Sunday, February 5, 2012

Mirza Aslam Beg & Hamid Gul Support Sectarianism.

MULTAN: Even if the government decides to restore Nato’s supply route, the country’s religious parties plan to robustly oppose the move. At the Difa-e-Pakistan conference here on Sunday, the leaders threatened a siege of parliament if the Nato supply line was restored. Jamaat-e-Islami chief Munawwar Hassan said on Sunday that any resolution submitted in parliament favouring restoration of the US-Nato supply routes would be a step against Pakistan. The speakers declared that parliamentarians approving the resolution for allowing Nato supply resumption and those who granted the most favoured nation (MFN) status to India must be ready to “face the music”. Chief of Ahle Sunnat wal Jamaat (ASWJ) Ahmed Ludhianvi said that if the government decides to restore Nato supply routes, his party workers would block the route themselves. The supply route was suspended by Pakistan after the November 26, 2011 Nato air strikes that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers and took Pakistan’s fragile alliance with the US to new lows. The JI chief, referring to the chief of army staff, said: “Enough is enough. General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani should be very clear with regards to the policies and relations with the US and India.” Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Sami chief Maulana Samiul Haq also addressed the convention and said that “if the US, Israel, India or Nato forces” attack Pakistan’s border, they will retaliate against them with “full force”. Malik Ishaq, the former head of the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, also attended the gathering on the special invitation from the ASWJ leadership. “We will not let this government negotiate with India and the US who are the greatest enemies of Pakistan,” said Difa-e-Pakistan Council Chairman Maulana Samiul Haq. “The government will see its worst days if they restore the Nato supply line. We will surround the parliament and will not allow them to move outside unless they change their decision,” he added. The ASWJ had expected an attendance of more than 200,000 people for the gathering but intelligence sources estimated that about 50,000 participants came to the venue. The meeting was attended by the Sheikh Rasheed, Hafiz Saeed, Hameed Gul, and leaders of many religious parties from across the country including Ijazul Haq, Abdul Rehman Maki, Hafiz Saifullah Mansoor and Maulana Ameer Hamza. Meanwhile, the Markazi Jamiyat-e-Ahl-e-Hadees (JAH) demanded an inquiry into the funding of the event. The group’s local chief Allama Khalid Mehmood Nadeem said the government should take notice of the “millions of rupees” wasted in organising the Difa-e-Pakistan convention. Published in The Express Tribune, January 30th, 2012. REFERENCE: Difa-e-Pakistan convention: Religious parties threaten to besiege parliament Published: January 30, 2012 Current situation retribution for allowing our soil’s use against Afghans: Hafiz Saeed By Mudassir Raja Published: January 22, 2012

Difa-e-Pakistan/JUD Death Threat to Pakistani Media (Capital Talk - 13th Feb 2012)

Shaikh Rasheed Ahmad & Sectarian Parties - 1 (Lekin - 4th Feb 2012)

Sectarian conflict in Pakistan is the direct consequence of state policies of Islamisation and marginalisation of secular democratic forces. Co-option and patronage of religious parties by successive military governments have brought Pakistan to a point where religious extremism threatens to erode the foundations of the state and society. As President Pervez Musharraf is praised by the international community for his role in the war against terrorism, the frequency and viciousness of sectarian terrorism continues to increase in his country. Instead of empowering liberal, democratic voices, the government has co-opted the religious right and continues to rely on it to counter civilian opposition. By depriving democratic forces of an even playing field and continuing to ignore the need for state policies that would encourage and indeed reflect the country's religious diversity, the government has allowed religious extremist organisations and jihadi groups, and the madrasas that provide them an endless stream of recruits, to flourish. It has failed to protect a vulnerable judiciary and equip its law-enforcement agencies with the tools they need to eliminate sectarian terrorism. Constitutional provisions to "Islamise" laws, education and culture, and official dissemination of a particular brand of Islamic ideology, not only militate against Pakistan's religious diversity but also breed discrimination against non-Muslim minorities. The political use of Islam by the state promotes an aggressive competition for official patronage between and within the many variations of Sunni and Shia Islam, with the clerical elite of major sects and subsects striving to build up their political parties, raise jihadi militias, expand madrasa networks and, as has happened on Musharraf's watch, become part of government. Like all other Pakistani military governments, the Musharraf administration has also weakened secular and democratic political forces. Administrative and legal action against militant organisations has failed to dismantle a well-entrenched and widely spread terror infrastructure. All banned extremist groups persist with new labels, although old names are also still in use. The jihadi media is flourishing, and the leading figures of extremist Sunni organisations are free to preach their jihadi ideologies. Leaders of banned groups such as the Lashkar-e-Tayyaba, Sipahe Sahaba and Jaish-e-Mohammed appear to enjoy virtual immunity from the law. They have gained new avenues to propagate their militant ideas since the chief patrons of jihad, the Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam (JUI) and the Jamaat-i-Islami (JI), have acquired prominent and powerful roles in Musharraf's political structure. The Islamisation of laws and education, in particular, graphically illustrates the Sunni sectarian bias of the Pakistani state. General Zia-ul-Haq's Islamic penal code, retained by General Musharraf, is derived entirely from classical Sunni-Hanafi orthodox sources. The same is true of "Islamic" textbooks in public schools and colleges. The Shia minority -- and, in some cases, even the majority Sunni Barelvi sect -- is deeply resentful of this orthodox Hanafi Sunni bias in state policies. Within Sunnism itself, the competition for state patronage and a share in power has turned minor theological debates and cultural differences into unbridgeable, volatile sectarian divisions. After decades of co-option by the civil-military establishment, Pakistan's puritanical clergy is attempting to turn the country into a confessional state where the religious creed of a person is the sole marker of identity. Except for a few showcase "reformed" madrasas, no sign of change is visible. Because of the mullahs' political utility, the military-led government's proposed measures, from curriculum changes to a new registration law, have been dropped in the face of opposition by the MMA (Muttahida Majlis-i-Amal) and its madrasa subsidiaries. Instead, financial and political incentives to the mullahs have raised their public profile and influence. The government's approach towards religious extremism is epitomised by its deals with extremists in the tribal areas, concluded through JUI mediation after payment of bribes to militant leaders. The anomalous constitutional status and political disenfranchisement of regions like the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) and the Northern Areas have turned them into sanctuaries for sectarian and international terrorists and centres of the arms and drugs trade. Parallel legal and judicial systems, which exist in many parts of the country with the blessing of the state, undermine the rule of law. The reform of discriminatory laws and procedures has, at best, been cosmetic -- they remain open to abuse by religious fanatics. Bereft of independence, the judiciary is unable to check the rising sectarian violence. Subjected to political interference, an inefficient police has become even more incapable of dealing with sectarian terrorism. President Musharraf's lack of domestic legitimacy has forced the military to rely on alliances of convenience with the religious right, based on the politics of patronage. In the absence of international support, moderate, secular and democratic parties will remain in the political cold. The choice that Pakistan faces is not between the military and the mullahs, as is generally believed in the West; it is between genuine democracy and a military-mullah alliance that is responsible for producing and sustaining religious extremism of many hues. Given the intrinsic links between Pakistan-based homegrown and transnational terrorists, the one cannot be effectively contained and ultimately eliminated without acting against the other. The government's unwillingness to demonstrate political will to deal with the internal jihad could cost it international support, much of which is contingent upon Pakistan's performance in the war against terrorism. The U.S. and other influential actors have realised with regard to their own societies that terrorism can only be eliminated through pluralistic democratic structures. Pakistan should not be treated as an exception. REFERENCE: The State of Sectarianism in Pakistan Asia Report Nº9518 Apr 2005 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS FULL REPORT

