2013 : DUBAI: Former President General (retired) Pervez Musharraf announced he will return to Pakistan within a week of the interim government being formed, adding that he will land in either Karachi or Islamabad. While addressing a press conference in Dubai, the former president said the All Pakistan Muslim League will participate in the upcoming general elections. "Under the advice of all my party men, we have decided that as soon as the interim government is in place, which we hope will be on March 16, within a week of that I will go back to Pakistan," Addressing the issue of threats to his life and the cases against him in Pakistan, Musharraf said his life was in God’s hands, adding that if he was being tried for promoting development and prosperity in Pakistan, he was ready to face the courts. Musharraf termed his return to Pakistan as very important for Pakistani politics and said that a viable and honest third force was critically required, adding that he was not returning to settle any scores. Speaking about the Hazara’s of Quetta, Musharraf said they were patriotic, patient and educated Pakistani’s. Musharraf further added that by remaining divided and fighting amongst each other religious extremism was destroying Pakistan from within. The former president said he was hopeful that the people of Pakistan had realized who is right and who is wrong as the country will be facing more pressures after the 2014 NATO withdrawal from Afghanistan. REFERENCE: Musharraf announces return to Pakistan
March 01, 2013 - Updated 1755 PKT http://www.thenews.com.pk/article-90315-Musharraf-announces-return-to-Pakistan-
2007: Broadcast Media Muzzled by Musharraf’s Decree (New York) - The Dubai government should allow Geo Television and ARY Digital, which broadcast from Dubai and function as Pakistan’s most independent and respected television stations, to resume operations immediately, Human Rights Watch said today. On November 17, the Dubai authorities summarily gave Geo Television and ARY Digital two hours to halt broadcasting after persistent pressure from the Pakistani government. Both channels, which are registered in Dubai, have been off the air in Pakistan since November 3, when cable operators were instructed to end transmissions. But the channels had continued to broadcast on satellite and the internet until they were shut down on Saturday by the Dubai government. Human Rights Watch welcomed the show of support for media freedom by the US ambassador to Pakistan, Anne Patterson, when she visited the Geo offices in Karachi on Monday. The organization urged the Bush administration to also press the authorities in Dubai to reverse their decision to close Geo and ARY Digital. “Musharraf isn’t content with muzzling critical media coverage of his repression within Pakistan – now he is pressuring Dubai to abet his crackdown on independent reporting,” said Brad Adams, Asia director at Human Rights Watch. “The US should publicly call on its close ally in Dubai to lift the bans. Dubai’s government should refuse to be an accomplice to Musharraf’s assault on free speech.” After Pakistan’s leader, General Pervez Musharraf, announced a state of emergency on November 3 and issued a draconian censorship decree on the media, private Pakistani television networks were instructed to sign a new 14-page code of conduct by the Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA). While many channels have signed and agreed to discontinue specific programming deemed objectionable by the government, Geo TV and ARY Digital have refused to accept the new rules. Human Rights Watch urged the Dubai authorities to recognize the damage that the ban is causing to the emirate’s reputation as a neutral commercial and media center in the region. The authorities should unconditionally and immediately reverse the decision to ban transmission by Geo and ARY Digital, Human Rights Watch said. “By making itself a party to Musharraf’s repression of the Pakistani media, Dubai is damaging its own international reputation,” said Adams. “This move sets an appalling precedent and raises serious questions about Dubai’s viability as a regional hub for the international media.” Musharraf introduced curbs on the media through two decrees barring the media from printing or broadcasting “anything which defames or brings into ridicule the head of state, or members of the armed forces, or executive, legislative or judicial organ of the state.” The print and electronic media have also been restrained from publishing any material that is likely to “jeopardize or be prejudicial to the ideology of Pakistan or the sovereignty, integrity or security of Pakistan, or any