Monday, July 11, 2011

Kamran Khan (Jang Group) Exploits Wiki Leaks "Again".

Denial is a defense mechanism postulated by Sigmund Freud, in which a person is faced with a fact that is too uncomfortable to accept and rejects it instead, insisting that it is not true despite what may be overwhelming evidence. The subject may use: simple denial - deny the reality of the unpleasant fact altogether minimisation - admit the fact but deny its seriousness (a combination of denial and rationalization) projection - admit both the fact and seriousness but deny responsibility. Denial is the simplest defense to understand. It is simply the refusal to acknowledge what has, is, or will happen. “My partner didn’t have an affair, but was simply traveling for work a lot.” A related defense is Minimizing. When you minimize you technically accept what happened, but only in a “watered down” form. “Sure, I have been drinking a bit too much lately, but it’s only due to stresses at work; I don’t really have a drinking problem since this is situational and not an inner weakness or something.” REFERENCE: Defenses Posted on April 8, 2011 by Richard Niolon PhD 

Kamran Khan (Senior Correspondent of The News International/Jang Group of Newspapers/GEO TV and Washington Post) was one of the asset of Brigadier (R) Imtiaz of Cold War Days and after the end of Cold War Mr Kamran Khan remained in touch with Brigadier (R) Imtiaz, he was a regular guest of Brigadier (R) Imtiaz when he became Director Intelligence Bureau and used to meet him regularly in his office way back in 1990/1991.

Asset (intelligence) , definition of asset (intelligence) , meaning of asset (intelligence) - Any resource--person, group, relationship, instrument, installation, or supply--at the disposition of an intelligence organization for use in an operational or support role Often used with a qualifying term such as agent asset or propaganda asset (Reference: Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005) - noun [mass noun] 1 the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills:an eminent man of great intelligence [count noun] a person or being with the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills:extraterrestrial intelligences 2 the collection of information of military or political value:the chief of military intelligence people employed in the collection of military or political information:British intelligence has secured numerous local informers military or political information:the gathering of intelligence archaic information in general; news. REFERENCE: 

Brig Imtiaz says CIA sponsored campaign against Army, ISI our special correspondent; (The News International 11 July 2011)

Brigadier Imtiaz with Kamran Shahid (6 Sept 2009)


ISLAMABAD: The CIA sponsored unabated media campaign smacks of maliciousness and absurdity and is meant to target Pakistan’s state organs, particularly the leadership of the military and Inter Services Intelligence (ISI), former Chief of Intelligence Bureau Brig (R) Imtiaz Ahmed has said. In a statement made available to this correspondent he said the Washington Post, New York Times and “WikiLeaks”, which he called a CIA ploy, have embarked upon abuse of media Code of Ethics which can gravely undercut already strained Pak-US relations and can gravely impinge upon the peace of South Asia, and international community on the whole. Imtiaz said that America had since drawn strategic plan for South Asia and Middle East with well defined objectives to contain China, prop up bulwark against Iran, gain access to Arab oil reserves and natural resources of Central Asian states and provide effective foothold to India in Afghanistan. “Recently scenarios in Libya, Egypt and Yemen, are a reflection of US game plan set for the Middle East,” the former spy master said, adding that in her strategic pursuits, America sees Pakistan endowed with geo-political formidable strength as a blockade in her “time frame”, synchronized with Afghanistan exit plan. He said that America-India strong nexus thus assumes weakening of Pakistan from within as an imperative for their successful drive in the region. CIA and RAW collaborated media campaign has thus been unleashed to attack Pakistan’s internal stability and fiber of nationhood, he said. REFERENCE: Brig Imtiaz says CIA sponsored campaign against Army, ISI our special correspondent Monday, July 11, 2011 

Kamran Khan (Jang Group) Exploits Wiki Leaks "Again" - 1 (Aaj Kamran Khan Ke Sath - 06-07-2011)


Kamran Khan (Jang Group) Exploits Wiki Leaks "Again" - 2 (Aaj Kamran Khan Ke Sath - 06-07-2011)


