People get fed up with fighting that has zero reults and Nawaz Sharif was perhaps trying to turn a new chapter by inviting Vajpayee for peace talks. No matter how bad the enemy is since when initiating a peace dialog become a crime. Nations do it all the time with worst of their enemies? Nawaz Sharif is no angel, but we need some sanity and honesty here folks!!

Discussing these issues are called Treason in Pakistan so let me cast the first stone.
Even the silliest amongst the Intelligence Officers/Psychological War Experts never discuss their Operations, they don’t even have dream about their Operations [only on need to know basis] but since ours have been suffering from acute fever of bragging they make it a part of public record. Any sane officer wont allow an agent who is involved in across the border insurgency, in opening their head office anywhere in Pakistan but this has happened in our Land of Pure from 1988 till 9/11. We actually prepared a Case of Terrorism against the Government of Pakistan with our own hands in doing such foolish things. How would you justify Maulana Masood Azher [Jaish-e-Muhammad], Hafiz Muhammad Saeed [Lashkar-e-Tayyaba] and other such MAFIA ROGUES riding in double cabins totting RPGs, Klashnikovs.etc so openly in the streets of Pakistani Cities and not only that they used to hold press conferences in Press Clubs in the supervision of such armed guards behaving like Latin American Cali and Gacha Cartels. Whereas political forces were not even allowed to hold a public rallies. Who was supporting them after 12 October 1999? Such braggarts be tried for the violation of Secret Service Act for making such suicidal policies and then making it public which has made people and this country’s existence in doldrums. One such example of bragging by Javed Nasir:
Lt. General (Retd) Javed Nasir
Lt.Gen. (retd) Javed Nasir, who was the Director-General of the ISI during Mr.Nawaz Sharif's first tenure [1990-1993] as the Prime Minister and who was sacked by Mr.Sharif along with many other ISI officers in the first half of 1993 on the demand of the US because of his involvement in the training of foreign terrorist groups and his non-cooperation with the CIA in buying back the unused Stinger missiles from the Afghan Mujahideen. He was appointed by Mr.Sharif, in his second term, as his Intelligence Adviser and, concurrently, as the President of the Pakistan Gurudwara Prabandak Committee (PGPC), which manages the gurudwaras, the Sikh places of worship in Pakistan, thereby breaking with the tradition of always appointing a Sikh religious leader as its President. In the last months of Mr.Sharif's regime, he removed Lt.Gen.Nasir as his Intelligence Adviser because of his public criticism of the withdrawal of the Pakistani troops from Indian Territory in the Kargil area. However, Lt.Gen.Nasir continues to be one of the trusted unofficial advisers of Gen.Pervez Musharraf, Pakistan's Chief Executive, and Lt.Gen.Mohammad Aziz, till now the Chief of the General Staff (CGS), who is very close to the Islamic extremist organisations and is generally known in Pakistan as the Mullahs'General. Lt. Gen. Syed Mohammad Amjad, the Chairman of the Accountability Bureau, had started an investigation not only against a former Chief of the Naval Staff, who was removed from office by Mr.Sharif on charges of corruption and who has since taken shelter in the US, but also into the cases of the unpaid bank loans of Lt.Gen.Nasir, the close friend of Gen.Musharraf, and his alleged involvement in the smuggling of heroin. Annoyed by this, Gen. Musharraf has removed Lt.Gen.Amjad from his post and sent him to Multan as the Corps Commander. Lt.Gen.Khalid Maqbool, who has now been appointed as the Chairman of the Accountability Bureau, is also a close personal friend of Lt.Gen.Nasir. Lt.Gen.Maqbool is a Punjabi belonging to the Baloch regiment. He was GOC 4 Corps till his transfer to the Accountability Bureau. He is one of the Noriegas of the Pakistan Army.
He was all praise for Former COAS Mirza Aslam Baig of him being a professional soldier and not imposing Martial Law after the death of Zia in 1988. How would Javed Nasir Sahib justify General Baig’s alleged involvement in behind the scene Political Maneuvering to corrupt the political system of this country in the name of Strategic Depths? How would he justify the role General Baig played in a No-Confidence Movement against the first Benazir Bhutto Government during 1989 when he himself ‘arranged’ the crucial 14 MQM votes against the first PPP government when PPP and MQM were in treaty, above all who made the situation unbearable in Sindh for PPP? How would he justify the Mehran Bank Scandal? Was that scandal in any way professional?
Everybody knows how the newspapers publish denials after they publish something damaging and that too if it is against any Army Officer. As per news reports that Mr. Javed Nasir [in capacity former chairman of the Evacuee Trust Property Board (ETPB)] was involved in the bungling of Rs 3 billion through sale of precious ETPB lands at rock bottom prices and financial bungling in the board's buildings in Islamabad. The ex-chairman relinquished his charge on July 16, 2001, as he was not accorded extension in service. Since then, files containing record of his corruption have been rotting in the cupboards of the ministry of religious affairs and NAB. The grand sleaze started during Gen Zia ul Haq's time when its corrupt managers were allowed to sell the properties and even give away to his favorites in charity. Lt Gen (retd) Khawaja Javed Nasir of Engineering Corps, who was a friend of Mian Mohammad Sharif, father of former prime minister Mr Nawaz Sharif and former chief minister Mr Shahbaz Sharif, was appointed Chairman, ETPB. The later rendered expert services to Sharif family, one of which was conversion of Rs 4 billion under a Trust known as Sharif Medical and Educational Complex, (now) Jati Umra (Raiwind).
