Tuesday, July 12, 2011

MQM-PPP-ANP Play with Fire & Jang Group (GEO TV) Adds Fuel.

SREBRENICA (Bosnia-Hercegovina), July 11: Thousands of people gathered on Monday to commemorate the 16th anniversary of the Srebrenica massacre just weeks after the arrest of Ratko Mladic, the alleged mastermind. Families of around 8,000 Muslims victims of the massacre were heading to the vast cemetery where more than 4,000 white grave stones dot the grounds and 613 more had been newly dug to receive the remains of more victims during the commemoration service. Ahmed Sehic, 26, has come to bury his father who was killed with two of Ahmed’s uncles while trying to flee through the woods to Muslim-held territory. “I hope it will be easier for me now, I will know where he is, where I can come to visit his grave,” he said. This year’s anniversary of the July 11, 1995, massacre in Srebrenica, the worst mass killing in Europe since the end of the World War II, comes only weeks after the arrest of then Bosnian Serb army chief Mladic in Serbia.—AFP REFERENCE: Bosnians remember massacre From the Newspaper http://www.dawn.com/2011/07/12/bosnians-remember-massacre.html 

Najam Sethi on MQM & Karachi - 1 (Aapas Ki Baat - 11 July 2011)

URL: http://youtu.be/BnfUltVJEOI

TORN apart by ethnic and political strife, Karachi has long been a tinderbox that can be set ablaze by the smallest of sparks. There is no shortage of antagonists in this city and the latest round of allegations can trigger a deadly chain reaction. It has often been said that Karachi is more cosmopolitan than any other major city in Pakistan. A patchwork and quite resplendent quilt, if you will, that had been carefully and harmoniously crafted over time but began falling apart at the seams in the mid-`80s. Since then we have seen peaceful pauses that are almost inevitably destroyed by the most horrible violence imaginable. Mohajir versus Sindhi nationalists, the security operation against the MQM, a short-lived spell of `activism` by the Punjabi Pakhtun Ittehad and then the out-and-out conflict between the MQM and the ANP that has rocked the city in recent years. Now yet another inflammatory ingredient has been tossed into the pot. The Muttahida Qaumi Movement, which has parted ways with the Pakistan People`s Party, is clearly at loggerheads with the administration. Neither side has done itself any favours. Zulfiqar Mirza of the PPP seems bent on provocation. He almost boasted the other day that he met MQM-Haqiqi leader Afaq Ahmed, Muttahida`s primary foe, in jail. Is it becoming of a minister to have contact with a man who is, rightly or wrongly, accused of heinous crimes including murder? The government must act with greater restraint than its opponents. The MQM, for its part, has thrown down the gauntlet, challenging the government to take its pick: political negotiation or street combat. As messages go this one is quite clear, for it seems that both sides have taken polar positions that can only hurt the city further. The MQM`s statements come close to a threat of extreme violence. At the same time, the MQM ought to be asked whether a person like Aamir Khan, a former dissident who was until recently accused by the MQM of similar atrocities, should have been present at the press conference in which the Muttahida`s Anis Kaimkhani lambasted the PPP. Karachi has seen enough warfare and cannot afford another showdown. Too much blood has been spilled already, families devastated and livelihoods lost due to industrial shutdowns and a general fear factor that is crippling productivity. The numbers game cannot be played out in Sindh. The political situation here is far too complex than in other parts of the country and cannot be resolved without a joint effort. We need to learn how to live with ourselves. REFERENCE: Playing with fire From the Newspaper (11 hours ago) http://www.dawn.com/2011/07/12/playing-with-fire.html 

Najam Sethi on MQM & Karachi - 2 (Aapas Ki Baat - 11 July 2011)

URL: http://youtu.be/TI54zHjRNcU

KARACHI: The Pakistan People`s Party and Muttahida Qaumi Movement continued on a collision course on Monday as graffiti demanding a Mohajir province appeared overnight in many areas of the city, mostly MQM strongholds. While the MQM has made no formal demand for a province, the graffiti-splattered walls in the city fuelled speculation that such a move was being considered by the party piqued by the government`s decision to scrap the local government system and restore the commissionerate system in Sindh. Indeed an incensed member of the MQM coordination committee had said the other night that while Urdu-speaking people wanted to be part of Sindh, they were being discriminated against. He also warned darkly that consequences of such a government policy would be serious. MQM leader Advocate Anis told a news channel from London that the PPP was not willing to accept people of urban areas as sons of the soil. As expected, the graffiti incurred the ire of the PPP as senior Sindh Minister Pir Mazhar-ul-Haq who appeared to be following in the footsteps of tough-talking Dr Zulfikar Mirza said that no-one had the courage to talk about the division of Sindh. Rejecting the MQM accusation that a plan to attack its `Nine Zero` headquarters had been finalised at a meeting between former home minister Dr Mirza and chief of the Mohajir Qaumi Movement-Haqiqi Afaq Ahmed, he said that the MQM would no more be given concessions in the name of reconciliation. The Sindh High Court is due to hear an application of Mr Ahmed on Tuesday through which he has sought quashment of criminal cases which he said were registered at the behest of the rival Muttahida Qaumi Movement. The Sindh government, meanwhile, appointed commissioners and deputy commissioners for the newly restored divisions and districts across the province to strengthen the commissioner system. REFERENCE: Graffiti on Karachi walls incurs PPP ire By Azfar-ul-Ashfaque | From the Newspaper http://www.dawn.com/2011/07/12/graffiti-on-karachi-walls-incurs-ppp-ire.html 

Reporters are Human Being and Often Forget:), the above report has quoted MQM leader Advocate Anis and that too from London, UK but The News International and Dawn too had carried this news sometimes back