material that is likely to incite violence or hatred or create inter-faith disorder or be prejudicial to maintenance of law and order.” Television discussions on anything which is deemed to be “false or baseless” by the regulatory authorities have also been banned. Journalists have been repeatedly threatened and prevented from covering events following suspension of the constitution, had their equipment confiscated, and been warned that if they record footage of arrests or police raids, they themselves will face arrest and incarceration. On November 15, Mir Shakilur Rehman, the owner of Geo TV, emailed his senior staff informing them that he had received a “threatening telephone call last night” from the Pakistani military’s feared Inter-Services Intelligence agency (ISI), and adding that he had been “taken” to an ISI safe house in Islamabad where he was given a warning by an ISI operative who told him, “I would like to advise you to please follow the laws especially the newly promulgated law.” REFERENCE: Pakistan: Dubai Should End Shutdown of Pakistani Channels UAE Should Resist Pakistani Pressure; US Should Tell Ally It Opposes Closures NOVEMBER 21, 2007 http://www.hrw.org/news/2007/11/19/pakistan-dubai-should-end-shutdown-pakistani-channels Pakistan: Broadcast Media Muzzled by Musharraf’s Decree Withdraw Presidential Decree and End Threats to Journalists JUNE 7, 2007 http://www.hrw.org/news/2007/06/05/pakistan-broadcast-media-muzzled-musharraf-s-decree Letter to President Musharraf About Attacks on Journalists in Pakistan APRIL 28, 2007 http://www.hrw.org/news/2007/04/26/letter-president-musharraf-about-attacks-journalists-pakistan Pakistan: Musharraf’s ‘Restoration of Constitution’ a Sham Amendments Give Immunity to Army and President DECEMBER 16, 2007 http://www.hrw.org/news/2007/12/14/pakistan-musharraf-s-restoration-constitution-sham
General Hamid Gul supported Pervez Musharraf on... by SalimJanMazari

General Pervez Musharraf on Press Freedom (BBC 2008)
General Pervez Musharraf on Press Freedom (BBC... by SalimJanMazari
2008 AS the army chief and the country`s self-styled chief executive, General Pervez Musharraf may have lacked legitimacy, but he rarely lacked charm and aplomb when appearing before the media. Over the years, particularly as the military ruler, he was seen as handling the toughest of questions with great panache, and on many occasions, with a smile. It was perhaps because of this that here and more so abroad the media often seemed to forget that he was a military ruler. But of late his personality seems to have undergone a transformation. He has taken to snapping at journalists at news conferences and is irritable and ready to explode at the slightest perceived provocation. But, as if this were not enough, the way he asked a gathering of his supporters to teach a lesson (do, teen tika do) to this newspaper`s London correspondent because he had asked him a tough question was a bit too much. The president, it appears, has journeyed from the sublime to the ridiculous. One runs into a dead-end in explaining how one question can trigger such anger, and can only speculate about the reasons. The first and foremost appears to be the widening gulf between how the president assesses his performance in office and how others see it, particularly in terms of his handling of militancy in the country. Although his advisers may tell him he may have weathered the storm over the judiciary, he may be unsure what the next parliament`s view on the issue will be. A greater issue could be how pressure is increasing on him to hold free and fair elections, even from allies who have stood solidly behind him through thick and thin over the past several years. For one who described his uniform as his second skin, retiring as the all-powerful army chief may have left him feeling vulnerable. But, regardless of the cause, one would advise the president to keep his cool, his composure. For such outbursts do not inspire confidence in his ability to steer the country out of the troubled waters it finds itself in today. REFERENCE: An unnecessary outburst http://archives.dawn.com/archives/31755 Dawn - Musharraf asked to apologise for threatening journalist By Our Staff Reporter http://archives.dawn.com/archives/143218 UK media baffled by President's response to Pak newsman http://www.paktribune.com/news/print.php?id=196621 Why Pervez Musharraf Can't Tolerate Questions About Rashid Rauf Monday, January 28, 2008 http://winterpatriot.blogspot.com/2008/01/why-pervez-musharraf-cant-tolerate.html President Pervez Musharraf's many faces By David Blair January 26th, 2008 http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/davidblair/3630811/President_Pervez_Musharrafs_many_faces/
