Lt General Retd. Hamid Gul [Former ISI and MI Chief]
Read More Details: The Afghan Pipeline By Steve Galster. - 1 http://chagataikhan.blogspot.com/2008/10/afghan-pipeline-by-steve-galster-1.html The Afghan Pipeline By Steve Galster. - 2 http://chagataikhan.blogspot.com/2008/10/afghan-pipeline-by-steve-galster-2.html
Ronald Reagan, William Casey and Jihad http://chagataikhan.blogspot.com/2008/11/ronald-reagan-william-case-and-jihad.html
Brigadier Retd. Imtiaz aka Billa - Former Number 2 of ISI - 1987 - 1989, and Director General Intelligence Bureau under Mian Nawaz Sharif's First Government - 1990 - 1993.
READ MORE DETAILS Brigadier Retd. Imtiaz: Another Multifaceted Fraud. http://chagataikhan.blogspot.com/2009/07/brigadier-retd-imtiaz-another.html
These TV Journalists [Salim Safi Type] of nowadays don’t even bother to even read the past history of the person they usually interview and that was the case of Brigadier Imtiaz in GEO TV Program Jirga.
RAWALPINDI, July 31: Former Intelligence Bureau chief Brig Imtiaz Ahmad was sentenced to eight years’ rigorous imprisonment and fined Rs7.1 million in a corruption case, by the Judge, accountability court III, Sakhi Hussain Bokhari. The co-accused, Adnan A. Khwaja, was awarded two years’ RI and fined Rs 200,000 and Nadeem Imtiaz,son of the ex-IB chief, was sentenced to three years’ RI under, section 31(a) of the NAB Ordinance, in absentia. The court directed Brig Imtiaz, who served as the director-general, IB, during the Nawaz Sharif government, to pay the fine within one month. He court also ordered forfeiture of all the properties, acquired in his name or in the name of his dependants, in favour of the government. The Islamabad properties, which will be confiscated, include house No 286 F-10/4, unit No 2 and 9, at I-S Plaza, F-10 Markaz; house No 7, Street No 20, F-7/2; and house No 6 on the 9th avenue, F-8/2.
The court granted the benefit of section 382(b) to both the convicts, which means that the conviction will be counted from May 26, 2000, the day on which the former IB chief was arrested. Brig Imtiaz was charged with amassing assets, both movable and immovable, which were disproportionate to his known source of income. The properties were in his own name and in the names of his wife, son ( Nadeem) and his front men, including Adnan and approvers Abdul Ghaffar Chauhan and Shamshad Ali.
The accused had also acquired properties as Benamidars and possessed foreign exchange bearer certificates, worth Rs20 million, which had been encashed by him, according to the case. Later, Brig Imtiaz told reporters that he would challenge his conviction in the high court, and added that, in his view, the punishment awarded by the court was quite stringent. He claimed that his conscience was clear as he had never committed any crime or compromised on principles. “During my 17 years of professional career, I served this country without fear or favour and countered both internal and external threats against the country and never allowed my personal interest or family matters to interfere in my duties,” he observed. He said he had no remorse for the troubles he was in or hardships his family was facing, because he had always considered his job a sacred duty. Ex-IB chief gets eight years’ RI in graft case by Staff Reporter – DAWN WIRE SERVICE – Week Ending : 4 August 2001 Issue : 07/31 http://www.lib.virginia.edu/area-studies/SouthAsia/SAserials/Dawn/2001/aug0401.html

Late Maj Gen Aboobaker Osman Mitha [The Only Memon General of Pakistan Army and he founded the Special Service Group (SSG - Commando Division of the Pakistan Army) posthumously published autobiography, Unlikely Beginnings. http://openlibrary.org/b/OL3723841M/Unlikely-beginnings
According to Gen Mitha, it was Gul Hasan who saved Brig Zia-ul-Haq, as he then was, from being sacked. Zia was in Jordan. The year was 1971. Gen Yahya received a signal from Maj Gen Nawazish, the head of the Pakistan military mission in Amman, asking that Zia be court-martialled for disobeying GHQ orders by commanding a Jordanian armour division against the Palestinians in which thousands were slaughtered. That ignominious event is known as Operation Black September. It was Gul Hasan who interceded for Zia and had Yahya let him off. Mitha was treated very badly. His Hilal-i-Jurat was withdrawn in February 1972, something that also appears to have been Gul Hasan’s handiwork.
The most promising comparison between the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Jewish State of Israel came from Gen. Zia ul-Haq. Lacking a political constituency, he skillfully exploited Islam to legitimize and consolidate his military dictatorship. Presenting himself as a simple, pious and devoted Muslim, he institutionalized religious radicalism in Pakistan. In so doing, he found Israel to be his strange ally. Toward the end of 1981, he remarked: Pakistan is like Israel, an ideological state. Take out the Judaism from Israel and it will fall like a house of cards. Take Islam out of Pakistan and make it a secular state; it would collapse. He likewise surprised many observers in March 1986, when he called on the PLO to recognize the Jewish state. As discussed elsewhere, he was actively involved both in the 1970 Black September massacre of the Palestinians in Jordan as well as in Egypts re-entry into the Islamic fold more than a decade later. From 1967 to 1970 our Commander of the Faithful Late. General Muhammad Ziaul Haq was in Jordan in Official Militray Capacity and he helped late. King Hussain of Jordan in cleansing the so-called Palestinian Insurgents, Zia and Hussain butchered many innocent Palestinians in the name of Operation against Black September {a militant organization of Palestinians}. The intensity of bloodletting by Zia ul Haq and King Hussain was such that one of the founder father of Israel Moshe Dayan said:
King Hussein (with help from Zia-ul-Haq of the Pakistani army) sent in his Bedouin army on 27 September to clear out the Palestinian bases in Jordan. A massacre of innumerable proportions ensued. Moshe Dayan noted that Hussein "killed more Palestinians in eleven days than Israel could kill in twenty years." Dayan is right in spirit, but it is hardly the case that anyone can tch the Sharonism in its brutality.
P. R. Kumaraswamy. Beyond the Veil: Israel-Pakistan Relations Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies (JCSS) http://www.tau.ac.il/jcss/memoranda/memo55.pdf
Charlie Wilson's War http://www.amazon.com/Charlie-Wilsons-War-Extraordinary-Operation/dp/0871138549 by George Crile during the so-called Afghan Jihad following things did happen;
He told Zia about his experience the previous year when the Israelis had shown him the vast stores of Soviet weapons they had captured from the PLO in Lebanon. The weapons were perfect for the Mujahideen, he told Zia. If Wilson could convince the CIA to buy them, would Zia have any problems passing them on to the Afghans? Zia, ever the pragmatist, smiled on the proposal, adding, Just don’t put any Stars of David on the boxes {Page 131-132}.
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