Monday, July 11, 2011

"LIE" with Express News Pakistan & Masquerade like Imran Shirvanee.

Kashif Abbasi (ARY NEWS) Mubashir Luqman (Dunya TV) were talking of Tax Returns and Loan Default on Express News with Javed Chaudhry in his "Kal Tak Show (11 July 2011)" and Kashif was praising The NAB Law {Kashif should seek help from General Musharraf who is absconder because he imposed the Martial Law means committed Treason and founded NAB but there is one big problem Musharraf is absconder and there are warrants for him SHC declares Musharraf an 'absconder' Published: August 10, 2010  } whereas Founder of ARY NEWS "Haji Abdul Razzak Yaqoob, Chairman of the ARY Group benefited from NRO in the famous Gold Case and Sultan Lakhani (owner of Express News) is a famous, chronic, and habitual too "Loan Defaulter" and arrested by NAB therefore Javed Chaudhary and Kashif Abbasi should try a program on their own bosses before lecturing the public and same goes to Mubashir Luqman whose channel is owned by Q League:) believe me they are not "clean", recently the Express News again hired a Joker "Imran Shirvanee" whereas he was sacked by Jang Group/GEO TV on Theft Charges (so much for the Free Press and Alternative Media). In my humble opinion if they are so fond of Making Speech and Issue Policy statement instead of reporting then they should run for office and quit this Pimping in Journalism.

Threats to Pakistani Media.


Mukhtaran Mai Sent Compensation Notice To Mubashir Luqman (Dunya News)


Sheen Farrukh of the Inter Press Communication, a Pakistan-based media group, emphasised the need to “set up a parallel media network in South Asia, to break the monopoly of pro-establishment and pro-corporate sector.” Imran Shirvanee, of the same group, began by arguing whether there was a space for it in the region, where electronic media is more popular than print due to a low literacy rate. REFERENCE: Making space for alternative media Pulled by the corporate sector on the one side and the state on the other, the Pakistani press, has just begun to enjoy its newfound freedom. Some say that the time is just right to bring about a ‘parallel’ or ‘alternative’ media, but others are a bit wary. Johanna Son, Director, IPS Asia-Pacific By Zofeen T. Ebrahim 

The new news channels will change the face of television broadcasting inPakistan,'' says Imran Shirvanee, a news journalist. What is significant isthat for the first time in its history, the Pakistan governmentwill let go of its monopoly to broadcast news. Coming soon -- PNN from Pak to counter Indian `news offensive' KAMAL SIDDIQI Monday, October 16, 2000

Kal Tak 11th July 2011-1

Mubashir Lucman & Dunya News "RAPE" Mukhtaran Mai "Again"!  Real & Ugly Face of Express News Group & GEO/Jang.  Intellectual Dishonesty of Mubashir Luqman & Dunya News.  Pakistani Media's Role in the Anarchy in Pakistan.  Unethical Behavior of Express News TV Pakistan. 


11 - Sultan Ali Lakhani & family Pakistan Ranking: 9 (tied at 9) Worth: £400m ($800) Industry: Businessman

The Lakhanis are currently having a hard time at the hands of NAB. Sultan Lakhani and his three brothers run this prestigious group and the chain of McDonald’s restaurants in Pakistan. NAB has alleged the Lakhanis of having created phoney companies through worthless directors and raised massive loans from various banks and financial institutions. Sultan is currently abroad after having served a jail term with younger sibling Amin, though the latter was released much earlier. NAB had reportedly demanded Rs 7 billion from Lakhanis, but later agreed they pay only Rs 1.5 billion over a 10-year period. Lakhanis, like their arch-rivals Hashwanis, are the most well-known of all Ismaeli tycoons. Their stakes range from media, tobacco, paper, chemicals and surgical equipment to cotton, packaging, insurance, detergents and other house-hold items, many of which are joint ventures with leading international conglomerates. Though Lakhanis are in turbulent waters currently, the success that greeted them during the last 25 years especially has been tremendous. They have rifts with large business empires despite being known fur their genteel nature. Whether it is any government in Sindh or at the Federal level, Lakhanis have had trusted friends everywhere, though the present era has proved a painful exception. REFERENCE: Pakistans Rich List of 2008 Posted by Teeth MaestroDecember 8, 2007  HOUSE OF GRAFT: Tracing the Bhutto Millions -- A special report.; Bhutto Clan Leaves Trail of Corruption By JOHN F. BURNS Published: January 09, 1998 


Kal Tak 11th July 2011-2

Mubashir Lucman & Dunya News "RAPE" Mukhtaran Mai "Again"!  Real & Ugly Face of Express News Group & GEO/Jang.  Intellectual Dishonesty of Mubashir Luqman & Dunya News.  Pakistani Media's Role in the Anarchy in Pakistan.  Unethical Behavior of Express News TV Pakistan. 


