Lashkar-e-Tayiba/Jamatud Dawa) often "Co-operate" with Barelvis whereas Barelvis "Issue" Open and Brazen Fatwa of Apostasy (Kufr) and Blasphemy (Gustakh-e-Rasul) against Imams of Saudi Arabia and their King and coincidently Imams, Scholars and Rulers of Saudi Arabia are all Ahl-e-Hadith therefore, either the Barelvi Fatwa is Correct or Pakistani Salafi Mullahs are "worst kind of Hypocrites" who say something and preach something different in the books and Fatawas but practice something entirely different. What a Tragedy that when these Salafi Mullahs are invited on any TV Channel for debate, they never ever contradict Barelvis rather they agree with whatever Barelvis say, I wonder what is their opinion on Barelvi Fatwa of Apostasy against Saudi Arabia and their Scholars and Kings.

KARACHI, Oct 17: The Pakistan Sunni Movement, a previously unknown organisation, and students of some religious seminaries demanded on Monday that former Sindh home minister Dr Zulfikar Mirza publicly seek pardon from Allah for blasphemous remarks he had allegedly made at a press conference in Lyari. The students, holding placards, demanded the institution of a case against Mr Mirza and severe punishment to him for his utterances. They were also joined by leaders of the PSM who had just concluded a press conference at the Karachi Press Club. Addressing the press conference, PSM leader Shah Sirajul Haq Quaderi recalled that ulema had warned former Punjab governor Salman Taseer also but he did not heed the warnings. He advised Dr Mirza to immediately ask for forgiveness of Allah at a press conference. He also said that the PSM had asked ulema to issue their edicts in this regard. The PSM chief urged politicians not to use Quranic and Shariah terminology for promoting their politics and stop referring to the Holy Prophet in their personal conflicts. Maulana Quaderi also announced his party’s support for a strike call given by the Sunni Ittehad Council over the award of a death sentence to Mumtaz Qadri, the convicted assassin of Mr Taseer.—Staff Report. REFERENCE: Protest over `blasphemous remarks`From the Newspaper

Barelvi Mullah Shah Turabul Haq & Barelvis support Killing.


Religious holidays in the country are fast becoming marked by violence. Over the weekend, processions celebrating Eid Miladun Nabi in Faisalabad and D.I. Khan were attacked causing death, injuries and mayhem. - Thankfully, the violence was quickly contained and did not rise to the level of terribleness that the country has unfortunately witnessed in recent times. Pakistanis hardly need reminding that the country is in the grip of religious intolerance and violence the war against militancy has touched every corner of the country inflicting a terrible toll, and for a while certain areas were virtually ceded to the militants without a fight. But there is another, more insidious, religious poison that is spreading, largely unnoticed, across the country, and it is not quite as easy to explain as the territorial ambitions of the Taliban. That poison has pit Sunni against Shia, Deobandi against Barelvi, Muslim against religious minorities — and it defies easy categorisation. The only thing its various strands seem to have in common is a hatred for everything that is `different`, where `different` is inevitably judged as an unacceptable deviation and therefore deserving of punishment, even death, in many instances. Invariably — perhaps suggesting where the cure must first begin — a steady diet of dogmatic preaching is to be found wherever such violence occurs. In Faisalabad, the khatib of a local mosque was arrested on charges of inciting people to violence. It will take great political will but such violent elements need to be purged from the mosques and madressahs, for without that it will not be possible to roll back the tide of hate that is threatening to engulf the country. Nor should it be viewed as some-thing that is impossible to do. After all, only a few years ago, processions such as those witnessed on Saturday were low-key and passed off peacefully. What is new is the sense of one-upmanship each group wants to have a bigger and louder affair and is ever keen to rattle or taunt rival groups. In the event, the police and local administrations largely manage to do a good job and keep tensions to a minimum. But that is mere fire-fighting and ends up dealing with only the symptom and not the disease. The infrastructure of hate that has slowly taken hold at the grass-roots level is really what needs to be dismantled. Further delay in initiating that process will only cause the problem to grow in magnitude. Reference: Religious violence Dawn Editorial March 1, 2010