General Pervez Musharraf wanted Civil War in Sindh (BBC 2008)
General Pervez Musharraf wanted Civil War in... by SalimJanMazari
Devolution in Pakistan Reform or Regression (ICG Reoprt 2004) http://www.scribd.com/doc/113463978/Devolution-in-Pakistan-Reform-or-Regression-ICG-Reoprt-2004
2006 Outrage at Musharraf rape remarks : Pakistani activists have reacted with outrage to recent comments on rape victims by President Pervez Musharraf. He said that rape was a "money-making concern" and many argued it was a way to get money and a visa to emigrate. Pakistan's most-high profile rape victim, Mukhtar Mai, told the BBC no woman could subject herself to "such a horrendous experience" to make money. Women's groups and activists protested in Karachi on Friday, shouting: "Down with chauvinism". The president made his comments in an interview with the Washington Post on 13 September, incensing campaigners and others at home. "You must understand the environment in Pakistan. This has become a money-making concern," he said. "A lot of people say if you want to go abroad and get a visa for Canada or citizenship and be a millionaire, get yourself raped." Reference: Outrage at Musharraf rape remarks Friday, 16 September 2005 http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/4251536.stm US plays down Musharraf’s rape comment Wednesday, September 28, 2005 http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=story_28-9-2005_pg7_53
Rape of Dr Shazia Khalid and General Pervez Musharraf - 1 (BBC 2005)
Rape of Dr Shazia Khalid & General Pervez... by SalimJanMazari
Rape of Dr Shazia Khalid and General Pervez Musharraf - 2 (BBC 2005)
Rape of Dr Shazia Khalid & General Pervez... by SalimJanMazari
Dr Shahid Masood Exposed in Dr Shazia Khalid Rape Case (Bolta Pakistan 13th July 2011)
Real Face of Dr Shahid Masood
Dr Shahid Masood is basically a Sanctimonious Prick and a first class intellectual Dishonest, he started his career from ARY when it's no good founder Haji Abdul Razzaq Yaqub aka Gold (a money launderer and Gold smuggler) was facing Accountability Cases and when Shahid was there he used to sermon everyone and used to say things for which he now attack others if they say the same things on Military, Fall of Dhaka etc.etc and he was very fond of Dr A Q Khan and attacked Musharraf for forcing A Q Khan to admit proliferation. He later became pragmatic and became the fast friend of not only Musharraf but also joined even worse Bordello "The Jang Group and GEO" and exploited the Lal Masjid issue and wrote False Columns in Daily Jang and The News and rascals like Mazhar Abbas, Hamid Mir, Ansar Abbasi, Ahmed Noorani, Shaheen Sehbai , Kamran Khan and Mir Shakil ran campaign in his favour , therefore don't just blame Dr Shahid but every Media House for running amok and for ruining sanity in Pakistan ! Watch and enjoyDr Shahid Masood's Journey from ARY to GEO
News are sometimes wrong, says Shahid Masood after SBP refutes claim (Dunya News TV 26 Jan 2018) Frauds, Intellectual Dishonest and Masquerades like Mazhar Abbas, Hamid Mir, Ahmad Noorani, Ansar Abbasi , Talat Hussain and their head-pope Mir Shakil ur Rehman and their 3rd rate News group Jang which has accommodated Touts like Kamran Khan and established Yellow Journalism in Pakistan and institutionalized Corruption in Journalism cannot just put all the blame of yellow journalism on a third rate Dr Shahid Masood (worse than a police informer) , Jang Group is equally responsible for ruining the journalism in Pakistan
Dr Shahid Masood's Lies from GEO TV and More Lies from News One
2005: Another Face of Terror: Pakistan's president, Pervez Musharraf, is supposed to be our valued ally in the war on terrorism. But terror takes many forms, not all of them hijacked airplanes or bombed subways. For the vast majority of humans, terror comes in more mundane ways - like the violent hands that woke Dr. Shazia Khalid as she lay sleeping in her bed, and the abuse she's suffered at the hands of Mr. Musharraf's government ever since.
I mentioned Dr. Shazia briefly in June when I wrote about General Musharraf's quasi-kidnapping and house arrest of Mukhtaran Bibi - the Pakistani rape victim who used compensation money to open schools and start a women's aid group. But at that time Dr. Shazia was still too terrified to speak out.
Now, for the first time, Dr. Shazia has agreed to tell her full story, even though this will put herself and her loved ones at risk. Her tale is simultaneously an indictment of General Musharraf's duplicity, a window into the debasement that is the lot of women in much of the world - and a modern love story.
