Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Viceroy Munter & Caliph Imran "Taliban" Khan.

ISLAMABAD: US Ambassador to Pakistan Cameron Munter said his country supports the democratic process, constitution and rule of law in Pakistan. Speaking to Hamid Mir on Capital Talk, Munter also said the US was waiting to see what happens with Husain Haqqani following an inquiry conducted by Pakistani authorities. “We need to find out from this inquiry what this memo is and what it really meant. I can only say that I had not seen the memo until it was published,” Munter said. Munter also denied the Sunday Times report that he had met Imran Khan in the presence of ISI chief Shjua Pasha. "I have met Imran Khan and have met the ISI chief, but both these meetings were held separately" Munter said. REFERENCE: US Ambassador says memo is Pakistan’s internal matter Updated at: 1459 PST, Tuesday, November 22, 2011 http://www.geo.tv/11-22-2011/89132.htm

Tuesday, November 22, 2011, Zil Hajj 25, 1432 A.H.

PTI Chairman Imran Khan met Cameron Munter in ISI chiefs presence ISPR denies


Pakistan on Monday criticized the release of classified U.S. diplomatic cables that reportedly raise concerns that highly enriched uranium could be diverted from its nuclear programme to build an illicit weapon. U.S. officials have long expressed concern that Islamic extremists in Pakistan could target the country’s nuclear programme in an attempt to steal a weapon or, more likely, the materials needed to build one. Pakistan has always said it is confident its nuclear security is good enough to prevent this from happening, a stance supported publicly by the U.S. But classified cables released by online whistle-blower Wikileaks reportedly reveal the U.S. has doubts and has clashed with Pakistan over the issue. “We condemn the irresponsible disclosure of sensitive official documents,” said Pakistani Foreign Ministry spokesman Abdul Basit. U.S. Ambassador Cameron Munter also criticized the release in an editorial in The News, a Pakistani English-language newspaper. “I cannot vouch for the authenticity of any one of these documents,” said Mr. Munter. “But I can say that the United States deeply regrets the disclosure of any information that was intended to be confidential. And we condemn it.” Details from the roughly quarter million confidential cables were published on Sunday by The New York Times, France’s Le Monde, Britain’s Guardian newspaper, German magazine Der Spiegel and other media outlets that received them in advance from Wikileaks. According to the cables, the U.S. has mounted an unsuccessful secret effort since 2007 to remove from a Pakistani reactor highly enriched uranium that American officials fear could be diverted for use in an illicit nuclear device, The New York Times reported. Former U.S. Ambassador Anne Patterson reported in May 2009 that Pakistan refused to schedule a visit by American technical experts, according to the newspaper, because, as a Pakistani official said, “if the local media got word of the fuel removal, ‘they certainly would portray it as the United States taking Pakistan’s nuclear weapons,’ he argued.” Rumours that the U.S. is intent on seizing Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal have contributed to strong anti—American sentiment in the country despite frequent denials by U.S. officials. Mr. Basit did not comment directly on the details of the cables that were leaked. He said the U.S. warned Pakistan in advance about the release and officials were still examining the relevant documents. Wikileaks released over 200 of the confidential cables on its website on Sunday, but none of them appeared to contain information about the Pakistani nuclear programme. Wikileaks said it plans to release the rest of the cables over the next few months. The documents could prove embarrassing for other countries as well. The king of Saudi Arabia, a close ally of Pakistan, reportedly called Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari the greatest obstacle to the country’s progress, The New York Times said. “When the head is rotten, it affects the whole body,” the newspaper quoted King Abdullah as saying. REFERENCE: Pakistan criticises release of secret U.S. cables ISLAMABAD, November 29, 2010 http://www.thehindu.com/news/international/article921532.ece

INSKEEP: And I should mention the U.S. has been unhappy about the Haqqani network for a while. What's different now?

MCCARTHY: Well, I think what's different is the tone here. You have unusually blunt talk coming out of Washington in what is usually this very sensitive U.S.-Pakistan relationship. This whole question of the Haqqani network used to be the purview of these closed-door meetings between the U.S. top brass sitting down with Pakistan's military leaders and saying, look, more needs to be done to stop the Haqqani network from using Pakistan as a base of operations. You know, the latest U.S. charge is that the Haqqani militants staged last week's 20-hour-long assault on the U.S. embassy in Kabul. And that has now turned into a chorus of senior U.S. officials saying it very publicly. The U.S. ambassador to Islamabad, Cameron Munter, was on Pakistan radio this weekend, Steve, talking about it in very blunt terms. Here's what he had to say about Pakistan's role in enabling the Haqqani network.

CAMERON MUNTER: The attack that took place in Kabul a few days ago that was the work of the Haqqani network. And the fact that as we have said in the past that there is evidence linking the Haqqani network to the Pakistani government. This is something that must stop. We have to make sure that we work together to fight terrorism, to recognize the common enemy, the people who attack Pakistanis, the people who attack Americans, the people who attack other allies of ours. We have to fight these people. We can't let events like what happened in Kabul take place.

INSKEEP: You can sense the unhappiness there, particularly because Munter himself is a U.S. diplomat in a U.S. embassy. What is Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, his boss, saying about this attack on the embassy in Kabul in her meetings with Pakistani officials? REFERENCE: U.S. Accuses Pakistan Of Harboring Haqqani Network STEVE INSKEEP and JULIE MCCARTHY September 19, 2011 http://www.npr.org/2011/09/19/140590437/u-s-accuses-pakistan-of-harboring-haqqani-network

A key U.S. official says Washington has evidence linking the Pakistani government to a militant group blamed for a series of attacks in Afghanistan. U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan Cameron Munter tells Radio Pakistan there are apparent ties between Islamabad and the Haqqani network. Munter also said those ties must be severed. The United States has suspected Pakistan's intelligence agency has ties to the Haqqani network and other militant groups in Afghanistan but rarely says so publicly. The U.S. and NATO have blamed the Haqqani network for attacks on U.S. and NATO troops and on U.S. targets, including the September 13 strike against the U.S. embassy in Kabul. The Associated Press said Saturday Pakistani officials have not responded to Munter's comments. REFERENCE: US Ambassador: Evidence Links Pakistan to Haqqani Network September 17, 2011 http://www.voanews.com/english/news/asia/US-Ambassador-Evidence-Links-Pakistan-to-Haqqani-Network-130016278.html

Geo report-Munter says memo Pak matter-21 Nov 2011


WASHINGTON, March 9: A resolution moved in the US House of Representatives urges Pakistan to release Raymond Davis or brace itself for a freeze on all monetary assistance. Congress is scheduled to deliberate on US aid to Pakistan later this month. “The House of Representatives calls on the government of Pakistan to release Raymond Davis in accordance with international standards of diplomatic protocol and, until such time, all US monetary assistance to Pakistan should be frozen,” says the resolution, moved by Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, a California Republican. The resolution has been referred to the House Foreign Affairs Committee, which is now controlled by the Republicans. “Pakistan must also do more to meet pressing US concerns, including the release of Raymond Davis, our detained American diplomat,” says the committee`s chairperson Ileana Ros-Lehtinen. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, however, opposes cutting aid to Pakistan, warning that doing so would hurt US interests. The resolution sent to the committee says that Mr Davis was “attacked by two armed men in Lahore” and “killed both men in self-defence”, a point disputed by Pakistani officials. It acknowledges that Mr Davis is a “US veteran and former Special Forces soldier” but does not mention his links to the CIA, already confirmed by the US media. Instead, the resolution recalls that President Barack Obama called Mr Davis “our diplomat” and urged “Pakistan . . . [to recognise] Mr Davis as a diplomat”. It notes that Pakistan is among the world`s leading recipients of US aid, receiving more than $10.7 billion between 2001 and 2010, which included $6 billion in development and humanitarian aid. The resolution also refers to a statement by US Defence Secretary Robert Gates, claiming that “the ISI`s contacts with some extremist groups are a real concern for us”. It recalls that former US commander in Afghanistan General Stanley McChrystal accused “ISI elements of materially aiding insurgent groups that attack coalition forces in Afghanistan”. REFERENCES: US resolution links aid to Davis`s release March 10, 2011http://www.dawn.com/2011/03/10/us-resolution-links-aid-to-daviss-release.html US official guns down two motorcyclists in Lahore By Asif Chaudhry January 28, 2011 http://www.dawn.com/2011/01/28/us-official-guns-down-two-motorcyclists-in-lahore.html Davis has diplomatic immunity: US embassy February 3, 2011 http://www.dawn.com/2011/02/03/davis-has-diplomatic-immunity-us-embassy.html

