Thursday, December 1, 2011

Shah Mehmood Ghaznavi, Somnath & Persecution of Minorities

IT is unfortunate that a former foreign minister should have made remarks that can only add to the existing pressure on Pakistan and lend credence to western concerns about the safety of the country’s nuclear weapons. Speaking at Ghotki on Sunday, where he announced his decision to join Imran Khan’s Pakistan Tehrik-i-Insaaf, Shah Mehmood Qureshi said that the country’s nuclear arsenal was not safe under President Asif Zardari, prompting the government to retort that his remarks were “baseless”. Mr Qureshi also criticised Pakistan’s foreign policy, especially its alliance with the US which until recently he had defended as foreign minister. On the nukes, Mr Qureshi had repeatedly assured the world that they were safe. In a meeting with Hillary Clinton last year, Mr Qureshi said Pakistan’s nuclear weapons were under no threat and there had not been “a single mishap during nuclear energy generation in the last 35 years” — views he had earlier aired in a Russian TV interview. To add suspense to the political drama, Mr Qureshi said he would give more details about the presumed risk to Pakistan’s nukes at the next PTI meeting in Karachi. Now that he is in the opposition, Mr Qureshi has every right to flay the government as well as target President Zardari. But Mr Qureshi knows more than anybody else that the civilian part of the government of which he was an important member has no access to, much less control over Pakistan’s nuclear weapons. The latter are under several layers of military command and control — also acknowledged by the international community. Mr Qureshi has wagered on a PTI landslide in the next election, and expects to be suitably rewarded. But, how will he reconcile his current views with the obvious line he will take if he is back in the foreign ministry? REFERENCE: Qureshi on nukesFrom the Newspaper | Editorial |

When Shah Mahmood Qureshi was still Foreign Minister, he swore that Pak's nukes were "very safe". It became unsafe as soon as Shah Mehmood Qureshi leaves the Foreign Ministry & PPP Government and joins PTI:)

FM Pakistan says Nuclear Arsenal is Safe in Pakistan 2009

Monday, November 28, 2011, Moharram alharam 02,1433 A.H. Pak nukes not safe under Zardari: Qureshi Imtiaz Hussain Monday, November 28, 2011 Army & ISI will be under me: PM Imran Khan

Shah Mehmood Ghaznavi (Part 3 Bolta Pakistan 29 Nov 2011)

Contrary to the general belief that Mahmud Ghaznavi was a Hindu-killer or destroyer of Hindu religious places, he was extremely liberal towards them. His army consisted of a large number of Hindus and some of the commanders of his army were Hindus. Sonday Rai was the Commander of Mahmud's crack regiment and took part in several important campaigns with him. The coins struck during Mahmud's reign bore his on the one side and the figure of a Hindu god on the other. Not only Mahmud Ghaznavi but his successors also were great patrons of Hindus. In fact some of the historians of the early period feel that the main cause of the fall of the Ghaznavid Empire was their excessive reliance on Hindus and the appointment of Hindus to positions of great responsibility. When in 1034 A.D. - 426 A.H., the Governor of Lahore, Ahmed Nial Tagin was suspected of rebellion, Sultan Masud Ghaznavi sent General Nath, a Hindu, to crush him. When Nath was killed in the fighting, Masud sent another of his Hindu generals, Tilak, who succeeded in killing Nial Tagin by treachery. This is the story of the Ghaznavids who are generally considered Hindu-killers. Lets have a look at History of Mahmood Ghaznavi who not only Demolished Hindu Temples but also Slaughtered Kalima Reciting Muslims and before Demolishing Somnath Temple, Mahmud Ghaznavi fought against his own brother and also slaughtered Thousands of Muslims, I would request to Mr. Shah Mehmood that please justify the following Un-Islamic acts of Mehmood Ghaznavi in the light of Quran and Sunnah.