NAB in tight corner as businessmen refuse to pay dues By Kamran Khan - Two important business families of the provincial metropolis who had earlier agreed to pay about Rs1.8 billion to the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) and various banks - an offer that won them an immunity against allegations of financial impropriety and release of their key directors from prisons - have reneged on their promises. The defiant businessmen, senior NAB officials concede, currently constitute the single most important challenge to their drive against white-collar crime in the country. Senior NAB officials have confirmed that Sultanally Lakhani and his three brothers, who partly run and operate the Lackson Group of Companies, and the Mcdonald’s food restaurants in Pakistan, after two initial payments of Rs100 million each, have stopped further payments for an agreed amount of Rs1.5 billion.

The NAB had alleged that the Lakhani brothers created phoney companies through worthless directors and raised massive loans from various banks and financial institution. Similarly, Irfan Iqbal Puri, Karachi’s leading supplier of petroleum products from the Gulf countries, has refused to match the agreed amount of Rs300 million after an initial payment of Rs230 million to the NAB. Puri, the NAB had alleged, compromised the quality and quantity of petroleum products in supplies to the Pakistan State Oil and caused huge financial loss to the national exchequer. Sultanally Lakhani, who was jailed for about nine months, and Irfan Puri, who had spent almost an equal amount of time in the NAB and jail custody, have since left the country and have taken up residence in the United States and the United Kingdom. Their attorneys have challenged the signed deals with the NAB claiming that the deals were signed under duress. Circles close to both the persons said that if the "businessmen are harassed in this country you can not stop negative impacts". "We are initiating fresh probe and action against the Lakhanis and Irfan Puri," said a senior NAB official. "The NAB will make sure that they stand by their agreements. We can’t allow people to hoodwink the NAB." A present official of the NAB said that in the past the Bureau had brought historical achievements and brought back large amount of looted money. A big and highly reputed entrepreneur, who knows much about Lakhani’s case, while talking to The News categorically said that it was sheer injustice to those businessman who were law-abiding and doing their business honestly and making some achievements by working hard day and night. He said that a businessman obtained loans of billions of rupees, invested it in his business by some other name, earned a lot of profit, multiplied his wealth, brought new products in the market but declined to return the loan, and when he was caught he was given ten years more to pay back the loan in instalments. What are the laws of this country that when this person again defaulted no one is making it point that till the time he was caught, how much he had expanded his business and how many products he had introduced using these loans, he said. He said that it would not be surprising that he would again be given the facility of repayment in instalments for further many years and these episodes would go on. When asked about remedy, he said that it would be fair that the amount due on such defaulters be secured by confiscating their business units of equivalent value plus interest and selling these in the market. He added that it was injustice with other businessmen and the country to give any concession to such habitual defaulters who were continuously expanding their business and bringing new products in the market and not paying back heavy loans by bringing up the plea that they were in loss in the company for which the loan was taken. "It’s a fraud with the nation," he said.

On the other hand, various legal experts are wondering if the NAB had foolproof cases against the accused businessmen, why did the NAB top brass left big legal holes in their deals with the businessmen who somehow managed that the NAB make no official mention of the specific charges against them and the entire evidence collected in the course of investigation be "dismembered". Sultan Lakhani and his brother Amin Lakhani, who is also Honorary Consul-General of Singapore, were arrested on May 8, 2000 by the NAB wing of the ISI. Amin was released after a few days, but Sultan spent another nine months in various NAB detention centres and Adyala prison before his lawyer and the present Attorney-General of Pakistan, Makhdoom Ali Khan, reached an agreement with the then NAB chairman. NAB officials privately concede that in case of Sultanally Lakhani and other key directors of the Lackson Group of Companies, the then NAB leadership had not applied the legally tenable practise of plea bargain and instead had decided to supervise a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the Lakhani brothers and various financial institutions. They further said they were looking that how such a deal had been made. Was there a helping hand or was it done innocently?