Imran Khan on Haqqani Network


ISLAMABAD: Imran Khan is no more a cricketer turned politician. He has suddenly become an important regional player in the US endgame in Afghanistan. A mind-blowing public rally of Imran Khan in Lahore on October 30 made it very difficult for the Zardari regime to give new commitments or accept any demands from the US to push its decade-long war against terror. Imran Khan has not only become a threat for traditional political parties inside Pakistan but is also going to become a big hurdle in the implementation of demands made by US during the recent visit of Hillary Clinton to Islamabad. The PTI leader criticised not only President Asif Ali Zardari and Nawaz Sharif but also blasted US policies in the biggest-ever show of political power in Lahore in the past 25 years. The last time Lahore saw this kind of political tsunami was on April 10, 1986 when late Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto returned after many years in exile. A big reception to the daughter of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was a bombshell for the then military dictator. Benazir Bhutto addressed a big rally in Iqbal Park, adjacent to the historical Lahore Fort. That rally was the beginning of General Zia’s end. The October 30 rally by Imran Khan in the same Iqbal Park also looked like an end of pro-US policies started by General Pervez Musharraf ten years ago. Imran addressed US Secretary of State as “Chachi Clinton” (Aunty Clinton) and said a big no to any more army operations in Pakistan’s tribal areas. It will now be impossible for the ruling Pakistan People’s Party and its coalition partners to start new operations in North Waziristan or even continue the old operations from South Waziristan to Khyber Agency. Elections are close and no political government can take the risk of going against public opinion. Hillary Clinton is these days desperately looking for someone who can become a bridge between Afghan Taliban and the US. Imran Khan can make some serious efforts in this regard but is more focused on the situation inside Pakistan. He has offered his services for the engagement of Pakistani Taliban but wants assurances that there will be no more military operations. Imran said all this just one day before the meeting of President Asif Ali Zardari with Afghan President Hamid Karzai in Istanbul. The US has arranged this meeting through Turkish President Abdullah Gull for the success of the Istanbul conference. Army Chief General Kayani also left for Turkey on Monday. Afghan officials will discuss the US endgame with Pakistan, India, Iran, China, Saudi Arabia, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgystan, Uzbekistan, UAE, Turkey, US and UK in Istanbul Conference from November 1. The US wants some commitments from Pakistan at this conference and that is why the Pakistani Army Chief is also invited to this conference. However, Imran Khan’s massive anti-American rally has made it very difficult for Pakistani leaders to oblige their friends from Saudi Arabia and Turkey who have became part of the process on the US request. Imran criticised the Army operations in the tribal areas in very strong words. He clearly said some tribal elders had given him assurances that if US drone attacks were stopped and the Pakistan Army halted operations in the tribal areas they would control all militants. Imran Khan also arranged meetings of these tribal elders (mostly from North Waziristan) with his ex-wife Jemima Khan who is making a documentary against drone attacks. Jemima and Imran are separated but often meet because of their two sons. An American lawyer Clive Smith is also helping Jemima and they are planning a big campaign against drone attacks in the Western media. Jemima writes for Vanity Fair magazine. She is helping not only Imran but also Julian Assange, WikiLeaks founder, and Assange may also speak at the inauguration of documentary against drone attacks. The documentary is expected to have a lot of “WikiLeaks”. Imran Khan has repeatedly said, “Pakistan has changed”. He threatened, “I will not spare anyone who gave Pakistani bases to US and sold my people for dollars”. Without naming Pervez Musharraf he sent him a message not to come back to Pakistan. He also said: “We want friendly relations with every country but we cannot accept slavery of America”. Imran Khan came out openly in support of the Kashmiris and advised India to withdraw its troops from Kashmir. He tried to satisfy the central Punjab voters who are not happy with the soft stance of Zardari and Nawaz Sharif on India. This hawkish stance will definitely bring him closer to the military establishment but he opposes military action in Balochistan. He also criticised the role of Pakistan Army in former East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) in his recently published book “Pakistan a Personal History”. According to the sources in Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI) more than a dozen ambassadors from different Western countries wanted to see Imran Khan this week but he left for China immediately after addressing the mammoth public rally in Lahore on Sunday night. He will be a guest of the Chinese government. His opponents often declared him “Taliban Khan” or the “modern face of Jamat-i-Islami” but hundreds of thousands of people enjoyed the songs of many popular singers in the Lahore rally. For some critics it became a grand musical show but the fact is that the crowd enjoyed the music at a public place after a very long time. Pakistan has many popular pop singers but they cannot sing at public places due to fear of suicide bombings that started in 2007. There was a suicide attack on the musical show of Sono Nagam sometime back in Karachi and after that many pop singers were threatened not to sing at public places. Many singers like Adnan Sami, Atif Aslam and Ali Zafar tried their luck in India in recent years but now they can come back. Imran Khan is bringing back not only the political activities on the roads but also encouraging many pop singers like Shehzad Roy to sing publicly who made songs against drone attacks. Roy presented his famous song ‘uth bandh kamar kya darta hey phir dekh Khuda kya karta hey” in the Sunday rally. Thousands of youngsters were dancing on this song and Imran was clapping with them. Imran Khan is becoming the voice of the common Pakistanis who are neither religious extremists not secular fascists. He is becoming a ray of hope for those disgruntled youngsters who have started hating democracy due to bad governance and corruption. These youngsters can now bring about a change in Pakistan through their vote power. Youth is the real power of Imran Khan and this youth belongs to the lower middle, middle class. This is the most disillusioned class in Pakistan but now the youth of this class is becoming active, which is a positive sign. Dozens of sitting parliamentarians are contacting Imran Khan for joining his PTI. Former foreign minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi and many political big shots will make some shocking decisions soon but Imran is more interested in young blood and well-educated minds. He warned the government on Sunday that all politicians must declare their assets inside and outside Pakistan within a few months failing which his party would launch a civil disobedience movement and block all major cities with public support. For many analysts he is emerging as the third option after Zardaris’s PPP and Nawaz Sharif’s PML-N. Some say he will ruin Nawaz Sharif in the central Punjab and PPP would be the ultimate beneficiary. Imran does not agree with this analysis. He always criticises PPP and PML-N jointly because one is ruling at the centre and the other is ruling Punjab, which is more than 60 percent of Pakistan. Imran has definitely proved that he enjoys more political support in Lahore than Nawaz Sharif but it does not mean that he is going to get clear majority in the coming elections. He needs some winning horses not only in the central Punjab but also in south Punjab, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, Baluchistan and Sindh. He needs big rallies in Faisalabad, Multan, Peshawar, Karachi and Quetta and then he can make some bigger claims. He will definitely make dents not only in the vote bank of PML-N but will also damage the PPP badly. There are 25 seats of national assembly in Lahore division of which PML-N has 20, PPP has 3 and PML-Q has one. Imran may snatch at least half of the PML-N and all the seats won by PPP and PML-Q in Lahore. Out of 23 seats in Gujranwala division PML-N has 13, PPP 8 and PML-Q has 2. Imran will damage PPP and PML-Q more than PML-N in Gujranwala. There are 20 seats in Faisalabad division - PML-N has only 4 while PML-Q has 8 and PPP has 7 seats. Many sitting members of the national assembly from Faisalabad are pleading to Imran to accept them in his party. Some PPP, PML-Q and ANP members from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa are also in contact with Imran, which means that his popularity is not confined to Punjab. His biggest stronghold in the north is the tribal area where he is expected to make a clean sweep and more than 10 seats are in his pocket. This is the same area where he will not allow government to start any new Army operations. If there is no operation then what will be the future of Pakistan-US relations? Zardari regime is at the crossroads. There is US pressure from one side and the PTI pressure from the other. Nawaz Sharif was trying to play safe by targeting only Zardari and not the US but Imran Khan has suddenly changed the political dynamics in Pakistan. He is the new trouble man for US and also for the pro-US political elite in Pakistan. All the popular parties have no option other than to follow his anti-Americanism. Hillary Clinton needs to realise the wave of change in Pakistani politics. She cannot understand this change without engaging Imran Khan. October 30 was just a beginning. World will see more changes on the political map of Pakistan and Imran Khan will play a leading role. REFERENCE: Imran Khan: new trouble man for US in Pakistan Hamid Mir Tuesday, November 01, 2011 http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=75416&Cat=2

