Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Anti Pakistan Kamran Khan (Jang) VS EX IB Chief Masood Sharif Khan Khattak

On 13 December 2011, one of the Alleged Senior Correspondent Mr. Kamran Khan of The News International, Daily Jang and Contributor to The Washington Post and GEO TV while talking to a known turncoat (Lota) Mr. Shafqat Mahmood (Newly Appointed Secretary Information of Pakistan Tehreek Insaf Imran’s new media czar was his strongest critic Umar Cheema Thursday, December 15, 2011  ) alleged that many Ill reputed politicians are joining Imran Khan's party and ultimately this would harm Imran Khan's reputation and his party's as well. Kamran Khan conveniently forget to mention that Mr. Shafqat Mahmood is also one such person (Imran Khan's strange politics Shafqat Mahmood Friday, May 15, 2009     who earlier had served PPP, and then Farooq Laghari Caretaker Cabinet in 1996, and then also served General Pervez Musharraf's Illegal Martial Law Regime and Shafaqt Mehmood while serving Illegal Martial Law Regime of Musharraf (PTI rejoinder Tuesday, May 19, 2009 had violated article 6 of 1973 constitution of Pakistan and committed a crime which is punishable by death. Mr. Kamran Khan without any evidence also attacked Former IB Chief, Major (Retd) Mr. Masood Sharif Khan Khattak. Lets hope Kamran Khan still remember his own dirty and third class past which is riddled with black mailing and Fifth Columnist Activities also full of Yellow Journalism. Kamran Khan (Senior Correspondent of The News International/Jang Group of Newspapers/GEO TV and Washington Post) was one of the asset of Brigadier (R) Imtiaz of Cold War Days and after the end of Cold War Mr Kamran Khan remained in touch with Brigadier (R) Imtiaz, he was a regular guest of Brigadier (R) Imtiaz when he became Director Intelligence Bureau and used to meet him regularly in his office way back in 1990/1991.

Anti Pakistan Kamran Khan (Jang) VS EX IB Chief Masood Sharif Khan Khattak (AKKKS 13 Dec 2011)
One can differ with the politics of Mr. Masood Sharif Khan Khattak (I proudly say that he was my boss and also proudly say that I have the honour to serve Pakistan under him), I have also differed with my Former Boss on his joining PTI and its Chief Buffoon Imran Khan but I have given reason not just wild rhetoric and wrongfully accused a person who valiantly served not only Pakistan Armed Forces as a Major but also one of its Intelligence Agency.

With utmost humility and respect: Fast Rewind to refresh the Memory of my former boss i.e. Mr Masood Sharif Khan Khattak who also has recently joined this bandwagon (Bhan Mati Ka Kunba) i.e. Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (Pakistan Justice Party) and I hope he would appreciate that one of the colleague i.e. (Shafqat Mahmood) of his and this nation's tormentor i.e. Sardar Farooq Laghari, is now Mr. Khattak's party colleague and it means whatever Laghari did was right and what Laghari did is as under:

He is Masood Sharif Khan Khattak, better known as Major Masood Sharif, director-general of the Intelligence Bureau in PM Benazir Bhutto’s second term. He has asked a significant question: if a public servant adequately met a challenge to the state by terrorists, and, risking his life, overcame the gruesome horror, and was then punished for it by dismissal from service, who will want to take up any future challenge to the state? To worst patch of terrorism that Pakistan has ever faced, says Masood Sharif, was in Karachi during 1984-95. Peace and the writ of Pakistan were finally restored in that city in 1995-96 through essentially an IB-spearheaded operation under his command. For the people of Karachi there is no need to repeat what they went through all these years. On August 14, 1996, President Leghari conferred the Hilal-i-Shujaat on Masood Sharif and on Saeed Khan, IGP, Shoaib Suddle, DIG Police, and Major General Muhammad Akram, DG Rangers. But what happened after the fall of the PPP government in November 1996? Leghari, on the advice of PM Nawaz Sharif, in an act unprecedented as well as contemptible, withdrew the awards from the three civilian officers but did not have the guts to do the same to the military general. Masood Sharif was held in Karachi jail for three years. No charges could even be drawn up against him, and was finally released on bail by the Supreme Court. In the process he was humiliated, insulted and tortured, his family literally thrown out of government accommodation, and he was dismissed from service without a trial. All because he was considered close to Benazir Bhutto. Asks Masood Sharif: “Where was the state that I had defended against terrorism when I and my family were meted out a treatment that was disgraceful and utterly humiliating? While I defended the state when it was vulnerable, the state did not defend me when my family and I were vulnerable and needed to be defended against vicious and vindictive people.” This was a sample, though a very cruel and base sample, of what an officer can face from the successors of a political regime which he tried to serve to the best of his ability. As a retired public servant, all that I can say is, “May the Almighty protect the services from such victimization.” REFERENCE: Victimized for loyalty By Hafizur Rahman April 10, 2002 Wednesday Muharram 26, 1423
Now have a look at Kamran Khan's Dark Past 