KARACHI, Feb 13: The Muttahida Qaumi Movement expelled on Friday its senior leader Syed Saleem Shahzad from the party for his alleged ‘mysterious’ activities. The decision was taken at an emergency meeting of the party’s coordination committee. A statement issued from the MQM’s London secretariat said any party member found in contact with Mr Shahzad would lose his membership. A former MNA and London-based MQM leader, Anis Ahmed Advocate, resigned from the party and stated that in future he would have nothing to do with the views and actions of the MQM, the statement said. Meanwhile, the MQM directed its workers not to contact Mohammad Anwar, another senior London-based member of the coordination committee. Saleem Shahzad expelled from MQM By Our Staff Reporter February 14, 2009  http://archives.dawn.com/2009/02/14/nat3.htm   KARACHI: The Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) has expelled Saleem Shahzad from its Rabita Committee on account of his personal and secret activities and contacts. Besides, MQM activists have been asked not to contact another Rabita Committee member, Muhammad Anwar, on any issue. According to a press release issued by the MQM on Friday, anyone found contacting Saleem Shahzad would be expelled from the party. Similarly, the MQM activists have been directed instead of contacting Muhammad Anwar they may contact the Rabita Committee in Karachi or the party’s international secretariat. The party took the decision on the basis of Anwar’s suspicious activities and his disinterest in the affairs of the party, the statement said. Meanwhile, MQM’s senior member and in-charge of its Labour Division Anees Ahmed Khan, advocate, has voluntarily resigned from the basic membership of the MQM, the statement said. Another MQM statement said on the grounds of serious violation of organisational discipline and involvement in activities outside the organisation, the Rabita Committee had suspended the following activists of the All Pakistan Muttahida Students Organisation (APMSO) for an indefinite period: Ejaz Qureshi and Mohsin Shahab (University of Karachi unit); and Mohsin Ahsanul Haq (NED unit). When contacted, MQM spokesman Faisal Sabazwari offered no comments, saying: “Whatever the MQM has to say in this regard, it has stated in the press release.” REFERENCE: Saleem Shahzad expelled from MQM Rabita Committee Saturday, February 14, 2009 http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=20309&Cat=13&dt=2/13/2009 


Jang Group and other Media Outlet Talk of "Sanctity of Judiciary" whereas they are Guilty of Contempt of Court!

KARACHI: An official of the Sindh High Court (SHC) Abdul Malik on Monday rejected the statement of Anis Ahmad Advocate, spokesman of Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM), who said that a meeting was conducted between the Chief Justice SHC Justice Mushir Alam and Sindh Senior Minister Dr Zulfiqar Mirza. Malik issuing a written statement to the journalists said, “The contents of press conference of Anis Ahmad Advocate (spokesman MQM) to the extent of meeting between Chief Justice SHC and Senior Minister Sindh Dr Zulfiqar Mirza published in some newspapers besides electronic media are fictitious, fallacious and vehemently deniable as no such meeting has ever taken place”. Malik further said, “The SHC strongly and vehemently denies and refutes all such allegations and reiterates that no meeting between the Sindh CJ and Mirza ever took place. He said, that honourable CJ SHC had proceeded to Islamabad on July 8, 2011 for official duties returning on July 9, 2011 about 09:00pm”. It is pertinent to mention here that the spokesman of MQM Anis Ahmad Advocate said between the midnight of July 10-11, while addressing a press conference at Nine Zero that the Sindh Senior Minister Mirza met the Chief Justice Sindh High Court. The news was flashed on the electronic media at the time until Monday morning while same news was also published in some newspapers. asghar azad, REFERENCE: SHC official denies Mirza-CJ meeting Tuesday, July 12, 2011 http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2011\07\12\story_12-7-2011_pg12_10 

KARACHI, Oct 17: Nazims of many towns in Karachi have warmed the federal government of an appropriate move if it did not 'rein in terrorists and extortionists' within and outside the government. The warning came at a press conference at the local press club on Sunday. Nazim of North Nazimabad Town Fasihuddin Siddiqui addressed the press conference. He was flanked, among others, by Gulberg Town Nazim Farooq Naimatullah, Jamshed Town Nazim Qasim Parekh, Gulshan Town Nazim Abdul Wahab, New Karachi Nazim Shafiqur Rehman Osmani and Korangi Town Nazim Mr Jameel. They claimed that the federal government had given a free hand to Muttahida Qaumi Movement. "If the Centre did not change its attitude, all the elected members of city government, as well as town and UC administrations, would be constrained to chalk out a joint strategy, which may include stop working at all levels." They read out a statement calling on the Sindh governor and MQM leadership to adopt a positive attitude towards the representatives of local government or be prepared to face people's reaction. In reply to a question, Farooq Naimatullah said: "The purpose of calling this press conference is to register our protest against singling out Liaquatabad Town Nazim Dr Pervez Mehmood who is being victimized." He recalled that Dr Pervez had first been implicated in a murder case. Later, his name was reportedly put on the top of the MQM's hit list containing five other names, he claimed. Recently, Mr Farooq said, the nazim had been detained illegally at North Nazimabad police station where he had gone to meet two students of the Jinnah College. When the people present at that police station raised their voice against the attitude of police and chanted slogans against the government, police let off Dr Pervez, but resorted to conduct a raid on his house early in the morning. Expressing resentment over the government's attitude, Farooq Naimatullah said it seemed that serving people was being regarded as a crime and the government did not want to see the local government system work. "Why doesn't it implicate all the 18 town nazims in a single case and dismiss them all?" he questioned. Jamshed Town Nazim Qasim Parekh pointed out that although the chief minister had issued a notification prohibiting transfer/posting of an officer before he completed one year of his service, two TMOs of Jamshed town had been transferred in violation of the same notification. Mr Parekh alleged that MQM ministers had been hindering the smooth functioning of the local government at city, town and UC levels by resorting to interference in their affairs. In this regard, he made mention of the city government's move to merge the Malir Development Authority (MDA) and Lyari Development Authority (LDA) into a single project in order to facilitate working, contain corruption and improve efficiency. However, he said, the city government notification had been nullified by the provincial government. The matter has since been referred to a court, he added. The nazims, in their statement, insisted that it was under the governor's instruction that Dr Pervez Mehmood had been detained for seven/eight hours. "The matter of the hit-list, where Dr Pervez Mehmood's name is on the top, is very much in the knowledge of the federal government, but it was still not ready to move against the MQM or strip it of the free hand it enjoys," the statement deplored. REFERENCE: KARACHI: Town nazims urge Centre to 'rein in' Muttahida By Our Staff Reporter 18 October 2004 Monday 03 Ramazan 1425 http://archives.dawn.com/2004/10/18/local1.htm 