Shaikh Rasheed Ahmad & Sectarian Parties - 2 (Lekin - 4th Feb 2012)

Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan: The Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan (SSP) was formed in 1985 in Jhang mainly by four anti-Shia clerics: Maulana Haq Nawaz Jhangvi, Maulana Zia-ur-Rehman Faruqi, Maulana Easar-ul-Haq Qasmi and Maulana Azam Tariq. The group had grown out of the Anjuman-e-Sipah-e-Sahaba, and was supported by the Zia regime to deal with what was considered in Islamabad and Riyadh as the Iranian threat. Moreover, as renowned academic Vali Nasr claims, establishing the SSP was part of Zia’s strategy to counter the Shia sect in Pakistan, as he considered it inimical to the Islamisation of the state and society. Allegedly, the ISI was therefore involved in sectarian killings and was supportive of such rabid Sunni outfits. The deliberate ouster of Shia-based militant outfits after 1989 is evidence of the enigmatic agency’s support for a particular ideology. According to writer and columnist Khaled Ahmed, whose book on sectarian violence in Pakistan will be published soon, the initial financing for the SSP was secured from both internal and external sources. The internal source was mainly the local trader-merchant class in Jhang, especially the likes of local businessman Sheikh Yusuf, who was also a primary contractor for the army. The external source, on the other hand, comprised funding received from the Arab rulers of the Gulf, who used to visit Rahim Yar Khan on hunting trips. He claims that Maulana Jhangvi also enriched himself through this connection. Moreover, due to the links of its leaders with South Punjab, the outfit grew most exponentially in this particular region. It is hence not surprising to see a rise in sectarian violence in South Punjab, especially during the 1980s and the 1990s. For those who forget that there was ever the influence of such militant outfits in the Punjab, it would be advisable to recall SSP terrorists like Riaz Basra, who had 300 murders to his credit before he was finally killed in 2002. The SSP was also responsible for an attack on former prime minister Nawaz Sharif in 1997/98. Sharif escaped a bomb explosion on a bridge en route to his farmhouse in Raiwind. The rivalry between the SSP and the Sharifs began after Shahbaz Sharif had some SSP terrorists eliminated. It has, however, been reported that the divide between the PML-N and the SSP and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ) has been bridged recently through negotiations between the parties. Ostensibly, a deal was struck, in which the PML-N Punjab government promised to create job quotas for SSP members in exchange for the withdrawal of the LeJ candidate standing against Shahbaz Sharif in Bhakkar. The SSP advocates Deobandi ideology and served as the basic ideological and militant curry paste out of which several other jihadi outfits grew, such as the LeJ, Harkat-ul-Mujahideen, Harkat-ul-Ansar and Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM). The SSP has been involved in both sectarian violence and war, initially against the former Soviet Union, and later the US. In fact, Ramzi Yusuf, who was involved in trying to blow up the World Trade Centre in 1993, was linked to this militant outfit. This group is also reputed to have been the first to dispatch its jihadis to join Al-Qaeda. In any case, it had gone to fight in Afghanistan in 1985. Domestically, it was involved in a spate of Shia killings, particularly those of Shia doctors in Karachi in 2001. However, the SSP also developed itself as a political entity, with some of its prominent members contesting elections. For instance, Maulana Azam Tariq, who was one of its founding members and became its head in 1997, contested the 1990, 1993 and 2002 elections. The political and militant wings of the SSP, like those of Hamas, are difficult to distinguish – the latter continues to be involved in jihad and now supports the Taliban. The SSP seems to have been resurrected in South Punjab in the past couple of years and also has links with other outfits such as the JeM. Apparently, in a meeting in October 2008, Masood Azhar performed the dastaarbandi of SSP’s Maulana Zia-ul-Haq Qasmi, who was appointed the chairman of the supreme council of the SSP. REFERENCE: Brothers in Arms By Ayesha Siddiqa 9 SEPTEMBER 2009
Shaikh Rasheed Ahmad & Sectarian Parties - 3 (Lekin - 4th Feb 2012)

Lashkar-e-Tayyaba - Ideologically different from the other organisations, the Lashkar-e-Tayyaba (LeT) is an organisation based in Central Punjab that has now spread its tentacles throughout South Punjab as well. Established during the early 1990s in the province of Kunar in Afghanistan, by Hafiz Saeed, the LeT has its headquarters in Muridke, near Lahore. However, this might only be the token centre of the operation, which has franchises in other sub-regions including South Punjab, particularly Punjabi ethnic settlements in Seraiki-speaking areas. For instance, in the Bahawalpur division, it has greater influence in villages with Punjabi settlements, e.g. Yazman, Shahiwala, Kalanchwala, Bahawalnagar and those parts of Cholistan where there are new settlements. The LeT is extremely ingenuous and creative in attracting people, including women, to its fold. It probably has to work harder than other outfits in this area, as it is predominantly known as a Barelvi stronghold with only a secondary influence of Deobandism. Most of the Deobandi followers view the LeT with suspicion. However, outright conflicts between the Deobandi groups and the LeT have not yet occurred. The LeT continues to draw people to its fold through intelligent propaganda mechanisms, which include large congregations at the ghaibana namaz-e-janaza and wall graffiti. In the past few years, the LeT has also earned a name for its welfare activities and for helping the Pakistan Army in Kashmir, especially in the wake of the 2006 earthquake. The organisation seems to now be active once more, as it has been allowed to operate in the refugee camps for the Swat IDPs, providing welfare and relief. REFERENCE: Brothers in Arms By Ayesha Siddiqa 9 SEPTEMBER 2009
Shaikh Rasheed Ahmad & Sectarian Parties - 4 (Lekin - 4th Feb 2012)