Shah Mehmood Qureshi, Ghousia Jamaat & Sheikh Abdul-Qadir Gilani

He added that the former PPP man had seemingly provided a base for the PTI in Sindh in the shape of his disciples, but it remained to be seen whether Imran Khan would gain the respect and support of Qureshi’s followers, the Ghousia Jamaat. There is a politically influential family in almost every district of Sindh, but Khan has failed to attract them so far, Mangrio said. Mangrio pointed out that the Hurs (followers of Pir Pagara) and the Ghousia Jamaat (disciples of Shah Mehmood Qureshi) had a significant number of supporters in areas such as Mirpurkhas, Umerkot, Sanghar as well as Ghotki. He observed that an alliance between the PTI and the PML-F could prove troublesome for the PPP in these areas. A PPP leader from Sindh, who chose to remain anonymous, stated that supporters of the Ghousia Jamaat followed the direction of their spiritual leader and this could damage the prospects of winning seats in the next election. Elaborating, he said that during the general elections of 2002, a PPP MPA was elected with a margin of around 160 votes, while in 2008, the same legislator won the election by not more than 200-300 votes. Since the Ghousia Jamaat enjoyed support in lower Sindh, including Mirpurkhas, a few hundred votes by its followers could change the outcome of the election, the PPP leader said. He pointed out that the situation was similar in Ghotki, where there were around 15,000-20,000 supporters of the Ghousia Jamaat. He added that workers of the PPP, especially senior ones, felt they had been ignored by the party. Besides, a significant number of youths were almost untouched by the ruling party. REFERENCE: Can Qureshi give PTI a base in Sindh? Imtiaz Ali Tuesday, November 29, 2011

PIRAN-E-PIR DASTGEER JEELANI DOOMED! The governor of Baghdad, Ubaidullah Yunus, leveled the home of Jeelani (d. 1166), threw out his sons, exhumed his grave, burnt his remains, and plunged them in the river Tigris (1170 CE). The governor had attained Fatwas against Jeelani that he was a Mushrik and Kaafir. (Nooruddin Shams, a disciple of the Pir Jeelani, Nujoom-uz-Zahrani 6:142). The “Piran-e-Pir”, the eternal master of the universe, could not help himself. Even then, millions of Muslims continue to call Jeelani as Piran-e-Pir ‘Dastgeer’ (The Saint of saints, the Holder of hands).

Shah Mehmood Qureshi is a Sufi like countless other Politicians in Pakistan and lets read what Imam Muslim [Compiler and Collector of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)'s Haidth] says about Sufis. 

Sufis are known to be Habitual Liars, and Haroon ur Rasheed is a Sufi and not only that his Tilt is toward Deviant Mawdudi and his Kharji Cult Jamat-e-Islami - Imam Muslim's Sahih Muslim (Traditions of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) defines that "

وحدثني محمد بن أبي عتاب قال حدثني عفان عن محمد بن يحيى بن سعيد القطان عن أبيه قال لم نر الصالحين في شيء أكذب منهم في الحديث - ص 18 - قال ابن أبي عتاب فلقيت أنا محمد بن يحيى بن سعيد القطان فسألته عنه فقال عن أبيه لم تر أهل الخير في شيء أكذب منهم في الحديث قال مسلم يقول يجري الكذب على لسانهم ولا يتعمدون الكذب

الصفحة الرئيسية » الحديث » صحيح مسلم » مقدمة » باب أن الإسناد من الدين والرواية لا تكون إلا عن الثقات وجواز جرح الرواة وأنه ليس من الغيبة المحرمة

Explanation of The Preface of Sahih Muslim - Shaykh Yahya al-Hajooree

Eman-e-Khalis by Late. Capt (R) Dr. Masooduddin Usmani
Supernatural Powers of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Gilani aka Ghaus Pak

Eman-e-Khalis by Late. Capt (R) Dr. Masooduddin Usmani

Imran Khan's Interview With Karan Thapar

Part - 1 . Imran Khan - Interview by Karan Thapar in Devil's Advocate - CNN-IBN Part - 2 . Build trust, put Kashmir on back burner: Imran  Pakistan | Updated Nov 13, 2011 at 07:11am IST Zardari exposed true face of Pak politics: Imran  Pakistan | Updated Nov 13, 2011 at 07:28pm IST Will stop terror groups if elected PM: Imran 