KARACHI- Political wheeling-dealings are at the peak in the metropolis as the PPP is striving to bring anti-MQM forces on one platform to give the latter a tough time on all fronts. The emerging political situation has brought Jamaat-e-Islami and Sunni Tehreek closer to PPP, while ANP is already on the same page. The government wants to appoint new Sindh Governor as soon as possible and has offered the slot to the Jamaat-e-Islami. Former Karachi Nazim Naimatullah Khan is being considered for the gubernatorial slot, whose holder must be an Urdu speaking person. In a bid to show the gesture of goodwill, the government has appointed seasoned bureaucrat Muhammad Hussain Syed as the first Commissioner of Karachi after the restoration of Commissionerate system. He is son-in-law of Deputy Chief JI Professor Ghafoor Ahmed. The Jamaat has played an important role in arranging a meeting between MQM Haqiqi leader Afaq Ahmed Khan and Senior Sindh Minister Dr. Zulfiqar Mirza in Karachi jail. Dr. Pervez Mehmood, and former Town Nazim Liaquatabad belonging to JI facilitated the meeting, sources privy to the development said. Haqiqi leader Afaq Ahmed has close contacts with Jamaat since 1992. After the visit of Dr. Zulfiqar Mirza to Karachi jail, the imprisoned MQM activists Saulat Mirza and others were shifted to Hyderabad Jail and other jails in the interior. The government is also wooing Sunni Tehreek and has given assurances to its leadership to accommodate it in political dispensation. Sunny Tehreek is already at daggers drawn with MQM in areas where it challenged the party. Jamaat-e-Islami Karachi Amir Muhammad Hussain Mahenti, who led a party delegation in a meeting with the PPP, told reporters that it was the PPP leadership which approached the JI for support for the restoration of peace in the metropolis. PPP leaders said MQM was main hurdle in the restoration of peace in Karachi. “We told them that we will support their effort in bringing peace in Karachi,” said the JI leader. Asked whether the PPP leadership talked about making Naimatullah Khan as Sindh Governor, he answered in the affirmative. But, he said, the Jamaat was not part not part of the government, still it would extend cooperation for peace in Karachi. Sindh Jamaat-e-Islami amir Asadullah Bhutto said that meeting between JI and the PPP leaders was a routine matter. REFERENCE: JI offers PPP help in Karachi By: Zamir Sheikh | Published: July 12, 2011 http://nation.com.pk/pakistan-news-newspaper-daily-english-online/Regional/Karachi/12-Jul-2011/JI-offers-PPP-help-in-Karachi 

KARACHI: Nazim Liaqat Abad town Dr Pervez Mehmood has called upon President General Pervez Musharraf to take serious notice of ongoing terrorist activities of MQM and free Karachi police from its pressure. In a letter addressed to General Pervez Musharraf here Monday he said that terrorists like enlightened Altaf Hussain, so called claimant of good governance, Dr Ishrat ul Ibad and moderate Rauf Siddiqui were ruling over Karachi. He held that the people were being targeted by these terrorists. The youths were being butchered, women were becoming widows and children orphans due to terror acts of MQM terrorists. MQM terrorists abducted and killed JI Karachi Amir, Aslam Mujahid to satisfy the false ego of enlightened terrorist Altaf Hussain. The state machinery is playing into the hands of MQM and no case is being registered by police on any report against MQM. On one hand provincial interior minister was inaugurating exhibition against the street crimes and on the other hand he was patronising gambling dens and grabbing million of rupees every week, Dr Pervez alleged. All this business is going on in the name of enlightenment, moderation and good governance. This way Pakistan soft image is being projected in the international community. He demanded of General Pervez Musharraf to issue orders for immediate arrest of the so called moderates of MQM who have unleashed reign of terror in Karachi and are massacring innocent people in the name of enlightenment and moderation. REFERENCE: Musharraf urged to take serious note of terrorist activities of MQM Tuesday June 07, 2005 (1510 PST) http://www.paktribune.com/news/index.shtml?108499

The News 12-7-2011


Muhammad Saleh Zaafir & Jang Group Hate Muhajirs, Altaf Hussain and MQM.

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjwQvlP64Uk

Ugly Role of Jang Group's Saleem Safi
Tuesday, July 12, 2011, Shaban-ul-Muazzam 09, 1432 A.H

And the same Jang Group of Newspapers

And the same Jang Group

And the same Jang Group through The News International sometime in the past.

ISLAMABAD: Efforts for a truce between two senior leaders of the Mohajir Qaumi Movement (MQM-Haqiqi) – Aamir Khan and Afaq Ahmed — failed to materialise, ‘The News’ learnt here on Saturday. Younas Khan, a former member of the Sindh Assembly belonging to the MQM-Haqiqi who is currently settled in Islamabad, confirmed to The News that some important quarters made frantic efforts for settlement between Aamir and Afaq but they failed. He said efforts were also made on many occasions in the past to bring the two senior MQM-Haqiqi leaders to terms. “Currently, hundreds of our workers are living in different parts of the country like refugees and they are waiting for a congenial atmosphere in Karachi to return to their homes,” he said. The News also learnt that the top leadership of the MQM-Haqiqi approached Jamaat-e-Islami Amir Qazi Hussain Ahmed but no formal meeting could be held because the Jamaat chief was away from Islamabad. When contacted by The News, Jamaat Central Secretary Information Ameer-ul-Azeem confirmed that some leaders of the MQM-Haqiqi wished to meet Qazi Hussain Ahmed and this contact was part of efforts for a rapprochement between the top Haqiqi leaders. Some important quarters, who had a key role in Karachi in the past, have expressed that if no settlement between Aamir Khan and Afaq Ahmed is reached, peace in Karachi will be difficult to achieve. Whereas, they believe, in case of a truce between the two MQM-Haqiqi leaders, the Muttahida Qaumi Movement might face numerous problems. REFERENCE: Efforts to end Aamir-Afaq rivalry fail By Mazhar Tufail Sunday, April 20, 2008 http://thenews.jang.com.pk/top_story_detail.asp?Id=14216

Muhammad Saleh Zaafir is a paid agent and he is paid through SECRET FUND.



Real Face of Jang Group's Saleh Zaafir:) the house in which he lives in Islamabad is meant for Government Officer, and Zaaifr was given the house of 4 Canal in his wife name who is a Teacher in Grade 17 but Youfus Raza Gillani (Zaafir is personal contact of Prime Minister) allowed Zaafir to live in House which is meant for Federal Secretary, the same Saleh Zaafir "day in day out lecture" everybody like his catamite boss Mir Shakil ur Rehman.