Jaish-e-Mohammad: The mastermind behind the Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) is Maulana Masood Azhar of Bahawalpur, who created the outfit after returning from India in 2000. Azhar was initially a member of the SSP. Later, he joined the Harkat-ul-Mujahideen (HuM), and was instrumental in forming the Hartak-ul-Ansar (HuA) by combining the HuM and another outfit called the Harkat-ul-Jihad (HuJ). The HuA was deeply involved in Afghanistan. According to one report, 39 out of 113 jihadis caught in Afghanistan in 1997 belonged to this group. Azhar was caught in Indian-administered Kashmir in 1993, from where he managed to return to Pakistan in 2000, courtesy of the Taliban and Pakistan’s intelligence agencies. Subsequently, he established the JeM, due to his differences with the Pashtoon militant leader Fazlul Rehman Khalil. Reportedly, they had separated due to ideological differences, including the fact that Khalil did not necessarily support the Kashmir jihad on grounds that the majority of Kashmiris were Barelvis. In any case, breaking up old organisations and building newer ones is not an anomaly. It must be remembered that at the time of 9/11 there were about 72 militant outfits operating in the Punjab. Many of these splinter groups were created by breaking up parent organisations, if they were seen as not delivering or spinning out of control. Masood Azhar and his party have a long-standing relationship with the intelligence agencies who have, on several occasions, come to his rescue, even helping to free him in 2002/2003. Sources claim that Maulana Tahir Ashrafi, who was close to both the Shujaat Hussain/Pervaiz Elahi government and the secret agencies, was instrumental in the release, which went through despite the opposition of the district police. The ISI was also allegedly instrumental in building up the JeM. Azhar belonged to a humble family of Bahawalpur. Born to Ustad Allah Bakhsh, a primary school teacher with nine children who lived in a one-and-a-half marla house inside the old city, Masood Azhar and his family now own about four kanals of property in Bahawalpur, and another six-and-a-half acres outside the city. The value of their vehicles and military equipment runs into further millions of rupees that are unaccounted for. The group itself recently purchased land in Bahawalpur, which many believe is being used as a training camp. It seems a payment of Rs 7,600,000 was made from untraceable sources. The general perception about the organisation is that it has more than sufficient resources, obtained from multiple sources, including its welfare susidiary, the Al-Rehmat Trust. A former jihadi and JeM accountant told me he was frustrated to see the money received for the martyrs and their families being used by Masood Azhar for the construction of a new room and a toilet for his residence after his marriage. Similarly, police officials responsible for keeping an eye on the organisation talk about the questionable behaviour of Azhar’s younger brother, Abdul Rauf Azhar. It is possibly due to the overly centralised structure of the organisation that Masood Azhar’s brother-in-law parted ways with him and set up another group called Al-Furqan, which was allegedly involved in the assassination attempts against Musharraf. One of the proclaimed offenders in this case, Hafiz Ahsan, and his family are from Khankah Sharif, Bahawalpur. A common link between the JeM, SSP and the LeJ is that they all follow the Deobandi ideology, which is also subscribed to by the Taliban. Furthermore, all three drew upon human resources that were trained during the initial Afghan war. Although known for being an organisation dedicated to the Kashmir conflict, the JeM has also been engaged in Afghanistan lately. This is not such a leap, considering that Al-Qaeda under Osama bin Laden directly played the role of a benefactor of the organisation when it was being established in 2000. Rumour has it that bin Laden compensated the HeM for JeM’s takeover of the former’s assets, which had caused a conflict between the two. Most negotiations were facilitated and negotiated at the Banuri town madrassa in Karachi. The state, however, was said to have provided most of the logistic support and ensured that law-enforcement agencies stayed away. In 2000, the JeM got into a confrontation with the local administration in Bahawalpur over the imprisonment of some of its members for their involvement in the harassment of a local transporter. The outfit’s jihadis surrounded the local town hall and Masood Azhar threatened that rivers of blood would flow if the state of Pakistan shifted its attention away from Kashmir. Eventually, most of the group’s members were freed and the senior superintendent of police responsible for the action against the outfit was transferred out – subtle evidence of government support for the JeM. Similarly, the police remained silent about the murder of Al-Furqan activist Rab Nawaz, who died in a shootout between the JeM and Al-Furqan in Bahawalpur a few months ago. In the recent past, the JeM has won acclaim among its ilk for its links with Umar Saeed Sheikh, who was involved in the murder of Daniel Pearl. However, some experts claim that Sheikh was actually working for the Hizb-ut-Tehreer, with only a minor partnership with the JeM. Yet, it is indisputable that he was seen in the company of Maulana Masood Azhar, the outfit’s domineering leader. The Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ) grew out of the SSP and was established by two prominent SSP members in 1996, namely Malik Ishaq and Riaz Basra – one belonging to Khanewal and the other to Sargodha. The group itself was founded in Bhakkar, South Punjab. While Malik Ishaq is currently imprisoned in Sahiwal jail, Riaz Basra was killed in a police encounter in 2002. This only happened, however, after he managed to gain a lease on life from several governments. For instance, he was allowed to escape from police custody in 1994, after the Benazir Bhutto government and the LeJ’s parent organisation – the SSP – had entered into an election partnership. The organisation was initially focused exclusively on the elimination of Shias. After 9/11, it diverted its attention towards fighting the war on terror against the US. In fact, the LeJ was allegedly one of the first outfits to send recruits to Al-Qaeda. According to renowned journalist Khaled Ahmed, this was due to the SSP and LeJ’s contacts with Arab rulers that visited South Punjab. Later, it had links with Khaled Sheikh Mohammad, who allegedly ordered the attack on the Karachi Corps Commander in 2004. Another prominent Al-Qaeda leader associated with this outfit is Abu Musab Al Zarqawi. Currently, the group is seen as being instrumental in numerous terrorist attacks in Pakistan, especially in Lahore and Islamabad. The LeJ has developed stronger links with the Taliban as well, and enjoys a growing influence in a number of South Punjab towns and rural areas. This outfit plays a critical role in supplying manpower from within Punjab that is used in terrorist activities inside the province. The Islamabad Marriott bombing and the suicide attack on the police training facility in the capital have been linked with men from South Punjab, organised by the LeJ. More recently, four men from Jhang linked with the SSP and the LeJ were arrested in connection with the attack on the 15 headquarters in Islamabad. The organisation has also propagated sectarian violence, such as the killing of the Iranian diplomat Sadiq Ganji, a group of Iranian technicians and a group of Iranian Air Force cadets visiting Pakistan. These killings during the 1990s blighted relations between Islamabad and Tehran. However, the state has yet to sentence Malik Ishaq, convicted in the aforementioned murders. A case of non-sectarian domestic violence is the attack against the Christian community in Bahawalpur city. The LeJ’s Shakeen Anwar, who belonged to Bahawalnagar, was instrumental in the attack on a church in October 2001. Although experts tend to argue that the SSP and the LeJ have a different policy from militant groups dedicated to Kashmir, evidence of linkage between the two is visible, especially in South Punjab. REFERENCE: Brothers in Arms By Ayesha Siddiqa 9 SEPTEMBER 2009