Non Barelvis Are Kaafir (Apostate) says Pir Syed Irfan Shah

KARACHI, Oct 20: The Sunni Ittehad Council has announced that a rally will be taken out on Saturday from old Numaish Chowrangi to Tibet Centre on M.A. Jinnah Road in protest against the death sentence handed down to Mumtaz Qadri for killing Punjab governor Salman Taseer. Addressing a press conference at an office of the Jamaat-i-Ahle Sunnat, Karachi chapter here on Thursday, central secretary general of the Sunni Ittehad Council Haji Mohammad Hanif Tayyab said that the rally would start at 1.30pm and would be led by Sunni Ittehad Council chairman Sahibzada Fazal Kareem. Mr Tayyab said that all arrangements of the rally had already been completed and 1,200 volunteers would provide security to the rally.—PPI REFERENCE: Pro-Qadri rally From the Newspaper

Blasphemous Sermon of Dr Tahirul Qadri

Rallies against capitalism and in favour of Mumtaz Qadri, the self-confessed killer of Punjab Governor Salmaan Taseer, paralysed life in downtown for several hours on Saturday. Thousands of people gathered on MA Jinnah Road in a show of support for Mumtaz Qadri, who was recently convicted by a Rawalpindi court for killing Punjab Governor Slamaan Taseer. The Sunni Ittehad Council (SIC), a conglomerate of more than a dozen religious parties, staged a protest rally, which started from Old Numaish and culminated at Tibet Centre. Carrying party flags and pictures of Qadri, the participants converged at Old Numaish from different parts of the city. The rally was led by Sahibzada Fazal Karim, Haji Hanif Tayyab, Sarwat Ejaz Qadri, Syed Shah Turab-ul-Haq and others. REFERENCE: Rallies cause hours-long traffic chaos Shamim Bano Sunday, October 23, 2011

Daily Jang, Sunday, October 23, 2011, Ziqad 24, 1432 A.H.

Barelvi Mufti Muneeb ur Rehman's Fatwa against Saudi Arabia


February 10 The Offence of Zina (Enforcement of Hudood) Ordinance 1979, (or, simply, the Hudood Ordinance), has been promulgated and a system of "Islamic" punishments is introduced. The punishment for adultery by a married person is stoning to death, while 100 lashes will be awarded to an unmarried person accused of the crime. Those making false allegations regarding adultery will be awarded 80 lashes and disqualified from giving testimony in future. Minors may also be convicted for committing adultery or rape under this ordinance, and punished with imprisonment and lashes. The punishment for drinking is 80 lashes; for the theft of imperishable property equal to 4,457 grams of gold or more, one hand is to be amputated. All these punishments are to be carried out in public. Incidents of rape have increased following the promulgation of the Hudood Ordinance, apparently because the law does not distinguish between rape and adultery. Moreover, proof of rape requires the evidence of "four adult, pious and religious male Muslims." It being quite unlikely for such people to always be present at the scene of the crime, several victims have already been charged with adultery, their complain of rape being taken as a "confession to have had sexual intercourse." The law does not even exempt minor girls from punishment, and some children convicted for adultery are reported to be as young as nine. Apr 3 Mian Tufail Mohammed, Amir Jamaat-e-Islami, assures General Zia that Bhutto's execution will not lead to law and order crisis. REFERENCE: 1979 The Chronicle of Pakistan Compiled by Khurram Ali Shafique  REFERENCE: Hudood Ordinance Source: Women of Pakistan: Two Steps Forward, One Step Back? By Khawar Mumtaz and Farida Shaheed (1987). Vanguard Books, Lahore 

Irfan Shah calls Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadiri a Dalla & Issue Fatwa of KUFR against "Ahl-e-Hadith"


This Blasphemy Law doesn't even spare the Maulvis!

