Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Behind Imran Khan's Alleged Islamic Revolution.

LAHORE: Sloganeering and public rhetoric aside, the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf would be willing to partner with the United States, party leaders say. Party Chairman Imran Khan, at a recent meeting with the US ambassador, indicated that his party would be ‘absolutely comfortable’ working with the US on all issues, including the war on terror, since both countries have strong mutual interests. Contrary to popular perception, the US sees Imran Khan and the PTI as essential to their assessment of Pakistan’s political scenario, a prominent PTI leader said while talking to The Express Tribune. “There is no love lost between the PTI and US,” the leader said, adding that “the US is striving hard to gain popular public support, and in the face of Imran Khan, this support could serve its purpose.” The US ambassador also reportedly assured Imran that his country was comfortable with PTI and its ideology. “After the 2008 elections, the PPP and PML-N, who were riding on the wave of public approval, did very little to mitigate or tone down the anti-US sentiments in the country,” the PTI leader said. “In the face of Imran Khan, however, a clean and popular figure would emerge, whom Washington would be happy to work with,” the leader said, adding “It would also provide a sharp contrast to the decaying images of President Zardari and PML-N chief Nawaz Sharif.” “We told the US that we would not do anything which could destroy the precious Pak-US relations, nor do we intend to provoke the superpower,” the source said. During the meeting both, the US ambassador and Imran, agreed that a strong Pakistan would benefit all concerned, including the United States,” the source added. The PTI leadership had initially denied the Imran-Munter meeting, until the US ambassador admitted on a talk show that he had met Imran more than once, but never in the presence of DG ISI General Shuja Pasha. Party’s central Information Secretary Omar Cheema said that during the meeting, Imran put forward the party’s position on Pak-US relations. “Imran Khan told the US ambassador that Pakistan wanted a relationship based on honour and dignity and Pakistan’s sovereignty should not be violated,” said Cheema. Backdoor diplomacy: PTI ‘comfortable’ working with the US By Mohammed Rizwan Published: December 12, 2011 http://tribune.com.pk/story/305359/backdoor-diplomacy-pti-comfortable-working-with-the-us/

Imran Khan address at Laal Masjid (March 18, 2011)