Monday, July 11, 2011, Shaban-ul-Muazzam 08, 1432 A.H 

Imtiaz said that state sponsored subversive machinations are being unleashed to alienate the undaunted faith of the people of Pakistan in the national security institutions, articulate political chaos, aggravation of economic stagnation, germination of divisive trends in the nation. Lately, he said, CIA and RAW have integrated the cultural religious fiber of our society which also was visible in the recent function held in US Embassy in Islamabad for propagation of homosexuality. “Their eyes are all set to push Pakistan into a pliable status by convincing the international community to believe that nuclear assets of Pakistan are not in safe hands,” he said. Imtiaz strongly reiterated that Pakistan’s armed forces and ISI provided an impregnable fortress of defiance against the Indo-US multidimensional offensive aimed at Pakistan, and thus the present leadership of these two institutions has become the prime target of state sponsored media campaign. REFERENCE: Brig Imtiaz says CIA sponsored campaign against Army, ISI our special correspondent Monday, July 11, 2011 

Kamran Khan (Jang Group) Exploits Wiki Leaks "Again" - 3 (Aaj Kamran Khan Ke Sath - 06-07-2011)


Kamran Khan (Jang Group) Exploits Wiki Leaks "Again" - 4 (Aaj Kamran Khan Ke Sath - 06-07-2011)


“We possess the national resilience to thwart the external offensive but we need to internally show the political will, national maturity and vision to rise above self,” he said. He added that particular political leadership obsessed with political motives as well as self conceit and a very small section media infested with perceptual distortions of late have become vulnerable to intangible criticism rather ridicule of state security institutions. These internal trends, Imtiaz said, are providing cherished space to foreign subversive onslaught. He stated that certainly above 90 percent people of Pakistan stand behind their armed forces and its vibrant media can play precious role to show the light to others. He said that in the past American media took the defeat of America in Vietnam to their people and consequently the US had to withdraw from Vietnam. Today, America lost war in Afghanistan but it is being shown by her media as victory to their people. “We must rise above self as a nation in this hour of ‘great test’ and the political force in power must show political will to steer the country through the ‘storm’ with objectivity, statesmanship and economic prudence. Inertia at official level must be shed off and strong diplomatic rebuff with ground objective measures, are needed in Pakistan’s best interests,” Imtiaz recommended. REFERENCE: Brig Imtiaz says CIA sponsored campaign against Army, ISI our special correspondent Monday, July 11, 2011 

Kindly note that "Jang Group" has changed the Format and all the stories filed by Shaheen Sehbai and Co are lost therefore please note the date of the story and read every word in the links. Jang Group of Newspapers, GEO TV, Salim Safi, Shaheen Sehbai, Rauf Klasra and Ansar Abbasi should be ashamed of themselves because it was the Jang Group of Newspapers which started giving undue attention to Brigadier (R) Imtiaz since July 2009. Jang Group of Newspapers, GEO TV, Salim Safi, Shaheen Sehbai, Kamran Khan,Rauf Klasra (now in Express News Group) and Ansar Abbasi should be called the "Anti Democracy Secret Cell in the Journalist Community" to tarnish the very image of Journalism and Press Freedom, now go through the very same Journalists and their own story on the same Brigadier Imtiaz and in the very same newspaper and that too filed by the the Group Editor, Shaheen Sehbai and his minions.

Kamran Khan (Jang Group) Exploits Wiki Leaks "Again" - 1 (Aaj Kamran Khan Ke Sath - 06-07-2011)