Kamran Khan (Senior Correspondent of The News International/Jang Group of Newspapers/GEO TV and Washington Post) was one of the asset of Brigadier (R) Imtiaz of Cold War Days and after the end of Cold War Mr Kamran Khan remained in touch with Brigadier (R) Imtiaz, he was a regular guest of Brigadier (R) Imtiaz when he became Director Intelligence Bureau and used to meet him regularly in his office way back in 1990/1991.

Asset (intelligence) , definition of asset (intelligence) , meaning of asset (intelligence) - Any resource--person, group, relationship, instrument, installation, or supply--at the disposition of an intelligence organization for use in an operational or support role Often used with a qualifying term such as agent asset or propaganda asset (Reference: Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005) - noun [mass noun] 1 the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills:an eminent man of great intelligence [count noun] a person or being with the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills:extraterrestrial intelligences 2 the collection of information of military or political value:the chief of military intelligence people employed in the collection of military or political information:British intelligence has secured numerous local informers military or political information:the gathering of intelligence archaic information in general; news. REFERENCE: 

Aaj Kamran Khan Ke Saath - 1 (29 June 2011)


Kamran Khan's Dirty Role after Mir Murtaza Bhutto's Death in 1996.



Mr Sharif, arrested by the police in the same murder case, will be asked to produce the record of reports submitted by the bureau at Karachi, on the basis of which it sought permission for action against Mir Murtaza and his men. Another witness, secretary general of the PPP (SB), Rao Abdul Rashid, is also likely to establish the motive for and conspiracy to murder. Others cited in the same category of witnesses are: Ishaque Khakwani, and Dr Altaf Khwaja, deputy secretary general of the party; Kamran Khan, correspondent of The News; Ahsan-ul-Haq Bhatti and Abdullah Baloch, members of the central committee of the party' Dr.Zahid Hussain Jatoi, brother of the late Ashique Hussain Jatoi; Khalid Khan Dalmian, ex-MPA Rahim Bux Jamali; and Behram Khan Ujjan. REFERENCE: Murtaza Bhutto; Events after his murder by Sani Hussain Panhwar

On Saturday Dr Zahid Hussain Jatoi, elder brother of Ashiq Hussain Jatoi, Ehsanul Haq Bhatti, Rahim Bux Jamali and Abdullah Baloch would be summoned. On Sunday Behram Khan Ujjan and Dr Altaf Khawaja would be summoned, including Kamran Khan, a senior reporter of The News. Ishaq Khakwani and Rao Rashid would be summoned on Monday. About the appearance of Ghinwa Bhutto, the counsel emphatically said she would be appearing within the next few days and the date would be communicated to the tribunal shortly. REFERENCE: Murtaza Bhutto; Events after his murder by Sani Hussain Panhwar

Ms Bhutto said she was not aware where Nagib Zafar was on that fateful night and there was confusion as to who received the calls and from whom and where. The phone bills of 70-Clifton be also examined to "see the moving hand and moving shadow," she suggested and also expressed surprise at how could the press people receive the news at 9pm and who were those anonymous callers who were informing everybody about it. Benazir Bhutto also wanted to know who were those anonymous persons behind the shooting who also informed Rao Rashid, Ishaq Khakhwani, Kamran Khan (a journalist), and Masood Sharif, the then the DG of the Intelligence Bureau. They (anonymous callers), she maintained, had disseminated lies to distract the attention of the judges and the people through the cock-and-bull stories about Mr Zardari's moustaches and other of their's "Tota Kahanis" (parrot stories). "It was a hidden hand to kill a Bhutto to get a Bhutto and finish off the PPP, to incite hatred against me, the torch-bearer of the PPP and torch- bearer of the Bhutto legacy and finally to overthrow my government. The object was also to present us as shameless creatures," she said. REFERENCE: Murtaza Bhutto; Events after his murder by Sani Hussain Panhwar