Back in 2002, I was returning from Friday prayers when I saw an unusual gathering of singing and quasi-dancing mullahs. Unusual because I had always assumed mullahs to be against all types of kufr (art). The amused crowd were listening to chants of “Taliban aa-gae! Taliban aa-gae!” I smirked: As if! Pakistan is a nuclear country with the seventh-largest army. We’re safe. The mullahs’ songs have been answered – the Taliban indeed are coming. And with them the cowards are bringing a lifestyle that destroys everything Pakistan. Oh, no! Wait! This guy is on the paycheque of those who are trying to break Pakistan. The Taliban are our heroes, it is America which is in the wrong. Yes, this is the typical self-defence mechanism coming to full force. Having nothing to lose, and having been already declared a CIA agent earlier in life, I suppose I’ll continue. Continuing with a genuine fear that these words are falling on either deaf or hostile ears, it may well be that Mohammad Ali Jinnah’s Pakistan is over in a year if all this chaos continues. Perhaps, if Jinnah knew that the country he founded was going to become an arena for public flogging, where the laughs of sadist barbarians will mingle with the screams of women and children, he would not have decided on creating it. Had he known that there would be more suicide bombs in his country than any other place in the world, where militants and bigots would go around threatening women to “dress properly,” where schoolchildren would have to undergo security checks as if they were in a war zone, he would be extremely upset. All our talk shows discuss the merits and demerits of the 17th Amendment, or bash America and India. Yes, American drones and Indian statements are a threat to our sovereignty. Yes, the balance of power is important, but it is the Taliban who have killed more people than India or the US drones combined, and have made us feel more unsafe than anyone else in the past thirty years. What other definition of sovereignty is there than provision of protection to people and maintenance of the writ of the state? Why can’t we have some programmes that discuss the atrocities of the Taliban, acts of terror that they do and how they have destroyed Pakistan? No, it’s not the “Hindu Zionists” working on a CIA/Mossad-sponsored conspiracy to break Pakistan. And for the sake of argument, even if they are foreign-funded, does that not mean we should double our efforts to counter them? Remember when India briefly occupied some land in 1965 and how the whole country rallied to defend this invasion? My grandfather had stories of people going with sticks to support the army. I am afraid I will not have any such stories of patriotic resistance to tell anyone when another enemy has taken control of, say, a fourth of the NWFP and roughly one-twentieth of Pakistan. But remember the great Pakistani Fauj which, under the Ameer-ul-Momineen, Zia-ul-Haq, crushed the Russians? This is only a plan to make America taste the same fate! Yes, thank you Zaid Hamid. For a nation which already lives in denial, your conspiracy theories are all we need to turn us completely schizophrenic. For the love of God, can anyone explain to me why the great army whose laurels we sing from the day we are born has still not been able to jam radio stations pouring terror in Swat? How is it that these Taliban leaders can appear before journalists in broad daylight and roam freely without any trouble even when they claim responsibility for a suicide bombing? Perhaps the real question I should ask is, why do I even care? When I took time off from Harvard to be part of the lawyers’ movement I had seen a ray of hope. There were concerned citizens and lawyers who stood for what was right, no matter what the consequences. We fought for a principle and won, with the hope that things will slowly improve. Today the very judges we had faith in released the Lal Masjid cleric whose crimes everyone knows about. If the judiciary was going to release people whose crimes were recorded on TV, perhaps it does explain why the Taliban are growing popular. Having said that, rays of hope like Afzal Khan Lala, who has refused to move from Swat while he is alive, appear every now and then. However, he stands alone in facing the storm. Other than Ayaz Amir, not a single Pakistani leader has spoken out against the Taliban. Will the real leader who can get rid of these monsters stand up, please? Imran Khan? Qazi? Nawaz Sharif? This silence is criminal! What’s worse is that these leaders of ours have unanimously approved a state within a state run, which is not accountable to anyone, absolved the Taliban of all crimes and provided them a safe haven to kill more Pakistanis. The so-called Nizam-e-Adl Regulation was endorsed by the National Assembly without any proper debate. The sad story, friends, is that the Taliban are here, and unless we stand up against them in every possible way, Pakistan will be lost for good. And it will not be lost because of Zardari’s real or perceived corruption or anything else like that, but because of the silence of the lambs – we ALL will be responsible if Pakistan fails. The writer is a student at Harvard University and turned down an award from the US ambassador as a mark of protest against killings of Pakistanis by US drone attacks. REFERENCE: The Taliban are here Samad Khurram Monday, April 20, 2009 http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=173372&Cat=9&dt=4/21/2009 

This correspondent has seen a letter of appreciation written by Yaldeshiv, shown by Rasheed, when the Lal Masjid issued a religious edict in 2004 that any Pakistani soldier killed in the South Waziristan tribal area did not deserve Muslim funeral prayers or burial in a Muslim graveyard. The letter was later endorsed by more than 500 scholars and became one of the main reasons for defiance in the Pakistan Army during military operations in South Waziristan. Lal Masjid was also the main site for Pakistani militants to visit, which landed the brothers in serious trouble in 2004 when the government accused them of being partners in a conspiracy to carry out major terror operations in Islamabad. The connection was Rasheed's car, which was apparently used by one Usman, who had been arrested in connection with sabotage activities in the capital. The government wanted the brothers arrested, but then-federal minister for religious affairs and son of former president Zia Ejaz ul-Haq, who was very close to the brothers, intervened. He became guarantor on behalf of the state that if Rasheed surrendered for interrogations to an intelligence agency of the armed forces and if no evidence came out, he would be cleared of all charges. "Before going into custody I made it clear to Ejaz ul-Haq that I had met everybody, including Osama, [Taliban leader] Mullah Omar [and] Dr Ayman al-Zawahiri and that many wanted figures did come to Lal Masjid because it is a mosque and anybody can come to this place. So any evidence of terror should be other than that. Ejaz ul-Haq agreed, and then I was handed over to intelligence," Rasheed told Asia Times Online in a recent interview. REFERENCE: Pakistan: Trouble in the mosque By Syed Saleem Shahzad South Asia Apr 12, 2007 http://www.atimes.com/atimes/South_Asia/ID12Df04.html