WASHINGTON/ISLAMABAD: The main characters of the famous Midnight Jackals operation of the late 1989 Benazir era have now returned to the TV screens and front pages of newspapers to speak about their adventures, blaming everybody else but themselves, and portraying themselves in their new role as great promoters of truth and honesty. Exactly 20 years later, again in a PPP-Zardari era, why and what these characters are doing have turned out to be the greatest political mystery with major political parties and leaders sucked into the storm blaming each other for unleashing these hounds. The multi-million dollar question �who is behind this latest sky dive into the past remains unanswered. An investigation by The News revealing scattered links and connecting the dots may lead to formation of a composite picture of the people behind this great diversion from the burning issues of the day. A few weeks ago, a top diplomat flew into Dubai and then Islamabad for intensive consultations with the PPP leadership on how to divert the national media and political focus from the so-called Minus-one and Minus-Zardari formulas based on the NRO cases pending in the Supreme Court, the demand for a trial of General Musharraf and the pressure to scrap the 17th Amendment. These issues had dominated Islamabad drawing rooms and were popping up in TV shows and columns every now and then. Several options were discussed, insiders in Islamabad and Washington revealed to The News. The sources of these anti-Zardari campaigns was determined to be some parts of the Rawalpindi establishment, a major part of the media groups backed by the PML-N which was said to be using this campaign to build pressure on Zardari for conceding the changes in the 17th Amendment. It was repeatedly argued that Washington was getting unusually jittery and unsure about political stability in Pakistan and the flow of generous aid, directly from Washington and through the Friends of Pakistan forum, may be delayed or massively cut if this critical issue was not addressed immediately. The US diplomats and even spokespersons of Friends of Pakistan had in so many ways and so many times conveyed the decision that no direct cash aid would be available as long as the credibility of the process reached some acceptable comfort level. The past of the PPP leadership was hounding its present, in a way. Thus the strategists reached the conclusion that it would be a good idea if the past of the alternate leadership, which meant the PML-N and in a roundabout way the military establishment, was exposed so that the aid-givers get the message that whoever ruled Pakistan, the issue of credibility would remain a burning question and thus it would be pointless to deprive the PPP leadership of the much-needed aid on this pretext. It was also agreed that the judges of the restored Supreme Court be entangled in cases challenging their own legitimacy and credibility and thus forcing some of the known radical judges from opting out of hearing the NRO cases. Sacked Chief Justice Abdul Hameed Dogar was also to be activated to stand up and challenge his removal. General Musharraf will also become active and use his millions and his Peerzadas, Malik Qayyums and Saifs to bombard the courts and the media. The deep wound being felt by the presidency was, however, the so-called positive intervention� of the Pakistan Army chief on the night of March 15 and 16 when President Zardari was forced to restore Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry. Zardari was on record, on national TV channels and internationally, claiming that Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry had become political and would never be restored but he had to eat the humble pie. He would never forget the insult. Another sticking point was that aid for military operations, especially in Swat, Malakand and Fata, was continuing and since it was coming directly to the Army in shape of reimbursements, the political leadership was feeling isolated, somewhat humiliated and not in total control. They were being denied dollars because of the trust deficit but Pindi was enjoying the full trust. This situation was not tenable for some. Thus the strategy evolved had to have several components. One was to deflect the Minus-one formula from Zardari. Officially the term Minus one was recognised by ministers on the media and attacks were launched claiming that no one could remove Zardari because it would invoke the Sindh card.On a subtle note presidential aides and cronies, and even some diplomats, started calling their friends and media supporters bad-mouthing the intelligence agencies and some top echelons of the Army establishment. The anti-Pindi whispering campaign was so vicious that even some foreign journalists in Islamabad were surprised at the madness of such a campaign which could ultimately end up in another Oct 12, 1999-like situation when the sitting Army chief was sacked. The ultimate component of the counter-Minus-one plan was to launch the Daylight Jackals. This would serve several purposes. It would hit at the military establishment, the intelligence agencies and cut the politicians who were now claiming to be larger than life to their size. Resurrecting the Mehrangate scandal would be the ideal tactic. The main character of the 1989 scandal, Brigadier Imtiaz Ahmed would be the best person to stir this hornet's nest. In his mind Brig Imtiaz, who was close to Nawaz Sharif in the past, was feeling left out after the PML-N staged a comeback in the 2008 elections and formed its government in the Punjab. When everybody else from the past had been accommodated, why not him? That was enough for him to settle some scores. It was time to strike back. He agreed to join the planning and launching of the operation. REFERENCE: The return of the Daylight Jackals Friday, September 04, 2009 (The News International) By Shaheen Sehbai with reporting from Mazhar Tufail and Ahmed Noorani. Express News & Secret Cell of Jang Group. 