Pakistani Journalists Living in Government Houses - Part - 5 (Matiullah Jan Dawn News)

URL: http://youtu.be/mK1vC4d4Obk

Sindhi cap is worn by every Pakistan from Keti Bandar to Landi Kotal. Pathans Balochs and even Punjabis wear the same cap with slight difference in design. My contention is why Sindhis have felt a cultural threat when a third grade journalist like Saleh Zafar passed derogatory remarks against cap. Fingers should be aimed at The GEO TV channel and Jang Group for tinkering with the sentiments of the people on one hand they demand "Pakistani Behaviour" and Pakistani Dress from Zardariwhereas for 9 years US backed Martial Law Administrator General Musharraf visited different foreign countries wearing Western Suits [was that a Pakistani Dress???] and nobody objected [shame on Pakistani Media particularly GEO TV]. Sindhi Cap and Shalwar Kameez are the dress of not only Sindh but Pakistan as well, because till the last news Sindh is in Pakistan. I still remember Musharraf's Photos published in Daily Dawn main page holding 2 Dogs "Dot" and "Buddy" in 99/2000.

Is it Pakistani Culture? [I still remember Musharraf's Photos published in Daily Dawn/and Daily Jang/The News Front Page main page holding 2 Dogs "Dot" and "Buddy" in 99/2000]Is it Pakistani Dress? [Was Musharraf wearing Pakistan's National Dress?]

یہ ٹوپی باز !

اصناف: بحث, ثقافت, سیاست, پاکستان
وسعت اللہ خان 2009-12-02 ،12:23

جس طرح عالم ہونا خوبی ہے، اسی طرح ایک جید جاہل ہونا بھی ہر کسی کے بس کا کام نہیں ہے۔ ہفتے بھر پہلے میں نے ایک پاکستانی چینل پر دو جیدوں کی پونے دو منٹ کی گفتگو دیکھی اور سنی۔ جس سے اندازہ ہوا کہ صدرِ مملکت آصف زرداری نے کابل میں صدر حامد کرزئی کی تقریبِ حلف برداری میں سندھی ٹوپی پہن کر سندھ کارڈ کھیلنے کی کوشش کی۔ صدرِ مملکت چونکہ وفاق کی علامت ہیں اس لیے انہیں بین الاقوامی سطح پر ملک کی نمائندگی کرتے ہوئے علاقائی لباس کی بجائے قومی لباس اور ٹوپی زیبِ تن کرنا چاہیے وغیرہ وغیرہ۔

میں اب تک سمجھتا تھا کہ سندھ ایک وفاقی اکائی ہے اور اس ناطے وہاں کا لباس اور ٹوپی بھی وفاقی ثقافت کا حصہ ہے۔ لیکن دونوں جئیدین کی گفتگو سے پتا چلا کہ سندھ پاکستان میں شامل نہیں بلکہ نائجیریا یا انڈونیشیا یا بولیویا کا حصہ ہے۔

دوسری بات یہ معلوم ہوئی کہ اگر کوئی فوجی آمر وردی پہن کر بیرونِ ملک جائے تو یہ فوجی کارڈ کھیلنا نہیں کہلائے گا۔ اگر کوئی صدر یا وزیرِ اعظم تھری پیس سوٹ اور ٹائی میں غیر ملکی دورے پر جائے تو یہ مغربی کارڈ کھیلنے کے مترادف نہیں ہوگا۔ کوئی حکمران اگر شلوار قمیض پہن کر ریاض ایرپورٹ پر اترے تو یہ پنجابی، پختون، سندھی یا سرائیکی یا بلوچ کارڈ تصور نہیں ہوگا لیکن سندھی ٹوپی پہننے سے وفاقی روح کو اچھا خاصا نقصان پہنچ سکتا ہے۔

ایسے ہی ٹوپی بازوں نے پاجامہ کرتا پہن کر قرار دادِ لاہور پیش کرنے میں پیش پیش بنگالیوں کو شلوار، شیروانی اور جناح کیپ پہننے سے انکار کے جرم میں ملک بنتے ہی 'پاکستانیت' کے دائرے سے باہر نکال دیا تھا۔ ان ہی عالی دماغ تنگ نظروں نے سینتیس برس پہلے سندھی کو صوبائی زبان کا درجہ دیے جانے پر 'اردو کا جنازہ ہے، زرا دھوم سے نکلے' کا نعرہ لگا کر پورے سندھ کو آگ اور خون میں جھونکنے کا اہتمام کرنے کی کوشش کی تھی۔

اگر ان میڈیائی مجتہدین کا بس چلے تو وہ محمد علی جناح کی ایسی تمام تصاویر اتروا دیں جن میں وہ کھلا لکھنوی پاجامہ یا چوڑی دار پاجامہ پہن کر ہندوستانی کارڈ اور قراقلی ٹوپی پہن کر بلوچ کارڈ اور فیلٹ ہیٹ پہن کر برطانوی سامراجی کارڈ کھیلنے میں مصروف ہیں۔ علامہ اقبال کی ایسی تمام تصاویر نذرِ آتش کروا دیں جن میں وہ تہبند میں ملبوس پنجابی کارڈ یا پھندنے والی لال ٹوپی پہن کر ٹرکش کارڈ کھیل رہے ہیں۔

ان ٹوپی ڈرامہ بازوں کو تو شاید یہ بھی معلوم نہ ہو کہ جب سندھ اسمبلی میں قرار دادِ الحاقِ پاکستان منظوری کے لیے پیش ہوئی تھی تو بیشتر مسلمان ارکانِ اسمبلی نے سندھی ٹوپی پہن کر اس کی تائید کی تھی۔ انہیں غالباً یہ خبر بھی نہیں پہنچی کہ فی زمانہ سندھی ٹوپی سندھ سے زیادہ جنوبی پنجاب، صوبہ سرحد، بلوچستان اور افغانستان میں پہنی جاتی ہے۔