MULTAN: Sarwat Ijaz Qadri, Chairman Sunni Tehreek (ST) said on Tuesday that his party was still contemplating joining the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) and that the ST was yet to reach a consensus on the move. “I cannot confirm as the executive council will decide but we will soon reach a positive decision and the nation will hear good news. We are pondering over all aspects for becoming the part of the movement lead by PTI,” he said. Qadri was talking to the media in Multan after visiting Bahauddin Zakriyah’s shrine. The ST chairman added that his party had also requested PTI Vice Chairman Shah Mehmood Qureshi to bless them with his generosity, leadership and guide the ST as part of an impending move to join the ‘tsunami’. ‘Sufism can save Pakistan’ Qadri said that only in Sufism lay Pakistan’s survival. He added that inter-faith harmony was imperative to save the nation from destruction. He added that sectarianism, suicide attacks and bomb blasts were signs of extreme intolerance in society which could be cured through serenity, peace and love for all as taught by Islam. “Extremism can only be controlled by propagating tolerance for every faith and religion in society according to Islam.” Qadri said that funds collected from mausoleums and shrines of holy saints in the country were sufficient to run the country. “The donations collected from these shrines are more than the demand of the budget of Pakistan. If these funds will be used properly and honestly, then they are sufficient to fulfill the needs of the people of Pakistan and if government cannot do it, then we can take up the challenge and prove ourselves. He added that the democratic government should complete its tenure as it was in the interest of the country but the government should not take advantage of democracy and avoid actions which compel people to protest against them. Talking about peace in Karachi, he said that criminals who had been arrested with evidence against them for being involved in target killings and other crimes, must be put behind bars. “They should be given stern punishment, only then would peace prevail in Karachi,” he said, adding peace in Karachi was a victim of police and political reconciliation. While calling for Rangers to be allotted police powers in Karachi to maintain peace in Karachi, he said “I can only request the Supreme Court of Pakistan to announce punishment for all those criminals who were arrested for target killing, extortion, kidnapping and militancy in Karachi.” REFERENCE: Swept by Tsunami: Sunni Tehreek contemplates joining PTI By Owais Jafri Published: January 17, 2012 

Salman Taseer, American Funded Mullahs, Imran Khan & WikiLeaks. (Bolta Pakistan - 12-1-12)

ISLAMABAD: The US gave money to a Pakistani Muslim group that organised anti-Taliban rallies, but which later demonstrated in support of an extremist who killed a leading liberal politician, the US Embassy in Pakistan said Wednesday. US government website shows that the group, the Sunni Ittehad Council, received $36,607 from Washington in 2009. A US diplomat said that the embassy had given money to the group to organise the rallies, but that it had since changed direction and leadership. He said it was a one-off grant, and wouldn’t be repeated. He didn’t give his name because he wasn’t authorised to speak about the issue on the record. The grant was first reported by the Council of Foreign Relations on its website. The Ittehad council was formed in 2009 to counter extremism. It groups politicians and clerics from Pakistan’s traditionalist Barelvi Muslim movement, often referred to as theological moderates in the Pakistani context. The American money was used to organise nationwide rallies against militants and suicide bombings, the embassy official said. The demonstrations received widespread media coverage, and were some of the first against extremism in the country. The rhetoric at the rallies was mostly focused on opposing militant attacks on shrines, which Barelvis frequent but are opposed by Deobandi Muslims, Pakistan’s other main Muslim sect. In 2011 and also this month, however, the council led demonstrations in support of the killer of Salman Taseer, a governor who was killed a year ago for his criticism of anti-blasphemy laws. The displays have appalled Pakistani liberals and stoked international fears that the country is buckling under the weight of extremism. Taseer’s assassin, Mumtaz Qadri, is a Barelvi. He claimed he acted to defend the honour of Prophet Mohammed. At its rallies, the group maintains its criticism of the Taliban even as it supports Qadri — a seemingly contradictory stance that suggests its leaders may be more interested in harnessing the political support and street power of Barelvis than in genuinely countering militancy. Two leading members of the council who have been with the group from the beginning of its existence denied receiving any American funds. The apparent discrepancy could be explained by lack of transparency within the organisation. However, given the current anti-American climate, owning up to receiving funds from the United States would invite criticism. ”This propaganda is being unleashed against us because we are strongly opposed to Western democracy and American policies in the region and in the world,” said Sahibzada Fazal Karim, the head of the council, before reiterating the group’s support for Qadri. ”We are against extremism, but we support Qadri because he did a right thing,” he said. REFERENCE: US aided Pakistan group which supported extremists AP January 11, 2012 US Aided Pakistan Group Which Supported Extremists By CHRIS BRUMMITT Associated Press ISLAMABAD January 11, 2012 (AP)

ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan Saturday said WikiLeaks has made the greatest disclosure that the Pakistani politicians, whether they are in government or in opposition, are American stooges. Imran, who has come clean like a handful of other politicians, alleged Pakistani politicians proved themselves as Mir Jaffars and Mir Sadiqs (two hated characters in the Islamic history for they betrayed the valiant Muslim ruler Sultan Tipu). Speaking at a news conference here after his foreign visit, the cricketer-turned-politician regretted that the incumbent was a dummy parliament and Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani had proved it by asking the US authorities to continue with drone strikes, as he would take care of the legislature. Referring to the startling cable disclosures, Imran said neither the people of Pakistan were free nor the nation had a free and independent foreign policy. He added a political party, which was a part of the movement for the judiciary’s independence, had supported the government in undermining the judiciary’s independent character through the 18th Amendment. His reference was towards PML-N. The PTI chief went on to say that the NRO-tainted politicians involved in money-laundering could never safeguard the national interests. REFERENCE: WikiLeaks proves Pak politicians US stooges: Imran Mumtaz Alvi Sunday, December 12, 2010

Imran Khan's Press Conference After WikiLeaks

He said that the on-going peaceful protest demonstrations of the PTI against price hike in consumer goods, corruption in high places and against RGST, would lead to civil disobedience soon. He claimed that the corrupt political elite had obtained as many as 0.4 million electricity connections and Wapda had no will to lay a hand on them. Replying to a question, Imran ridiculed the idea of giving powers to parliamentarians under the parliamentary committee to approve appointment of superior court judges. He charged that one of the committee members had grabbed 80-kanal piece of land in Bani Gala. Imran also has his residence in the picturesque locality near Rawal Lake. The PTI chief welcomed the formal joining of the PTI by 40 lawyers of Rawalpindi bar on the occasion and cautioned them to beware of the government’s efforts to divide them for which money was being doled out. “Majority of those named in the committee are corrupt and how can corrupt people be authorised to appoint judges,” he said. REFERENCE: WikiLeaks proves Pak politicians US stooges: Imran Mumtaz Alvi Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sunni Tehreek is a Gang of Criminal (AAJ TV)


KARACHI: A young man was killed and at least two injured in a clash between Sunni Tehreek (ST) workers and the police in the PECHS area on Wednesday. Tension and fear gripped various areas of the city following the incident and unknown men torched at least three vehicles. The incident took place outside the house where slain ST leader Abbas Qadri used to live. Qadri was killed in the Nishtar Park suicide blast. The house is located within the limits of Ferozabad police station and is its residents are Qadri’s relatives. Trouble started when the police arrived at the house to vacate Qadri’s family. A score of ST workers had gathered to stop the police. They hurled stones at the police, which retaliated with aerial firing, baton charges and tear-gassing. According to eyewitnesses, both the police and ST workers not only aerial fired but also took shots at each other, resulting in the death of a man and injuries to two.