Dr. Shazia, now 32, took a job by herself two years ago as a doctor at a Pakistan Petroleum plant in the wild Pakistani region of Baluchistan, after Pakistan Petroleum also promised a job for her husband there (that job never materialized). Dr. Shazia's family worried about her safety, but her residence was in a guarded compound and she felt strongly that the women in that region needed access to a female physician.
Then on Jan. 2, Dr. Shazia woke up in the middle of the night, and at first she thought she was having a nightmare. "But this person was really pulling hard on my hair, and then he started pressing on my throat so I couldn't breathe. ... He tied the telephone cord around my throat. I resisted and struggled, and he beat me on the head with the telephone receiver. When I tried to scream, he said, 'Shut up - there's a man standing outside named Amjad, and he's got kerosene. If you scream, I'll take it and burn you alive.' ... Then he took my prayer scarf and he blindfolded me with it, and he took the telephone cord and tied my wrists, and he laid me down on the bed. I tried hard to fight but he raped me."
The man spent the night in her room, beating her, casually watching television, raping her again and boasting about his powerful connections. A 35-page confidential report by a tribunal describes Dr. Shazia tumbling into the nurse's quarters that morning: "semiconscious ... with a swelling on her forehead and bleeding from nose and ear." Officials of Pakistan Petroleum rushed over and took decisive action.
"They told me to be quiet and not to tell anybody because it would ruin my reputation," Dr. Shazia remembers. One official warned that if she reported the crime, she could be arrested.
That was a genuine risk. Under Pakistan's hudood laws, a woman who reports that she has been raped is liable to be arrested for adultery or fornication - since she admits to sex outside of marriage - unless she can provide four male eyewitnesses to the rape.
Dr. Shazia wasn't sure she dared to report the crime, but she begged for permission to contact her family. So, she says, officials drugged her into a stupor and then confined her in a psychiatric hospital in Karachi.
"They wanted to declare me crazy," Dr. Shazia said bitterly. "That's why they shifted me to a hospital for crazy people."
Dr. Shazia's husband, Khalid Aman, was working as an engineer in Libya, but he finally was notified and rushed back 11 days later. Dr. Shazia, by then freed, couldn't face him, but he comforted her, told her that she had done nothing wrong, and insisted that they report the rape to the police so that the criminal could be caught.
That was, perhaps, naïve, particularly because there were rumors that the police had identified the rapist as a senior army officer and were covering up for him.
"When I treat rape victims, I tell the girls not to go to the police," Dr. Shershah Syed, a prominent gynecologist in Karachi, told me. "Because if she goes to the police, the police will rape her."
That's the way the world works for anyone unfortunate enough to be born female in much of the world. In my next column, on Tuesday, I'll tell how our ally, General Musharraf, then inflicted a new round of terrorism on Dr. Shazia. References: Another Face of Terror By NICHOLAS D. KRISTOF Published: July 31, 2005 http://www.nytimes.com/2005/07/31/opinion/31kristof.html?_r=0 ’انصاف ملنے تک لڑتی رہوں گی‘
وقتِ اشاعت: Saturday, 10 September, 2005, 07:46 GMT 12:46 PST http://www.bbc.co.uk/urdu/miscellaneous/story/2005/09/050909_shazia_text_nisar.shtml ڈاکٹر شازیہ کا پہلا ویڈیو انٹرویو منیزے جہانگیر http://www.bbc.co.uk/urdu/miscellaneous/story/2005/09/050909_dr_shazia_video_int.shtml ونی، ریپ اور جنرل مشرف کا بیان
ندیم سعید
بی بی سی اردو ڈاٹ کام، ملتان
وقتِ اشاعت: Friday, 16 December, 2005, 02:09 GMT 07:09 PST http://www.bbc.co.uk/urdu/pakistan/story/2005/12/051216_women_yearender_as.shtml http://www.bbc.co.uk/urdu/pakistan/story/2005/09/050907_dr_shazia_army_ra.shtml تحقیقاتی ٹریبیونل نے اپنی رپورٹ میں اس بات کی تصدیق کی ہے کہ ڈاکٹر شازیہ کے ساتھ زیادتی کی گئی ہے۔
ڈاکٹر شازیہ بیرونِ ملک روانہ
مبشر زیدی
بی بی سی اردو ڈاٹ کام اسلام آباد