تو کیا ہمارے گھروں کی ٹی وی سکرینوں پر تاریخ اور ثقافتی جغرافیے سے نابلد خوخیاتے بندر استرا لہراتے ہوئے ایسے ہی ٹوپی ڈرامہ کرتے رہیں گے؟

Dr Shahid Masood, Irfan Siddiqui & allegedly a Senior Correspondent Muhammad Saleh Zaafir [Jang Group/GEO TV] want Ethnic Clash between Communities of Sindh, Dr Shahid Masood and Muhammad Saleh Zaafir [Jang Group] insult Sindhi Community and create more problems in an already disturbed Pakistan. General (R) Pervez Musharraf, Dr. Shazia Khalid & Dirty Role of Dr. Shahid Masood. http://chagataikhan.blogspot.com/2010/09/general-r-pervez-musharraf-dr-shazia.html

Meray Mutabiq 21st Nov 2009 Part 4 NRO [Insuting Remarks of Jang Group Correspondent on Sindhi Cap]

Please keep in mind while reading the text below that Mr. Shaheen Sehbai, Group Editor, The News International is nowadays on vacation in USA with his family. Mr Irfan Siddiqui [Noted Columnist of Daily Jang and Former PRO of President House Islamabad and earlier he was a Regular Columnist of Weekly Takbeer] has also been declared as Mentor of Dr Shahid Masood. Irfan Siddiqui want Civil War in Sindh because he is adding fuel to the fire between MQM and PPP. REFERENCE: Read his article on Eid Day’s Daily Jang Saturday,November 28, 2009, Zil’Hajj 10, 1430 A.H http://www.jang.com.pk/jang/nov2009-daily/28-11-2009/col2.htm


How come Dr Shahid know that Pashtuns in Karachi are heavily armed??? Imran Khan Rally with Rape Abettor Dr Shahid Masood. http://chagataikhan.blogspot.com/2011/05/imran-khan-rally-with-rape-abettor-dr.html 

On Wednesday and Thursday when the Sindh interior minister almost declared full war on the MQM, revealing that all the closed criminal cases of the MQM were done fraudulently, the reality has now come to the surface. This is the final showdown the PPP is trying to start so that if President Zardari is disqualified, the Sindh Card, as it is generally known, could be played effectively. The problem with President Zardari and his cronies is that they don’t know how to defend their past corruption and how to convince their coalition partners and the relevant players in the establishment that they have changed their ways. This lack of minister almost declared full war on the MQM, revealing that all the closed criminal cases of the MQM were done fraudulently, the reality has now come to the surface. This is the final showdown the PPP is trying to start so that if President Zardari is disqualified, the Sindh Card, as it is generally known, could be played effectively.

The problem with President Zardari and his cronies is that they don’t know how to defend their past corruption and how to convince their coalition partners and the relevant players in the establishment that they have changed their ways. This lack of defence is driving them into desperation and as officially announced by Zulfikar Mirza, the ultimate weapon they have is the Sindh Card to save themselves, or, if they fail, to take the entire system down if they fail. I am a proud Pakistani and also a proud Sindhi, but I don’t believe in the Sindh card. I am sure that such a card does not exist anymore. It is again wrong to suggest that father of the nation Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah used the Sindh card for creation of Pakistan. It is simply childish to say that adoption of resolution in favour of Pakistan in the Sindh Assembly in 40s was an exploitation of the Sindh card. It shows lack of sense of history. The passage of resolution by the Sindh Assembly establishes the negation of the Sindh card. The role of the Awami National Party is also crucial in this situation as its role in any clash between the PPP and the MQM in Karachi will be pivotal as thousands of Pathans, with arms, could play havoc. REFERENCE: The desperation of PPP to shoot the messenger Friday, November 27, 2009 By By Dr Shahid Masood http://www.thenews.com.pk/print1.asp?id=210687 [URDU TEXT] Daily Jang http://www.jang.com.pk/jang/nov2009-daily/27-11-2009/main3.htm dated Friday, November 27, 2009, Zil’Hajj 09, 1430


If Zulfiqar Mirza meets with Afaq Ahmed then what about MQM's meeting with Jamat-e-Islami which is hand in gloves with AL-QAEDA.

ISLAMABAD: Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) has termed the two former allies of the PPP-led government MQM and JUI-F untrustworthy that could turn anytime and join the government again. The JI spokesman and Deputy Secretary General Farid Piracha said JUI-F and the MQM were not trustworthy parties and could change their faith at any time. “Both the parties join the government for their vested interests and part ways with the government, again following their own agenda,” he said. Farid Piracha said a grand alliance is being considered by the political parties of the country in the wake of MQM parting ways with the government but the participation of JI in that alliance was doubtful because of the MQM and the JUI-F. “The future of any such grand alliance would be uncertain in the presence of the two parties,” he said. He demanded that an affidavit should be sought from the JUI-F and the MQM before inviting them to the grand alliance. REFERENCE: JUI-F, MQM untrustworthy: JI http://www.onlinenews.com.pk/details.php?id=181092  Grand opposition alliance * Shahbaz Sharif, Ishaq Dar meet Farooq Sattar * Both parties’ leaders likely to meet soon * Dar tasked with holding talks with MQM * JUI-F refuses to become part of grand opposition alliance Tuesday, July 05, 2011 http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2011%5C07%5C05%5Cstory_5-7-2011_pg1_1  Grand Alliance moves one step at a time with glitches Tariq Butt Wednesday, July 06, 2011 http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=56266&Cat=6&dt=7/6/2011 

MQM is not political party just a terrorist gang (Syed Munawar Hassan on ARY NEWS)

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nOv82EZCMw

Coordination among political parties need of hour: Sattar

Coordination among political parties need of hour: Sattar
MQM leader Farooq Sattar said that coordination among political parties was need of the hour. Talking to media after meeting with JUI-F leader Munawwar Hassan, Sattar said that the country was passing through a difficult phase. He said that their party will continue to have contacts with other parties for the sovereignty of Pakistan. He said that time has come to work for the betterment of the country. He said that both JUI and MQM were against the feudalism in the country. JUI leader Liaquat Baloch said that it was vital to empower people for strengthening democracy in the country. He said that JUI and MQM had same stance over RGST. REFERENCE: Last Updated: 21 December,2010 09:55PM http://dunyanews.tv/index.php?key=Q2F0SUQ9MiNOaWQ9MTg0NDU=