Sliding down from its initial demand of Rs7 billion, the NAB agreed with Makhdom Ali Khan advocate of the Lakhani brothers that they pay an amount of Rs1.5 billion to the lenders in 10 years. The NAB agreed that in the MOU that the Lakhani brothers would not accept any guilt in the document and instead the MOU would reflect them as buyers of assets of nine companies in exchange for the payment of liabilities. The NAB had found, in its investigation, that all these companies were actually front for the Lakhani brothers, who consistently denied the charge. Furthermore, the NAB agreed to withdraw its reference against Sultan Lakhani and various co-accused, including the senior executives of the Industrial Development Bank of Pakistan who had extended the loans without proper securities and background checks. The NAB investigators were also asked to stop probe against nine other companies of the same group. The investigators were also told to return the collected evidence to the respective financial institutions. The accused persons who benefited from the NAB deal included Sultan Ali Lakhani, Iqbal Ali Lakhani, Zulfiqar Ali Lakhani, Amin Muhammad Lakhani, Sahibzada Naushad Ahmed, M Muneer Adenwalla, Hassan Ali Merchant, Tasleemuddin Batlay, Aziz Ebrahim (Lakson Group), Anjum Naveed (General Manager M/s Project Development Services), Muhammad Sirajul Hassan (former chief officer at Industrial Development Bank of Pakistan’s regional office in Karachi), Khalid Mehmood Nagra, Syed Mehboob Hussain (office in-charge of the IDBP) and Rehan A Siddiqi (Manager Documentation Department of IDBP, Karachi. NAB officials said that after much pressing the Lakhani brothers had only paid Rs200 million and were now clearly avoiding the payment of remaining Rs1.3 billion. Irfan Iqbal Puri, who used to be a key middleman between the country’s top buyers of petroleum products and the Middle Eastern suppliers, made the single largest payment of Rs235 million to the NAB following his three-month-long interrogation by the NAB investigators, who apparently confronted him with the evidence allegedly showing kickbacks and commissions received from the Middle Eastern suppliers, who allegedly compromised quality and quantity of petroleum products sold to Pakistan.

At the time of his release Puri, NAB officials said, pledged to pay a total sum of Rs300 million, but subsequently he refused to make the final instalment of Rs65 million and instead confronted the NAB with a lawsuit claiming the return of Rs235 million that he had already paid to the NAB. In Puri’s case the NAB downplayed its agreement with him to an extent that no official announcement was made about the plea bargain deal. At the same time, the NAB withheld its evidence and findings against Puri from any public and legal scrutiny, a measure that has now become the strongest argument in the Puri’s case against the NAB. NAB officials said that the plea bargain deals are meant to recover the looted money in exchange for some grace to the accused persons who get the benefit of not going through the public trial and exposure of their misdeeds in public.

But the process is attracting some criticism, as it allows the senior NAB officials to exercise their discretion in settling the amount for the plea bargain. In Irfan Puri, Usman farooqi and Admiral Mansurul Haq cases the money recovered by the NAB may match their ill-gotten wealth, but in some cases some key suspects won their freedom at a cheap cost. For instance Huzoor Buksh Khalwar, a former Karachi Metropolitan director, who was arrested after a NAB investigation found that he had allegedly amassed wealth to the tune of hundreds of millions of rupees, was set free after a brief (according to the NAB standards) three months’ confinement and a nominal payment of Rs16 million. Khalwar was one of the beneficiaries of a Rs600 million octroi fraud unearthed in the KMC in 1998. NAB officials privately acknowledged that the plea bargain deal with Khalwar could not be counted as one the best deals the NAB has struck with the country’s most corrupt bureaucrats. REFERENCE: NAB in tight corner as businessmen refuse to pay dues By Kamran Khan  HOUSE OF GRAFT: Tracing the Bhutto Millions -- A special report.; Bhutto Clan Leaves Trail of Corruption By JOHN F. BURNS Published: January 09, 1998 


Kal Tak 11th July 2011-3

Mubashir Lucman & Dunya News "RAPE" Mukhtaran Mai "Again"!  Real & Ugly Face of Express News Group & GEO/Jang.  Intellectual Dishonesty of Mubashir Luqman & Dunya News.  Pakistani Media's Role in the Anarchy in Pakistan.  Unethical Behavior of Express News TV Pakistan. 