The ISI role in Bosnia, Afghanistan and in keeping Sikh militancy alive has now been brought to public notice by no less a person than the former chief of the ISI, Lt. Gen. Javed Nasir (Retd), who has boasted of these "achievements" in a petition filed by him before a Lahore Terrorist Court seeking the death sentence for four top journalists responsible for a report accusing him of embezzling Pakistani Rs 3 billion. Lt. Gen. Nasir has confirmed, perhaps for the first time before the Pakistani courts, the ISI role in Afghanistan, Bosnia and in Punjab. He has touched on just some incidents that might have been rightly or wrongly projected to highlight his achievements as the chief of the ISI, but in the process he has ensu-red that the role of Pakistan's intelligence agency in neighbouring countries, including India, have been placed on the record. Lt. Gen. Nasir, in the petition that has been published by the South Asia Tribune, has claimed that the ISI under him decided to curb the "free hand" acquired by RAW since 1948 in the "manipulation and control of Sikh yatris" travelling to Pakistan to attend religious functions. He said he had set up the Pakistan Sikh Gurdwara Prabandhak Committee to wrest control from the Indian intelligence agency and had succeeded in gaining control over the management of the festivals within a year for the first time. The former ISI chief, in his petition, has claimed that this matter had so incensed the Indian government that Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee had been moved to raise the issue with then Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in their one-on-one meeting during the famous Lahore yatra. He said the Punjab chief minister had accompanied Mr Vajpayee and that eventually the Pakistan government ensured that the Indian plan to regain control was "aborted." Interestingly, Lt. Gen. Nasir has cited this to substantiate a claim that RAW, along with the CIA, was behind the effort to discredit him through the newspaper.
The intention, he insisted, was to discredit him and tarnish and destroy his image as a "Sikh Friendly (sic) next to Guru status that the Sikhs had started giving him" in Pakistan. He said he had set up the Pakistan Sikh Committee during his first year as chairman of the Evacuee Trust Property Board. Lt. Gen. Nasir, moved by the newspaper allegations to establish his credentials as an "efficient" officer, has also disclosed that Pakistan defied a United Nations ban on the supply of arms to Bosnian Muslims and airlifted sophisticated anti-tank guided missiles to help the Bosnians fight the Serbs. "Despite the UN ban on supply of arms to the besieged Bosnians, he successfully airlifted sophisticated anti-tank guided missiles which turned the tide in favour of Bosnian Muslims and forced the Serbs to lift the siege, much to the annoyance of the US government," the petition extolling the general states. "He thus became the target of US, Indian and secular minded lobbies both inside and outside Pakistan. Having failed to buy him, the US government started a fabricated and mendaciously false propaganda against him and demanded his removal as ISI chief, failing which Pakistan would be declared a terrorist state," the petition stated. It went on to claim that in April 1993 the US threatened to declare Pakistan a terrorist state unless Lt. Gen. Nasir was removed. "It was therefore at the behest of the US government's official demand that he was prematurely compulsorily retired from service by the caretaker government of Mir Balkh Sher Mazari on 13 May, 1993," it added. Lt. Gen. Nasir was the ISI chief from March 1992 till May 1993. He was re-accommodated later by Gen. Pervez Musharraf but the wording of the petition filed against the Jang/News group journalists reveals a mind that does not appear to be particularly stable. He has listed a series of "achievements" that appear to come in the realm of Pakistan state secrets although, interestingly, this trial has remained largely out of the local media.
For instance, he has also taken credit for putting together a mujahideen government in Kabul in the April of 1992 after the ouster of the Soviet-backed Najibullah government. "On March 14, 1992, I was appointed as DG, ISI, and became an instant international figure when in April 1992 (and here the I becomes he), through his persuasive power and motivational talks he brought all the warring factions of the Afghan Mujahideen to agree to the famous Peshawar accord and successfully installed the Mujahideen's first government under (President) Mujadadi in Kabul," the petition states. The former ISI chief has also spoken at length in the petition of his close links with the Tablighi Jamaat. Describing him as an active member of the Jamaat, the petition goes on to insist that the "target is the non-militant non-violent Tablighi Jamaat, which stands for unification of all sects all over the world. By weakening it sectarianism will be strengthened indirectly."
The petition seeks to point out that the reports casting doubts on the integrity of Lt. Gen. Nasir were basically aimed at promoting sectarian violence by attacking the Jamaat. This is a highly conservative organisation seeking a purist theocratic state with no rights for women and no room for secular and liberal thought. In fact, Lt. Gen. Nasir's petition refers frequently to the Tablighi Jamaat, endorsing his status as an active member committed to promoting and preaching Islam. Hence the attack on him from all outside the pale, including the US, RAW and the secularists.
1- South Asia Analysis Group Papers
PAKISTAN'S NORIEGAS: An open letter to US Congressmens
2- Agenciyon Ki Hukoomat by Late. Azher Sohail.
3- Ex-ETPB chief flees country with Rs 3bn in pocket
4- ISI brags about role in Punjab, Bosnia Author: Seema Mustafa Publication: The Asian Age Date: December 27, 2002.
for further reading:
P. R. Kumaraswamy Beyond the Veil: Israel-Pakistan Relations Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies (JCSS)
new left review 19 jan feb 2003 5 tariq ali THE COLOUR KHAKI
Now each day is fair and balmy, Everywhere you look: the army. Ustad Daman (1959)
Memories of Barbarity: Sharonism and September By Vijay Prashad April 9, 2002 in COUNTERPUNCH. Viijay Prashad teaches political science and international studies at Trinity College. He is the author of Everybody Was Kung Fu Fighting: Afro-Asian Connections and the Myth of Cultural Purity and The Karma of Brown Folk. Prashad can be reached at:
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