They were asked to emulate the honest men. Kamran Khan, a correspondent of The News, appeared with a written request that he should be heard as a witness to reply to the statement made by the former prime minister, Benazir Bhutto, to clear his name, to which the tribunal said it was not holding a defamation trial. The tribunal said it was not concerned with who had said what and that the former prime minister had named 50 people in her statement and there was no time to allow all those who had been named in her statement the opportunity to hear them. "We have limited time and by March 17 the report has to be submitted to the government and we will not allow you to examine Ms Benazir Bhutto and if we allow that there will be no end to it," the chairman observed. The chairman asked him to submit a written statement before March 17. He also observed that he (Kamran Khan) should have come forward earlier, when the messages were being sent to him. He was reminded by the tribunal that one of the reporters of The News, Maqbool Ahmed, was given the message to convey to him for his appearance when his name was mentioned in the list submitted by the PPP (SB) party counsel, Manzoor Bhutta. "You kept quiet when you knew about it through the newspapers. You did not wake up until she came and named you by saying 'if he could be used by me others can also use him.' "Kamran Khan said he did not know who Maqbool Ahmed was. He said Ms Bhutto had used the tribunal's platform to say things against him and, therefore, he wanted to reply to her from the same platform, to which the chairman said she had a locus standii, because her brother had been killed and her husband had been arrested in the case. REFERENCE: Murtaza Bhutto; Events after his murder by Sani Hussain Panhwar



As per Ghazali Book The Fourth Republic Chapter IX While the people speculated about the motives behind the killing of Mir Murtaza Bhutto, Dr. Mubashir Hasan, a former Finance Minister and a founder member of the PPP, was very blunt in his remarks: “For those who have removed Murtaza from our midst, the real problem has been and is Prime Minister Benazir. As long as Murtaza was alive, removing Benazir carried unacceptable risks. Murtaza could take over the mantle of the elder Bhutto’s legend. Else Murtaza and Benazir would be striving for a common cause, separately or jointly. That would have presented formidable political problems. Murtaza gone, the way is clear. Benazir stands perilously weakened. She is the next to go. Such are the brutal pathways of realpolitik.” [Dawn 25.9.1996.]” [For Further Reading UNHCR REPORT ON PAKISTAN OF 1996] Human Rights Crisis in Karachi,,AMNESTY,,PAK,,3ae6a9b40,0.html 


Kamran Khan [The Correspondent of The News International/Washington Post] was the one who met with Murtaza in Damascus (Syria) [at the behest of Brigadier (r) Imtiaz] several times and insist him to come back to Pakistan, Kamran used to fly to Syria every month at that time.

Aaj Kamran Khan Ke Saath - 2 (29 June 2011)


How conveniently Kamran Khan forget the Ugly Role of Jang Group: This state-directed discrimination has caused prejudice to soak into the bones of even well-educated Pakistanis. It is acceptable to denigrate Ahmadis as "agents of foreign powers" such as the CIA and Raw, India's intelligence service. In 2008 a prominent preacher on Geo, the country's largest channel, suggested that right-minded Muslims should kill Ahmadis. Within 48 hours two Ahmadis had been lynched. The television presenter has prospered. REFERENCE OF AHRC: A report from Asian Human Rights Commission on GEO TV: PAKISTAN: Two persons murdered after an anchor person proposed the widespread lynching of Ahmadi sect followers ASIAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION – URGENT APPEALS PROGRAMME Urgent Appeal Case: AHRC-UAC-203-2008  PAKISTAN: No action taken against Geo TV presenter who incited Muslims to murder members of Pakistan minority on air FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE AHRC-STM-244-2008 September 18, 2008 A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission – PAKISTAN: No action taken against Geo TV presenter who incited Muslims to murder members of Pakistan minority on air  Ahmadi massacre silence is dispiriting – The virtual conspiracy of silence after the murder of 94 Ahmadis in Pakistan exposes the oppression suffered by the sect Declan Walsh, Monday 7 June 2010 14.59 BST 