However, the police and the ST have traded allegations of being responsible for the incident. The youth killed in the incident was identified as Wasim Ahmed Siddiqui, 25, a resident of Shah Faisal Colony. Police: SHO Farooq Satti said the police did not fire at ST workers and instead it them who fired at the police from different sides. The SHO said that the police hadn’t even reached the house and were some distance away when ST workers started firing. “They also used kalashnikovs,” he said. “The man was killed due to the firing of ST workers and it is still unclear whether he was one of them or a passerby,” the SHO said. “An FIR against ST workers is being registered.” The owner: The house where Qadri’s family is living belongs to Additional Secretary (LE) Riazuddin. “They (Qadri’s family) have occupied the house and the police was taking action on court’s order,” Riazuddin said. ST: ST’s central leader Shahid Ghouri said that the police on the behest of Riazuddin tried to vacate the residents of the house. He claimed that the deceased and the injured were their party workers. “Wasim (the deceased) was deputed at Qadri’s house due to security concerns,” Ghouri said. The ST leader said that Qadri’s family was living in the house since six years on Rs 20,000 per month rent, but Riazuddin and his family had disappeared since the last four years and therefore the rent was being paid in the court.

“The house is a memorial of our beloved leader and we are ready to pay money for it, but won’t vacate it,” he added. Ghouri also demanded that an FIR be registered against Riazuddin and the police officials involved in the incident. Tension: Soon after the incident, tension and fear gripped various areas of the city including Shah Faisal Colony, Saddar, PECHS, New Karachi Town, Kharadar, Meethadar and other ST-dominated areas after unidentified people restored to aerial firing. Routine life was suspended due to panic and shops were shut down. Unidentified people also torched a route no W-11 passenger bus in New Karachi area, a route no 17-D passenger bus in Jut Line and one motorcycle near Merewether Tower. REFERENCE: Tension prevails in various areas of city, 3 vehicles set ablaze: One killed, two hurt as ST workers clash with police By Faraz Khan Thursday, July 02, 2009\07\02\story_2-7-2009_pg12_1

According to the cable, the local police believes that “MQM-H still maintains its armed groups in the areas of Landhi and Korangi, and that the party will re-organise itself once its leadership is released from jail.  MQM-H had broken from the main MQM and its strongholds in Landhi and Korangi were regarded as no-go zones. It was in 2003 that the MQM, as a precondition to join the government, asked for the elimination of the MQM-H. The local police and Rangers were used to crack down on MQM-H, and its leaders were put behind bars.  The rank and file of MQM-H found refuge in a local religious/political party, Sunni Tehrik,” the assessment reads. The cable goes on to note that the “ST is a small religious/political group with a presence in small pockets of Karachi. The group has only managed to win a handful of council seats in local elections but militarily it is disproportionately powerful because of the influx of MQM-H gunmen. ST has organised the party and its gunmen along the lines of MQM by dividing its areas of influence into sectors and units, with sector and unit commanders”. REFERENCE: ‘Armed gangs outnumber police in Karachi’ By Idrees Bakhtiar | From the Newspaper (18 hours ago) Today

Karachi Sunni Tehreek's Encroachment


KARACHI, July 30 The Fereozeabad police registered on Thursday an FIR against the additional home secretary for the murder of a Sunni Tehreek activist. The police acted on the orders of a sessions court, which acknowledged a complaint from the ST that the senior provincial official, Riazuddin Qureshi, was behind the July 1 shootout that killed one of its activists. An ST worker was killed and another was wounded during the shootout with the police in front of the rented house of the party`s slain chief, Abbas Qadri, in PECHS. The house was originally owned by the mother of Mr Qureshi. The police authorities claimed that the law enforcers had gone with a bailiff for the compliance of court orders for the eviction of the tenants when ST workers opened fire on the police party to prevent eviction. The ST, however, alleged that the police opened heavy fire on the ST workers who were protesting against the police harassment on the instruction of the additional home secretary. The officials said the FIR was registered after district and sessions judge Munawar Sultana ordered the Ferozeabad police to entertain the ST request. “Under the court directive, we have registered an FIR (837/09) under Sections 302 and 324 of the Pakistan Penal Code against Riazuddin Qureshi and some police officials,” said Javed Akbar Riaz, the SP of Jamshed Town. “In the court orders there are no specific names and ranks of the policemen to be nominated in the FIR. So, only Mr Riazuddin has been mentioned by name and for police there are `several personnel`.” After the July 1 incident, the Ferozeabad police had registered a case (FIR 748/2009) against ST workers under Sections 147 (rioting), 148 (rioting armed with deadly weapons), 149 (every member of unlawful assembly guilty of offence committed in prosecution of a common object), 302 (murder), 324 (attempted murder) and 34 (common intention) of the Pakistan Penal Code on the complaint of the court bailiff. REFERENCE: KARACHI: Bureaucrat booked for killing ST worker By Our Staff Reporter July 31, 2009

ST (Sunni Tehrik – Sunni Movement) ———————————- 9. (S) ST is a small religious/political group with a presence in small pockets of Karachi. The group has only managed to win a handful of council seats in local elections but militarily it is disproportionably powerful because of the influx of MQM-H gunmen after the government crack-down on MQM-H (see above). ST has organized the party and its gunmen along the lines of MQM by dividing its areas of influence into sectors and units, with sector and unit commanders. ST and MQM have allegedly been killing each other’s leadership since the April 2006 Nishtar Park bombing that killed most of ST’s leadership. ST blames MQM for the attack. There appears to have been a reduction in these targeted killings since 2008. REFERENCE: 2009: US assessment of Karachi violence

Imran Khan meets Sunni Tehreek delegation in Islamabad By Hammad Cheema 6821 Views Press Release, Islamabad, Karachi

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) stopping NATO supply with Empty Chairs


PTI Karachi Dharna, Massive Media Campaign but result "Zero"