Kamran Khan (Jang Group) Exploits Wiki Leaks "Again" - 2 (Aaj Kamran Khan Ke Sath - 07-07-2011)


On Aug 17, 2009, shortly after 12 noon, Brigadier Imtiaz walked into the headquarters of the National Database and Registration Authority (Nadra) in Islamabad to meet its Chairman Ali Arshad Hakeem. A reporter of The News saw him being escorted by the PR personnel of the Ministry of Interior. Enquiries revealed that the Brigadier had been visiting the Nadra for several days. Some of the known media cronies of the presidency in Islamabad had also been seen visiting the Nadra office frequently during these days while at night these guys would meet and plot their strategy in an F-7 house, near Restaurant Civil Junction. A Radio Pakistan executive had also allowed them to use one of the Radio Pakistan annexe in sector H-8 to late night meetings and parties. The background of the Nadra chairman revealed more when The News investigation moved forward. His official introduction at the Nadra web site says: Ali Arshad Hakeem has a dynamic professional background in both public and private sector organisations of Pakistan as well as abroad, and had joined the Nadra as chairman on August 12, 2008. His versatile experience had brought many value additions and a completely service oriented vision to the Nadra. He not only served in Pakistan's Central Board of Revenue for ten years at senior management positions but had also been closely involved with business process outsourcing operations, computerisation of land records and automation of customs process in Pakistan. His special interests include data mining for national security & poverty alleviation. He holds a degree in Electrical Engineering, Business Administration and Law and believes in an optimistic change through innovation in various business and economic ventures. But Ali Arshad Hakeem is the son of Major-General (retd) Arshad Hakeem who was very close to Brig Imtiaz during the late 80s, serving in Karachi. Ali Arshad Hakeem also has deep family terms with Faryal Talpur, the sister of President Zardari and thus is very close to Mr Zardari who appointed him as the Nadra chairman, a highly sensitive position in view of the database it controls. Days after his meetings at the Nadra, an important journalist of the official news agency APP started calling TV anchors and media persons on behalf of Brig Imtiaz and each time he handed over the phone to the brigadier who wanted himself on the screens. Many anchors have gone on record to say the brigadier was too eager and ready to spills the beans. One anchor wrote that the brigadier said he wanted to explode a political nuclear bomb. That he was going to spill the beans against his own self was irrelevant and unimportant but this time he was trying to compensate the PPP for Midnight Jackals against Benazir Bhutto. The other members of the team would call up every friend and interested media person to highlight the revelations of Brig Imtiaz and for days and weeks nothing else should be discussed on the media. They were quite successful in achieving that goal, while the presidency would keep on denying that any cell existed in that house on the hill. Factually the cell was not in the presidency. The smell of the rat about his Nadra connections became pungent when The News talked to him on the subject and tried to get his version about why he was frequently going to the Nadra under escort of the Interior Ministry officials, a fact which the Interior Ministry officially denied. He was also asked as to what were his relations with the Nadra chairman. The wily brigadier first denied any relation with Nadra Chairman Ali Arshad Hakeem. That was his first mistake. He said that he had visited Nadra headquarters in mid August to get a new identity card as his old CNIC had expired. He said he chose to visit Nadra headquarters as other Nadra offices meant for this took a long time while Nadra headquarter could issue the card in 24 hours. He said that two days he visited Nadra headquarters for his CNIC and then later on he came to know that CNIC of his wife had also expired so he had to visit Nadra for two more days. His second mistake was that he claimed that he had no relationship with Ali Arshad Hakeem and took appointment to meet him through some other person. Another slip of the tongue was when he praised Ali Arshad Hakeem and said he was an important part of the present government and playing an excellent role in addressing different issues. Sticking to his stand that he had no relations with Ali Arshad Hakeem, Brig Imtiaz said during his meetings no matter of the past was discussed at any stage. However, Ali Arshad Hakeem, whose father Major General (retd) Hakeem Arshad Qureshi remained DMLA Karachi in eighties, when approached by The News admitted that Brigadier Imtiaz was a close friend of his deceased father and we have close family relations. He called him an Uncle. He confirmed his meetings with Brigadier Imtiaz in mid August in his office in Nadra headquarters but categorically denied discussing any political thing with his uncle Imtiaz. But Hakeem confirmed his close relations with President Asif Ali Zardari. Hakeem confirmed that as his father was DMLA Karachi and Munawar Talpur, husband of President Zardari's sister Faryal Talpur, was member of the Majlis Shura, both the families enjoyed close ties. REFERENCE: The return of the Daylight Jackals Friday, September 04, 2009 (The News International) By Shaheen Sehbai with reporting from Mazhar Tufail and Ahmed Noorani. Express News & Secret Cell of Jang Group. 