KARACHI: While the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) made an official confirmation to the Lakhani family in Karachi about the arrest of Sultan Ali Lakhani on a wide range of criminal charges Tuesday evening, official word was still awaited until Tuesday night about the whereabouts of Sultan’s younger brother, Amin Lakhani. Leading businessman Amin Lakhani also runs the Karachi operation of the fast food chain, McDonald’s. Beside running the McDonald’s franchise in Karachi, the Lakhani brothers run Lakson Tobacco Company, a textile unit, an internet company called the Cybernet and Century Publications. Sources informed the News Intelligence Unit (NIU) that the Lakhnis are now being questioned on alleged charges that include: questionable loans worth hundreds of crores of rupees for setting up granite and marble processing plants; bank default; evasion of excise duty; concealment of foreign property; links with the smuggling of 11 containers case; causing huge revenue losses to PTCL through illegal termination of long distance calls and financial dealings with Mr. Hakim Ali Zardari. REFERENCES : Lakhani brothers in NAB hands HOUSE OF GRAFT: Tracing the Bhutto Millions -- A special report.; Bhutto Clan Leaves Trail of Corruption By JOHN F. BURNS Published: January 09, 1998 


Kal Tak 11th July 2011-4

Mubashir Lucman & Dunya News "RAPE" Mukhtaran Mai "Again"!  Real & Ugly Face of Express News Group & GEO/Jang.  Intellectual Dishonesty of Mubashir Luqman & Dunya News.  Pakistani Media's Role in the Anarchy in Pakistan.  Unethical Behavior of Express News TV Pakistan. 




Haji Abdul Razzak Yaqoob, Chairman of the ARY Group and one of the beneficiary of NRO -  Under the sub-title "The Facts", it is written of Asif Zardari: "The second case history involves Asif Ali Zardari, the husband of Benazir Bhutto, former prime minister of Pakistan. Ms Bhutto was elected prime minister in 1988, dismissed by the President of Pakistan in August 1990 for alleged corruption and inability to maintain law and order, elected prime minister once again in October 1993, and dismissed by the President again in November 1996. At various times, Mr Zardari served as senator, environment minister and minister for investments in the Bhutto government. In between the two Bhutto administrations, he was incarcerated in 1990 and 1991 on charges of corruption; the charges were eventually dropped. During Ms Bhutto's second term there were increasing allegations of corruption in her government and a major target of those allegations was Mr Zardari. It has been reported that the government of Pakistan claims that Ms Bhutto and Mr Zardari stole over $ 1 billion from the country." Listed are details of Zardari's relationship with Citibank which began in October 1994 "through the services of Kamran Amouzegar, a private banker at Citibank private bank in Switzerland, and Jens Schlegelmilch, a Swiss lawyer who was the Bhutto family's attorney in Europe and close personal friend for more than twenty years." Schlegelmilch was invited and came to Karachi for Benazir and Asif's wedding in 1987 and has paid several visits since then.

The relationships between the account holders, banks, depositors, kickbackers and cover cocerns is highly complicated and can only be sorted out by a careful reading of the Report. Hereunder a few excerpts:

"The staff invited Ms. Bhutto to provide additional information on the M.S. Capricorn Trading accounts, but she has not yet done so."

"During the period 1994 to 1997, Citibank opened and maintained three private bank accounts in Switzerland and a consumer account in Dubai for three corporations under Mr. Zardari's control. There are allegations that some of these accounts were used to disguise $10 million in kickbacks for a gold importing contract to Pakistan ......."

"Citibank told the Subcommittee staff that, once opened, only three deposits were made into the M.S. Capricorn Trading account in Dubai. Two deposits, totaling $10 million were made into the account almost immediately after it was opened. Citibank records show that one $5 million deposit was made on October 5, 1994, and another was made on October 6, 1994. The source of both deposits was A.R.Y. International Exchange, a company owned by Abdul Razzak Yaqub, a Pakistani gold bullion trader living in Dubai ......."

"The Zardari case history raises issues involving due diligence, secrecy and public figure accounts. The Zardari case history begins with the Citibank Dubai branch's failure to identify the true beneficial owner of the M.S. Capricorn Trading account. As a result, the account officer in Dubai performed due diligence on an individual who had no relationship to the account being opened. In Switzerland, Citibank officials opened three private bank accounts despite evidence of impropriety on the part of Mr. Zardari. In an interview with Subcommittee staff, Citigroup Co- Chair John Reed informed the Subcommittee staff that he had been advised by Citibank officials in preparation for a trip to Pakistan in February 1994, that there were troubling accusations concerning corruption surrounding Mr. Zardari, that he should stay away from him, and that he was not a man with whom the bank wanted to be associated. Yet one year later, the private bank opened three accounts for Mr. Zardari in Switzerland. Mr. Reed told the Subcommittee staff that when he learned of the Zardari accounts he thought the account officer must have been 'an idiot'." If this government does not do whatever needs to be done, however correctly or obliquely, to disqualify and debar every man and woman who held elected office from 1988 to 1999 - all collectively responsible for the present state of the nation - from henceforth holding any elected office ever again, history will hold it responsible for the accelerated disintegration of what is left of this country. REFERENCE: Is hammam main sab nangay By Ardeshir Cowasjee 11 February 2001 Sunday 16 Ziqa'ad 1421 HOUSE OF GRAFT: Tracing the Bhutto Millions -- A special report.; Bhutto Clan Leaves Trail of Corruption By JOHN F. BURNS Published: January 09, 1998