ISLAMABAD: There is a general misconception that the Lal Masjid clerics who are making the headlines nowadays owe their ‘glory’ to the blessings of intelligence agencies. The facts tell a different story. It would be interesting to know how Maulana Abdullah, the late father of the Ghazi Brothers ‘maneuvered’ to get the Khitabat of Lal Masjid and Jamia Faridia. Equally interesting would be to know why masjid and madrasah were respectively named as Lal Masjid and Jamia Faridia. It was the late Field Marshal Ayub Khan, the country’s first military ruler, who got appointed late Maulana Abdullah as the prayer leader of Lal Masjid, on the advice of his spiritual guide, Pir Sahib of Deval Sharif. Jaafar Brothers, one of the leading industrialist groups of the country who had constructed Jamia Faridia, in order to show reverence to the great Sufi Saint Khawaja Ghulam Farid named the seminary after him. It was handed over to the Maulanas by the then secretary CBR, Syed Hassan Akhtar. The land for Jamia Faridia was allotted during the late Gen Zia’s regime. This was due to the blessing of Pirs that Lal Masjid Maulanas could manage to take over these religious seats. A graduate of Jamia Binnoria, Karachi, late Maulana Abdullah landed in Rawalpindi soon after President Ayub Khan took the decision to shift the capital to Islamabad. He took oath of allegiance to the then Pir of Deval Sharif, Muhammad Abdul Majid. This was a significant move on part of a Deobandi Maulana. The information has been verified by the son of Pir Deval Sharif, Rooh-ul-Husnain Moeen and coordinator of Auqaf Department, Syed Muhammad Ali Wasti who says that many people told his father about the religious school of thought of late Maulana Abdullah, but Pir Sahib gave no importance to the point and considered and treated him like a changed man. Maulana Abdullah served as the prayer leader in the mosque of Pir Sahib and later requested him to exercise his spiritual influence over his disciple, Gen Ayub. Pir Sahib Deval Sharif helped Maulana Abdullah in his appointment as Khateeb of Lal Masjid. The Auqaf Department later took over Lal Masjid, but Maulana’s religious dynasty kept on flourishing unhindered. It was during Zia regime that Jamia Faridia was established. As the story goes, a partner of ‘Jaafar Brothers’ dreamed that he was at the tomb of Khawaja Ghulam Farid and that a river full of water was flowing around. He shared the dream with Syed Akhtar Hassan, the-then secretary CBR, and sought his interpretation of the dream. Akhtar termed the dream as a good omen and advised him to build a seminary and name it after Khawaja Ghulam Farid. Jaafar did accordingly. Akhtar helped him acquire the land from the government of late Gen Zia. Admiral (retd) Muhammad Sharif, whose son-in-law (Sha’aban Shoukat) these days is running a massage center (spa) in Super Market, had then allotted this land. Interestingly, Lal Masjid brigade had raided an alleged prostitution den and then a massage center. However, the massage centre of Sha’aban Shoukat was not touched. Sha’aban was a CBR officer and left the CBR job to start this apparently lucrative business. The CBR secretary handed over the management of the Jamia to Maulana Abdullah and since-then the seminary has been under the command of the family. Why Lal Masjid was so called? Some say that it was named after Lal Shahbaz Qalandar, a highly revered saint of Sindh buried in Sehwan Sharif. This may well have been a ploy of the military government of Ayub Khan to please the people of Sindh who were not at all happy with the shifting of the capital from Karachi to Islamabad. It was most probably due to this reason that its walls were painted with red colour. REFERENCE: How Ghazi brothers got hold of seminaries By Umar Cheema Sunday, July 08, 2007, Jamadi-us-sani 22, 1428 A.H http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=63643&Cat=6&dt=7/8/2007