Imran Khan's American Connections:)


US Congressman Bruce Braley demands high level of security for Imran Khan & other political leaders http://www.insaf.pk/Portals/0/1-7-2008%20Braley%20letter%20to%20Bush.pdf

Braley signed Hoyer-Cantor letter to Secy. Clinton from 327 House members - Dear Secretary Clinton: We are writing to reaffirm our commitment to the unbreakable bond that exists between our country and the State of Israel and to express to you our deep concern over recent tension. In every important relationship, there will be occasional misunderstandings and conflicts. Our valuable bilateral relationship with Israel needs and deserves constant reinforcement. As the Vice-President said during his recent visit to Israel: "Progress occurs in the Middle East when everyone knows there is simply no space between the U.S. and Israel when it comes to security, none. No space." Steadfast American backing has helped lead to Israeli peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan. And American involvement continues to be critical to the effort to achieve peace between Israel and the Palestinians. We recognize that, despite the extraordinary closeness between our country and Israel, there will be differences over issues both large and small. Our view is that such differences are best resolved quietly, in trust and confidence, as befits longstanding strategic allies. We hope and expect that, with mutual effort and good faith, the United States and Israel will move beyond this disruption quickly, to the lasting benefit of both nations. REFERENCE: Commitment to unbreakable U.S.-Israel bond. Commitment to unbreakable U.S.-Israel bond. http://www.issues2000.org/House/Bruce_Braley_Foreign_Policy.htm

Imran Khan thanks Bruce Braley By Ahsan Mansoor Monday, December 24, 2007 December, 3rd 2007 The Honorable Bruce L. Braley Member, Congress of the United States Washington, DC Office 1408 Longworth Building Washington, DC 20515 Dear Congressman Braley, I refer to your letter of Nov 20th 2007 to President Bush. I am writing to express my gratitude for your strong stance on ending the state of emergency, restoration of constitution, release of all political prisoners and protection of opposition leaders in Pakistan. I was deeply touched by your words especially demanding my release from prison. As you know, Pervaiz Musharraf has announced that his government will be holding general elections in Pakistan in January, 2008. I would like to bring to your attention factors that will render the elections farcical resulting in a non representative and ineffective parliament. 1- Consolidation of powers in the office of the President – In the last eight years since taking over the government through a military coup, Musharraf has systematically removed all systems of checks and balances that are essential to the working of a democracy. Specifically, through the 17th amendment in the constitution, he has also taken over many powers that should be resting with the Prime Minister in our parliamentary form of democratic government. A recent Gallup poll suggests that 82 % of Pakistanis want Musharraf to go.

2- Subversion of an Independent Judiciary – The only thing standing in the way of Musharraf and absolute power was an independent judiciary under Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudry. By illegally declaring emergency rule (actually martial law ), Musharraf removed all the independent judges (60 out of a total of 95 ) from the senior judicial system of Pakistan and replaced them with relatively unknown people, who are widely perceived as his allies. With all the independent judges under arrest, who will monitor the elections and provide justice to the aggrieved parties? My political party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, along with several other major political parties in Pakistan and civic groups all over the country have decided to boycott the upcoming elections until and unless the independent judges are restored to the pre Nov 2nd 2007 status. Congressman Braley, I request you to educate and inform your colleagues in the United States Congress that without the restoration of an independent judiciary, elections in Pakistan will neither be fair nor acceptable to a majority of Pakistanis and will lead to further unrest and turmoil. I write to you not as a politician but as an individual concerned about the fundamental rights of a people of the world to another who shares his concerns.

Once again thank you for your efforts in requesting for my release.

Warmest Regards,
Imran Khan
Chairman, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (Movement for Justice)


Jamat-e-Islam/Imran Khan Alliance: Kharijites - Takfiri Ideology

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9aqSzV8l6aY

ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and Jamaat-e-Islami are in contact with each other for a possible future electoral alliance. However, the PML-N is not an option for Imran Khan’s party to join hands with. Time is on the side of the PTI and JI to decide the terms of their cooperation, which if matured would give a boost to the wave for a third political option besides the PPP and its allies and the isolated PML-N. Sources in both the PTI and the JI confirmed to The News that the two sides have developed a contact after Imran Khan’s extraordinary show of strength at Minar-e-Pakistan, Lahore on October 30. However, both the sides are weighing their options and chalking out their respective possible terms, which would become the basis for this alliance of the right-wing parties. Although the two sides have positive thinking about each other particularly about the top leadership of PTI and JI - Imran Khan and Syed Munawar Hasan, the maturity of this move might take some time as there is no schedule yet for the next elections. In JI there do exist a viewpoint that supports the idea of even including Nawaz Sharif-led PML-N in the future alliance, but Imran Khan feels allergic about the N-league and considers PPP and the PML-N two sides of the same coin. In the recent past former JI chief Qazi Hussain Ahmad did have a couple of meetings with Nawaz Sharif but things did not move as such for any cooperation between the two sides mainly because of the inactions of the N-league. Both Imran Khan and Munawar Hasan do not easily forget their past experience of the All Parties Democratic Movement Alliance (APDMA) with Nawaz Sharif, who despite the announcement of the APDMA to boycott the 2008 elections had contested the polls. These two leaders also speak against Nawaz Sharif for his party’s friendly opposition during the last three and a half years. Imran is of the view that Nawaz Sharif because of his friendly opposition shares equal responsibility as that of President Asif Ali Zardari for pushing the country to the present sorry state of affairs. Imran Khan feels confident that he would sweep the next elections and rejects the assertion that his party’s entering into the next elections as a competitor of the PML-N is any way would benefit the Asif Ali Zardari-led ruling alliance. Munawar Hasan’s party, however, is cautiously evaluating the situation and does not want the present ruling alliance to ensure its second term owing to the division of opposition parties. The PTI claims and JI endorses that the Imran-specific wind of change have hit Pakistan, but the next few months are considered crucial to show if it is the fact or a fiction. REFERENCE: PTI and JI start talking of alliance Ansar Abbasi Saturday, November 05, 2011 http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=10111&Cat=13

Mansoor Ijaz is Imran Khan's Friend.