Tuesday, December 21, 2010, Muharram 14, 1432 A.H

Jamaat e Islami Is Ready For New Grand Allaince Geo News Report
URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ad_IQKMLqXo


KARACHI/LONDON: The Chief of Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) Altaf Hussain and the Amir of Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) Syed Munawar Hasan talked on telephone and discussed various issues Monday. Historically, it has happened first time that the leaders of both arch rival parties have contacted through phone and agreed to work with each other for the betterment of the country and its security. Altaf Hussain appreciated JI's rally held on Sunday (yesterday) against the Reformed General Sales Tax, unemployment and inflation. REFERENCE: SAMAA MQM, JI chiefs talk on phone Upadated on: 21 Dec 10 12:13 AM http://www.samaa.tv/ /News29086-MQM_JI_chiefs_talk_on_phone.aspx
Tuesday, December 21, 2010, Muharram 14, 1432 A.H

Syed Munawwar Hassan Message for MQM & Citizens of Karachi.

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5f29vqrgL7A






JI chief condemns MQM’s terrorism

http://dunyanews.tv/news/2010/December/12-21-10/news_big_images/18445_24997851_Farooq_Sattar_Big.jpgLAHORE, July 6: The Jamaat e Islami chief, Syed Munawar Hasan, has said that the writ of the government in Karachi has been eroded because of the MQM’s terrorism. He was talking to the family members of JI member( Rukn) Mubinul Haq, who lost his life at the hands of the MQM terrorists in Faisalabad colony, Karachi. Syed Munawar Hasan said that the MQM’s inclusion in the government had emboldened the terrorists who were moving about freely and the law and order in the port city had been shattered. The residents of the mega city had become hostages in the hands of a few terrorists, he added. He condemned PPP government’s inaction against the MQM due to political expediency and said this was a matter of deep concern for the entire nation. He said even the PPP was afraid of MQM backlash in case the MQM was dropped from the government. He asked the PPP leadership if it had bartered away the lives of the people for its rule. He deplored that the port city which earned 70 per cent revenue for the country, was in the grip of target killing and the national economy was being ruined under a conspiracy. Syed Munawar Hasan paid homage to Mobinul Haq for his steadfastness on the path of righteousness and said Mobin had lost his life while fighting against the forces of evil and his sacrifice won’t go waste. The father of the deceased, Zamirul Haq, speaking on the occasion, said that the terrorists could not cow down the JI workers who were struggling for an Islamic revolution which was the destiny of this country. REFERENCE: JI chief condemns MQM’s terrorism http://www.smunawar.com/2010/07/ji-chief-condemns-mqms-terrorism.html 

Jamaat-e-Islami Exposed دہشت گردوں سے رابطے

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bg4Yer5lcWs

MQM Haider Abbas Rizvi on "Duniya In-session" Hypocrisy of Jamat-e-Islami Exposed Part 1

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vw-BJL3TE2M

MQM Haider Abbas Rizvi on "Duniya In-session" Hypocrisy of Jamat-e-Islami Exposed Part 2

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVBvb63zu0Q&feature=related

MQM Haider Abbas Rizvi on "Duniya In-session" Hypocrisy of Jamat-e-Islami Exposed Part 3

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmPbgLz-fis&feature=related

MQM Haider Abbas Rizvi on "Duniya In-session" Hypocrisy of Jamat-e-Islami Exposed Part 4

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzZOMco9M74&feature=related

Jamat-e-Islami Exposed

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VaJPxVDjPZ8&feature=related

MQM Mustafa Kamal exposes that terrorist Jamat-e-Islami is actually Jewish,US agent.

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nipLrouYwDY&feature=related

MQM Mustafa Kamal challenge to Jamatey Islami terrorist

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-62kdEuj9PQ&feature=related

ISLAMABAD: One of the top security agencies on Wednesday picked up Raja Ehsan Aziz, a member of Tehrik-e-Islami (TI), for his alleged connections with terrorists who had attacked the Parade Lane Mosque in Rawalpindi and Moon Market in Lahore. Tehrik-e-Islami is a splinter group of the JI. Two female members of the Tehrik have already been taken into custody. Sarwat Wahid, another female member whose son's car was used in the Parade Lane Mosque attack, is missing. Also her son, Jawad, who was studying in Faisalabad after doing A Level from Beacon House School System, is missing. Aziz, a graduate of Columbia University who also served on senior positions at the Foreign Office, is a retired professor of International Relations, Quaid-i-Azam University. His elder son is an Army doctor. Aziz was taken away from his house in G/10-3 on Wednesday evening by sleuths of the Counter-Terrorism Cell, his wife Amira Aziz told The News. Amira, an ex-MNA of Jamaat-e-Islami and now a Shura member of the Tehrik, is a religious scholar and writes columns in an Urdu daily. Aziz's driver, Phool Zeb from Nowshera, has already been arrested as investigators found a mobile SIM allegedly used for conversation during the attacks on the Parade Lane Mosque and Moon Market, was issued in his name. Likewise, the car used in the mosque attack belonged to Jawad, the son of a Tehrik-e-Islami woman, Sarwat Wahid, a resident of I-8 Sector, Islamabad. Both of them are missing since then. Likewise, Aziz' son, Omer, a student of Islamic International University, has not returned home for the last five days.

Kamran Khan & GEO TV says that Jamat-e-Islami is involved in Terrorism.