LONDON: The chief of Muttahida Qaumi Movement and Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf leader Imran Khan exchanged views over telephone and discussed national politics. Reports said the two highups, whose parties had been at odds with each other, shared views over current political scenario in the telephonic chat. Sources said they talked about Aafia Siddiqui’s issue, aftermaths of Raymond Davis’s release and US drone attacks in Pakistan’s tribal belt. Reference: Altaf, Imran share views on telephone Updated: Saturday March 19, 2011 10:22:33 PM
Saturday, March 19, 2011, Rabi-us-Sani 13, 1432 A.H

Imran Khan's Evidence Against Altaf Hussain (GEO TV)


Imran Khan knows what he opposes but does not seem to be sure what he proposes. This is a fundamental factor in determining the nature and degree of his relevance to the Pakistani politics. His is a political position that takes an extremely dim view of what is going on in the country as politics, governance, foreign policy, economic management and even development. As long as he continues to maintain his opposition to the polities that are not working for a large number of Pakistanis, he will find some ready audience – though mainly through television talk shows and Facebook fan following. But that is as far as it can go. To capture the imagination of the voters and to compel them to take the trouble of participating in a public meeting or making it to a polling booth on the election day takes much more than just that. First, it needs a crisp message – a catchy one liner a la Zulfikar Ali Bhutto’s “Roti Kapra aur Makan”. Secondly, it needs a distinct political target – in the same vein that Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) was for Nawaz Sharif when he started off as a politician on his own. Thirdly, there has to be a well-defined ideological quotient – like Jamaat-e-Islami has. And lastly, there has to be an electoral machine up and running to ensure that the other side cannot capture polling booths and rig elections. Khan, so far, does not have any of these. His Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) has yet to come up with a catch-all phrase that strikes a chord with a cross section of Pakistanis. His unrelenting references to match fixing and other cricketing terms while talking about political events do not cut much ice with a lot of people in the country who have become disillusioned with the game and the victories and defeats attached to it. Even for the most ardent of Imran Khan fans his famous world cup victory in 1992 happened almost 20 years ago and at best lingers as a hazy memory of a past glory that cannot be possibly repeated in the near future. His emphasis on Insaaf or justice as a panacea is already going through its first real test after the restoration of Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry on the back of a movement run purely in the name of justice. Even for its proponents, including Khan, the results so far have been mixed at best. REFERENCE: What ails Imran Khan By Badar Alam | DAWN.COM May 19, 2011 (6 days ago)

His political targets are too many for him to be able to focus on any of them. Everyone who was, has been and is anyone in the country’s politics is his enemy. In Pakistan’s fractured polity along regional, ethnic and ideological lines such an opposition to all and sundry does not automatically create an electoral appeal that can cut across all these great divides. He, therefore, ends up giving a confused message to the electorate, more so when he does things that contradict his all-encompassing political hostility. He sided with General (retired) Pervez Musharraf up until the 2002 referendum and then opposed him; he opposed Nawaz Sharif from the day he launched his party in 1990s but chose to attend an all parties conference that Sharif convened in Islamabad in 2007 to boycott the 2008 general election. In 2007, he went to London with a legal brief against Altaf Hussain and his Muttahida Qaumi Movement but in 2011 the two met and had only good things to say about each other. Khan is considered close to religious parties but his aversion to Maulana Fazlur Rehman is also all too well known. Here is a historical parallel: When Sharif managed to woo voters on a mass scale, he did so by choosing his enemy carefully and then consolidating all anti-Bhutto, and anti-PPP segments of the society behind him. Khan’s political ideology is a curious mix of reactionary Islamism especially vis-à-vis the women and the minorities, gung-ho anti-Americanism and narrow nationalism peppered over with convenient anecdotes and selection of quotes from the west, most specifically the United Kingdom whose political and social system and political class invariably get a laudatory mention in all his conversations. He even goes to the extent of giving the British Empire and its colonial administration in India the credit of maintaining an exemplary law and order and providing impeccable governance. REFERENCE: What ails Imran Khan By Badar Alam | DAWN.COM May 19, 2011 (6 days ago)

Rallies against capitalism and in favour of Mumtaz Qadri, the self-confessed killer of Punjab Governor Salmaan Taseer, paralysed life in downtown for several hours on Saturday. Thousands of people gathered on MA Jinnah Road in a show of support for Mumtaz Qadri, who was recently convicted by a Rawalpindi court for killing Punjab Governor Slamaan Taseer. The Sunni Ittehad Council (SIC), a conglomerate of more than a dozen religious parties, staged a protest rally, which started from Old Numaish and culminated at Tibet Centre. Carrying party flags and pictures of Qadri, the participants converged at Old Numaish from different parts of the city. The rally was led by Sahibzada Fazal Karim, Haji Hanif Tayyab, Sarwat Ejaz Qadri, Syed Shah Turab-ul-Haq and others. REFERENCE: Rallies cause hours-long traffic chaos Shamim Bano Sunday, October 23, 2011

Daily Jang, Sunday, October 23, 2011, Ziqad 24, 1432 A.H.

Non Barelvis Are Kaafir (Apostate) says Pir Syed Irfan Shah

Note: There are millions of Non-Barelvis i.e. Shias, Salafis, Deobandis and others who are in every Political Party including MQM!!!

Saudi Fatwa Against Barelvis (The Sunni Ittehad Council (SIC) belongs to Barelvi Sect)


CREED \ Deviant groups and individuals \ The ruling concerning the Braylwiyyah

Question: There is a particular group in Pakistan called the ((Braylwiyyah)) or ((Jamaa'ah Nuwaaree)) which is a reference to their current leader known as ((Nuwaaree)). I ask your excellencies the Sharee'ah ruling regarding them and their 'aqeedah, and the prayer behind them as this is a contentious issue which many people are unaware of the reality. I will mention some of their defective ways and beliefs:

1) The belief that the Messenger of Allaah (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) is alive;

2) The belief that the Messenger of Allaah (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) is present and all-seeing, especially immediately after Salaat al-Jumu'ah;

3) The belief that the Messenger (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) is the foremost intercessor;

4) They believe in "saints" and the dead in their graves, and they offer salaah at the graves requesting them for their needs to be met;

5) Their commendation of domes and lighting up of graves;

6) Their saying ((Yaa Rasool, Yaa Muhammad (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam)));

7) Their hatred towards whoever loudly says ((Aameen)) and raises his hands in the salaah, considering such a person to be a Wahhaabee;

8) Their great astonishment at the use of the miswaak before the salaah;

9) Kissing the thumbs whilst doing wudhoo., the adhaan and after the salaah;

10) After the salaah, their imaam repeating the aayah:

{Allaah sends His prayers on the Prophet and also His angels too}, [Soorah al-Ahzaab, Aayah 56].

