Saturday, November 12, 2011

"LIE" with Mullahs & Mullahni on GEO TV.

Myth 8 - Allama Iqbal was the first person to come up with the idea of a separate Muslim state. - This is one of the most deeply embedded myths in our country and the one which has been propagated by all governments. In fact, the idea that Muslim majority provinces of the north-west formed a natural group and should be considered a single bloc had been mooted by the British as far back as 1858 and freely discussed in various newspaper articles and on political platforms. Several variations of the idea had come from important public personalities, including British, Muslims and some Hindus. By the time Allama Iqbal gave his famous speech in 1930, the idea had been put forward at least 64 times. So, Iqbal voiced something which was already there, and was not an original ‘dream’. After his speech at Allahbad was reported, Allama Iqbal published a ‘retraction’ in a British newspaper that he had not been talking of a separate Muslim sate, but only of a Muslim bloc within the Indian federation. REFERENCE: The myth of history By Prof Shahida Kazi March 27, 2005 This is a letter written to editor of The Times by Allama Iqbal who clearly disown the words of 1930 Presidential Speech in which he dreamt about a separate homeland. What the crap we have been reading since ages (Courtesy: Marvi Sirmed)

Allama Iqbal Secret Meeting with Saints.

"Religion did not mix well with the state. He said talk of ijtihad was meaningless because there was no guarantee that any Muslims would accept it. He said every time someone did ijtihad it gave birth to a new sect. He said the two-nation doctrine was no longer valid in Pakistan. The concept of ummah was equally irrelevant." end quote of Mr Mubarak Ali [PhD (on Mughal Period, India) from Ruhr University, Bochum,Germany] 

Religious ‘scholars’ who could not even agree on the definition of a Muslim when they were questioned by Justice M. Munir and Justice M. R. Kayani in the court of inquiry into the Punjab disturbances of 1953. The inquiry was launched after the campaign against the Ahmadis initiated by the then Jamaat-e-Islami chief Maulana Mawdudi. “Keeping in view the several definitions given by the ulema, need we make any comment except that no two learned divines are agreed on this fundamental? If we attempt our own definition, as each learned divine has, and that definition differs from all others, we all leave Islam’s fold. If we adopt the definition given by any one of the ulema, we remain Muslims according to the view of that alim, but kafirs according to everyone else’s definition.” The report elaborated on the point by explaining that the Deobandis would label the Barelvis as kafirs if they are empowered and vice versa, and the same would happen among the other sects. The point of the report was that if left to such religious ‘scholars’, the country would become an open battlefield. Therefore, it was suggested that Pakistan remain a democratic, secular state and steer clear of the theological path. Report of the Court of Inquiry constituted under Punjab Act II of 1954 to enquire into the Punjab Disturbances of 1953 (Lahore: Government Printing Press, 1953), pp. 201-235. Section numbers have been added by FWP. Paragraphs in the original text have been lettered for convenience in discussion, and then broken into shorter ones for ease in reading. Punctuation has occasionally been adjusted for clarity, and small errors have been corrected. All editorial annotations in square brackets are by FWP. All italicized transliterations are those of the original text. Selections from Part IV of the MUNIR REPORT (1954)

Capital Talk – Part (1) 8 Nov 2011

Calamity of Barelvi Fatwa of Apostasy (Kufr) Against Saudi Arabia. Barelvi & Deobandi Fatwa against Jinnah & Pakistan! Fatwa Against Fatwa On Those Who Issue Fatwa!

Capital Talk – Part (2) 8 Nov 2011

Deviant Fatwa of Allama Sajid Mir on Suicide Attacks. Allama Sajid Mir [Ahl-e-Hadith Leader of MMA [A political Alliance of Rampanlty Deviant Political Mullahs] is declaring in Daily Jang Dated 6 Nov 2009 [Urdu Internet edition] that Suicide Attack is allowed in War against Infidel Enemy whereas the Quran and Hadith declares it that Suicide is Haram and when Suicide is Haram then how could Suicide Attack be Halal. Read the Fanatic Mullah and Daily Jang publish the news without raising any questions. No fatwa is valid after clear decision of Allah and Prophet Mohammad [PBUH], Allama Sajid Mir should shove his fatwa wherever it is appropriate.

Capital Talk – Part (3) 8 Nov 2011

Capital Talk – Part (4) 8 Nov 2011

Who is Blasphemous Yaani Gustakh e Rasool Kaun - Part 1 Who is Blasphemous Yaani Gustakh e Rasool Kaun - Part 2 Who is Blasphemous Yaani Gustakh e Rasool Kaun - Part 3 Who is Blasphemous Yaani Gustakh e Rasool Kaun - Part 4 Who is Blasphemous Yaani Gustakh e Rasool Kaun - Part 5

Source for further reading: Report of the Court of Inquiry constituted under Punjab Act II of 1954 to enquire into the Punjab Disturbances of 1953 (Lahore: Government Printing Press, 1953), pp. 201-235. Section numbers have been added by FWP. Paragraphs in the original text have been lettered for convenience in discussion, and then broken into shorter ones for ease in reading. Punctuation has occasionally been adjusted for clarity, and small errors have been corrected. All editorial annotations in square brackets are by FWP. All italicized transliterations are those of the original text. Selections from Part IV of the MUNIR REPORT (1954)

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