Imran Khan on Lal Masjid issue

ISLAMABAD: Two of the nine persons kidnapped from a Chinese massage centre in F-8/3 late on the night of June 22 by the local Taliban and who were mysteriously released by the police belonged to the MMA, authoritative sources have told The News. Seven of those kidnapped were Chinese and their identity was made public while the identity of the two Pakistanis was not disclosed. The sources said that the two Pakistanis were Matiullah Khan and Raqiaz Khan from Bannu. Matiullah Khan, a nephew of the former member of National Assembly, the late Maulana Naseeb Ali Shah, was contesting elections from the seat of his uncle. Raqiaz Khan was his supporter, they added. The sources said that Matiullah Khan, while recording his statement with the police, said that he was suffering from knee pain and had gone to the massage centre for a massage where he was held. Male and female students (respectively Taliban and Talibat) of Jamia Faridia, Jamia Hafsa and Beaconhouse School System, in a joint operation, kidnapped Chinese women and Pakistani men shortly after midnight Friday from a Chinese massage center at house 14, Street 4, F-8/3, alleging that they were running a brothel. However, the hostages said they were running a massage centre and beauty parlour. The Lal Masjid administration later released nine persons after detaining them for 17 hours. The police, the district administration and Lal Masjid identified the Chinese but kept secret the identity of two Pakistanis. The police, later, freed both the ‘political bigwigs’ keeping their names secret on the direction of the district administration. The sources claimed that the Lal Masjid administration, after knowing about the identity of the kidnapped ‘Pakistanis’ who enjoyed strong political background, facilitated their release. They made it part of the agreement arrived at with the police and the district administration that their identity would be kept a secret. Meanwhile, President of MMA Qazi Hussain Ahmad, when contacted by this correspondent, said that he didn’t know Matiullah Khan. “It would be better to investigate their involvement and publish whatever is the truth,” he advised. REFERENCE: Massage centre abductees were from MMA By Shakeel Anjum http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=8696&Cat=13&dt=6/27/2007

LAHORE: US Ambassador to Pakistan Cameron Munter said Friday that the Pak-Iran gas pipeline was not a good idea, Geo News reported. The plan to get gas from Turkmenistan is a “better idea,” Munter added. Speaking during a lecture at a private Lahore University, the US Ambassador denied having met Imran Khan and ISI chief Pasha together. Munter also said that the US wanted to strengthen both civil and military ties with Pakistan. On the memo issue Munter commented that it was treated with seriousness in the US along with the resignation of Husain Haqqani. Munter added that on the protest of Army Chief Kayani, some US officials in Pakistan were sent back. REFERENCE: Pak-Iran gas pipeline not a good idea: Munter http://www.thenews.com.pk/NewsDetail.aspx?ID=27261&title=%E2%80%98Pak-Iran-gas-pipeline-not-a-good-idea%E2%80%99 Friday, November 25, 2011, Zil Hajj 28, 1432 A.H http://jang.com.pk/jang/nov2011-daily/25-11-2011/u88470.htm

US Ambassador Cameron Munter in Wahabi Madressah:)
Thursday, November 17, 2011, Zil Hajj 20, 1432 A.H.

Geo report-Gas pipeline not good idea-25 Nov 2011

LONDON: Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI) chairman Imran Khan was recently introduced to Cameron Munter, American Ambassador to Pakistan, in the presence of General Ahmed Shuja Pasha, the ISI chief, according to sources, The Sunday Times reported. Imran Khan is said to have gained the backing of the country’s powerful security establishment, which has grown tired of the corruption pervading the two traditional political groupings, the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP), led by President Asif Ali Zardari, and the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N), led by Nawaz Sharif, a former prime minister. Although they do not publicly admit to favouring any party, it is an open secret that the military leadership, and the powerful Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), are backing Imran Khan’s campaign, said The Sunday Times report. A senior official confirmed that he had the support of the army, but said his rise would cause more political damage to Sharif, the opposition leader and an outspoken military critic, than to the ruling PPP. REFERENCE: Imran met Munter in ISI chief’s presence http://www.thenews.com.pk/NewsDetail.aspx?ID=26919&title=Imran-met-Munter-in-ISI-chief%E2%80%99s-presence

Mansoor Ijaz is Imran Khan's Friend.