Dear Folks,

These top TV Anchors/Editors/Owners are more ruthless than Intelligence Operatives.

I had joined ExpressNews TV Pakistan in 2009 as a Researcher and read it yourself as to what kind of treatment I received from their top management. Funniest thing is that on 10th July 2009, THE OWNER OF EXPRESS NEWS TV [Sultan Lakhani] made me Incharge of Express News TV Research Section to coordinate with everyone in Expressnews [Current Affairs Anchors e.g Qatreena, Mubashir Lucman, Imran Shirvanee, and Kamran Shahid] and on 13th July 2009 I received a telephone call from Director Program – Senior Executive Producer Karamullah Ghumro that “your services are no more required because we don’t want Retired IB Officer working in Express News TV.


In 2002/2003 I was thrice interviewed in The News International [Interviewed by the then Executive Editor Ms Humma Ahmed, Shahrukh Hasan (Group Managing Editor, Jang Group) and three other gentlemen of HR. My appointment was finalised all the papers/contract were signed [that Humma Ahmed much before this official work 'used' my services for the Jang Group of Newspaper - nowadays Humma Ahmed has suddenly become Human Rights Activist protesting in favour of Child Molester Journalist of Jang Group Nayyar Zaidi who is in US Jail for Child Molestation Wednesday, March 18, 2009 GEO TV's Paedophile/Child Molester Correspondent in USA - 1 POSTCARD USA: The strange case of Nayyar Zaidi — Khalid Hasan Sunday, September 14, 2008] and out of nowhere after three months of waiting period she suddenly called me and said “we couldn’t appoint you because you are a Retired IB Officer [I just asked one question that why did you accept my CV in the first place???].

Mujahid Barelvi is the Journalist/ Author. Mujahid Barelvi is well-known member of CNBC. Pakistan

Similar treatment I received at the hands of Mujahid Barelvi [Indus], Shams Kazmi [Aurat Foundation/Indus Vision and now GEO ], and Adnan Awan [Indus Vision and now GEO TV and he is related with Karamullah Ghumro - Senior Executive Producer/Director Programs of ExpressNews TV], they all used my work/research and then didn’t even pick up the phone when Itried to remind them of the promise they made for giving me a job.
Same treatment I received from NEWSONE’s Director Ashraf Khan [he said why dont you remove the IB Service Record form your CV]. Mr Ashraf Khan is in Associated Press.

Dawn Group of Newspapers is even worse, they call me for interview in July/Aug 2005 and I was interviewed twice by the so-called Intellectual Muhammad Ali Siddiqui and I was also give a test paper to solve with clear instructions by this Muhammad Ali Siddiqui,

“quote” Dont Cheat and Dont use Influence/Source for appointment. “unquote”.

After the test/exam Mr Siddiqui said come back after three months and when I went there after three months Mr Siddiqui again gave me another question paper to solve and after that test he said we will call you in three months {as per him I have a flare for writing and as per him my answers for the test were excellent} and I am waiting for that call since 2005.

Date: 13 July 2009


Mr Suleiman Lalani,


Expressnews Network,

Television Media Network (PVT) Ltd,

5 Expressway, Off Korangi Road,

Karachi – Pakistan,

Phone: 021 – 5800060.

Subject: Resignation and Surrender of Attendance Card/Visiting Card.

Dear Sir,

Refer to my email dated Monday, July 13, 2009 regarding Resignation from Service [copy of the mails is at the end].

Since I have resigned therefore I am surrendering the attendance card to you because it is the property of Express news. [Card is attached]. My visiting card [whole box] is in the office which you can collect by sending any Office Runner and cancel the visiting cards.


Muhammad Aamir Mughal


Mr Sultan Lakhani

Mr Kamran Wajih, Director,

Mr Mubeen Adam, Admin.