وقتِ اشاعت: Friday, 18 March, 2005, 17:05 GMT 22:05 PST http://www.bbc.co.uk/urdu/pakistan/story/2005/03/050318_dr_shazia_abroad_ra.shtml یہاں انصاف سے قاتل بڑا ہے‘
حسن مجتبی'
سان ڈیاگو، کیلیفورنیا
وقتِ اشاعت: Tuesday, 01 March, 2005, 21:50 GMT 02:50 PST http://www.bbc.co.uk/urdu/miscellaneous/story/2005/03/050301_hasan_column_zs.shtml لیڈی ڈاکٹر کے ساتھ ریپ کی تصدیق
اعجاز مہر
بی بی سی اردو ڈاٹ کام، کراچی http://www.bbc.co.uk/urdu/pakistan/story/2005/01/050128_lady_rape_confirmed_ra.shtml Rape victim under pressure to keep mum By Arman Sabir 04 February 2005 Friday 24 Zilhaj 1425 http://archives.dawn.com/2005/02/04/nat6.htm
2010 ISLAMABAD: While Musharraf continues to embarrass Pakistan and its authorities, including the Pakistan Army, an important source has revealed that the General Headquarters (GHQ) and its most vital arm, the Military Operations Directorate, was bypassed by the former dictator, both in the Lal Masjid operation and Bugti killing.
The source said that none of these extremely controversial operations, which sowed the seeds of terrorism in Balochistan and the rest of the country, were the brainchild of the MO Directorate.
The source said that in both these military operations, the GHQ and concerned field command were not directly involved. “In both the cases, General Musharraf bypassed the GHQ and its MO Directorate, and gave direct orders to the relevant field commanders,” said the well-placed and well- informed source.
Ideally and as per the military’s established rules, no such operation could take place without being conceptualised and cleared by the MO Directorate. However, Musharraf, the all powerful dictator that he was, did not engage the MO Directorate.
In the case of Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti’s killing, the source said, General Musharraf involved the then Military Intelligence chief Major General Nadeem Ejaz and the top command of 12 Corps.
In a briefing on Balochistan issue by the then DGMO and much before the killing of the Baloch Nawab, General Musharraf once talked about the idea of killing Bugti but the idea was not agreed to by the DGMO, who warned that it would lead to unrest. Later, Musharraf never engaged the GHQ and executed his plot to kill Bugti through the MI and the Commander of the 12 Corps.
After the Bugti killing, some key generals in the GHQ in their in-house interactions expressed their dismay over the Kohlu military operation. The Lal Masjid operation, which killed over a hundred persons and led to the escalation of terrorism cases manifold, was no different from that of the military operation aimed at killing Bugti.
The source said that the planning of the Lal Masjid operation was done by Commander 10 Corps Tariq Majid on the direct instructions of the ousted dictator.
“The GHQ and its MO Directorate were not involved in any such planning,” the source said, adding that a day after Lieutenant Colonel Haroon became the first casualty of the pre-Lal Masjid operation, Musharraf convened a meeting of top political and military authorities and given his mind that a full-fledged operation had to be carried out.
An important member of the GHQ spoke against this option and asked Musharraf to review his decision because it involved the lives of more than 100 persons. The dictator was told that when the military was taught to leave some exit point even in case of its enemy, then why should not the extremist elements holed up in Lal Masjid. Musharraf was also warned that if the Lal Masjid operation was executed, it would throw the country into a muddle for quarter of a century.
Instead of listening to his key GHQ adviser, the source said Musharraf snubbed the officer and asked him to mind his own business. Later, the assignment to do the massacre in Lal Masjid was given to 10 Corps without getting the military operation cleared by the GHQ.
It has also been revealed that Musharraf wanted to mislead the masses about the number of casualties by burying the dead unannounced and in unknown places. He was of the view that the CDA authorities would do the task of silent and hidden burial of those killed in the Lal Masjid operation.