Ijaz is the same person who called for declaring the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) a terrorist organisation, Haqqani was quoted as telling the president. A few days later, the same person then reportedly met the head of ISI Lt. General Ahmed Shuja Pasha, Haqqani reportedly added. “What does this indicate?” he was quoted as rhetorically asking the president. Haqqani, sources added, also referred to a statement of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Chief Imran Khan on October 30, where he was implicated in the scandal for the first time. “I was summoned on November 15 … how could Imran know about it on October 30,” Haqqani was quoted as saying. REFERENCE: Memogate: Adamant ambassador set to face troika By Kamran Yousaf Published: November 21, 2011 http://tribune.com.pk/story/295132/memogate-adamant-ambassador-set-to-face-troika/

KARACHI: The newly appointed US Ambassador to Pakistan, Cameron Phelps Munter, termed the drone attacks as part of the war on terror. Speaking to media representatives after visiting Quaid-i-Azam’s mausoleum in Karachi on Friday, Munter said: “I want to strengthen the bilateral ties between the US and Pakistan.” The envoy said he would work on the partnership between the two countries to make sure that the relationship between the Pakistani and the American people is built on principles of mutual respect. The envoy said instability in Afghanistan would harm Pakistan and assured the country of complete support in the ongoing war on terror. Thanking the Pakistani people for extending a warm welcome to him on his arrival, Munter said the US also wanted to boost trade ties with Pakistan. Munter was accompanied by the Consul General of the United States in Karachi, William Martin. REFERENCE: US envoy Cameron Munter defends drone strikes October 30, 2010 http://www.dawn.com/2010/10/30/us-envoy-cameron-munter-defends-drone-strikes.html

PESHAWAR: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) chairman Imran Khan said Friday the PML-Ns ‘Go Zardari GO’ rallies were being used to target the PTI, Geo News reported. Speaking during a news conference, Khan urged the youth of the country to participate in the election process. Khan added that the PTI would check the assets of its members prior to giving them party tickets and that his party was willing to form alliances with those who were patriotic. “We are not willing to form alliance with those who are robbers,” Khan said. The PTI chairman clarified that he had never denied meeting US Ambassador Cameron Munter and ISI chief Pasha, but said that he did not meet them together. REFERENCE: ‘Go Zardari Go’ rallies used against PTI: Imran http://www.thenews.com.pk/NewsDetail.aspx?ID=27267&title=%E2%80%98Go-Zardari-Go%E2%80%99-rallies-used-against-PTI

From Imran Khan's website "Policy of Imran Khan" & One wonders what Imran Khan was discussing with the Yankees:) Islamic Khilafa

Pakistan’s Modernity: Between the Military and Militancy by Ayesha Siddiqa http://epw.in/epw/uploads/articles/16890.pdf

Plot Thickens 

Samad Khurram, Law Student and "Political and Human Rights Activist too!"

I am amazed that Mr Samad Khurram [Political Activist working for the Restoration of Judiciary's Independence in Pakistan] refused to accept award from US Ambassador Ms. Anne W. Peterson

Samad Khurram with Senator John Kerry (Kerry Lugar Bill)


Samad Khurram rejected the US Award being offerred to him by the US Ambassador in Pakistan Anne W. Peterson

Pakistani Student Samad Khurram (PTI) Refused To Take Award from US Ambassador (ARY NEWS)


Pakistani Student Samad Khurram (PTI) Refused To Take Award from US Ambassador (Express News)


Pakistani Student Samad Khurram (PTI) Refused To Take Award from US Ambassador (Aaj)


Pakistani Student Samad Khurram (PTI) Refused To Take Award from US Ambassador (Aaj)

US Ambassador in Pakistan Anne W. Peterson
Whereas the same Mr Samad Khurram was the backbone for CJ Mr Iftikhar Chaudhary's Visit to the US where Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry formally received the Harvard Law School Medal of Freedom during his visit to the United States in November 2008 [1]

Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry receiving Medal of Freedom from Harvard University USA in 2008 [Samad Khurram is also in picture]

Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry ILLEGALLY Favours Nawaz Sharif