BAHAWALPUR, June 15: A mosque Imam was killed while a religious leader sustained critical injuries in violence caused reportedly by sectarian tension between two Sunni sects in Choonawala Mandi near Hasilpur, about 90km from here, on Thursday. According to reports reaching here, the trouble started when Hafiz Qamar Javed, prayer leader at local Masjid Ahl-e-Hadith, burnt some trash near his mosque. The fire attracted neighbours, including people from the rival sect, who propagated that Javed was burning pages from Quran. Within no time a huge mob turned up at the scene and attacked Javed. When Ahl-e-Hadith’s local leader Master Muhammad Sadiq came to his rescue, he was also beaten up severely. The assailants left the scene when the two fell unconscious. Police rushed to the scene after getting information. In a hurry, a police vehicle hit and injured Muhammad Nadeem (13). The mob then damaged the van and thrashed ASI Muhammad Nawaz, who also sustained injuries. Later, the Hasilpur DSP and tehsil nazim reached Choonawala and managed to disperse the mob. The injured were rushed to the Bahawal Victoria Hospital, Bahawalpur, where Hafiz Qamar Javed succumbed to injuries while Master Muhammad Sadiq was in precarious condition. Following an appeal, Choonawala traders’ president, shopkeepers pulled down their shutters to protest the ‘blasphemous act’. Meanwhile, it was learnt that a case under the Blasphemy Act had been registered against deceased Hafiz Qamar Javed and injured Muhammad Sadiq while no case was registered against the assailants. DPO Arif Nawaz was not available for comments. REFERENCE: Imam lynched by mob for ‘blasphemy’ By Majeed Gill June 16, 2006 Friday Jumadi-ul-Awwal 19, 1427

Wahabi Ebtisam Elahi Zahir praise Blasphemous Barelvi Tahir ul Qadri

MULTAN, Jan 11: A court has jailed a prayer leader and his 20-year-old son for life on blasphemy charges in the rural heartland of the country, court officials said on Tuesday. The case follows the assassination of Punjab governor Salman Taseer by his bodyguard last week, after he called for reform of the blasphemy law under which a Christian woman was sentenced to death. Mohammad Shafi, 45, and his son Mohammad Aslam, 20, were arrested in April last year for removing a poster outside their grocery shop promoting a religious event in a nearby village. The poster allegedly carried Quranic verses. Judge Mohammad Ayub, heading an anti-terrorism court in Muzaffargarh, handed down a life sentence to the pair on Monday, his assistant Faisal Karim said by telephone. According to the prosecution, the organisers of the event marking the birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said the pair had “pulled the poster down, tore it and trampled it under their feet,” Mr Karim said. “The judge sentenced them to life imprisonment on charges of blasphemy and ordered them to pay a fine of Rs200,000 each,” he said. Defence counsel Arif Gurmani vowed to challenge the verdict in the high court because “it has been given in haste” and was the result of inter-sect rivalries, he said. “Both are Muslims. The case is the result of differences between Deobandi and Barelvi sects of Sunni Muslims,” he said. “Shafi is a practising Muslim, he is the imam of a mosque and he had recently returned from a pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia… I am defending them because I am convinced they are not guilty of blasphemy,” he said. Nobody has been executed in Pakistan for blasphemy and those given the death penalty have so far had their sentences overturned or commuted on appeal.—AFP REFERENCE: Court jails imam and son for blasphemy From the Newspaper Yesterday

Jamat-e-Islami & Qazi Hussain Ahmed praise Blasphemic Barelvi Tahir ul Qadri

Dr Tahir ul Qadri "ISSUES" Fatwa of Kufr (Disbelief) against Ahl-e-Hadith (Muslims)

Barelvi Shah Turabul Haq Issues Fatwa of Kufr (Apostasy) against Imam Kaaba Saudi Arabia.