Jang Group & GEO TV Murdered Salman Taseer & Shahbaz Bhatti (Abbas Athar BBC URDU)


Aaj Kamran Khan Ke Saath - 3 (29 June 2011)


How conveniently Kamran Khan forget the Ugly Role of Jang Group in the brutal murder of Salman Taseer:  Jang Group, Misuse of Blasphemy Law & Fatwa of Apostasy against Muslims.  JANG GROUP/GEO TV's Exploitation & Tragic Use of Blasphemy Law Against "Deobandi Muslim Imam" of Masjid.  GEO TV [JANG GROUP] Incites Killing & Sectarianism. 

Let us not forget the Ugliest Role played by The Jang Group of Newspapers during the Controversy of Blasphemy Law & Tragic Death of Salman Taseer, here is clip:

Jang Group & GEO TV Murdered Salman Taseer & Shahbaz Bhatti (Abbas Athar BBC URDU)


Aaj Kamran Khan Ke Saath - 4 (29 June 2011)


What Mr. Kamran Khan and Jang Group/GEO TV/The News International "MORE THAN OFTEN FORGET" is "Impartial and Objective Journalism.

"During the war in Iraq, opinions were fiercely divided. Both sides were certain they were right. So, as journalists, we had to be very clear about our function. It's to give people the plain, unvarnished facts." John Simpson, the BBC's World Affairs Editor. - Inside BBC Journalism: Impartiality examines how journalists at the BBC report events around the world in a balanced and unbiased way. In this section, they discuss some of the challenges of reporting about war and conflict in Iraq and the Middle East in an impartial way, whilst applying the Editorial Guidelines - the BBC's handbook to good journalism. BBC journalists also look at covering elections in Kenya and Brazil as well as sports during the Winter Olympics. Due impartiality lies at the heart of the BBC. All our programmes and services aim to be open-minded, fair and show a respect for truth. Being impartial also means showing our commitment to providing programmes which reflect the full range of our audiences' interests, beliefs and perspectives. REFERENCE: BBC World Service | Inside BBC Journalism | Impartiality

Kamran Khan in his Aaj Kamran Khan Ke Saath (29 June 2011) Conveniently Forgot to mention this:)

Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan on Altaf Hussain & MQM.


ISLAMABAD: The ongoing war of words between the MQM and the opposition PML-N on Wednesday took a new and ugly turn when their leaders hit each other below the belt and used un-parliamentary language outside the Parliament House. It all started when Opposition Leader in the National Assembly Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan passed some objectionable remarks against MQM chief Altaf Hussain, who had challenged PML-N chief Nawaz Sharif on Monday to have a live debate with him on national issues. Chaudhry Nisar said, Mr Hussain had been living in the UK for 19 years after taking oath of allegiance to the British queen and did not bother to come to the country even when his countrymen were suffering because of natural disasters like earthquake and floods. Later, the PML-N released the copies of Mr Hussain’s oath of allegiance to the British queen which he had been administered at the time of getting the British nationality. “A person who has been busy in making properties worth billions of rupees and has not come to Pakistan for the past 19 years is talking about revolution,” Nisar said. The opposition leader said that on one hand the MQM was angry with Nawaz Sharif for his remarks about revolution and, on the other hand, it was still a partner with the PPP although the Sindh home minister had used derogatory language against it. REFERENCE: PML-N, MQM bad-mouth each other, smear bosses From the Newspaper December 30, 2010 

Wasim Akhtar (MQM) Exposes Nawaz Sharif & PML - Nawaz.