Copy of Resignation is as under:

Sent:Monday, July 13, 2009 4:42:32 PM

Dear Sir,

I, Muhammad Aamir Mughal, tender my resignation in protest from your so-called "Esteemed News Channel". Your News Channel particularly, Karman Shahid, Mubashir Luqman and Mr Sultan Ali Lakhnai can shove all the research which I provided on your single telephone call and not a single time my name was included in the end credits. Shame on you Mr Karam.

The List of Research is as under for which you called me and Research was used and no credits were given to the original Author:

1 - Point Blank: Musharraf interview?.

2 - Frontline: US Aid to Pakistan

3 - Frontline: PAK - US Relations

4 - Frontline: Asfandyar Wali - Pashtun Politics/Awami National Party.?

5 - Frontline: Makhdoom Shah Mehmood Qureshi?

6 - Point Blank: Talibanization and Pakistan

7 - Frontline: Charter of Democracy - PPP/PML-N.

8 - Point Blank: Mr Altaf Hussain - MQM

9 - Provincial autonomy research?.

SUICIDES: Number of suicides for economic reasons. Suicides on other issues (marriage proposal, love affair, failure / fear of failure in exams etc)

PHILANTHROPY: How much Pakistanis give in alms. Any formal system except for Zakat deduction by banks. Number of beggars, street children, orphanage, SOS villages. Any initiative ever taken by government to tackle the issue.

WRONG DIAGNOSIS: Wrong diagnosis of diseases by doctors and patients dying our suffering due to negligence of doctors. Any doctor ever punished for such negligence.

POPULATION GROWTH: Programmes started during different governments to check population growth and their fate. Reactions by religious leaders etc to such initiatives.

DOUBLE STANDARDS: Double standards in implementation of laws for rich and poor. Instances where common people were punished while influential people went scot free for similar crime / wrongdoings.

SLUMS: Slums/katchi abadis. Figures / data. Slums given proprietary rights. Drives against such katchi abadis / slums during different periods.

POTABLE WATER: How many Pakistanis have access to clean drinking water? There was a huge clean drinking water project started during Musharraf?s regime worth billions of dollars. Some water treatment plants were installed in different parts of the country. What is update on that?

HOSPITALS: Number of hospitals, doctors, nurses in Pakistan. Ratio as per population. Comparison with a couple of other countries e.g, one in region and one in developed world

SCHOOLS: Number of schools in public and private sector. Ratio as per population. Comparison with a couple of other countries e.g, one in region and one in developed world

POWER GENERATION: Number of power generation plants and their capacity including IPPs and dams. How many are working to full capacity.

INDISCIPLINE IN SPORTS: Indiscipline by Pakistani cricket players. Occasions / number of incidents / players involved. Players punished locally and by international organizations.

FILMS: number of cinemas, past and present. How many filmmakers, how many films are made each year. Comparison with Bollywood and Hollywood.

TOLL TAX: Toll tax kiosks on different roads across the country. Who collects this tax? How much money is involved and where it goes.

LAPSED FUNDS: Government funds which lapse almost every year as they remain unutilized

INFLATION: The comparison of rates of different commodities during last 10 years.

MIGRATION TO CITIES: Rural-urban divide/migration to cities. Data comparing the urban and rural dwellers during last 10 years.

Research [Javed Chaudhry, Ansar Abbasi, Rauf Klasra, Nazir Naji, M. Malick]?

Research: Chaudries of Gujrat - Punjab, Pakistan?

Cricket controversies?

-----Original Message-----From: Muhammad Ayub [mailto:] Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2009 4:18 PM



Subject: Research for next few days

Dear Aamir Sb,

Please research the following topics for the next few days. Please take yourtime as it is not something 1: Performance of our lawmakers. How many laws have been made since theNational Assembly came into being after the Feb 18, 2008 elections. How muchcost the government is incurring on them in terms of salaries and perks etc. 2: New Judicial Policy: Apparently the judiciary announced this policy afterwatching the situation in tribal areas. We have to see what is thepracticability of the implementation of this policy. How many more judges,courts we would need to decide cases according to new policy. How much costwould be needed for all this etc. 3: Religious fundamentalism 4: Balochistan issue 5: Conspiracies against Pakistan: Role of India, Israel; myths and reality Thank you, Regards, Muhammad Ayub, Senior Producer, Programming Cell: 03028545398

Dear Sir,


Refer to your instructions dated 17 Jun 2009 regarding One-liner Suggestions for Packages and Programs.