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8iOlscVK1I

Ijaz is the same person who called for declaring the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) a terrorist organisation, Haqqani was quoted as telling the president. A few days later, the same person then reportedly met the head of ISI Lt. General Ahmed Shuja Pasha, Haqqani reportedly added. “What does this indicate?” he was quoted as rhetorically asking the president. Haqqani, sources added, also referred to a statement of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Chief Imran Khan on October 30, where he was implicated in the scandal for the first time. “I was summoned on November 15 … how could Imran know about it on October 30,” Haqqani was quoted as saying. REFERENCE: Memogate: Adamant ambassador set to face troika By Kamran Yousaf Published: November 21, 2011 http://tribune.com.pk/story/295132/memogate-adamant-ambassador-set-to-face-troika/

Establishment Supports Imran Khan (GEO TV/Apas Ki Baat 12 April 2011)

URL: http://www.youtube.com/user/TEJIKHAN#p/u/7/F8G2ZyGfyQI

LONDON: Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI) chairman Imran Khan was recently introduced to Cameron Munter, American Ambassador to Pakistan, in the presence of General Ahmed Shuja Pasha, the ISI chief, according to sources, The Sunday Times reported. Imran Khan is said to have gained the backing of the country’s powerful security establishment, which has grown tired of the corruption pervading the two traditional political groupings, the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP), led by President Asif Ali Zardari, and the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N), led by Nawaz Sharif, a former prime minister. Although they do not publicly admit to favouring any party, it is an open secret that the military leadership, and the powerful Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), are backing Imran Khan’s campaign, said The Sunday Times report. Imran Khan is reluctant to criticise the military establishment publicly, but he emphasises that he will not be a puppet of the generals. “Obviously you have to work with them but it doesn’t mean you have to work under them,” he told The Times. REFERENCE: Imran met Munter in ISI chief’s presence News Desk Monday, November 21, 2011 http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=10432&Cat=13 ISPR denies Pasha meeting Munter, Khan http://www.thenews.com.pk/NewsDetail.aspx?ID=26935&title=ISPR-denies-Pasha-meeting-Munter,-Khan

ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan Saturday said WikiLeaks has made the greatest disclosure that the Pakistani politicians, whether they are in government or in opposition, are American stooges. Imran, who has come clean like a handful of other politicians, alleged Pakistani politicians proved themselves as Mir Jaffars and Mir Sadiqs (two hated characters in the Islamic history for they betrayed the valiant Muslim ruler Sultan Tipu). Speaking at a news conference here after his foreign visit, the cricketer-turned-politician regretted that the incumbent was a dummy parliament and Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani had proved it by asking the US authorities to continue with drone strikes, as he would take care of the legislature. Referring to the startling cable disclosures, Imran said neither the people of Pakistan were free nor the nation had a free and independent foreign policy. He added a political party, which was a part of the movement for the judiciary’s independence, had supported the government in undermining the judiciary’s independent character through the 18th Amendment. His reference was towards PML-N. The PTI chief went on to say that the NRO-tainted politicians involved in money-laundering could never safeguard the national interests. REFERENCE: WikiLeaks proves Pak politicians US stooges: Imran Mumtaz Alvi Sunday, December 12, 2010 http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=2622&Cat=13

Imran Khan's Press Conference After WikiLeaks

He said that the on-going peaceful protest demonstrations of the PTI against price hike in consumer goods, corruption in high places and against RGST, would lead to civil disobedience soon. He claimed that the corrupt political elite had obtained as many as 0.4 million electricity connections and Wapda had no will to lay a hand on them. Replying to a question, Imran ridiculed the idea of giving powers to parliamentarians under the parliamentary committee to approve appointment of superior court judges. He charged that one of the committee members had grabbed 80-kanal piece of land in Bani Gala. Imran also has his residence in the picturesque locality near Rawal Lake. The PTI chief welcomed the formal joining of the PTI by 40 lawyers of Rawalpindi bar on the occasion and cautioned them to beware of the government’s efforts to divide them for which money was being doled out. “Majority of those named in the committee are corrupt and how can corrupt people be authorised to appoint judges,” he said. REFERENCE: WikiLeaks proves Pak politicians US stooges: Imran Mumtaz Alvi Sunday, December 12, 2010 http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=2622&Cat=13

Sunni Tehreek is a Gang of Criminal (AAJ TV)

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdssekCLeDg

KARACHI: A young man was killed and at least two injured in a clash between Sunni Tehreek (ST) workers and the police in the PECHS area on Wednesday. Tension and fear gripped various areas of the city following the incident and unknown men torched at least three vehicles. The incident took place outside the house where slain ST leader Abbas Qadri used to live. Qadri was killed in the Nishtar Park suicide blast. The house is located within the limits of Ferozabad police station and is its residents are Qadri’s relatives. Trouble started when the police arrived at the house to vacate Qadri’s family. A score of ST workers had gathered to stop the police. They hurled stones at the police, which retaliated with aerial firing, baton charges and tear-gassing. According to eyewitnesses, both the police and ST workers not only aerial fired but also took shots at each other, resulting in the death of a man and injuries to two.

However, the police and the ST have traded allegations of being responsible for the incident. The youth killed in the incident was identified as Wasim Ahmed Siddiqui, 25, a resident of Shah Faisal Colony. Police: SHO Farooq Satti said the police did not fire at ST workers and instead it them who fired at the police from different sides. The SHO said that the police hadn’t even reached the house and were some distance away when ST workers started firing. “They also used kalashnikovs,” he said. “The man was killed due to the firing of ST workers and it is still unclear whether he was one of them or a passerby,” the SHO said. “An FIR against ST workers is being registered.” The owner: The house where Qadri’s family is living belongs to Additional Secretary (LE) Riazuddin. “They (Qadri’s family) have occupied the house and the police was taking action on court’s order,” Riazuddin said. ST: ST’s central leader Shahid Ghouri said that the police on the behest of Riazuddin tried to vacate the residents of the house. He claimed that the deceased and the injured were their party workers. “Wasim (the deceased) was deputed at Qadri’s house due to security concerns,” Ghouri said. The ST leader said that Qadri’s family was living in the house since six years on Rs 20,000 per month rent, but Riazuddin and his family had disappeared since the last four years and therefore the rent was being paid in the court.

“The house is a memorial of our beloved leader and we are ready to pay money for it, but won’t vacate it,” he added. Ghouri also demanded that an FIR be registered against Riazuddin and the police officials involved in the incident. Tension: Soon after the incident, tension and fear gripped various areas of the city including Shah Faisal Colony, Saddar, PECHS, New Karachi Town, Kharadar, Meethadar and other ST-dominated areas after unidentified people restored to aerial firing. Routine life was suspended due to panic and shops were shut down. Unidentified people also torched a route no W-11 passenger bus in New Karachi area, a route no 17-D passenger bus in Jut Line and one motorcycle near Merewether Tower. REFERENCE: Tension prevails in various areas of city, 3 vehicles set ablaze: One killed, two hurt as ST workers clash with police By Faraz Khan Thursday, July 02, 2009 http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2009\07\02\story_2-7-2009_pg12_1

According to the cable, the local police believes that “MQM-H still maintains its armed groups in the areas of Landhi and Korangi, and that the party will re-organise itself once its leadership is released from jail.  MQM-H had broken from the main MQM and its strongholds in Landhi and Korangi were regarded as no-go zones. It was in 2003 that the MQM, as a precondition to join the government, asked for the elimination of the MQM-H. The local police and Rangers were used to crack down on MQM-H, and its leaders were put behind bars.  The rank and file of MQM-H found refuge in a local religious/political party, Sunni Tehrik,” the assessment reads. The cable goes on to note that the “ST is a small religious/political group with a presence in small pockets of Karachi. The group has only managed to win a handful of council seats in local elections but militarily it is disproportionately powerful because of the influx of MQM-H gunmen. ST has organised the party and its gunmen along the lines of MQM by dividing its areas of influence into sectors and units, with sector and unit commanders”. REFERENCE: ‘Armed gangs outnumber police in Karachi’ By Idrees Bakhtiar | From the Newspaper (18 hours ago) Today http://www.dawn.com/2011/05/23/armed-gangs-outnumber-police-in-karachi.html