The remarks angered MQM leaders Wasim Akhtar and Haider Abbas Rizvi so much that they went two steps ahead in abusing the PML-N leadership and passing remarks about their personal appearances. The MQM legislators said that people remembered the day when Nawaz Sharif and his family went into exile carrying 120 boxes with an army of servants after begging for life to former military ruler Gen Pervez Musharraf. They said the PML-N was a product of the era of military dictator Gen Ziaul Haq. They said their party would not tolerate any personal attack on its chief. Chaudhry Nisar should be ‘ashamed’ of using such language against Mr Hussain. Mr Akhtar also warned the PML-N leadership against opening Pandora’s Box. REFERENCE: PML-N, MQM bad-mouth each other, smear bosses From the Newspaper December 30, 2010 

MQM & PML-N showing their Ethics & Character (Live on Talk shows)


He said that soon the people of Lahore would stand up against the Sharif brothers because they were fed up with them. The country has been facing a political turmoil since Zulfikar Mirza made a controversial speech in Karachi on Dec 13 and the sacking of Religious Affairs Minister Hamid Saeed Kazmi and Science and Technology Minister Azam Swati of the JUI-F against the backdrop of a Haj scam the following day. The JUI-F quit the 32-month-old PPP-led coalition government in protest against the removal of Mr Swati and decided to sit on the opposition benches. On the same day, the MQM, a coalition partner of the PPP at the centre and in Sindh, gave a 10-day ultimatum to the PPP leadership to come out with an explanation over the remarks made by Dr Mirza. After the expiry of the deadline, the MQM quit the federal cabinet, but decided to sit on the treasury benches. REFERENCE: PML-N, MQM bad-mouth each other, smear bosses From the Newspaper December 30, 2010 

Kamran Khan didn't mention in hisAaj Kamran Khan Ke Saath (29 June 2011) that Jang Group Illegally tapes the phone conversation of unsuspecting Pakistanis even of Judges:)

Pakistan's Constitution of 1973 says (Jang Group/GEO TV/The News International flagrantly violate the following article)


14. Inviolability of dignity of man, etc.

(1) The dignity of man and, subject to law, the privacy of home, shall be inviolable. REFERENCE: PART II Fundamental Rights and Principles of Policy The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan 


Ansar Abbasi & Jang Group Illegally Tape the Phones of Citizens & Judges - P - 1 (9 Apr 2009)


Credible reports indicated that the authorities routinely use wiretaps and intercepted and opened mail. The Supreme Court directed the Government to seek its permission before carrying out wiretapping or eavesdropping operations; however, the judiciary's directive has been ignored widely. No action was taken during the year in the 1996 case of 12 government agencies accused of tapping and monitoring citizens' phone calls and no additional action was expected. REFERENCE: PAKISTAN Country Reports on Human Rights Practices Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor 2002 In 1997 the Supreme Court directed the federal Government to seek the Court's permission before carrying out any future wiretapping or eavesdropping operations. Nonetheless, that same year, a lawyer for a former director of the Intelligence Bureau, charged with illegal wiretapping during Benazir Bhutto's second term in office, presented the Supreme Court with a list of 12 government agencies that still tapped and monitored telephone calls of citizens. The case is pending in the Supreme Court. A press story in October 1998 quoted anonymous cabinet ministers who complained of wiretapping of their telephones by the Intelligence Bureau. EFERENCE: Country Reports on Human Rights Practices Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor 1999 The CJ of IHC (Islamabad High Court), Muhammad Bilal Khan has strongly refuted all allegations against himself regarding having any connections with notorious criminal Nannu Gawaria. In a letter dispatched to the SJC (Supreme Judicial Council), the CJ, IHC has taken notice of certain allegations leveled against his person by secretary SJC, on 28th March 2008, as made public through newspapers and videotapes, terming the move as an endeavor to malign his career and reputation, alongwith move against Supreme Judiciary. He has alleged that, since he was a member of the Lahore High Court Bench, which had declared Mian Nawaz Sharif as disqualified, his brother Mian Shahbaz Sharif had used derogatory remarks against him (Justice Bilal Khan) in public gatherings and TV channel interviews. Mian Nawaz Sharif had even gone to the extent of expressing his desire of " thrashing me (Justice Bilal Khan) in the Arabian Sea" he contended, adding that CPO Gujranwala Zulfiqar Cheema was bent on proving his die-hard loyalties to Mian Nawaz Sharif for the sake of his police career. In his 16-point letter, the CJ, IHC has also accused journalist Ansar Abbassi of mud slinging and stern remarks against Supreme Judiciary, citing his earlier derogatory and highly inflammatory report against former CJ, Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry in 2007, which perpetuated the reference against CJ (Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry). Again it was Ansar Abbasi, who launched media campaign against the outgoing Chief Justice of Pakistan, Abdul Hameed Dogar, he added. He further said that it was yet again none else than Ansar Abbasi, who tried to malign Justice Sardar Muhammad Raza Khan, Justice Fakir Muhammad Khokhar, Justice Shakir Ullah Jan and Justice Tassadaq Hussain Jilani, accusing them of being involved in the so-called plot scandal. REFERENCE: CJ IHC strongly refutes all allegations against himself