Musharraf, who has recently formally joined politics, has lately said that if given the chance, he would repeat the Lal Masjid and Bugti operations. These two operations brought enormous disrespect for the Army and caused retaliatory attacks against the military personnel and installations in all parts of the country.
The first-ever suicide attack in a military unit in Dargai where dozens of soldiers were killed in 2006, was also the consequence of Musharraf’s announcement owning the American missile attack on a Madrassa in Bajaur where more than 80 children were killed.
Under pressure from his American masters, whom he served against the interest of Pakistan, Musharraf said that they were not the American forces but the Pakistan Army, which attacked and killed such a large number of children, including the age of 10. Musharraf lied that they were terrorists but not even a single bullet was found from the rubble of the Madrassa. Many in the military today admit that the post 9/11 policies and Musharraf’s controversial decisions like the Lal Masjid operation, killing of Bugti and owning up of Bajaur massacre not only fuelled extremism and terrorism but made the military controversial. Reference: Ex-MI chief, commanders Quetta, Pindi involved
Ansar Abbasi Wednesday, November 10, 2010 http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=1977&Cat=13
LAHORE: Announcing to hold public gatherings across the country, Difa-e-Pakistan Council (DPC) has said that US must be told to steer clear of Pakistan as it (Pak) were not an easy prey, Geo News reported. During Council’s media briefing here in Lahore, Ameer Jamiat-e-Ulema Pakistan, Maulana Samaiulhaq said that US must refrain from attacking our sovereignty and recognize Pakistan as an atomic power just like India. Terming it a clash of civilizations Maulana Samiulhaq said that it was an armageddon between good and evil. Talking on the occasion Ameer Jamat-ud-Dawah, Hafiz Saeed said Nato’s attack on a Pakistani outpost in Mohmand was a dangerous message conveyed to Pakistan. - Chairman Difa-e-Pakistan Council (DPC) an alliance of various religious parties Maulana Samiul Haq has said that all religious parties will guide the nation on national issues and they will hold Difa-e-Pakistan Conference at Minar-e-Pakistan on December 18. He was talking to media after presiding over a meeting held here at Jammia-e-Manzoorul Islamia. Jammiat-e-Ulama Islam (S) Chief Mulana Sami ul Haq presided over the meeting. Leaders of some 24 religious groups including Jammat-ud-Dawa Chief Hafiz Muhammad Saeed, Sipah-e-Sahaba Punjab President Maulana Shamsul Haq, Jammat-e-Islami Niab Amir Dr Muhammad Kamal, Maulana Abdul Jabbar, Mulana Rashid from JUP, Qari Hanif Jalandhari, Abdul Qadri Ropri and Pir Saif Ullah and large number of workers of the religious parties were present on the occasion. He said Nato air strike on Pakistani posts and killing of 24 soldiers was the grave violation of international laws and basic human rights. He termed the Nato attack on Pakistan sovereignty and said nation would not allow the US aggression in future, Mulana Samiul Haq added. JUI chief also endorsed the government decision to get vacate Shamsi airbase and block Nato supply route but stressed that government should withdraw all the logistic facilities provided to US forces. Maulana Samiul Haq also criticised government decision to make friendship with India and said that Pakistan was facing real threats from Eastern borders and we can not secure from Eastern borders. In response to a question he said Dafa-e-Pakistan Council would invite different political parties including PPP, PML-N, MQM, PTI leadership for Minar-e-Pakistan public gathering. REFERENCES: US told to stay away from Pakistan http://www.geo.tv/GeoDetail.aspx?ID=28824 Difa-e-Pakistan conference on December 18 DECEMBER 05, 2011 http://www.brecorder.com/general-news/single/599/172/1257956/ Sunday, December 18, 2011, Moharram-ul-Haram 22, 1433 A.H. Updated at: 1200 http://jang.com.pk/jang/dec2011-daily/18-12-2011/u90522.htm

References: And this takes me back to Pervez Musharraf’s first visit to the US after his coup. At a meeting with a group of journalists among whom I was present, my dear and much lamented friend Tahir Mirza, then the Dawn correspondent, asked Musharraf why he was not acting against Lashkar-e Tayba and Jaish-e Muhammad. Musharraf went red in the face and shot back, “They are not doing anything in Pakistan. They are doing jihad outside.” Pakistani neocons and UN sanctions Khalid Hasan This entry was posted on Sunday, December 28th, 2008 at 6:00 pm. http://www.khalidhasan.net/2008/12/28/pakistani-neocons-and-un-sanctions/ 2 http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2008%5C12%5C28%5Cstory_28-12-2008_pg3_3 For The 'General' Good By Sairah Irshad Khan Monthly Newsline January 2003 http://www.newslinemagazine.com/2003/01/for-the-general-good/ - General's Election By TIM MCGIRK / KHANA-KHEL Monday, Oct. 07, 2002 http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,361788,00.html - MORE DETAILS: General Musharraf, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, Brigadier [R] Usman Khalid & Deobandi Taliban. http://chagataikhan.blogspot.com/2009/02/general-musharraf-colonel-muammar.html

Michel Chossudovsky is Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa. TFF Associates http://www.transnational.org/SAJT/tff/people/m_chossudovsky.html
AFTER 9/11.