Following are some suggestions as per my humble and poor knowledge:

1 - Education Sector ? Why there are Ghost Schools when we receive Aid and Funds to promote Education.

2 - Health Sector - HEALTH STRUCTURE IN PAKISTAN ? Hospitals, Doctors, Paramedics are not sufficient enough to cover the Population.

3 - AILING MEDICAL EDUCATION ? Lack of latest Research on Disease and insufficient facilities.

4 - Child Abuse ? Children face worse kind of abuse in home, school, madrerssah and work place.

5 - ENVIRONMENT - Pollution, Noise Pollution, Adulteration in food stuff- what we eat, what we breathe, what we drink, where we live- our environment, what work we do, our genetic make up, our life styles, and many other factors that can affect our health and longevity.

6 - FAMILY PLANNING: Have we planned to cope with the problems due to population growth?

7 - QUACKERY AND QUACKS - It is common knowledge that more than half a million quacks are practicing across Pakistan. They pose a major health hazard to society and are responsible for jacking the mortality rate in the country.

8 - SPURIOUS / COUNTERFEIT / BANNED DRUGS - Another curse the Pakistani drug market suffers from is the presence of spurious, counterfeit and banned drugs in large number. According to the Burhanuddin Commission Report 1984, ?Let there be no misunderstanding. Medicines and drugs once produced are not going to be dumped into the sea; they are going to be swallowed by the people whether they need them or not?.

9 - AIDS/HIV AWARENESS- The fact that HIV/AIDS is spreading because of lack of knowledge, denial, ignorance and poor access to health facilities was underlying the message at the South Asia Interfaith Consultation on Children, Young People and HIV/AIDS, held in Katmandu, Nepal in 2003.

10 - MENTAL ILLNESSES ? Majority of Pakistanis [around 40 % to 50 %] are suffering from Depression and Mental Illness and they don?t know it.

11 - Girl-Child and Early Marriages ? Biggest problem of Rural Pakistan - Girls, especially in rural areas, tend to attain puberty at ages ranging from 9-12 years. Data gathered by demographers over the past decade shows a steadily rising age at marriage even for girls. Other sociological and anthropological research, however, points to a continuation of the cultural norm of early marriage, especially in rural areas (where 68% of Pakistan?s population resides), and the presence of 12-14 year old girls who are either pregnant or already mothers.

12 - Poverty ? More than 40 % Pakistanis are living below poverty line ? What happened to the World Bank, IMF and Asia Development Aid meant for Poverty Alleviation and Social Action Programmes.

Dear Sir,

Our Channel lacks programs on following Topics.

1 - Foreign Policy.

2 - History.

3 - Interfaith Dialogue [even countries like Saudi Arabia are holding such conferences to start a dialogue with the people of different religion to attain long lasting peace and peaceful coexistence].


Muhammad Aamir Mughal


----- Original Message -----
From: [mailto:]
Sent: Mon, 13 Jul 2009 15:05:16 +0400
Subject: RE: Performance of lawmakers

My Dear Ayub Sahab,

I am no more with your organization. Since you had written that you want "Quality Research" therefore it is requested that you kindly ask for such quality reaserch from lickspittles like Kamran Shahid and Media Pimps like Javed Chaudhry and by the way Expressnews deserve Rascals like Shami and Abbas Ather, any truthful and upright person cannot provide what you demand. Mr Imran Shirvanee wanted me out since the day I was appointed [this was confirmed by Mr Karam on several times] so ask for Research from Mr Imran Shirvanee and see as to how this Imran Shirvanee kind of gentlemen succeed in you organizations.

A glimpse of Quality:

From: Aamir Mughal [mailto:]
Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 2009 9:30 PM
To: ''
Subject: Official Complaint

Dear Mr Karam,

The letter below was written as a reply to Mr Imran Shirvanee and I am posting it to you as a complaint against Mr Imran. The contents are self-explanatory and may please be kept on record. The copy is not sent to Mr Imran. The research which I have already provided to Mr. Imran and copies are sent to Mr. Rasheed are 24 in number, since April 17, 2009 much before my appointment. If you require copies, I can e-mail them to you.


Muhammad Aamir Mughal


Dear and Respected Sir,

With utmost humility and respect I would beg to say that you should behave yourself while addressing the undersigned which you usually don?t and that is quite evident for everybody. For example you quite often raise question on my dressing, my moustaches, and the worst habit you are indulged in is that you time and again ask question in front of everybody in Programming as to why I haven't been married yet. That is my dear Sir, is no business of yours whether I am married or celibate. In the very first brain storming session on Baluchistan after my appointment, you in front of Mr Saif Khan [AP] and Ms. Tania Mirza [AP], openly passed very negative comment on the material I collect.