Ulema press not to offer Taseer’s funeral prayers

Most religious parties avoid outright condemnation; Sajid Mir, Piracha assail murder - KARACHI: Leading Ulema of Jamaat Ahle Sunnat Pakistan (JASP) in a joint statement have asked Muslims not to offer Namaz-e-Janaza nor try to lead funeral prayers of Governor Punjab Salman Taseer. In a joint statement issued here they have also asked not to express regrets or sympathies over his assassination. Those issuing the statement include the JASP Central Ameer Prof Syed Mazhar Saeed Shah Kazmi, Allama Syed Riaz Hussain Shah, Shah Turab-ul-Haq Qadri, Allama Zamir Sajid, Pir Khalid Sultan, Pir Ghulam Siddiq Naqshbandi, Allama Syed Khizr Hussain Shah, Alhaj Amjad Chishti, Allama Ghulam Sarawar Hazarvi, Allama Syed Shamsuddin Bokhari, Pir Syed Ashiq Ali Shah Jilani, Mufti Muhammad Iqbal Chishti, Allama Fazal Jamil Rizvi, Agha Muhammad Ibrahim Naqshbandi Mujaddidi, Maulana Muhammad Riaz Qadri, Maulana Gulzar Naeemi, Allama Syed Ghulam Yaseen Shah, and over 500 other ulema and honorable muftis attached to the JASP. Those favouring the person indulged in blasphemy are themselves blasphemous, they announced. Paying glowing tributes to Malik Mumtaz Hussain, and his courage, who killed Governor Salman Taseer, they said he is lover of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and is a ‘Ghazi’. Mumtaz had revived the 14-century-old tradition of Islam and put their head high in pride. It was only Prophet (PBUH) who could forgive any act of blasphemy but none other could ever do it. They asked the rulers to save their faith by announcing that they would desist from attempting to amend the law of blasphemy. Asim Hussain adds from Lahore: Leaders of majority of religious parties desisted from expressing their views on the murder of Salman Taseer, while others gave a guarded response, saying the slain Punjab governor had been inviting such kind of reaction for quite some time. He had continuously been violating the constitution of Pakistan by supporting an amendment to the blasphemy laws and interfering in the judicial process of the blasphemy convict Aasia Bibi, though he knew well that Muslims were very touchy on the matter, they said while talking to The News. Some religious leaders like Jamiat Ahle Hadith President Prof Sajid Mir and Jamaat-e-Islami leader Dr Farid Piracha, however, condemned the murder saying Islam forbids people to punish even the criminals by taking the law into their hands. Jamiat Ulema Pakistan (JUP) President Abdul Khair Mohammad Zubair said Islam strictly forbids taking the life of anyone without judicial or state order, but added that Salman Taseer had shown utter disregard for the religious sentiments of the entire nation. The mobile phone of Sahabzada Fazal Karim, chairman Sunni Ittehad Council, remained switched off throughout Tuesday evening. A spokesman for Jamaat-e-Islami Ameer Syed Munawwar Hasan said he was not feeling well and could not be available on phone. The spokesman also expressed his helplessness to obtain any formal statement on the issue saying that any statement on the matter would be issued on the next day after consultations. Other main leaders of the Sunni Ittehad Council - Haji Hanif Tayyeb, Dr Ashraf Asif Jalali, Sarwat Ijaz Qadri - were also not available. Tahaffuz-e-Namoos-e-Risalat Mahaz (TNRM) leaders held an emergency meeting after receiving the reports of murder of Salman Taseer. The meeting, chaired by Razaul Mustafa Naqshbandi, continued for two hours. Later, in a statement the TNRM said Taseer had been violating the laws of the land by supporting a blasphemy convict, Aasia Bibi, from day one. His irresponsible acts from the high office of the Governor of Punjab were inappropriate and offending 170 million Muslims of the country. Meanwhile, Sunni Tehrik Lahore President Mujahid Abdul Rasool said Muslims should not attend the funeral prayers of Salman Taseer since he had wilfully committed blasphemy and shown disrespect towards protecting the honour of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). REFERENCE: Ulema press not to offer Taseer’s funeral prayers Wednesday, January 05, 2011


  1. I am really confused after reading this blog
    Where is your conclusion ?
    What was your point ?

  2. The first word in the Heading "Calamity" says my opinion.