11) They gather after the Salaat al-Jumu'ah standing and reciting anaasheed and sending praises (to the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam));

12) After they complete the Noble Qur.aan in the Salaat at-Taraaweeh in the month of Ramadhaan, they prepare alot of food and distribute it in the dining area of the masjid, in addition to sweets;

13) They build masaajid and seek much importance in decorating them, writing ((Yaa Muhammad)) above the mihraab (standing place of the imaam);

14) They consider themselves the people of the Sunnah and correct 'aqeedah and that (all) others are in error;

15) What is the Sharee'ah ruling regarding performing the salaah behind them (their imaam), considering I am a medical student in Karachi and live next door to the masjid where they are in (overall) control (i.e. their beliefs and practices prevail)?

Response: Whoever has these characteristics and attributes, then it is not permissible to offer your salaah behind them (their imaam), and whoever knows of their condition, then their salaah is not correct. This is because most of their characteristics and attributes are of kufr and bid`ah which negate the tawheed (oneness) with which Allaah had sent His messenger and revealed in His Book, and that which conflicts with the Qur.aan, such as His (Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala) saying:

{Verily, you (Muhammad) will die and verily, they (too) will die}, [Soorah az-Zumar, Aayah 30]

And His saying:

{And the mosques are for Allaah (alone), so invoke not anyone along with Allaah}, [Soorah al-Jinn, Aayah 18]

And their bid`ah which they practice should be detested with good manners, and if they accept (and leave these pratices) then all praise is for Allaah (alone); And if they do not accept (and continue in these practices) then you should leave them and offer your salaah in the masjid of the Ahlus-Sunnah. And in this, with respect to Ibraaheem (alayhis-salaam) there is a good example:

{And I shall turn away from you and from those whom you invoke besides Allaah. And I shall call on my Lord; and I hope that I shall not be unblest in my invocation to my Lord}, [Soorah Maryam, Aayah 48].

And with Allaah lies all success and may Allaah send prayers and salutations upon our Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) and his family and his companions.

The Permanent Committee for Islaamic Research and Fataawa, comprising -

Head: Shaykh 'Abdul 'Azeez Ibn Abdullaah Ibn Baaz;

Deputy Head: Shaykh 'Abdur-Razzaaq 'Afeefee;

Member: Shaykh 'Abdullaah Ibn Qu'ood

Fataawa al-Lajnah ad-Daa.imah lil-Buhooth al-'Ilmiyyah wal-Iftaa., - Volume 2, Page 396, Fatwa No.3090

What about those who Participated in Salman Taseer's Funeral Prayers

Founder and Leader of Muttahida Quami Movement Mr Altaf Hussain has said that religious extremism, bigotry and intolerance are pulling down the country and in order to save the country from utter devastation it is necessary to promote the principles of harmony, toleration and live and let live. He said this while talking to a delegation of NGOs at Nine Zero over telephone. Members of the Co-ordination Committee were also present on the occasion. Mr Altaf Hussain said that Islam guarantees protection to the life and property and places of worship of all non-Muslims. He further said that the founder the country Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah had made it clear in his speech to the Constituent Assembly on 11h August 1947 that the followers of all the religions would have the freedom to worship in the country according to their beliefs but unfortunately religious extremism and bigotry was encouraged that has brought the country on the edge of the precipice. Mr Altaf Hussain said that he has been trying to wake the people up for quite some time now and informing them that Talibanization is being promoted in the country which is wrong and lethal for the country and hence it should be stopped. He lamented that his statements were not taken seriously and some elements not only ridiculed his statements but also denied them altogether. He deplored that the situation has come to a point that masjids, imam bargahs, shrines of saints, religious gatherings and even funeral processions are not safe from the hands of the terrorists and suicide attacks and bomb blasts have become commonplace. Mr Altaf Hussain bewailed that all this terrorism is being carried out in the name of Islam which is tarnishing the image of Islam and the Muslims throughout the world. Condemning the murder of Governor Punjab Salman Taseer and Federal Minister for Minorities Affairs Shahbaz Bhatti, he said that such incidents are increasing the sense of insecurity in the minorities. Mr Altaf Hussain said that the MQM considers that it is imperative to create the feeling of security in the minorities people belonging to various segments of the society must come forward to assure a sense of security for them. He said that it is necessary to promote the principles of toleration and live and let live in order to free the country from the menace of terrorism. Mr Altaf Hussain said that he personally opposes the use of the term “minority” for the non-Muslims. “I consider all citizens of the country as equal irrespective of their religion, religious persuasion and beliefs. I stand for religious and sectarian harmony and dignity of human beings. I have always been the proponent of sticking to ones beliefs and not touching the beliefs of others. Everyone should worship according to his belief and show respect for the beliefs of others.” Mr Altaf Hussain said that people should not be victimized on the basis of religion, faith and beliefs. Logic and reasoning should be adopted instead of intimidation and threats. He assured the delegation that MQM will continue to extend unconditional support for the religious harmony and tolerant views in the country. He also demanded of the government to apprehend the assassins of Mr Shahbaz Bhatti and give exemplary punishment to those resorting to bloodshed in the name of religion. REFERENCE: LONDON: 9TH MARCH 2011: RELIGIOUS EXTREMISM AND BIGOTRY DEVASTATING FOR THE COUNTRY: ALTAF HUSSAIN REFERENCE: Altaf appeals ‘Ulema’ for no protests on blasphemyAPP January 11, 2011  Saturday, October 15, 2011, Ziqad 16, 1432 A.H.  Court summons SHO for refusing to book Mirza By Ishaq Tanoli  MQM to field candidates across country By Our Staff Reporter  Mr Hussain urged the Supreme Court and religious scholars to take notice of alleged blasphemous remarks of a former Sindh minister who had also said that Mohajirs were hungry and destitute when they migrated from India to Pakistan.MQM to field candidates across country By Our Staff Reporter  PAKISTAN COUNTRY OF ORIGIN INFORMATION (COI) REPORT COI Service 29 September 2011 September 2011  PAKISTAN COUNTRY OF ORIGIN INFORMATION (COI) REPORT COI Service 17 January 2011

Late. Governor Punjab Salman Taseer Meets Altaf Hussain in London

Barelvi Mullah Shah Turabul Haq & Barelvis support Killing.