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXsexXAQLfY

Aziz has been picked up for the second time, his wife said, denying any links of the family with terrorism incidents. “I’m a sworn enemy of America and can pay any price for it but I strongly oppose terrorism within Pakistan,” Amira Aziz told The News. She said the intelligence operatives had been following the women activists of Tehrik-e-Islami for the last six months and harassed them. She alleged that her husband was beaten black and blue when picked up last time and kept in illegal custody for a night. Amira said her son, Omer, a heart patient, was very upset when intelligence guys kept his father in their custody for a night. A female member of Tehrik, Najma Sana, who lives in G-9/1, is already in the agency’s custody for the last 10 days. Sarwat Wahid, after being chased by the intelligence agency, left Islamabad for Karachi where she was again pursued by the police. Her sister and children in Karachi have been arrested to press for recovery of Sarwat who has gone underground there. Sarwat’s son, Jawad, is also missing. Tahira Mumtaz, another female member of the Tehrik, was twice called for investigation over her alleged assistance to Sarwat to flee the capital. Altaf Aziz Khattack, SHO, said he was not aware of any such incident. He asked this correspondent to take up the matter with the R A Bazaar police in whose jurisdiction the mosque was attacked. When contacted, officials of the concerned police station said that they had not arrested Ehsan Aziz, adding the Army was investigating the attack and the matter may be taken up with them. The DG ISPR could not be contacted. REFERENCE: JI splinter group leader, females held for links to suicide attackers Friday, December 18, 2009 By Umar Cheema http://thenews.com.pk/daily_detail.asp?id=214063 

MQM Joins Jamat-e-Islami - Part 1

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ut854AFpVE

MQM Joins Jamat-e-Islami - Part 2

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eILFwYOcW2Y

Jamat-e-Islami & 12 May 2007 Killings in Karachi

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqDhg3e_maA

KARACHI, July 17: Holding the Sindh government directly responsible for the martyrdom of Allama Hasan Turabi, the secretary-general of Jamaat-i-Islami, Syed Munawar Hasan, said that a fascist group was ruling over Sindh, in presence of which, nobody else could dare to carryout terrorist activities. He was talking to newsmen on Monday after visiting the residence of the slain MMA leader Allama Turabi to offer his condolence. The JI leader said that Allama Turabi's martyrdom was a great loss for not only the MMA but for the entire country. Other MMA leaders including JI Karachi Amir Dr Merajul Huda Siddiqui, Dr Abdul Wasey Shakir, Birjis Ahmed, MNA Abdul Sattar Afghani, MPAs Nasarullah Shajee, Younus Barai and JI leaders Muzaffar Ahmed Hashmi and Muslim Pervez were also present. Mr Hasan said that Allama Turabi's martyrdom was a “message of death” for his killers and added that his martyrdom was a defeat of the plans of the US agents in Pakistan, who wanted sectarian rift among Muslims as they could never succeed in their nefarious designs. He claimed that efforts were being made to destabilise Pakistan, especially Karachi on the pattern of Iraq and conspiracies were being hatched by killing leading Shia and Sunni Ulema to ignite bloodshed of Muslims. Not a single assassin, involved in killings of noted Ulema including Mufti Shamzai and those responsible for the Nishtar Park tragedy have been arrested yet, he deplored.—PPI REFERENCE: KARACHI: JI slams govt over Turabi’s killing July 18, 2006 Tuesday Jumadi-ul-Sani 21, 1427 http://archives.dawn.com/2006/07/18/local11.htm
Capital Talk with Imran Khan : Part 1

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wzLxaz0Z3c

Recorded in May 2007

LAHORE, Aug 23: Jamaat-i-Islami chief Syed Munawwar Hasan has criticised MQM chief Altaf Husain’s announcement supporting martial law against “corrupt politicians” and termed it making a mockery of the Constitution and the law. In a press statement on Monday, he said such a statement was unbecoming of a leader whose party was a part of the ruling elite. He said the military rule in the past was much to be blamed for the prevailing disorder and chaos in the country. Pakistan, he said, was passing through difficult times with target killings in Karachi, drone attacks and blood letting in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, besides devastating floods in all the provinces. In such a situation, the martial law would only serve US interests by adding to disruption and anarchy in the country, he said. PML-N: PML-N central leader Muhammad Medhi has also criticised the MQM chief’s statement. He said Altaf spoke the language of those whom he (the MQM chief) had met a day before. REFERENCE: Munawwar criticises Altaf From the Newspaper July 8, 2010 By Our Staff Reporter http://www.dawn.com/2010/07/08/china-pakistan-vow-to-step-up-fight-against-terrorism.html 

Capital Talk with Imran Khan : Part 2

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gt4DPf-A9ok&feature=related

Recorded in May 2007

However, he would not say why the MMA government was not enacting so fruitful a law and not ignoring annoyance of the federal authorities on the issue. Replying to a question on the Karachi situation, the former MNA said the MQM was facing internal rifts and its exiled leader Altaf Husain had admitted the fact in a recent speech. He claimed that Sindh Governor Ishratul Ibad was also to be replaced on Husain's insistence but the agencies intervened believing "a known devil is better than an unknown devil". He said Karachi was paying the cost of Gen Musharraf's bid to block PPP's entry in the power set-up of the province. He, however, contended that the army and the MQM had been travelling in different directions. "The army and the masterminds of Jinahpur (state) cannot go together (for long)." About divisions in the opposition, he alleged that it was the PPP which had split the joint opposition. The PPP, he said, always tried to strengthen the government against the MMA. It backed out of an understanding to vote for Maulana Fazlur Rahman as prime minister and now was illogically demanding of the Maulana to vacate the opposition leader's office for Makhdoom Amin Fahim, he said. He did not agree with the suggestion that MMA policies had resulted in reduced support for the alliance. Had this been true it would have become difficult for it to rule the NWFP province, he said. The by-election track record also contradicts the notion as the alliance has not lost any seat in the NWFP and the Punjab, he added. The alliance's policies had rather countered and cornered the ANP in provincial politics, he said. REFERENCE: Time not ripe for anti-govt movement: MMA By Amjad Mahmood 22 July 2004 Thursday 04 Jamadi-us-Saani 1425 http://dawnnews.tv/2004/07/22/nat7.htm 

Capital Talk with Imran Khan : Part 3

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYbeM-rRyuo&feature=related

Recorded in May 2007

KARACHI, May 9: Jamaat-i-Islami chief Syed Munawwar Hasan has condemned the targeted killings and increasing number of missing persons, stating that peace and rule of law cannot be ensured in the city until the culprits behind the May 12 mayhem, April 9 tragedy and 12th Rabi-ul-Awwal killings are exposed and taken to task. Addressing the participants of “Road Caravan” organised by the party on Sunday, the JI chief said the coalition government had failed to deliver and that a peaceful Islamic revolution, which was the only panacea of pressing problems such as loadshedding, price hike and unemployment, was knocking at the door.Mr Hasan said: “Soon we will give a call for a ‘million march’ of people to Islamabad to highlight their problems and to show that people want to rid the country of US influence.” He held the PPP, MQM, ANP, PML-N and JUI-F responsible for the miseries of the people and said if the MQM and JUI-F quitted the government the PPP government would collapse within no time. However, he added that midterm or full-term elections as awaited by some political parties were not the solution. All such parties were subservient to the US, he said, adding that people’s miseries could not be mitigated without enforcement of a system based on justice. Led by JI leaders Syed Munawwar Hasan, Maulana Asadullah Bhutto, Mohammad Hussain Mehanti, the caravan that started on wheels from Sohrab Goth at 3.30pm was joined by small processions on its way to M.A. Jinnah Road. Holding party flags and placards inscribed with slogans such as “say no to IMF” and “let people live”, participants of the caravan converged at the Tibet Centre where JI leaders addressed them.

