Sunday, August 30, 2009

General (R) Hamid Gul violated article 6 of 1973 Constitution

Lt Gen (R) Hamid Gul. [Former Chief of ISI & MI]
After all these years the hollow and shallow Ex Servicemen Society and gentlemen mentioned below have damaged Pakistan beyond repair these damages cannot be undone only through apology. They should be tried for treason under Artcile 6 of 1973 Constitution and that is the only remedy. Have you noticed the height of arrogance and emptiness in our Praetorian Guards. Even after so much damage they are arrogant to the core.

As per 1973 Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan


6. (1) Any person who abrogates or attempts or conspires to abrogate, subverts or attempts or conspires to subvert the Constitution by use of force or show of force or by other unconstitutional means shall be guilty of high treason.

(2) Any person aiding or abetting the acts mentioned in clause (1) shall likewise be guilty of high treason.

(3) [Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)] shall by law provide for the punishment of persons found guilty of high treason.

An accomplice is a person who actively participates in the commission of a crime, even though they take no part in the actual criminal offense.

ISLAMABAD: Former chief of the Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) Lt-Gen (retd) Hameed Gul on Saturday disclosed that the PPP could have got landslide victory in 1988 elections, if the Islami Jamhoori Ittehad (IJI) had not been formed. Talking to a private TV channel, he said: ìYes, we had such reports and apprehension of massive PPP victory.î Gul said they feared that the PPP was returning to power after the execution of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. I take the responsibility of forming the IJI, though it was not my idea,î Hameed Gul said. He said that even during Benazir Bhutto’s first visit to the ISI headquarters he told her about his role in forming the IJI. “We wanted the PPP opponents who had affiliation with the GHQ to unite them on one platform,” Gul said. He said ‘emergency’ was one of the options in 1988 after General Zia ul Haq’s plane crashed, but it was decided to go ahead with November 16 election despite request from opponents of the PPP to postpone it. He disclosed that even former Soviet Union sent a message to Pakistan that the 1988 elections could be sabotaged. Gul said: “This is for the first time I am disclosing that former Russian president Mikhail Gorbachev sent his envoy with a message regarding apprehensions of sabotaging the 1988 election through foreign intervention.”

Asghar Khan - former Air Chief Marshall of the Pakistan Air Force, Chairman of the Tehrik-e-Istaqlaal political party, and a man renowned for his integrity and clarity - vociferously denounces Pak Army and intelligence agencies' interference in political process via distribution of cash to favored politicians. He explains how: (a) Army officers are obligated to obey only lawful commands of their superiors and should be prosecuted for bribery of politicians; (b) intelligence officials do not need a lawyer but only their conscience to decide which order are illegal; (c) there have never been any elections free from fraud since mid-70s; and (d) successive Pak governments have deliberately dragged ISI into domestic politics to suit their purpose. This interview was recorded in 2009 as part of "Policy Matters" program. REFERENCE: [Courtesy: Kashif H Khan]

Asghar Khan: ISI Bribery of Pak Politicians -1/2

Asghar Khan: ISI Bribery of Pak Politicians -2/2
Asghar Khan: ISI Bribery of Pak Politicians
Asghar Khan: ISI's Role in Pak Politics -1/2
Asghar Khan: ISI's Role in Pak Politics -2/2

He said he was not aware of the conditions to hand over power to former prime minister Benazir Bhutto, but said he was asked to brief her before she was handed over the power. “Benazir wanted a briefing from the Establishment so I was sent for this purpose and the meeting took place at her friend’s house in Karachi, which lasted over two hours, and I told her that the Afghan Jihad had not ended yet. There were two or three other things, which I briefed her and she said she understood the situation,” he said. He denied “Midnight Jackal” as intelligence plot and said it was Imtiaz’s personal plan. “No agency was involved but Imtiaz himself,” Gul said. The ex-ISI chief denied he ever sent a message to MQM chief Altaf Hussain to join IJI and rejected the allegation of former Intelligence Bureau director, Brig (retd) Imtiaz. “I never sent Imtiaz to Altaf with a message to join IJI but to express concern over allegations of collection of ìBhattaî by some elements,” he said. He predicted the victory of Afghans in Afghanistan and the US exit, but expressed concern over post-US Afghanistan situation and said a weak government was going to be set up there. “We failed to give up political system in Afghanistan after Soviet Union left and now I don’t see much will happen after the US exit, but Afghans will win,” he added. REFERENCE: Hameed Gul admits he formed IJI Sunday, August 30, 2009

Watch! How shamelessly Lt. General (R) Hamid Gul admitted his violation of 1973 Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan - DO TOK with Mazhar Abbas: AUG 29 ‘09Gen. (R) Hameed Gul (Former DG ISI) gives his candid views on his roles and on ISI’s history, its role in national politics.

Hameed Gul admits he formed IJI Part 1

Hameed Gul admits he formed IJI Part 2

Hameed Gul admits he formed IJI Part 3

Hameed Gul admits he formed IJI Part 4

Hameed Gul admits he formed IJI Part 5

The group of retired Pakistani generals and military officers who have asked General (Retd) Pervez Musharraf to resign as president of Pakistan have now reportedly decided to “apologise” to the nation “for imposing martial laws in the past, abrogating the Constitution several times, and not letting democracy flourish in the last 60 years”. The first “apology” session was to have taken place Thursday to which the retired brass had invited President Musharraf himself. REFERENCE: What the generals must apologise for Friday, February 01, 2008
Retired generals refuse to apologise,but want Musharraf to go By Umar Cheema Friday, February 01, 2008, Muharam 22, 1429 A.H.

We must insist that General (Retd) Musharraf apologise for the Kargil Operation which was more an example of professional incompetence than defiance of the Nawaz Sharif government whom he accuses of having agreed to the operation. He must apologise for undermining the visit of the Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee when Mr Sharif was prime minister. But at the same time we must insist that General (Retd) Hameed Gul should apologise for planning the disastrous Jalalabad operation in 1989 as a prelude to the ISI setting up a government of the mujahideen. He has been boasting of having organised the IJI against the PPP. He must apologise first to the PPP for having done the sordid deed; after that, he must apologise for lack of wits because the IJI could not maintain its two-thirds majority for long. REFERENCE: What the generals must apologise for Friday, February 01, 2008
Retired generals refuse to apologise,but want Musharraf to go By Umar Cheema Friday, February 01, 2008, Muharam 22, 1429 A.H.

Read More Details

General (R) Hamid Gul, Brigadier (R) Imtiaz & Jews The Afghan Pipeline By Steve Galster. - 1 The Afghan Pipeline By Steve Galster. - 2 Ronald Reagan, William Casey and Jihad Brigadier (R) Imtiaz 'Exposes' General (R) Hamid Gul

EVEN MORE ON General (R) Hamid Gul

Calamity of Ex-Servicemen Society - 1
Calamity of Ex-Servicemen Society - 2 Calamity of Ex-Servicemen Society - 3
Calamity of Ex-Servicemen Society - 4 Calamity of Ex-Servicemen Society - 5
Calamity of Ex-Servicemen Society - 6 Calamity of Ex-Servicemen Society - 7

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