Ansar Abbasi & Jang Group Illegally Tape the Phones of Citizens & Judges - 2 (9 Apr 2009)


Jang Group & Ansar Abbasi "ILLEGALLY" Taped the Telephones of Judges & Citizens. accusation was false, and no action was taken against them. It may be recalled that when the appointment of Justice of Sardar Muhammad Raza Khan as Chief Justice of Pakistan was being talked about, Ansar Abbasi published a write up aimed at raising a controversy about the judge. He said that it is in the same vein that when his predecessor was due to superannuate on 8th of March 2009 and his (Bilal Khan’s) name was being considered as his successor, Ansar Abbasi’s devil instinct once again precipitated. "There is not even an iota of truth in what has been written by Ansar Abbasi, he said, adding that "the material provided to me is deficient in many ways i.e it does not indicate as to when was this person (Faiz Rasool alias Nannu Goraya) present in Dubai, and to which night club I had accompanied them and to which hotel I was taken for the "purpose". He said that during his last visit to Dubai, his wife and daughter-in-law accompanied him and throughout they stayed together. "It is so interesting that Zulfiqar Cheema used his imagination regarding purchase of a diamond necklace for the marriage of my daughter, although she got married in January 2007 and by the grace of God was blessed with a son in December 2007. "Zulfiqar Cheema even went to the extent of illegally detaining father of Ashfaq Bajwa, who was in such adverse circumstances, approached through Syed Ali Mohsin Naqvi, SP (CIA) to make a statement regarding my alleged links with Nannu Goraya" he said. It was on account of this foreknowledge that the Chief Justice, Lahore High Court, did not deem it appropriate to take any further steps in the matter on the press clippings. REFERENCE: CJ IHC strongly refutes all allegations against himself

Kamran Khan didn't mention in his Aaj Kamran Khan Ke Saath (29 June 2011) that Jang Group also evade Income Tax:)

Cable operators accuse Geo, Jang of 'blackmail' 31-October 2010


KARACHI: The Cable Operators Association of Pakistan has accused a major media group of resorting to “blackmail” and said it is “inciting consumers to deny cable TV operatorstheir monthly dues” and depriving them of their livelihood. Addressing a press conference at the Karachi Press Club here on Saturday, the association’s chairman, Khalid Arain, said: “Geo and Jang have routinely used freedom of expression as a ploy to get their valid and invalid demands”. He was accompanied by president of the COAP Malik Furqan, general secretary Imran Nadeem and Punjab chapter’s secretary Tahir Javed. Khalid Arian said that Geo network was not only leveling false allegations against cable operators, but also trying to deprive them of their livelihood. “We ask if television viewers are paying for just one channel? Are other news and entertainment channels of no value?” Urging the government to take legal action against the group, he said that Geo and Jang have been at odds with not only Nawaz Sharif government, but also with the Musharraf regime and other previous governments over just financial matters affecting them. Arian said that the group owes Pemra billions of rupees in dues. He said that group stopped depositing GST from advertisers in the national exchequer and the authorities had come to know about it only in 2007 when the owed amount exceeded billions of rupees. He also claimed that the group took a loan of Rs1 billion from National Bank of Pakistan by over-valuing its machinery used as collateral. REFERENCES: Cable operators accuse Geo, Jang of ‘blackmail’  Jang Group blackmailing govt to evade taxes: cable operators Sunday, October 31, 2010\10\31\story_31-10-2010_pg1_4  * CAP chairman says group owes billions of rupees to govt * Appeals to CJP to take notice of campaign against CAP Cable operators criticise media house RECORDER REPORT 

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