In the afternoon, Mahmood was invited to CIA headquarters at Langley, Virginia, where he told George Tenet, the CIA director, that in his view Mullah Omar, the Taliban chief, was a religious man with humanitarian instincts and not a man of violence! This was a bit difficult for the CIA officials to digest and rightly so as the Taliban’s track record, especially in the realm of human rights, was no secret. General Mahmood was told politely but firmly that Mullah Omar and the Taliban would have to face US Military might if Osama Bin Laden along with other Al-Qaeda leaders were not handed over without delay. To send the message across clearly, Richard Armitage held a second meeting with Mahmood the same day, informing him that he would soon be handed specific American demands, to which Mahmood reiterated that Pakistan would cooperate. {Bush at War by Bob Woodward, published by Simon & Schuster, 2002, New York}, p 32. {Pakistan: Eye of the Storm by Owen Bennett Jones, published by New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2002}, p. 2.
General Mahmood on September 13, 2001, was handed a formal list of the US demands by Mr. Armitage and was asked to convey these to Musharraf and was also duly informed, for the sake of emphasis, that these were “not negotiable.” Colin Powell, Richard Armitage, and the assisstant secretary of state, Christina Rocca, had drafted the list in the shape of a “non-paper”. It categorically asked Pakistan:
Stop Al-Qaeda operatives coming from Afghanistan to Pakistan, intercept arms shipments through Pakistan, and end ALL logistical support for Osama Bin Laden.
Give blanket overflight and landing rights to US aircraft.
Give the US access to Pakistani Naval and Air Bases and to the border areas betweeen Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Turn over all the intelligence and immigration information.
Condemn the September 11 attacks and curb all domestic expressions of support for terrorism.
Cut off all shipments of fuel to the Talibans, and stop Pakistani volunteers from going into Afghanistan to join the Taliban. Note that, should the evidence strongly implicate Osama Bin Laden and the Al-Qaeda Network in Afghanistan, and should the Taliban continue to harbour him and his accomplices, Pakistan will break diplomatic relations with the Taliban regime, end support for the Taliban, and assist the US in the aforementioned ways to destroy Osama and his network.