Kamran Khan (Jang Group) Exploits Wiki Leaks "Again" - 3 (Aaj Kamran Khan Ke Sath - 07-07-2011)


Talking to The News he said: Yes, I have close relations with President Asif Ali Zardari who has shown his confidence in me by appointing me as the chairman Nadra. Hakeem also admitted that he has frequent meetings with President Asif Zardari. But on the record Hakeem only said: All these meetings are of professional nature and have nothing to do with politics. After these statements of Ali Arshad Hakeem, when Brig Imtiaz was again contacted on Wednesday he conceded having very close ties with the family of Ali Arshad Hakeem. When he was asked that a reporter had seen him escorted by Interior Ministry officials, Brig Imtiaz denied having any links with the interior ministry and started criticising Interior Minister Rehman Malik. In a direct way he also threatened that he would react very badly if this was published. The nervousness and almost panic in the body language and talk of Brigadier Imtiaz revealed more than he did. He did not need a third person to get an appointment with the Nadra chairman, who called him an uncle. He did not need to make repeated visits to collect or get is or his wife's ID cards. For uncles the cards are delivered at home. What else were these meetings for hours were discussing when cronies of the presidency were also present. When the storm was unleashed by his statements and the military establishment and the agencies were being targeted in the media, abused and humiliated, there was visible jubilation in the presidential camp. One close aide of the president called a TV anchor in Dubai, to claim that now the focus has been diverted from Mr Zardari and at least for a few weeks we will not have sleepless nights. REFERENCE: The return of the Daylight Jackals Friday, September 04, 2009 (The News International) By Shaheen Sehbai with reporting from Mazhar Tufail and Ahmed Noorani. Express News & Secret Cell of Jang Group. 

Kamran Khan (Jang Group) Exploits Wiki Leaks "Again" - 4 (Aaj Kamran Khan Ke Sath - 07-07-2011)