Ahmadis, Christians, and Hindus also have been targeted in attacks by Sunni extremists and in mob violence conducted with apparent impunity. In September 2008, the Pakistani television network Geo TV broadcast a religious affairs program about the Pakistani parliament's 1974 decision to declare Ahmadis ―non-Muslim.‖ The host of the program reportedly encouraged his guests, who were religious scholars, not only to endorse this decision but to affirm the duty of killing Ahmadis. A day later, a prominent Ahmadi doctor was assassinated, and a local Ahmadi leader was killed the following day. Perpetrators of such attacks on minorities are seldom brought to justice. Indeed, according to the State Department, the government stalled investigation of these two murders. Hindus, Christians, and Sikhs faced less systematic, but still frequent attacks, and may generally be more vulnerable to crime, including robbery and kidnapping for ransom, due to their minority status. There are persistent reports of kidnappings, rapes, and forced conversions to Islam of Hindu and Christian women, including minors. The accused typically defend themselves by presenting certificates of conversion from Muslim clerics to legitimate the conversions. According to some activists, ―violence is disproportionately used against Hindu women as a weapon of subjugation and religious persecution.‖ Hindu temples have also been the object of violence in the province of Baluchistan, where Hindus are the largest religious minority and where ethnic Baluchi insurgents have been waging a struggle against the central government for many years. Among Pakistan's religious minorities, Ahmadis are subject to the most severe legal restrictions and officially-sanctioned discrimination. Ahmadis, who number between 3 and 4 million in Pakistan, are prevented by law from engaging in the full practice of their faith and may face criminal charges for a range of religious practices, including the use of religious terminology. Pakistan‘s constitution declares members of the Ahmadi religious community to be ―non-Muslims,‖ despite their insistence to the contrary. Barred by law from ―posing‖ as Muslims, Ahmadis may not call their places of worship ―mosques,‖ worship in nonAhmadi osques or public prayer rooms which are otherwise open to all Muslims, perform the Muslim call to prayer, use the traditional Islamic greeting in public, publicly quote from the Koran, or display the basic affirmation of the Muslim faith. It is also illegal for Ahmadis to preach in public; to seek converts; or to produce, publish, or disseminate their religious materials. Over two days in late May 2008, the inhabitants of the majority-Ahmadi town of Rabwah, Punjab (called Chenab Nagar by Pakistani authorities) celebrated their faith through distinctive clothing, badges with religious slogans, lighting displays, and fireworks. Two eeks later, police lodged charges against the entire community under the anti-Ahmadi laws. In a separate incident in June 2008, 23 Ahmadis ere expelled from medical school in Faisalabad, Punjab for allegedly reaching their faith to others. Moreover, because they are required to Register to vote as non-Muslims, Ahmadis who refuse to disavow their claim to being Muslims are effectively disenfranchised. The one Potentially positive development—the December 2004 abolition of the religious identification column in Pakistani passports, which, among other advances, enabled Ahmadis to participate in the hajj—was erailed in ...REFERENCE: US Commission on International Religious Freedom found that hatred for Hindus is instilled in official Pakistani textbooks. Annual Report of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom May 2009

Jihadis will have no place in Pakistan: PM Imran Khan

Part - 1 . Imran Khan - Interview by Karan Thapar in Devil's Advocate - CNN-IBN  Part - 2 . Build trust, put Kashmir on back burner: Imran  Pakistan | Updated Nov 13, 2011 at 07:11am IST Zardari exposed true face of Pak politics: Imran  Pakistan | Updated Nov 13, 2011 at 07:28pm IST Will stop terror groups if elected PM: Imran 