Having gone through the list, Mahmood declared that he was quite clear on the subject and that “he knew how the President thought, and the President would accept these points.” {Bush at War by Bob Woodward, published by Simon & Schuster, 2002, New York}, p 58-59. Interview: Richard Armitage, “Campaign Against Terror,” PBS (Frontline), April 19, 2002}
Mahmood then faxed the document to Musharraf. While the latter was going through it and in the process of weighing the pros and cons of each demand, his aide de camp that Colin Powell was on the line. Musharraf liked and respected Powell, and the conversation was not going to be a problem. He told him that he understood and appreciated the US position, but he would respond to the US demands after having discussed these with his associates. Powell was far too polite to remind him that he in fact was the government, but did inform him that his General in Washington had already assured them that these demands would be acceptable to the government of Pakistan. {Pakistan’s Drift into Extremism : Allah, the Army, and America’s War on Terror by Hassan Abbas, published by An East Gate Book , M.E. Sharpe Armonk, New York. London, England.}. NOTES/REFERENCES - Pakistan: Eye of the Storm by Owen Bennett Jones, published by New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2002. Interview: Richard Armitage, “Campaign Against Terror,” PBS (Frontline), April 19, 2002; last accessed June 2, 2003, at http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/campaign/interviews/armitage.htm Bush at War by Bob Woodward, published by Simon & Schuster, 2002, New York. Pakistan’s Drift into Extremism : Allah, the Army, and America’s War on Terror by Hassan Abbas, published by An East Gate Book , M.E. Sharpe Armonk, New York. London, England
General Mahmood on September 13, 2001, was handed a formal list of the US demands by Mr. Armitage and was asked to convey these to Musharraf and was also duly informed, for the sake of emphasis, that these were “not negotiable.” Colin Powell, Richard Armitage, and the assisstant secretary of state, Christina Rocca, had drafted the list in the shape of a “non-paper”. It categorically asked Pakistan:
Stop Al-Qaeda operatives coming from Afghanistan to Pakistan, intercept arms shipments through Pakistan, and end ALL logistical support for Osama Bin Laden.
Give blanket overflight and landing rights to US aircraft.
Give the US access to Pakistani Naval and Air Bases and to the border areas betweeen Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Turn over all the intelligence and immigration information.
Condemn the September 11 attacks and curb all domestic expressions of support for terrorism.
Cut off all shipments of fuel to the Talibans, and stop Pakistani volunteers from going into Afghanistan to join the Taliban. Note that, should the evidence strongly implicate Osama Bin Laden and the Al-Qaeda Network in Afghanistan, and should the Taliban continue to harbour him and his accomplices, Pakistan will break diplomatic relations with the Taliban regime, end support for the Taliban, and assist the US in the aforementioned ways to destroy Osama and his network.
Having gone through the list, Mahmood declared that he was quite clear on the subject and that “he knew how the President thought, and the President would accept these points.” {Bush at War by Bob Woodward, published by Simon & Schuster, 2002, New York}, p 58-59. Interview: Richard Armitage, “Campaign Against Terror,” PBS (Frontline), April 19, 2002}
Mahmood then faxed the document to Musharraf. While the latter was going through it and in the process of weighing the pros and cons of each demand, his aide de camp that Colin Powell was on the line. Musharraf liked and respected Powell, and the conversation was not going to be a problem. He told him that he understood and appreciated the US position, but he would respond to the US demands after having discussed these with his associates. Powell was far too polite to remind him that he in fact was the government, but did inform him that his General in Washington had already assured them that these demands would be acceptable to the government of Pakistan. {Pakistan’s Drift into Extremism : Allah, the Army, and America’s War on Terror by Hassan Abbas, published by An East Gate Book , M.E. Sharpe Armonk, New York. London, England.}. NOTES/REFERENCES - Pakistan: Eye of the Storm by Owen Bennett Jones, published by New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2002. Interview: Richard Armitage, “Campaign Against Terror,” PBS (Frontline), April 19, 2002; last accessed June 2, 2003, at http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/campaign/interviews/armitage.htm Bush at War by Bob Woodward, published by Simon & Schuster, 2002, New York. Pakistan’s Drift into Extremism : Allah, the Army, and America’s War on Terror by Hassan Abbas, published by An East Gate Book , M.E. Sharpe Armonk, New York. London, England
2013 Musharraf landed at Karachi's airport as scheduled on Sunday, aboard a commercial flight from Dubai [AFP] 2005
Musharraf: Get Yourself Raped And Go To Canada: (Audio) - EXCERPT: Interview with Pakistan president Musharraf
September 23, 2005 - During a tape-recorded, 50-minute interview with the Washington Post, Pakistan president Gen. Pervez Musharraf said that claiming rape has become a "moneymaking concern" in Pakistan. Musharraf later denied saying this to the Post. Here is a recording of the quote in the 12th paragraph of the Sept. 12 story. The remark was made in regards to the case of Mukhtar Mai, an illiterate woman who spoke publicly about having been gang-raped on the orders of a village council in 2002. REFERENCE: EXCERPT: Interview with Pakistan president Musharraf
September 23, 2005 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/audio/2005/09/23/AU2005092301278.html
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