Karachi Sunni Tehreek's Encroachment

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uueVB7KfWMQ

KARACHI, July 30 The Fereozeabad police registered on Thursday an FIR against the additional home secretary for the murder of a Sunni Tehreek activist. The police acted on the orders of a sessions court, which acknowledged a complaint from the ST that the senior provincial official, Riazuddin Qureshi, was behind the July 1 shootout that killed one of its activists. An ST worker was killed and another was wounded during the shootout with the police in front of the rented house of the party`s slain chief, Abbas Qadri, in PECHS. The house was originally owned by the mother of Mr Qureshi. The police authorities claimed that the law enforcers had gone with a bailiff for the compliance of court orders for the eviction of the tenants when ST workers opened fire on the police party to prevent eviction. The ST, however, alleged that the police opened heavy fire on the ST workers who were protesting against the police harassment on the instruction of the additional home secretary. The officials said the FIR was registered after district and sessions judge Munawar Sultana ordered the Ferozeabad police to entertain the ST request. “Under the court directive, we have registered an FIR (837/09) under Sections 302 and 324 of the Pakistan Penal Code against Riazuddin Qureshi and some police officials,” said Javed Akbar Riaz, the SP of Jamshed Town. “In the court orders there are no specific names and ranks of the policemen to be nominated in the FIR. So, only Mr Riazuddin has been mentioned by name and for police there are `several personnel`.” After the July 1 incident, the Ferozeabad police had registered a case (FIR 748/2009) against ST workers under Sections 147 (rioting), 148 (rioting armed with deadly weapons), 149 (every member of unlawful assembly guilty of offence committed in prosecution of a common object), 302 (murder), 324 (attempted murder) and 34 (common intention) of the Pakistan Penal Code on the complaint of the court bailiff. REFERENCE: KARACHI: Bureaucrat booked for killing ST worker By Our Staff Reporter July 31, 2009 http://archives.dawn.com/archives/163212

ST (Sunni Tehrik – Sunni Movement) ———————————- 9. (S) ST is a small religious/political group with a presence in small pockets of Karachi. The group has only managed to win a handful of council seats in local elections but militarily it is disproportionably powerful because of the influx of MQM-H gunmen after the government crack-down on MQM-H (see above). ST has organized the party and its gunmen along the lines of MQM by dividing its areas of influence into sectors and units, with sector and unit commanders. ST and MQM have allegedly been killing each other’s leadership since the April 2006 Nishtar Park bombing that killed most of ST’s leadership. ST blames MQM for the attack. There appears to have been a reduction in these targeted killings since 2008. REFERENCE: 2009: US assessment of Karachi violence http://www.dawn.com/2011/05/23/2009-us-assessment-of-karachi-violence.html

Imran Khan meets Sunni Tehreek delegation in Islamabad By Hammad Cheema 6821 Views Press Release, Islamabad, Karachi http://www.insaf.pk/News/tabid/60/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/2298/Imran-Khan-meets-Sunni-Tehreek-delegation-in-Islamabad.aspx http://www.insaf.pk/News/tabid/60/articleType/ArchiveView/month/5/year/2011/Default.aspx

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) stopping NATO supply with Empty Chairs

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_WFJwgZxU4

PTI Karachi Dharna, Massive Media Campaign but result "Zero"

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHAqUlbisrI

LONDON: The chief of Muttahida Qaumi Movement and Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf leader Imran Khan exchanged views over telephone and discussed national politics. Reports said the two highups, whose parties had been at odds with each other, shared views over current political scenario in the telephonic chat. Sources said they talked about Aafia Siddiqui’s issue, aftermaths of Raymond Davis’s release and US drone attacks in Pakistan’s tribal belt. Reference: Altaf, Imran share views on telephone Updated: Saturday March 19, 2011 10:22:33 PM http://www.arynews.tv/english/newsdetail.asp?nid=43721
Saturday, March 19, 2011, Rabi-us-Sani 13, 1432 A.H

Imran Khan's Evidence Against Altaf Hussain (GEO TV)

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOEi5njcXMA

Imran Khan knows what he opposes but does not seem to be sure what he proposes. This is a fundamental factor in determining the nature and degree of his relevance to the Pakistani politics. His is a political position that takes an extremely dim view of what is going on in the country as politics, governance, foreign policy, economic management and even development. As long as he continues to maintain his opposition to the polities that are not working for a large number of Pakistanis, he will find some ready audience – though mainly through television talk shows and Facebook fan following. But that is as far as it can go. To capture the imagination of the voters and to compel them to take the trouble of participating in a public meeting or making it to a polling booth on the election day takes much more than just that. First, it needs a crisp message – a catchy one liner a la Zulfikar Ali Bhutto’s “Roti Kapra aur Makan”. Secondly, it needs a distinct political target – in the same vein that Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) was for Nawaz Sharif when he started off as a politician on his own. Thirdly, there has to be a well-defined ideological quotient – like Jamaat-e-Islami has. And lastly, there has to be an electoral machine up and running to ensure that the other side cannot capture polling booths and rig elections. Khan, so far, does not have any of these. His Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) has yet to come up with a catch-all phrase that strikes a chord with a cross section of Pakistanis. His unrelenting references to match fixing and other cricketing terms while talking about political events do not cut much ice with a lot of people in the country who have become disillusioned with the game and the victories and defeats attached to it. Even for the most ardent of Imran Khan fans his famous world cup victory in 1992 happened almost 20 years ago and at best lingers as a hazy memory of a past glory that cannot be possibly repeated in the near future. His emphasis on Insaaf or justice as a panacea is already going through its first real test after the restoration of Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry on the back of a movement run purely in the name of justice. Even for its proponents, including Khan, the results so far have been mixed at best. REFERENCE: What ails Imran Khan By Badar Alam | DAWN.COM May 19, 2011 (6 days ago) http://www.dawn.com/2011/05/19/what-ails-imran-khan.html

His political targets are too many for him to be able to focus on any of them. Everyone who was, has been and is anyone in the country’s politics is his enemy. In Pakistan’s fractured polity along regional, ethnic and ideological lines such an opposition to all and sundry does not automatically create an electoral appeal that can cut across all these great divides. He, therefore, ends up giving a confused message to the electorate, more so when he does things that contradict his all-encompassing political hostility. He sided with General (retired) Pervez Musharraf up until the 2002 referendum and then opposed him; he opposed Nawaz Sharif from the day he launched his party in 1990s but chose to attend an all parties conference that Sharif convened in Islamabad in 2007 to boycott the 2008 general election. In 2007, he went to London with a legal brief against Altaf Hussain and his Muttahida Qaumi Movement but in 2011 the two met and had only good things to say about each other. Khan is considered close to religious parties but his aversion to Maulana Fazlur Rehman is also all too well known. Here is a historical parallel: When Sharif managed to woo voters on a mass scale, he did so by choosing his enemy carefully and then consolidating all anti-Bhutto, and anti-PPP segments of the society behind him. Khan’s political ideology is a curious mix of reactionary Islamism especially vis-à-vis the women and the minorities, gung-ho anti-Americanism and narrow nationalism peppered over with convenient anecdotes and selection of quotes from the west, most specifically the United Kingdom whose political and social system and political class invariably get a laudatory mention in all his conversations. He even goes to the extent of giving the British Empire and its colonial administration in India the credit of maintaining an exemplary law and order and providing impeccable governance. REFERENCE: What ails Imran Khan By Badar Alam | DAWN.COM May 19, 2011 (6 days ago) http://www.dawn.com/2011/05/19/what-ails-imran-khan.html