Nawaz Shareef didn't Walk through Security Gates in Supreme Court


ISLAMABAD: Former Director-General of the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) Tariq Khosa has refused to head a one-man commission to investigate the memo scandal, DawnNews reported on Saturday. The commission was set up by the Supreme Court. Khosa, who has also served as inspector general of Balochistan police, is a brother of Justice Asif Saeed Khosa and Punjab Chief Secretary Nasir Khosa. Earlier, former law minister Babar Awan had questioned Khosa’s nomination at a press conference by saying that he was a brother of the Punjab chief secretary and a judge of the Supreme Court. But those who worked with Khosa called him an ‘upright’ man and a ‘clean’ government officer. The scandal erupted when US citizen of Pakistani origin, Mansoor Ijaz, accused Pakistan’s former ambassador to the United States, Husain Haqqani, of masterminding an alleged memo sent to a senior US military official asking for help to rein in the Pakistani military after the American raid that killed Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad in May. Haqqani denied the allegation and resigned from his position of ambassador in the wake of the controversy. REFERENCES: Tariq Khosa refuses to head commission on memogate December 3, 2011 http://www.dawn.com/2011/12/03/tariq-khosa-refuses-to-head-commission-on-memogate.html •One-man commission named •PPP’s angry reaction •President, COAS, ISI chief to explain position: SC orders memogate inquiry, tells Haqqani not to go abroad December 2, 2011 http://www.dawn.com/2011/12/02/one-man-commission-named-ppps-angry-reaction-president-coas-isi-chief-to-explain-position-sc-orders-memogate-inquiry-tells-haqqani-not-to-go-abroad.html

I wonder why didn't CJ refuse to accept the award like Mr Samad Khurram did? Mr Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry [being a person who is a symbol of upholding law] should have lodged his protests to the American Media [instead of just photo session in the US] on continuing violation of Pakistan Air Space by the US Forces.

Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry
Harvard Law School is not just an Ordinary Pakistani College e.g. Sirajud Dawla College Liaquatabad. Harvard Law School has produced numerous leaders in American law and politics, including many more U.S. Supreme Court justices and U.S. Senators than any other law school. I wonder why didn't any of the Prominent American Member from the same Harvard Law School did raise any voice against the ongoing violation of Pakistan's Air Space by their country i.e. USA and that too because they had invited our CJ for offerring him Award of Harvard Law School Medal of Freedom. The Harvard Law School [as per my poor memory] didn't ever lodge any protest against the Violation of International Law by the USA which they have been doing since long. So much for the respect for the Law by Harvard Law School.

Military Dictator taking oath from Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry [under PCO i.e LFO]
I wonder, did Mr Samad Khurram or any other born again Ram Jeth Malanis in Harvard Law School even try to meet the Former Law Graduates of Harvard Law School [and believe me these Former Graduates are the backbone of American Politics and Establishment and many amongst them are in US Central Intelligence Agency as well] to lodge even a peaceful protest against US Forces' daily violation of Pakistan's Airspace and these violation also culminates in many innocent deaths in NWFP's Tribal Belt.

Aitzaz Ahsan used US Influence To Restore Judiciary


Barack Obama (US President)

Alberto R. Gonzales was the 80th Attorney General of the United States. Gonzales was appointed to the post in February 2005 by President George W. Bush.

Elliott Abrams is an American lawyer who has served in foreign policy positions for two Republican U.S. Presidents, Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush. He is widely labeled as a leading neoconservative. President George W. Bush appointed Abrams to the post of Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Democracy, Human Rights, and International Operations at the National Security Council on 25 June 2001.

Robert Bruce Zoellick was the eleventh president of the World Bank, a position he has held since July 1, 2007.[1] He was previously a managing director of Goldman Sachs,[2] United States Deputy Secretary of State (resigning on July 7, 2006) and U.S. Trade Representative, from February 7, 2001 until February 22, 2005.

President George W. Bush nominated Zoellick on May 30, 2007 to replace Paul Wolfowitz as President of the World Bank. On June 25, 2007, Zoellick was approved by the World Bank's executive board. He is a NEOCON AND HARD CORE PRO ISRAELI ZIONIST [CJ Iftikhar Chaudhary and Samad Khurram enjoy excellent company]

And there are many many more, just search in google.

References: Pakistan's Chief Justice Awarded Medal of Freedom Honorable Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry inspired a lawyers' revolution against autocracy Matt Hutchins Issue date: 11/20/08 Section: News [1]

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