Friday, August 21, 2009

Brigadier (R) Imtiaz 'Exposes' General (R) Hamid Gul

Brigadier Retd. Imtiaz aka Billa - Former Number 2 of ISI - 1987 - 1989, and Director General Intelligence Bureau under Mian Nawaz Sharif's First Government - 1990 - 1993.

READ MORE DETAILS Brigadier Retd. Imtiaz: Another Multifaceted Fraud.

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s former chief of intelligence Brig. Imtiaz Ahmed (Ret.) has strongly rebuffed the allegations of being the CIA and Israeli agent, which was leveled by Hamid Gul in his interview with Arab News on Sunday. SOURCE: Pakistan’s ex-spy chief rebuffs Gul’s remarks by Azhar Masood I Arab News Tuesday 28 July 2009 (30, Shaban, 1430)§ion=0&article=124933&d=28&m=7&y=2009

In a statement, Brig. Ahmed said that Hamid Gul is a “compulsive liar.” SOURCE: Pakistan’s ex-spy chief rebuffs Gul’s remarks by Azhar Masood I Arab News Tuesday 28 July 2009 (30, Shaban, 1430)§ion=0&article=124933&d=28&m=7&y=2009

Lt General Retd. Hamid Gul [Former ISI and MI Chief]

Read More Details: General (R) Hamid Gul, Brigadier (R) Imtiaz & Jews The Afghan Pipeline By Steve Galster. - 1 The Afghan Pipeline By Steve Galster. - 2 Ronald Reagan, William Casey and Jihad

He alleged the statement made by Gul reflects his “intellectual and mental bankruptcy” and “innate shallowness.” “Those who know Gul inside out would bear me out, as they know that Gul is the embodiment of opportunism,” he added. “The history of my 17-year career in intelligence is testimony to the fact that I have always fought against the CIA, the Mossad, the RAW (India’s intelligence service), the KGB and other hostile intelligence outfits, at the risk to my life, to defend the sovereignty of my country.” SOURCE: Pakistan’s ex-spy chief rebuffs Gul’s remarks
Azhar Masood I Arab News Tuesday 28 July 2009 (30, Shaban, 1430)§ion=0&article=124933&d=28&m=7&y=2009

Imtiaz vowed to uncover the misdeeds and dreadful professional failure of Gul in the near future. “Gul has forgotten that he begged for a higher position from many rulers including Pervez Musharraf in the past. SOURCE: Pakistan’s ex-spy chief rebuffs Gul’s remarks by Azhar Masood I Arab News Tuesday 28 July 2009 (30, Shaban, 1430)§ion=0&article=124933&d=28&m=7&y=2009

Former President of Pakistan Tummandar Sardar Farooq Ahmed Khan Laghari - 14 November 1993 – 2 December 1997 - READ MORE DETAILS Tummandar Sardar Farooq Ahmed Khan Laghari & Nawaz Sharif, Kamran Khan, National Interest & Geo TV

I also remind Gul about his dirty role played in the past to create serious misgivings between the then Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto and Farooq Leghari, who was then the president.” SOURCE: Pakistan’s ex-spy chief rebuffs Gul’s remarks by Azhar Masood I Arab News Tuesday 28 July 2009 (30, Shaban, 1430)§ion=0&article=124933&d=28&m=7&y=2009

Late. Benazir Bhutto (21 June 1953 – 27 December 2007) 11th and 16th Prime Minister of Pakistan 2 December 1988 – 6 August 1990 & 19 October 1993 – 5 November 1996

Who Killed Bhuttos?
GEO TV, Kamran Khan and Yellow Journalism - 1
GEO TV, Kamran Khan and Yellow Journalism - 2
GEO TV, Kamran Khan and Yellow Journalism - 3 GEO TV, Kamran Khan and Yellow Journalism - 4

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