Text Book with Hate Material against Marginalized Communities in the alleged Fort of Islam::))) A significant minority of Pakistan’s thousands of religious schools, or madrassas, reportedly continue to provide ongoing ideological training and motivation to those who take part in violence targeting religious minorities in Pakistan and abroad. In mid-2005, the Pakistani central government renewed its effort to require all madrassas to register with the government and to expel all foreign students. By that year’s end, despite an outcry from some violent extremist groups, most of the religious schools had registered. However, the registration process reportedly has had little if any effect on the curricula, which in many of these schools remains intolerant and includes exhortations to violence. The government also still lacks controls on the madrassas’ sources of funding. It remains doubtful whether these efforts to curb extremism through reform of the country’s Islamic religious schools will be accompanied by other measures that would make them effective. Moreover, these efforts do not adequately address the much wider problem of religious extremism in Pakistan and the continued and unwarranted influence of militant groups on the rights and freedoms of others. Religious freedom concerns are also evident in Pakistan’s public schools. Pakistani primary and secondary schools continue to use textbooks that foster prejudice and intolerance of religious minorities. Social Studies and Pakistan Studies textbooks frequently recount historically inaccurate events that paint Hindus and Christians in a negative light. Fifth-grade students read official textbooks claiming that “Hindus and Muslims are not one nation but two different nations. The Hindus could never become sincere in their dealings with the Muslims.” Hindu beliefs and practices are contrasted negatively with those of Islam. Bangladesh’s struggle for independence from Pakistan is blamed in part on the influence of Hindus in the education sector of the former East Pakistan. India is portrayed as Pakistan’s enemy. Israel is characterized as not being a legitimate state. Such materials are not restricted to Islamic studies textbooks but occur in both early elementary and more advanced social studies texts that are used by all public school students, including non-Muslims. Moreover, the subjects in textbooks are heavy on stories, biographies, and poems having an Islamic religious character. Efforts to improve curriculum guidelines and to produce and publish new public school textbooks have been delayed by practical and ideological hurdles. Although “The New Education Policy 2009” is being implemented predominantly to raise the literacy rate in Pakistan, the new policy maintains Islamic Studies as a compulsory subject. One positive change allows minorities the option of taking an ethics course from third grade onwards, whereas the previous policy offered this option only in grades 9 and 10. However, Pakistani non-governmental organizations argue that this option means little in practice because current ethics textbooks are based on previous curriculum guidelines which contain Islamic biases. Moreover, critics argue, minority students still tend to avoid opting out of Islamic Studies for fear of being isolated from the rest of the class. Some students also fear that if they take ethics and it becomes known that they belong to a religious minority their grades may be negatively impacted. ...REFERENCE: US Commission on International Religious Freedom found that hatred for Hindus is instilled in official Pakistani textbooks. Annual Report of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom May 2010 (Covering April 1, 2009 – March 31, 2010)

