Friday, September 4, 2009

Intellectually Bankrupt: Shaheen Sehbai & Secret Cell in President House!

Shaheen Sehbai

WASHINGTON/ISLAMABAD: The main characters of the famous ‘Midnight Jackals’ operation of the late 1989 Benazir era have now returned to the TV screens and front pages of newspapers to speak about their adventures, blaming everybody else but themselves, and portraying themselves in their new role as great promoters of truth and honesty. Exactly 20 years later, again in a PPP-Zardari era, why and what these characters are doing have turned out to be the greatest political mystery with major political parties and leaders sucked into the storm blaming each other for unleashing these hounds. The multi-million dollar question ‘who is behind this latest sky dive into the past’ remains unanswered. An investigation by The News revealing scattered links and connecting the dots may lead to formation of a composite picture of the people behind this great diversion from the burning issues of the day.

Days after his meetings at the Nadra, an important journalist of the official news agency APP started calling TV anchors and media persons on behalf of Brig Imtiaz and each time he handed over the phone to the brigadier who wanted himself on the screens. Many anchors have gone on record to say the brigadier was too eager and ready to spills the beans. One anchor wrote that the brigadier said he wanted to explode a “political nuclear bomb”. That he was going to spill the beans against his own self was irrelevant and unimportant but this time he was trying to compensate the PPP for ‘Midnight Jackals’ against Benazir Bhutto. The other members of the team would call up every friend and ìinterestedî media person to highlight the revelations of Brig Imtiaz and for days and weeks nothing else should be discussed on the media. They were quite successful in achieving that goal, while the presidency would keep on denying that any cell existed in that house on the hill. Factually the cell was not in the presidency. When Kaira was asked about any cell in the presidency working for this blame game and maligning the politicians, he said that he himself (Kaira) was the biggest cell. REFERENCE: The return of the Daylight Jackals By Shaheen Sehbai with reporting from Mazhar Tufail and Ahmed Noorani Friday, September 04, 2009

Jang Group of Newspapers, GEO TV, Salim Safi, Shaheen Sehbai, Rauf Klasra and Ansar Abbasi should be ashamed of theirselves before filing a Cock and Bull Table Story of Secret Cell and State Funded APP Journalists because it was the Jang Group of Newspapers which statrted giving undue attention to Brigadier (R) Imtiaz since July 2009.

On the same Mehrangate Scandal, Brigadier [R] Imtiaz had said to to Salim Safi in GEO TV Program JIRGA that money was indeed distributed to keep the balance between left wing and right wing political parties of Pakistan and he further said that Jamat-e-Islami was provided money and they provided us receipt of every penny they spent in the election campaign against Benazir Bhutto and PPP. Brigadier (R) Imtiaz repeated these claim again in yesterday's Daily Jang (pasted below). Watch Imtiaz's Interview Jirga 23rd July 2009 Jirga - 23 July 2009 Saleem Saafi Jirga – 23 July 2009

Jirga (Episode 4) Part 1 of 4

Jirga (Episode 4) Part 2 of 4

Jirga (Episode 4) Part 3 of 4

Jirga (Episode 4) Part 4 of 4

GEO News Jirga Brig. Imtiaz Episode with Saleem Safi - 1

GEO News Jirga Brig. Imtiaz Episode with Saleem Safi - 2

GEO News Jirga Brig. Imtiaz Episode with Saleem Safi - 3

GEO News Jirga Brig. Imtiaz Episode with Saleem Safi - 4


Ansar Abbasi


Below is the rest of what you wrote and I will not comment much more as it is mostly a repeat of what comes earlier and is getting boring. Only thing I will add is on the fourth para below. There you claim that the main culprit, Mr. Munshi’s death sentence was commuted at the request of “a top Sindhi leader”, a clue as to whom the Brig is going to sting next and expanded on today by Ansar Abbasi Brig Imtiaz reveals CIA plots Tuesday, September 01, 2009 By Ansar Abbasi (Et tu, Ansar??). Last three paragraphs are nothing but pure pulp (I guess, like the whole article). I have seen better story lines in xxx-rated flicks!!!! REFERENCE: Dazed and Confused: Rauf Klasra, Ansar Abbasi & Brigadier (R) Imtiaz. Brigadier (R) Imtiaz and Ansar Abbasi's Yellow Journalism! An Open Letter to Rauf Klasra SEPTEMBER 2, 2009 by nota

Soon they had the names of 12 other officers at Kahuta and other places who were part of this plan to sabotage the nuclear sites. According to the plot, these nuclear scientists and engineers working on the payroll of a secret agency, were to develop huge technical sabotage of the programme to an extent that it could not have been repaired or fixed for some years to come.They all were arrested from various places in the light of information given by Brig Imtiaz. It was revealed that actually the foreign secret agency had deputed five handlers from Washington to deal with the nuclear programme of Pakistan. These five foreign handlers included two girls, one of whose photos was seen by the heartbroken girlfriend of Munshi which made her jealous and she decided to take revenge. REFERENCE: Dazed and Confused: Rauf Klasra, Ansar Abbasi & Brigadier (R) Imtiaz. Brigadier (R) Imtiaz and Ansar Abbasi's Yellow Journalism! An Open Letter to Rauf Klasra SEPTEMBER 2, 2009 by nota