EXCLUSIVELY FOR MR. CAMERON MUNTER (USA Supported a worst kind of Martial from 1999 to 2007) yet Mr. Munter has the audacity to lecture Pakistanis about Politics and Rule of Law "US Ambassador to Pakistan Cameron Munter said his country supports the democratic process, constitution and rule of law in Pakistan. "

http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/41402000/jpg/_41402660_bush_mush_apportbody.jpgISLAMABAD: US President George W. Bush’s 26-hour visit to Pakistan was marked by a thick veil of secrecy and security. Throughout his stay a tense calm prevailed in the capital with the country’s entire security apparatus, civilian and military, mobilised in top gear. Added to this was the battalion of American security personnel that created their own sophisticated security web at all sensitive points from Chaklala airbase to the Aiwan-i-Sadr to the US embassy. For the Pakistani media it was a long wait for Bush’s arrival at Chaklala that looked more like a US military base with Americans all over the place. Their large presence made Pakistani citizens feel like aliens. We were even frisked for security clearance by Americans in the open air. Also, one saw a shocking display of what one had hitherto heard of branded as American arrogance and insolence. Chewing-gum-chomping US security men barged in and out of the arrival lounge, as if walking into their private workspace. Even the daunting American sniffer dogs, with high-ranking titles like Sergeant and Major, specially flown in from Washington, felt quite at home. The usually all-pervasive Pakistani military men at the airbase were pushed into the backseat by the US security team headed by a highly-charged man called Mark.

Terse exchanges were also witnessed between the US security head and Pakistani military officers present there. On seeing a 35-member Pakistani media team arrive in a coaster at the airbase, four hours ahead of Bush’s arrival, Mark told the ISPR officer accompanying them: “I don’t need this bunch of people.” It was only after a little argument that the team was ‘allowed’ in. Later, he was furious because apparently at the main gate he had been held back by some Pakistani guard. Getting down from his car in a huff he said in a raised and threatening tone: “This is bullshit, I’ll talk to the general.” Probably his reference was to ISPR chief Maj-Gen Shaukat Sultan. The ISPR officers on duty were visibly irked by the high-handed American attitude and one of them had a showdown with Mark earlier in the day and had told him not to dictate terms but that had no effect. Amid all the security salsa with hi-tech American gadgetry, a s****y BMW outside the airbase terminal suddenly alarmed the American secret service agents when it started billowing smoke. The BMW was part of the elaborate US president’s Washington-imported cavalcade that had just lined up in the parking lot. It later transpired that the car radiator had heated up.

President Bush and First Lady Laura Bush commuted in Cobra and Black Hawk gunship helicopters during their brief stay in the capital. Land and aerial security cover were provided by heavily-armed vehicles and choppers that also included Chinooks. US secret service men and women were visible at entry points and on rooftops during the Musharraf-Bush summit at the Aiwan-i-Sadr. They looked rather suspiciously at every person and vehicle entering the premises. Helicopters hovered above the presidency while Mr Bush was there. Even as the two leaders emerged from their summit meeting and walked towards the majestic courtyard of the Aiwan-i-Sadr, there was a feeling perhaps their body language did not emanate the kind of cordiality witnessed at their two earlier summit meetings, at the White House in February 2002 and at Camp David in June 2003. As expected the questions from the American media were on war on terror and democracy while those from the Pakistani media focussed Kashmir, civilian nuclear technology and beef in the strategic relations.

Even in the seating arrangement there was a clear division, with the American media on one side and the Pakistani media on the other. Both in front of their respective leaders and both well controlled. There was a telling statement by a senior American journalist who covers the White House and was in the media team accompanying the US president: “There is no such thing as independent media in the US any more, particularly after 9/11. It is now all corporate driven and any one who challenges the US administration’s national security policies, his or her patriotism is challenged by the White House.” An interesting observation made by him was that the White House had tried to project Mr Bush’s visit to Pakistan as an assurance to Americans of his resolve to fight terrorism, that as commander-in-chief of America he was braving the high-risk ‘terrorist zones’ so he could engage with leaders there to strengthen US national security. The subtext of Mr Bush’s remarks at the press stakeout made that amply clear.

Yet another intriguing comment by this candid journalist was that the US media was being fed by some members of the Bush administration that if free and fair elections were held in Pakistan, there would be a danger of fundamentalists taking over the reins of power. His hunch was that this was perhaps an attempt by the White House to justify the Bush-Musharraf relationship. All took a sigh of relief when Air Force One flew off with Mr Bush and his delegation late on Saturday night at around 11pm. Life was finally back to normal. REFERENCE: Covering the Bush visit By Qudssia Akhlaque http://www.dawn.com/2006/03/08/fea.htm#1

http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/41402000/jpg/_41402660_bush_mush_apportbody.jpgAs I left my office this evening I saw with apprehension three sinister dark helicopter gunships patrolling low over Islamabad. I wondered who they were protecting. Then I realised that a murderer, in fact a mass murderer, will be in town tomorrow. But the helicopters were not there to protect the people of Islamabad from this murderer but they were there to protect the murderer from the wrath of the people of the world. Tomorrow the most hated man in the world will be in town and will be welcomed by our President. Mush and Bush make a fine pair. Before Bush left Washington he said that he would ask Musharraf to close down terrorist camps in Pakistan. I wonder if our general will ask Bush to close down the biggest terror camp of them all, Guantanomo, where the terrorists are the US Army personnel who perform torture on the inmates. But why should he? He is after all implicated in these crimes against humanity. He and his Foreign Minister proudly proclaim that they are in the frontlines of the war against terror and that they have handed over more than 700 suspected Al-Qaeda terrorists to the US which incarcerates them illegally without trial and without recourse to any legal system in Guantanomo.

By their own words they admit that they have done illegal actions; midnight arrests of Pakistanis and foreigners and bundling into secret CIA flights without due process of law in front of Pakistani courts. So how can they protest? They are themselves complicit in these crimes against humanity, let alone the violation of the Pakistani constitution and Pakistani laws. But when did violation of the constitution or the law ever matter to the various generals who have run the country? Why should our good general protest about people illegally locked away in far Guantanomo? We have our own mini-Guantanomos right here in our own backyard. We have our own illegalities. According to the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan hundreds of Pakistanis have disappeared in the last few years. They have been picked up by intelligence agencies and never heard of again. Are they being tortured? Are they dead? No answers are forthcoming. In the name of fighting Al-Qaeda Pakistani villages have been bombed not only by the Pakistan army but by the US and many Pakistani civilians, including women and children, have been killed. Tomorrow there will be in Islamabad a man whose hands are covered in the blood of the innocents massacred in Afghanistan, in Rafah, Jenin, Jabaliya, Gaza, Najaf, Fallujah, Samarrah, etc. The killing in Iraq continues. Not content with creating chaos in Iraq with a daily death toll of more than a hundred, Bush is now intent on attacking Iran. He is not only a murderer but a pyrotechnician. Nero does not hold a candle to him Nero was content to see Rome burn but this madman wants to see the whole of the Middle East burn.