Others who had plotted the scheme to re-launch Brig Imtiaz were celebrating the success in their own domains. An old media manager of the IJI, an important part of Daylight Jackals, was heard by many congratulating his associates and issuing warnings that much more was about to come if President Zardari was attacked again. The part of the plot to attack the legitimacy of the restored judges has also been launched and sacked CJ Dogar has come on record saying he would challenge his removal in the Supreme Court. The legal team of General Musharraf has started its comings and goings and Justice Malik Qayyum has flown to Jeddah to meet the former president where Interior Minister Rehman Malik had been a royal visitor days ago. The part of the plot to attack the media is yet to be implemented as the operation is not yet over. The Americans, nevertheless, remain deeply suspicious and skeptical. As their first move they have already announced that out of the promised $1.5 billion aid under the Kerry-Lugar Bill, the PPP government will only get about $180 million next fiscal. That would be peanuts and would speak volumes about the confidence the Zardari regime enjoys in Washington and with Friends of Pakistan. Presidency and govt speak: At least three important PPP leaders and spokespersons separately denied having links with Brig Imtiaz controversy or his meetings with the Nadra chairman. Spokesman for the presidency, Farhatullah Babar while talking to The News said that keeping in view the past and credibility of Brig Imtiaz, no person would like to meet him. He said he think that a government officer like Ali Arshad Hakeem would have never met such a person or allow such a person to visit his office. When told that both Ali and Brigadier have confirmed not one but at least four meetings at the Nadra headquarters, Babar said that he couldn't say what might have been discussed in these meeting and only Ali Arshad Hakeem could comment on this. Babar, however, insisted that Ali Arshad Hakeem has no relation with President Asif Ali Zardari and that he is only the chairman of Nadra. Government spokesman and federal Information Minister Qamaruzzaman Kaira when approached by The News and asked to comment on this entire situation insisted that before discussing this situation one must consider the chronology of events. He said that present blame game was started with the speech of the leader of the opposition in the National Assembly Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan. Kaira questioned The News that if there had been a cell in presidency or Brigadier Imtiaz was to speak on winking of this cell, why all this did not start before the speech of Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan. He said that after Chaudhry Nisar�s allegations, one thing led to another, the media gave these allegations full coverage and a series of allegation and counter allegations were hurled at each other. When Kaira was specifically asked about Brigadier Imtiaz's meetings with Ali Arshad Hakeem at the Nadra headquarters, he did not deny these meetings, saying that many Army officers have been appointed in Nadra and chairman Nadra Ali Arshad Hakeem, being the son of an Army general would have some relations with Brigadier Imtiaz and that if these meetings took place they have no importance with regard to the present blame game. Asked about close relations of Ali Arshad Hakeem with President Asif Ali Zardari, Kaira said: There are always relations between people like we being in the government have relations with different politicians in the opposition. When Kaira was asked about any cell in the presidency working for this blame game and maligning the politicians, he said that he himself (Kaira) was the biggest cell. He said that one of his statements made during a public meeting in Lahore was misunderstood. Why are you asking me about other people when I am admitting that I am the cell, Kaira said. When asked that whether this blame game is being done to tackle the Minus-one formula, Kaira said that there is no Minus-1 formula whatsoever. On the question that whether presidency has some resentments over the intervention of the Pakistan Army on the night of March 15 in getting restored the deposed judges which sacked by the previous military dictator Pervez Musharraf, Kaira said there was no intervention of any kind from military in that issue. Your question that there was some military intervention is based on hypothesis so I would not comment on it, Kaira concluded. Interior Minister Rehman Malik said on Tuesday the government and the PPP had no connection with the campaign launched by Brig Imtiaz, which, he thought, was apparently a move to protect Pervez Musharraf. He said in an interview: We do not want to be a party to it, but Pakistan Muslim League-N has started a campaign based on baseless allegations against the PPP. Our party believes in politics of reconciliation ... I urge the opposition party to avoid playing blame-game. Let us sort out issues positively and politically.According to a report, when he was asked if the people who were behind Brig Imtiaz's smear campaign against politicians were the same who launched the minus-one formula, Malik said he was not sure who was behind it. But one thing I can say is that the minus-one formula is dead because the nation voted in PPP's favour, giving it the right to complete its tenure. He, however, hinted that Brig Imtiaz's sudden appearance on the political scene might have been patronised by those who wanted to protect the former president. Information Minister Kaira said the recent spate of statements by former intelligence chiefs would only harm national harmony. Kaira said the country already confronted many challenges, and maligning each other would only result in political anarchy. REFERENCE: The return of the Daylight Jackals Friday, September 04, 2009 (The News International) By Shaheen Sehbai with reporting from Mazhar Tufail and Ahmed Noorani. Express News & Secret Cell of Jang Group. 


Lt General Retd. Hamid Gul [Former ISI and MI Chief]

ISLAMABAD: Former Chief of the Inter-Services Intelligence Lt. Gen. Hamid Gul said the Jews have played a role in the campaign initiated by Brig. Imtiaz Billa to demonize him. Speaking over the current controversy that his outfit gave clearance to former military dictator Gen. Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq to fly to Bahawalpur in Air Force One, Gul told Arab News during an exclusive interview in Rawalpindi Friday that Billa is working with “my foes, who are indirectly the Jews” to blame him for the 1988 crash of Zia-ul-Haq’s plane, which also clamed the lives of US Ambassador to Pakistan Arnold L. Raphel and Brig. Gen. Herbert M. Wassom, the head of the Military Assistance Advisory Group at the US Embassy in Islamabad. Billa had spoken recently on TV implying that Gul played a role in the crash. “Musharraf placed me under house arrest,” said Gul. “Now my foes have selected Imtiaz to carry on my character assassination . . . It’s total rubbish that I cleared the flight of Air Force One. The PAF has its own complete intelligence which deals with the matter.” He also rejected claims that he played a role in the assassination of Benazir Bhutto or that he’s a Taleban operative. Reference: Hamid Gul: I am being demonized by Jews Azhar Masood Arab News Monday 27 July 2009 (05 Sha`ban 1430)

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