MQM Delegation attended Funeral of Governor Punjab Salman Taseer


Ulema press not to offer Taseer’s funeral prayers

Most religious parties avoid outright condemnation; Sajid Mir, Piracha assail murder - KARACHI: Leading Ulema of Jamaat Ahle Sunnat Pakistan (JASP) in a joint statement have asked Muslims not to offer Namaz-e-Janaza nor try to lead funeral prayers of Governor Punjab Salman Taseer. In a joint statement issued here they have also asked not to express regrets or sympathies over his assassination. Those issuing the statement include the JASP Central Ameer Prof Syed Mazhar Saeed Shah Kazmi, Allama Syed Riaz Hussain Shah, Shah Turab-ul-Haq Qadri, Allama Zamir Sajid, Pir Khalid Sultan, Pir Ghulam Siddiq Naqshbandi, Allama Syed Khizr Hussain Shah, Alhaj Amjad Chishti, Allama Ghulam Sarawar Hazarvi, Allama Syed Shamsuddin Bokhari, Pir Syed Ashiq Ali Shah Jilani, Mufti Muhammad Iqbal Chishti, Allama Fazal Jamil Rizvi, Agha Muhammad Ibrahim Naqshbandi Mujaddidi, Maulana Muhammad Riaz Qadri, Maulana Gulzar Naeemi, Allama Syed Ghulam Yaseen Shah, and over 500 other ulema and honorable muftis attached to the JASP. Those favouring the person indulged in blasphemy are themselves blasphemous, they announced. Paying glowing tributes to Malik Mumtaz Hussain, and his courage, who killed Governor Salman Taseer, they said he is lover of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and is a ‘Ghazi’. Mumtaz had revived the 14-century-old tradition of Islam and put their head high in pride. It was only Prophet (PBUH) who could forgive any act of blasphemy but none other could ever do it. They asked the rulers to save their faith by announcing that they would desist from attempting to amend the law of blasphemy. Asim Hussain adds from Lahore: Leaders of majority of religious parties desisted from expressing their views on the murder of Salman Taseer, while others gave a guarded response, saying the slain Punjab governor had been inviting such kind of reaction for quite some time. He had continuously been violating the constitution of Pakistan by supporting an amendment to the blasphemy laws and interfering in the judicial process of the blasphemy convict Aasia Bibi, though he knew well that Muslims were very touchy on the matter, they said while talking to The News. Some religious leaders like Jamiat Ahle Hadith President Prof Sajid Mir and Jamaat-e-Islami leader Dr Farid Piracha, however, condemned the murder saying Islam forbids people to punish even the criminals by taking the law into their hands. Jamiat Ulema Pakistan (JUP) President Abdul Khair Mohammad Zubair said Islam strictly forbids taking the life of anyone without judicial or state order, but added that Salman Taseer had shown utter disregard for the religious sentiments of the entire nation. The mobile phone of Sahabzada Fazal Karim, chairman Sunni Ittehad Council, remained switched off throughout Tuesday evening. A spokesman for Jamaat-e-Islami Ameer Syed Munawwar Hasan said he was not feeling well and could not be available on phone. The spokesman also expressed his helplessness to obtain any formal statement on the issue saying that any statement on the matter would be issued on the next day after consultations. Other main leaders of the Sunni Ittehad Council - Haji Hanif Tayyeb, Dr Ashraf Asif Jalali, Sarwat Ijaz Qadri - were also not available. Tahaffuz-e-Namoos-e-Risalat Mahaz (TNRM) leaders held an emergency meeting after receiving the reports of murder of Salman Taseer. The meeting, chaired by Razaul Mustafa Naqshbandi, continued for two hours. Later, in a statement the TNRM said Taseer had been violating the laws of the land by supporting a blasphemy convict, Aasia Bibi, from day one. His irresponsible acts from the high office of the Governor of Punjab were inappropriate and offending 170 million Muslims of the country. Meanwhile, Sunni Tehrik Lahore President Mujahid Abdul Rasool said Muslims should not attend the funeral prayers of Salman Taseer since he had wilfully committed blasphemy and shown disrespect towards protecting the honour of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). REFERENCE: Ulema press not to offer Taseer’s funeral prayers Wednesday, January 05, 2011

LONDON: 9TH MARCH 2011: Founder and Leader of Muttahida Quami Movement Mr Altaf Hussain has said that religious extremism, bigotry and intolerance are pulling down the country and in order to save the country from utter devastation it is necessary to promote the principles of harmony, toleration and live and let live. He said this while talking to a delegation of NGOs at Nine Zero over telephone. Members of the Co-ordination Committee were also present on the occasion. Mr Altaf Hussain said that Islam guarantees protection to the life and property and places of worship of all non-Muslims. He further said that the founder the country Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah had made it clear in his speech to the Constituent Assembly on 11h August 1947 that the followers of all the religions would have the freedom to worship in the country according to their beliefs but unfortunately religious extremism and bigotry was encouraged that has brought the country on the edge of the precipice. Mr Altaf Hussain said that he has been trying to wake the people up for quite some time now and informing them that Talibanization is being promoted in the country which is wrong and lethal for the country and hence it should be stopped. He lamented that his statements were not taken seriously and some elements not only ridiculed his statements but also denied them altogether. He deplored that the situation has come to a point that masjids, imam bargahs, shrines of saints, religious gatherings and even funeral processions are not safe from the hands of the terrorists and suicide attacks and bomb blasts have become commonplace. Mr Altaf Hussain bewailed that all this terrorism is being carried out in the name of Islam which is tarnishing the image of Islam and the Muslims throughout the world. Condemning the murder of Governor Punjab Salman Taseer and Federal Minister for Minorities Affairs Shahbaz Bhatti, he said that such incidents are increasing the sense of insecurity in the minorities. Mr Altaf Hussain said that the MQM considers that it is imperative to create the feeling of security in the minorities people belonging to various segments of the society must come forward to assure a sense of security for them. He said that it is necessary to promote the principles of toleration and live and let live in order to free the country from the menace of terrorism. Mr Altaf Hussain said that he personally opposes the use of the term “minority” for the non-Muslims. “I consider all citizens of the country as equal irrespective of their religion, religious persuasion and beliefs. I stand for religious and sectarian harmony and dignity of human beings. I have always been the proponent of sticking to ones beliefs and not touching the beliefs of others. Everyone should worship according to his belief and show respect for the beliefs of others.” Mr Altaf Hussain said that people should not be victimized on the basis of religion, faith and beliefs. Logic and reasoning should be adopted instead of intimidation and threats. He assured the delegation that MQM will continue to extend unconditional support for the religious harmony and tolerant views in the country. He also demanded of the government to apprehend the assassins of Mr Shahbaz Bhatti and give exemplary punishment to those resorting to bloodshed in the name of religion. REFERENCES: LONDON: 9TH MARCH 2011 RELIGIOUS EXTREMISM AND BIGOTRY DEVASTATING FOR THE COUNTRY: ALTAF HUSSAIN - Mr Hussain urged the Supreme Court and religious scholars to take notice of alleged blasphemous remarks of a former Sindh minister who had also said that Mohajirs were hungry and destitute when they migrated from India to Pakistan.MQM to field candidates across country By Our Staff Reporter | From the Newspaper (9 hours ago) Today 

Great Britain and Blasphemy Law

Pakistan Country of Origin Information - Country of Origin Information Service. This page contains all Country of Information (COI) products for Pakistan published since January 2011. You can find COI products published between 2006 and 2010 on the UK government web archive. These products are produced by our COI Service, and do not contain any UK Border Agency opinion or policy. They are used by our staff at all stages of the asylum determination process. Last Updated: 30 September 2011 PAKISTAN COUNTRY OF ORIGIN INFORMATION (COI) REPORT

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