Arundhati Roy in an excellent article in the Guardian today (1 March) said that Bush is not welcome in India. Equally he is not welcome in Pakistan. If it wasn't for the complete security blockade of Islamabad and if there was democracy (that so much abused concept) and freedom of assembly in Pakistan, Bush would be welcomed by demonstrations against his policies in the US and worldwide. There is no country in the world, outside the United States, where he can move freely and where he will not face demonstrations. However much his security detail and his ever-obliging hosts try to shield him, he knows that he is an unwelcome guest wherever he goes. REFERENCE: Faheem Hussain is a Pakistani physicist. He can be reached at: hussainf@ictp.it http://www.countercurrents.org/

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjxNK145IJFJoYIf2XsM_ftrmBiidegJ0Z-Vmqi4_SmnO8FGAPQtY2sEE1PwzOFMnoO8sAwbRv3oRlnu1QO1Lms8eUlROrxeJZbKf-rEeUCfX02oeL2LGHVCD7E2NdGphsCYb4DiXed9Go/s400/JGT.jpgISLAMABAD: While Pakistan might have benefited from hardcore actionable intelligence provided by the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the FBI in countering terrorism, one possible negative aspect has been the creation of a vast network of CIA and FBI agents – mostly Pakistanis. Though intelligence cooperation between Pakistan and the US multiplied extensively after 9/11 and was aimed at the Taliban and al-Qaeda, many in Pakistan fear the network for these foreign agencies within Pakistan was also being used for other tasks, some probably falling into the definition of interference in our internal affairs. Top authorities in Pakistan are said to be in knowledge of this phenomenal spread in the American spy agencies’ network as the country's intelligence agencies have already reported this matter and even identified a number of those on the payroll of the US agencies.

Besides others, a large number of retired Army officers, including ex-brigadiers, are presently working here as American spies. An official of an intelligence agency, however, explained that spy agencies of different countries had their worldwide networks and they handled spy matters according to their resources and needs because importance of spying had increased tremendously after 9/11. Because of the alleged presence of al-Qaeda-Taliban in Pakistan, the interest of the foreign intelligence agencies here has gone up. The official added that the US had the largest intelligence network in the world and Pakistan was also benefiting from this because through this network the CIA and FBI shared intelligence with Pakistan and gave important information to nab terrorists.

Pakistan allowed concessions to the US as part of intelligence cooperation in the controversial war on terror but some official sources are of the view that these concessions and their parameters were not being adhered to within the agreed limits. Foreign Office spokesman Muhammad Sadiq, when contacted, said he had no information of this sort. He said intelligence cooperation between Islamabad and Washington was a fact but doubted that the local agents could be hired. He, however, said if there was any interference in our matters by any foreign spying agencies, it was illegal and not allowed. Sadiq said the ISPR would be in a better position to respond to such questions. Director General ISPR and military spokesman Major General Athar Abbas, when asked about the feared massive expansion of local CIA and FBI agents in Pakistan after 9/11, said, "I don't think so." He added that the government would never allow the CIA or FBI to expand their network in Pakistan. "I deny this," the military spokesman said. A defence source, however, recently told this correspondent it was a routine operation of all agencies around the world to recruit agents for espionage in every country. He said CIA and FBI did not need to come to Pakistan and start recruiting their local agents here because they could do the same while sitting in Washington. "These things are neither cut and dried nor done in black and white but this always happens and cannot be denied," the source said

Caretaker Interior Minister Lt Gen (retd) Hamid Nawaz, when approached said the US influence was not only in Pakistan but also in almost every other country. He acknowledged that there was a feeling that the network of US intelligence agents had spread here but he had no proof with him to substantiate this. He, however, admitted that the US influence was there in all areas. The retired general, who has also been secretary defence for some years and left the job much after 9/11, said there was a standard rule that no foreign intelligence agent could subvert against the state. Elizabeth Colton, the Press Attache of the US embassy in Islamabad, told this correspondent, in response to a set of questions sent to her, that the Embassy could not discuss intelligence issues with the media. She said the Embassy had no comment on the questions sent to her which included one asking whether the Embassy or its legal section had any role in recruiting Pakistanis for CIA and FBI.

The Embassy was also asked whether they shared the concerns of some Pakistani authorities that the US intelligence agencies, which were given some concessions in the tribal belt of Pakistan, were crossing their limits and hurting the strategic interests of Pakistan. US National Intelligence Director Mike McConnel was quoted to have admitted recently that the US administration had already spent $50 billion during the current year on spying. A considerable chunk of this budget for spying is believed to have been spent on the US war on terror. Part of this money would have also travelled to Pakistan to pay off the CIA/FBI local agents, who are said to be paid well. Parts of the US media have been reporting on this subject and the most significant report was in The Washington Post in 2002 when the influential newspaper claimed that the United States had organised its own espionage network in Pakistan due to lack of cooperation from the ISI in locating the al-Qaeda and Taliban fugitives.

"The FBI decided to set up a Spider Group, a band of former Pakistani Army officers and others, after it concluded that lack of cooperation from the ISI made it impossible to hunt down Taliban and al-Qaeda fugitives in the tribal areas of the country.” Quoting a federal law-enforcement official in Washington, the newspaper reported that the US move marked an attempt by the FBI to develop "free flow of information" to US agents who previously had worked under some restriction with Pakistan's official Inter-Services Intelligence agency. The Spider Group, the report said, was also asked to recruit locals in Pakistan's tribal areas, where hundreds of wanted "terrorists" are allegedly holed up under the patronage of tribal chiefs. Members of the Spider Group include a mix of Muslim and Christian retired Army and intelligence officers and have been trained and equipped by the FBI.

Background interviews reveal that today the CIA's intelligence local network is far more extensive than that of the FBI. The sources said that during the initial years of War on Terror, the Americans were not satisfied with the intelligence gathering of local agencies in the tribal areas of Pakistan, so they launched their own agencies that had now developed a vast network in the country.

A source quoted an incident in which the CIA officials once distributed awards amongst Pakistani intelligence people in the headquarters of the agency in Langley, Virginia. "This is perhaps unprecedented," the source said.

A spymaster of one of the country's intelligence agency reported to the Interior Ministry that a provincial head of a private security agency, besides others, was spying for the CIA. The security agency was contacted and the said official was removed. It was also reported that a large number of private security agencies personnel were doing espionage work.

A retired lieutenant general confided to this correspondent on condition of not being named that during his career he had gone to the US twice for military related training, where he was openly offered to work for the US. "I was praised and offered that why don't I join them," he said, adding that once an official encouraged him to inform the US about the problems of Pakistan's defence without even talking to his seniors.

He said the same intelligence officials asked him to settle his children in the US for better life and education. "I was openly told that I should not be worried about their expenses," the retired general said.

Meanwhile, a local journalist Azaz Syed told this correspondent that quite a few years back, he approached the legal section of the US embassy in Islamabad, after reading an advertisement in an international publication for recruitment of FBI agents for South Asia. For the purpose of doing an investigative story, he offered his services for FBI. He said he offered his services to spy on Taliban in exchange for information from the US embassy but the diplomat interviewing him was not interested in Taliban but wanted info about civil bureaucracy. He was not ready to give any information either.

"I was told that I would get assignments relating to civil bureaucracy and in return would be paid well," Syed said, adding that later he did a story for an Urdu newspaper with which he was associated at that point of time.

The US Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) – the spy military plane – are yet another source of concern for many here. The UAVs were allowed to do espionage in tribal areas of Pakistan for "specific jobs" only but since the UAVs were not caught by radars, these spy planes crossed their limits a number of times.

Initially, the Pakistan Air Force objected to such US surveillance but the government decided otherwise because of US insistence that it was inevitable to track down the so-called al-Qaeda targets.

The sources revealed that the murdered top tribal leader resisting the US war on terror, Nek Muhammad, became the target of a UAV despite the peace deal he had signed with the then corps commander Lt Gen Safdar Hussain.