Brig Imtiaz was immediately called to Islamabad to give a briefing to General Ziaul Haq The five handlers were immediately told to leave Pakistan and General Zia was said to have called the president of this superpower to register a protest that how his country’s secret agency had tried to sabotage Pakistan’s nuclear programme. Zia was said to have expressed extreme displeasure over this espionage of nuclear programme. But, the president of that superpower was said to have requested Zia not to make it a public issue as it might tarnish his country’s image and Zia obliged him. A special tribunal was set up to try all those Pakistani scientists and engineers on high treasons charges. The ringleader Munshi was sentenced to death while others were awarded life sentences by the court. But one fine morning, much to his shock, Brig Imtiaz learned that President Zia had commuted the death penalty of Munshi on the recommendation of a top Sindhi leader in exchange for his political support to the Zia regime. REFERENCE: Dazed and Confused: Rauf Klasra, Ansar Abbasi & Brigadier (R) Imtiaz. Brigadier (R) Imtiaz and Ansar Abbasi's Yellow Journalism! An Open Letter to Rauf Klasra SEPTEMBER 2, 2009 by nota

After the arrest of Munshi, Brig Imtiaz met the lady lecture whose tip had led to unfold this international conspiracy against Pakistan nuclear programme. She was devastated and feeling very depressed as she told the ISI officer that she loved Munshi dearly but as he had betrayed her she could not spare him. The woman had managed to take her revenge from her lover while Brig Imtiaz was happy to unearth such a big conspiracy for which he was later decorated with a Tamgha-e-Basalat by the president of Pakistan for his services to the nation. “Listen, almost 30 years have passed since this incident, but till date I can’t forget how a heartbroken woman’s commitment to herself to take revenge from her lover had led to the unfolding of this secret, which, if not shared, might have deprived Pakistan of its nuclear assets and we might not be celebrating this day,” remarked Brig Imtiaz while lost in the memories of the past. REFERENCE: Dazed and Confused: Rauf Klasra, Ansar Abbasi & Brigadier (R) Imtiaz. Brigadier (R) Imtiaz and Ansar Abbasi's Yellow Journalism! An Open Letter to Rauf Klasra SEPTEMBER 2, 2009 by nota



Rauf Klasra


Dear Mr Klasra,

This is in reference to your article titled “How a jilted Karachi woman saved Pak N-programme” that appeared in the daily The News on May 28, 2009 How a jilted Karachi woman saved Pak N-programme Thursday, May 28, 2009 Brig Imtiaz reveals 30-year-old secret By Rauf Klasra I say it is a complete and total fabrication put out by you to bring out that bustard Brig Billa back into the limelight and present that lowest of lowlifes as a hero of sorts. REFERENCE: Dazed and Confused: Rauf Klasra, Ansar Abbasi & Brigadier (R) Imtiaz.
Brigadier (R) Imtiaz and Ansar Abbasi's Yellow Journalism! An Open Letter to Rauf Klasra SEPTEMBER 2, 2009 by nota

The story you weaved is certainly hilarious. I must admit the first time I read it I paid no attention to it as I found it worth of being thrown in the trash bin. Having been out of the country for years before and after the events you mentioned, I certainly was unfamiliar with the events of those days and had no clue who this character Brig Imtiaz was. Well we are way past that now and your intentions have become clearer, thanks to , the site you plan on suing. I certainly hope you WILL go through with that. REFERENCE: Dazed and Confused: Rauf Klasra, Ansar Abbasi & Brigadier (R) Imtiaz.
Brigadier (R) Imtiaz and Ansar Abbasi's Yellow Journalism!
An Open Letter to Rauf Klasra SEPTEMBER 2, 2009 by nota


Rauf Klasra Launched Brig Imtiaz in Media August 30, 2009 . 53 Comments
in Featured Articles Brig Imtiaz Spy Story, A Fabrication: Dr Qadeer September 1, 2009 . 40 Comments

Brigadier Retd. Imtiaz aka Billa - Former Number 2 of ISI - 1987 - 1989, and Director General Intelligence Bureau under Mian Nawaz Sharif's First Government - 1990 - 1993.

READ MORE DETAILS Brigadier Retd. Imtiaz: Another Multifaceted Fraud. Spy vs spy: Another IB official speaks out by Usman Manzoor Spy vs spy: Brig Imtiaz is agent of US agencies: ex-director FIA by Shakeel Anjum General (R) Hamid Gul, Brigadier (R) Imtiaz & Jews Brigadier (R) Imtiaz 'Exposes' General (R) Hamid Gul

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