Army & ISI will be under me: PM Imran Khan

Part - 1 . Imran Khan - Interview by Karan Thapar in Devil's Advocate - CNN-IBN Part - 2 . Build trust, put Kashmir on back burner: Imran  Pakistan | Updated Nov 13, 2011 at 07:11am IST Zardari exposed true face of Pak politics: Imran  Pakistan | Updated Nov 13, 2011 at 07:28pm IST Will stop terror groups if elected PM: Imran 
Sectarian or Religiously-motivated Violence Over at least the past decade, Pakistan has suffered from sectarian and religiously-motivated violence, much of it committed against Shi’a Muslims by Sunni extremists, but also against Ahmadis, Christians, and Hindus. Beginning in early 2008, armed extremists, some of whom have ties to Al-Qaeda or to the Afghan Taliban, intensified their attacks, including bombings. The following examples of sectarian or religiously-motivated violence should be seen as illustrative rather than a comprehensive listing of the numerous and often fatal attacks perpetrated on innocent Pakistanis by extremists who claim religious justification for their crimes. By early 2009, Sunni extremists gained effective control in large portions of rural northwestern Pakistan, where they killed hundreds of Shi’a civilians, imposed a harsh, Taliban-style of justice, and displaced Shi’a, Sikh, Hindu, and other minority populations. Jizya (the traditional tax on non-Muslims under Islamic law) was imposed on Sikhs and Hindus and violence was threatened for non-compliance. Sunni extremists destroyed shrines and tombs with religious or cultural significance to other Muslims, notably the shrine of revered Pashtun poet and Sufi mystic Rahman Baba, which was bombed in March 2009. This act, compared by some observers to the destruction by the Afghan Taliban of the monumental Buddhas of Bamiyan, appeared intended to erase visible expressions of other belief systems, in this case an inclusive, tolerant form of Islam. Also, as in Afghanistan, the extremists severely restricted women’s access to education, health care, and employment outside the home. The Pakistani government initially responded by attempting to accommodate the Pakistai Taliban. In April 2009, the central government accepted a locally-negotiated “peace plan” for the Malakand division, including the scenic Swat Valley, that permitted the imposition of sharia law in exchange for an end of hostilities with government forces. Under both international and domestic pressure, the government subsequently reversed course and launched military offensives that met with some success, although many internally displaced persons, particularly members of religious minority communities, including the Sikhs, feared to return. At the end of the reporting period, despite the Pakistani military maintaining a large presence in the division, insurgents remained in effective control of some areas. Sectarian or religiously-motivated violence reached beyond Pakistan’s tribal northwest. Two separate suicide attacks on Shi’a religious processions in December 2009 killed over 40 people in Karachi and eight in Muzaffarabad, the capital of Pakistani-controlled Kashmir. Scores were injured in both instances. In June and September 2009, two prominent leaders of Pakistan’s large Barelvi Sunni Muslim community were assassinated, including Pakistan’s Minister for Religious Affairs. The first assassination was by suicide bomber, a tactic largely restricted to Sunni extremists. Barelvis are condemned by Sunni extremists for certain of their beliefs and practices, including the use of music for religious purposes and the veneration of living and dead religious figures. Both Barelvi leaders had publicly condemned the Pakistani Taliban and supported the government’s military campaign against Sunni insurgents. In March 2010, a leading cleric and member of another Sunni group, Ahl-e-Sunna-wal-Jama’a, previously the banned group Sipah-i-Sahaba Pakistan, was wounded and his son killed in a shooting in Karachi. Sipahi-Sahaba had been implicated in attacks on Shi’a Muslims. Also in Karachi later the same day, another Sunni cleric identified as a prominent member of the Deobandi community and the head of an antiAhmadi organization was shot and killed along with his son and two associates. Sunni extremists have also targeted Ahmadis and Christians. 14 Ahmadis were murdered during the 2009-2010 reporting period in attacks which appear to have been religiously-motivated (e.g., in attacks in which robbery does not appear to have been a motive). In the most recent case, three Ahmadi businessmen were shot to death on April 1, 2010 on the streets of Faisalabad, Punjab, the scene of previous anti-Ahmadi violence. None of the perpetrators have been brought to justice. From June to August 2009, a series of mob attacks took place against Christian communities in Punjab, most notably in Gojra, where in late July/early August, eight Christians were killed and 18 injured, and two churches and almost 75 houses burned, following an accusation that Christians had desecrated the Koran. A factfinding team by the independent, non-governmental Human Rights Commission of Pakistan reported that the violence in Gojra had been planned in advance. Due to their minority status, Pakistan’s Hindus, Christians, and Sikhs may be more vulnerable to crime, including robbery and kidnapping for ransom. Hindu temples, due to their visibility, were particular targets for robbery. Hindu businessmen in Sindh have been increasingly subject to extortion or kidnappings for ransom. Hindus have also been targeted in the province of Balochistan, where they are the largest religious minority and where the security situation is problematic due to a long-running ethnic insurgency. Ransom, even of exorbitant amounts, is sometimes characterized as jizya, thus claiming an Islamic sanction for its imposition on non-Muslims. In February 2010, a kidnapped Sikh businessman Page | 94 Countries of Particular Concern from Peshawar was beheaded by insurgents belonging to the Pakistani Taliban in a remote location on the border between Khyber and Orakzai Agencies. Two other Sikhs were rescued by the Pakistani military. There are persistent reports of kidnappings, rapes, and forced conversions to Islam of Hindu and Christian women, including minors. In March 2010, a Karachi-based Hindu attorney associated with the nongovernmental National Human Rights Commission of Pakistan was quoted as estimating that 20-25 young Hindu women are abducted and forcibly converted every month. The attorney claimed that the victims’ families often fail to register cases with the police out of fear of violent retaliation. The Asian Human Rights Commission has highlighted the case of a 15-year-old Hindu domestic servant abducted in Punjab in October 2009. When, through the intervention of the National Peace Committee for Interfaith Harmony, she was later found to be in the custody of her and her parents’ employer, a Muslim landlord, at a village 130 kilometers away, the parents were told that she had converted to Islam. They were denied the opportunity to meet with her alone and have not been able to return her home. A Hindu advocacy group, the Hare Rama Foundation, reported that it was aware of ten similar cases in 2009 of apparent abductions and forced conversions of Hindu girls. In some such cases, certificates of conversion from Muslim clerics have been presented to legitimize the conversions. Marginalization and poverty also make the Christian community in Pakistan vulnerable. The most recent and notorious instance is the rape/murder in Lahore in January 2010 of a 12-year-old Christian girl, allegedly by her Muslim employer, a prominent attorney and former Lahore Bar Association president. ...REFERENCE: US Commission on International Religious Freedom found that hatred for Hindus is instilled in official Pakistani textbooks. Annual Report of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom May 2010 (Covering April 1, 2009 – March 31, 2010)

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