Getting uncomfortable with the UAV activities, some Pakistani officials have expressed their concerns at the highest level. The Pakistan Army is trying to develop its own UAV but so far these planes are not up to the required international standards. Pakistan has also been trying to buy these UAVs but some international forces are creating impediments in such deals. Once Pakistan contacted South Africa to purchase these small aircraft but the price demanded was $10 million, which was far higher than the price of the equipment. The UAV intelligence capacity and its advantage of not being traced by radars, some believe, could pose serious threats to Pakistan's strategic interests. REFERENCE: Is cooperation with CIA-FBI posing a threat to Pak strategic interests? Monday, February 25, 2008 By Ansar Abbasi http://thenews.jang.com.pk/daily_detail.asp?id=98191

Nobody is living in denial but reality for Pakistanis is quite harsh and if somebody try to divulge something then the whole edifice of Two Nation Theory, Islamic Ideology, Ideological State, and even Islam comes in Danger [Remember Pakistan National Alliance of 9 Stars of 1977 - Islam Khatray Mein Hai]. A minor glimpse which you can never digest is as under:


http://www.tomflocco.com/fsimage/MahmudAhmad2000.jpgIn the afternoon, Mahmood was invited to CIA headquarters at Langley, Virginia, where he told George Tenet, the CIA director, that in his view Mullah Omar, the Taliban chief, was a religious man with humanitarian instincts and not a man of violence! This was a bit difficult for the CIA officials to digest and rightly so as the Taliban’s track record, especially in the realm of human rights, was no secret. General Mahmood was told politely but firmly that Mullah Omar and the Taliban would have to face US Military might if Osama Bin Laden along with other Al-Qaeda leaders were not handed over without delay. To send the message across clearly, Richard Armitage held a second meeting with Mahmood the same day, informing him that he would soon be handed specific American demands, to which Mahmood reiterated that Pakistan would cooperate. {Bush at War by Bob Woodward, published by Simon & Schuster, 2002, New York}, p 32. {Pakistan: Eye of the Storm by Owen Bennett Jones, published by New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2002}, p. 2.

General Mahmood on September 13, 2001, was handed a formal list of the US demands by Mr. Armitage and was asked to convey these to Musharraf and was also duly informed, for the sake of emphasis, that these were “not negotiable.” Colin Powell, Richard Armitage, and the assisstant secretary of state, Christina Rocca, had drafted the list in the shape of a “non-paper”. It categorically asked Pakistan:

Stop Al-Qaeda operatives coming from Afghanistan to Pakistan, intercept arms shipments through Pakistan, and end ALL logistical support for Osama Bin Laden.

Give blanket overflight and landing rights to US aircraft.

Give the US access to Pakistani Naval and Air Bases and to the border areas betweeen Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Turn over all the intelligence and immigration information.

Condemn the September 11 attacks and curb all domestic expressions of support for terrorism.

Cut off all shipments of fuel to the Talibans, and stop Pakistani volunteers from going into Afghanistan to join the Taliban. Note that, should the evidence strongly implicate Osama Bin Laden and the Al-Qaeda Network in Afghanistan, and should the Taliban continue to harbour him and his accomplices, Pakistan will break diplomatic relations with the Taliban regime, end support for the Taliban, and assist the US in the aforementioned ways to destroy Osama and his network.

Having gone through the list, Mahmood declared that he was quite clear on the subject and that “he knew how the President thought, and the President would accept these points.” {Bush at War by Bob Woodward, published by Simon & Schuster, 2002, New York}, p 58-59. Interview: Richard Armitage, “Campaign Against Terror,” PBS (Frontline), April 19, 2002}

Mahmood then faxed the document to Musharraf. While the latter was going through it and in the process of weighing the pros and cons of each demand, his aide de camp that Colin Powell was on the line. Musharraf liked and respected Powell, and the conversation was not going to be a problem. He told him that he understood and appreciated the US position, but he would respond to the US demands after having discussed these with his associates. Powell was far too polite to remind him that he in fact was the government, but did inform him that his General in Washington had already assured them that these demands would be acceptable to the government of Pakistan. {Pakistan’s Drift into Extremism : Allah, the Army, and America’s War on Terror by Hassan Abbas, published by An East Gate Book , M.E. Sharpe Armonk, New York. London, England.}.

More Explicit:

Common "civilians" in Pakistan can be picked up from anywhere without any cogent reason and can be detained for months [without producing them in the Court of Law] if not years without a trace and incommunicado too. You can slap, oust, try, imprison, torture, insult and discredit them through media trial and even hang the elected representatives of the people but when the real test comes those who are entrusted with the responsibility of defending the country always show you clay feet, read and lament.

The first thing they do after retirement is to join the Tableeghi Jamat. Whom you are trying to hoodwink? You cannot hoodwink Allah.

http://www.tomflocco.com/fsimage/MahmudAhmad2000.jpgWASHINGTON : Richard Armitage, Daily Times can confirm, did not use the words attributed to him by President Pervez Musharraf in a CBS 60 Minutes interview, namely that unless Pakistan did American bidding, it will be bombed into the “stone age”. However, neither the President of Pakistan, nor Richard Armitage, who has denied using such language, nor President Bush who said he was “taken aback” when he learnt what had been said, is being untruthful. What actually happened was that after his meeting with Richard Armitage, Lt Gen Mahmood Ahmed – who now wears a long, white beard and has reportedly gone Tableeghi – called Gen Musharraf from the Pakistan embassy in Washington. The conversation took place in Urdu and when the president asked him what the bottom line of the American message was, Gen Mahmood replied in Urdu that the Americans were intent on the removal of the Taliban regime and would not let Pakistan stand in their way and if Pakistan did not fall in line and cooperate, “wo hamari eent se eent baja dey gain” or words to that effect. That being so, President Musharraf’s recollection of the conversation with Gen Mahmood, who was then the director general of the ISI, is accurate, only he translated into English what he had been told in Urdu. It is time for Gen Mahmood to go on record and reproduce exactly the words in which he conveyed the Armitage message to Gen Musharraf on that September day five years ago. khalid hasan. REFERENCE:  'Wo eent se eent baja dein gay’, ISI DG told Musharraf Monday, September 25, 2006 http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2006/09/25/story_25-9-2006_pg1_4

http://www.tomflocco.com/fsimage/MahmudAhmad2000.jpgISLAMABAD: Former ISI chief General Mehmood has simply vanished from the media which is trying hard to get his comments on the Musharraf-Armitage controversy over the wording of the post-9/11 threat hurled at Islamabad by Washington to win its unconditional support for the so-called war on terror. Mehmood, who has already retired from the Army, is settled in Lahore but despite repeated attempts since Saturday last he is not available to offer his comments on the issue on which his statement really matters a lot. Every time the former ISI chief was approached at his Lahore residence telephone number, the home servant-cum-operator, who identified himself as Banaras Khan, gave the ready response, ‘General Saab is out of the city, he will Inshallah call you upon his return.’ On Saturday afternoon when initially contacted, Banaras said Mehmood would be back by the evening. However, later attempts the same evening and again on Monday and Tuesday, showed that Mehmood is still out of the city. Banaras has no answer when asked where exactly has the general gone. He also claims to have no contact number of Mehmood, who Banaras insists, doesn’t carry a cell phone after it was lost recently. President Musharraf in a recent interview with CBS News magazine show “60 Minutes,” charged that after 9/11 the then deputy secretary of state Richard Armitage told the then DG ISI General Mehmood to “be prepared to be bombed. Be prepared to go back to the Stone Age”. According to a report, Mehmood, who had seen ups and downs with Musharraf in the post Oct 12, 1999 coup, has joined the Tableeghi Jamaat after he was relieved of his post-retirement assignment to head Fauji Fertilizer. Mehmood is amongst those few top generals (all retired now) including General Aziz, General Usmani and General Jamshed Gulzar, who had strongly opposed Musharraf’s siding with America in its attack on Afghanistan. REFERENCE: General Mehmood ‘vanishes’ By Ansar Abbasi Wednesday, September 27, 2006 http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=3286&Cat=13&dt=9/27/2006

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