Difference of Opinion with Shia School of Thought doesn't mean that we have an open licence to kill, loot and rape. Life, Right to Live, Honour, Property, Honour of every Pakistani is Sacred. Sunnis must protect those who are marginalized and at present Shias are marginalized in a worse possible way. Who's next? Those Sunnis (Deobandis, Barelvis & Salafis) who choose silence on Massacres of Non-Sunnis are equally responsible for Massacre - "Sunni Religious Leaders (Deobandis, Wahabis, and Barelvis) should physically send their delegation for offering Condolence to Aggrieved Shia Families - If the Sunnis (includes Deobandis, Wahabis and Barelvis) have little honour in them then they must defend those Pakistani who are Target. Do you know who buried the father and son? A father, 85 years of age, a mother, who is 80, a son who is 14 and a six-month-old daughter. Dr Syed Zafar Haider and his wife Dr Tahira Naqvi laid their son Dr Syed Ali Haider to rest. REFERENCE: Tearful eyes farewell doctor, his son http://dawn.com/2013/02/20/tearful-eyes-farewell-doctor-his-son/ My teacher, Professor Syed Ali Haider, was buried by his 85-year-old father by Muhammad Salman Faisal http://blogs.tribune.com.pk/story/16168/my-teacher-professor-syed-ali-haider-was-buried-by-his-85-year-old-father/
2013 Dr Syed Zafar Haider and his wife Dr Tahira Naqvi laid their son Dr Syed Ali Haider to rest - Dawn 2002 “… as the doctors in Karachi continue their protest against the targeted killings of their colleagues, the failure of the government to be moved into action is shocking. … Thirty-two people have been killed in sectarian incidents in the country since the beginning of the year, of whom seven were doctors. What comes as a matter of shock and dismay is the weak response of the government to a ghastly situation … Its half-hearted statements condemning the killings do not reflect serious official concern. This also confirms the insensitivity of the military government to the sentiments and security needs of the people. The distressing message conveyed by the government’s inaction is that it is unable, or worse still, unwilling to act …” Editorial in the Karachi newspaper Dawn, 16 March 2002.
The State of Sectarianism in Pakistan 2005 Crisis Group http://www.scribd.com/doc/105102389/The-State-of-Sectarianism-in-Pakistan-2005-Crisis-Group

The State of Sectarianism in Pakistan 2005 Crisis Group http://www.scribd.com/doc/105102389/The-State-of-Sectarianism-in-Pakistan-2005-Crisis-Group
Lamenting a perceived Shia-Sunni divide and radicalism as the cause of this genocide would be a painful ignorance of facts. Pakistan’s society could never fall into this trap of violent sectarian clashes even after the decades long “hard work” by the sectarian militants. Shias and Sunnis are still living — or at least trying real hard at it — with each other. Allama Nazir Abbas Taqvi, a Shia scholar, after the latest tragic murders of 19 Shias in Kohistan, completely rejected the notion that there was any tension between the two communities. In fact, both the communities were together against the Ahmedis in the 1950s, and then in the early 1090s. It was the 1980s that brought this gift for Pakistan. Not much of a labour for digging out what else was happening in the 1980s. Remember? Afghan Jihad, the CIA, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Pakistan — errr...Pakistan’s ISI — rings some bell? In the same decade, Pakistan saw sprouting of many sectarian outfits, aggressive in their speech and violent in their actions. Some of these groups were volunteering for our most pious cause...Kashmir. The others were furious against the godless Soviet Union (while being completely at ease with China). There were yet others who were eager to offer themselves for ‘crushing India’ and ‘destroying Israel’. Perfect setting for you know who! Fast-forward and we come to 1996. The Taliban’s control on Kabul is consolidated. Pakistan, along with the Kingdom and the Emirates, recognises the regime that got power through the gun and violence. They pay us back by becoming our bogeyman for India, and keeping our hard-earned sectarian militants safe and well trained so we could use them whenever the domestic situation or ‘diplomacy’ with India demands. Using these ‘assets’, democratic governments that dare to be ‘too independent’ would be hushed on the domestic front. On the Indian front, usability of these assets was undeniably effective. Plausible deniability of cross-border terrorism got manifold when ‘our own house is burning due to these militants’. It’s like saying, ‘What if my dog bites you? It bites me so often.’ REFERENCE: BAAGHI: More kicks than half pence! —Marvi Sirmed Monday, March 05, 2012 http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2012%5C03%5C05%5Cstory_5-3-2012_pg3_2
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