On the occasion, the rally adopted two resolutions, seeking payment of salaries to the employees of Pakistan Steel Mills and rejecting the policy of making Pakistan the frontline state in the so-called war against terror. Referring to attacks on FIA offices and GHQ, Mr Hasan said the country’s sovereignty had been put on stake by fighting the American war. The ongoing Jehadi movements in different parts of the world were the result of oppressive policies of rulers, he said. Condemning the statement of Hillary Clinton for threatening Pakistan if any act of terrorism occurred in the US, he said: “We expect Foreign Minister Qureshi, who continues to issue statements in favour of India, to take notice of Ms Clinton’s remarks and give a statement in support of Pakistan.” He paid tribute to the judiciary for its decision on the NRO and asked the Supreme Court to summon law and interior ministers and try them for contempt of court by not implementing its decision. Earlier, Mr Mehanti condemned the recent increase in petroleum prices. Asadullah Bhutto said that the PPP, MQM, ANP and PML-N had done nothing to provide relief to the people against loadshedding, unemployment and price hike. REFERENCE: JI rally demands carnage culprits exposed By Our Staff Rerpoter Monday, 10 May, 2010 http://news.dawn.com/wps/wcm/connect/dawn-content-library/dawn/the-newspaper/local/ji-rally-demands-carnage-culprits-exposed-050 

Capital Talk with Imran Khan : Part 4

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5cQuE2P_yQ&feature=related

Recorded in May 2007

LAHORE, Sept 3: Jamaat-i-Islami amir Syed Munawar Hasan regrets that the Balochistan situation is explosive but the federal government is least bothered about it. Speaking at an Iftar dinner here on Thursday, he observed the US and China had their eyes on Balochistan because of its vast resources while India and Iran were also interested in it but unfortunately the Pakistan government was the only one that was taking no interest in it. He lamented that while an FIR was yet to be registered in the murder of Nawab Akbar Bugti, another Baloch leader, Rasool Bakhsh Mengal, was murdered recently. He said the Baloch people were being pushed towards wall, making them think that their loyalty with Pakistan is a crime. The JI chief said both the major political parties of the country -- the PPP and the PML-N -- had failed to serve the masses and their recent behaviour had fully exposed them. He said Mian Nawaz Sharif had in fact given up his demand for Pervez Musharraf’s trial otherwise he should have been on roads.

There was no fun in giving an ultimatum only to withdraw it, he said. The PML-N was as much a government ally as the JUI and the MQM and it was fully cooperating with the PPP, he added. He said democracy had been defeated in Sindh as the PPP men were bringing funerals to the Chief Minister’s house. He said all the political parties attending the London multi-party conference had declared the MQM a terrorist organisation and vowed not to join hands with it. He suggested that at least these parties should implement the London decisions. Mr Hasan said the present government was an elected one but it could not be termed democratic. A democratic government must have taken note of the statements being issued from Saudi Arabia and London, he added. He said the decisions in respect of important national issues were being taken outside the country, which was most shameful. The JI chief said Brig Imtiaz (retired) and Gen Naseer Akhtar (retired) had confessed their crimes and they must be put to trial without delay. REFERENCE: Govt blind to Balochistan situation: JI By Our Staff Reporter Friday, 04 Sep, 2009 http://news.dawn.com/wps/wcm/connect/dawn-content-library/dawn/the-newspaper/national/govt-blind-to-balochistan-situation-ji-499 

Capital Talk with Imran Khan : Part 5

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKoeo5G_45s&feature=related

Recorded in May 2007

IJT MEETING: A hurriedly-called meeting of the Islami Jamiat Talaba (IJT) shura on Wednesday accused the Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) and its student wing, the All Pakistan Mohajir Students Organization (APMSO), of kidnapping and killing its activist Farhan Asif. It demanded of the Sindh government to arrest the culprits within three days, adds PPI. The meeting held with the IJT Karachi Nazim, Syed Tahir Akbar, in the chair condemned the brutal murder of its activist and said if the killers were not arrested, the government will be held responsible for any disturbance of law and order. The IJT shura further demanded of the president, prime minister, corps commander, the IGP Sindh and the DIG Operations to order the arrests of APMSO activists Shahzada Imran, Azmat, Faraz Abdullah and the SHO North Karachi, Shafiq Papa, alleging them to be behind the assassination of their activist. Farhan Asif was kidnapped along with his friend Usman from the Govt Jinnah Science College on Monday and later found in seriously injured condition at Valika Chowrangi, SITE. After remaining in coma for 13 hours, Farhan succumbed to his injuries on Tuesday at a local hospital. The IJT Nazim, Tahir Akbar, alleged the MQM and its student wing for destroying peace at educational institutions in Karachi while accusing the police of patronizing them. “The MQM and its student wing have transformed the Jinnah Polytechnic College into their party sector office and a torture cell, where they take their opponents after abduction and subject them to torture,” he further charged. He said the SHO of the North Nazimabad police station, who claimed to be the comrade of the MQM, was patronizing the APMSO activists. The APMSO activists, he said display arms and attack the IJT workers at the Jinnah College. On the other hand, he said the police refused to register FIR against the culprits. The IJT nazim alleged that the APMSO injured as many as 15 of its activists in their fresh attacks. The shura meeting warned the government to remain impartial and take action against the actual terrorists instead of arresting IJT workers. It also demanded the release of their colleagues. REFERENCE: KARACHI: MMA calls for debate on national issues By Our Reporter 21 April 2005 Thursday 11 Rabi-ul-Awwal 1426 http://archives.dawn.com/2005/04/21/local1.htm 

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