Much before my appointment as Researcher i.e. on the night of 16 April 2009, you and Mr Rasheed called me to Express News for initial interview and you my dear Sir, had asked;


"Give me everything you have on Karachi"


And I did provide everything on Karachi from 1984 to 2007 [let me remind you again that the text on Karachi wasn't my blog entry but chronological history as reported in the press. Between from 17th April 2009 to 30th April 2009, you my dear Sir, called me and asked for Swat Nizam-e-Adl Regulation 2009 and that I also provided on your "Telephonic Decree". After my appointment you asked for the "Research" [without specifying any specific questions] on Shortage of Indus Water/Kalabagh Dam, Sindhi Nationalists, Bhutto Dynasty, Internally Displaced Persons, Bonded Labor, Nuclear Issue, Baluchistan issue.etc.etc.

My Dear Sir,

Please advice what should one do when you jump from one topic to another twice a day everyday and issue verbal orders to arrange data on any topic immediately as per your whims and desire instead of the set pattern of Time Table and Schedule. On one hand you demand research [without specifying any questions and the mail about what actually you want is received on 13 May 2009].

No doubt I was jobless for the last 8 years and I am ready to face more hardship of unemployment with honor and dignity but I will not allow insulting comment

-----Original Message-----

From: [mailto:]

Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 2009 4:30 PM



Dear Aamir saheb,

As has been discussed with you earlier, please, do NOT send me blogs in the name of research. You are supposed to send me a concise report on topics on one page (maximum two) covering four (at least two) major questions on the issue. These questions should follow the basic theme of the episode as per the ep brief. Please, do not send me references for the data you provide me with unless I specifically require. You are also supposed to give a list of possible guests for the discussion etc.

And again, please, STOP SENDING ME BLOGS. I do not want to go through hundreds of pages of internet data, because that data is already available on the net and the researcher is supposed to sift through it and give me a precise.

Imran Shirvanee

Executive Producer

Wish you best of luck.


Muhammad Aamir Mughal

---- Original Message -----
From: Muhammad Ayub [mailto:]
Sent: Mon, 13 Jul 2009 16:52:46 +0600
Subject: Performance of lawmakers

Dear Aamir Sb,

We plan to review the performance of our parliamentarians as against the expenditure incurred in terms of their salaries, allowances and other perks etc. We will calculate the amount and then the number of days the parliament was in session and the number of laws passed/ introduced etc. This will make an interesting comparison. One of our viewers has sent the following figures. We need to confirm them also. Please see how this can be done and what is available in this connection.


Muhammad Ayub

Dear Mubashir Luqman sb.

I watch your show regualry. I have got some info of MNA's expenses. Could you please review the below mail and can confirm if this is true. As we think you are an authentic and true man and we do not have on you credibility.If the below info is true then how can we minimize these expenses. Should we launch a movement against this or not. Because I always think that we do need to speak on every wrong thing that goes in the interest PAKISTAN.

Subject: Salary and allowances of an MNA in Pakistan

It is just for your information please. Salary & Govt. Concessions for a Member of NATIONAL ASSEMBLY (MNA)

* Monthly Salary: Rs. 120,000 to 200,000

* Expense for Constitution per month :Rs.100,000

* Office expenditure per month : Rs.140,000

* Traveling concession (Rs. 8 per km): Rs.48,000 (For a visit to ISLAMABAD & return): 6000 km

* Daily BETA during Assembly meets: Rs.500

* Charge for 1st class (A/C) in train : Free (For any number of times all over PAKISTAN)

* Charge for Business Class in flights: Free for 40 trips / year (With wife or P.A.)

* Rent for Govt. hostel any where: Free

* Electricity costs at home : Free up to 50,000 units

* Local phone call charge : Free up to 1,70,000 calls

* TOTAL expense for a MNA per year : Rs. 32,000,000

* TOTAL expense for 5 years : Rs. 1,60,000,000

* For 534 MNA, the expense for 5 years : Rs. 85,440,000,000 (more than 800 crores)

And they are elected by THE PEOPLE OF PAKISTAN, through a democratic process of this world, not intruded into the Assembly on their own or by any qualification. This is how all our tax money is been swallowed and price hike on our regular commodities. Think of the great democracy we have.

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