Sunday, October 19, 2008

Personal Preferences of Jamat-e-Islami - 6

aijaz alamdar wrote:

used to live with Yazeed Bin Muawiyah [May Allah have mercy on his soul)

I pray to Allah Mansoor be Mehshoor with Yazid Bin Mauwiah Maloon ibn-e-Maloon & He should receive same mercy which he sought for Yazid Bin Mauwiah. AMIN.


Dear Alamdar Sahab,

Would you like to define a puzzle of history i.e. as to why Hadrat Ali [May Allah be pleased with him] appointed Ziyad ibn Abi Sufyan [aka Ziayd Ibn Summaya and father of Ubaidullah Ibn Ziyad the alleged mastermind of Karbala Tragedy] as the governor of Basrah to control Persia and other Eastern parts of the State.

Dear Sir,

Would you like to define this?


Following facts have been endorsed by the Giant Shia Scholar Majlisi in his book "Jila-ul Uyyun: written in persian langrage; Among the Shia Mugaddithin Abbas Qummi has mentioned them in his "Muntah-il-Amal": it is also written in Persian. Ibn abi al Hadid, too, has recorded it in his book "Sharh Nahf-ul-Balaghah".

The Shia Scholar Ibn abi al-Hadid writes:

"Abdullah bin Saba appeared after the death of Hadhrat Ali. He was, in fact a Jew but wore the badge of Islam. His followers are called "Sabais". These people believed that Hadhrat Ali had not died but he was still alive among the skies. The thunder is his voice and the lightening is his glitter. Whenever they heard the clap, they uttered

(Peace on you, O Amir-ul-Mominin!)

These cruel people talked of the Prophet (peace be upon him) in extremely unrefined and indecorous language, accused him of baseless motives and publicly claimed that he had suppressed ninety percent of the divine revelation. The Sabai belief about the revelation has been discarded by Hassan bin Ali bin Muhammad bin Hanifiyyah in a letter in which he mentions "Arja". The contents of this letter have been communicated by Sulaiman bin abi Shaikh through Haitham bin Muawiyyah, Abdul Aziz bin Abban and Abdul Wahid bin Aiman Makki. Makki relates that he was with Hassan bin Ali bin Muhammad bin Hanifayyah when he was dictating the letter. He dictated that, according to the Sabais, they had been blessed with a revelation which the people had rejected, that they had been blessed with knowledge which was hidden from other people. These lousy people believe that the Prophet (peace be upon him) had suppressed ninety percent of the divine revelation, though if the Prophet (peace be upon him) had really suppressed revelation, he would have blotted out the verses relating to the wife of Hadhrat Zayd or he would have suppressed the contents of the following verse:

(Do you desire the willing support of your wives?)

Hadhrat Hassan could not wage war against them in the style of his father. On the contrary the Sabais enjoyed great latitude during his tenure and spread the message of friction and disunity without much restraint. They intensified their efforts to inject the poison of dissension into the veins of the Muslim body. When the Shias were disenchanted with Hadhrat Ali, they fell an easy prey to the Sabai conspiracy. Some of them felt inclined towards Hadhrat Muawiyyah and some of them joined the Kharijis. Hadhrat Hassan had almost lost his grip over them. These developments have been sketched out by Mufid, Urbili, Majlisi etc. in their respective books. They have reerred to Hadhrat Muawiyyah’s advance towards Iraq:

"Hadhrat Muawiyyah marched towards Iraq to secure a point of vantage, but when he reached Jasr Manbaj, Hadhrat Hassan also moved into action. He sent a message to his officials to make preparation for a confrontation and also asked the people to come out in the name of Jehad. The people felt that the call of Jehad was too heavy a burden for them to carry. But some of them responded to the call the and an assortment of people joined him. Some of them were his shias and the shias of his father. Others believed that war must by waged against Hadhrat Muqwiyyah at any cost. There were still others who relished mischief as well as the spoils of war. Some of them were the victims of skepticism, others of fanaticism. They were the willing slaves of their chedftains and were the least attached to their faith. He set out witch these people until he arrived in Hamam Umr. Then passing through Dir Ka’ab, they camped at Sabat in the low-lying area of Qantarhah. They spent the night there. In the morning he tried to test the loyalty of his companions to discriminate between friends and foes and to wage a purposive and better-conducted war with Hadhrat Muawiyyah and the Syrians. He commanded all of them to rally at a specific spot. When they had assembled, he addressed them:

By God! I believe that by the grace of Allah I am a person with the best motives and intentions as I bear malice towards none, nor do I intend to entertain evil towards anyone in future. Remember, it is always better to express you dislikes while remaining within the party than expressing them while you are split and splintered. Keep it in mind, my friends, that I desire your welfare even better that your own selves. Therefore you should neither oppose me nor contradict my opinion. May God forgive us all, and may He enable you to seek His love and pleasure"!

They looked with amazement at one another when they heard his address and gave vent to wild speculation: What do you think are Hadhrat Hassan’s intentions? They concluded: By God! We guess that he intends to negotiate with Muawiyyah and hand over the affairs of Khilafat to him. They added: these people will turn infidels if he does so. Then they attacked his tent, looted his goods and even pulled the prayer mat from under him. Abdur Rahman bin Avdullah bin Jaal Azdi assaulted him, whisked away the shawl from his shoulders. He sat down shawlless on the ground, the sword dangling from his neck, them called for his horse. But his Shias and special companions surrounded him on all sides and protected those he wanted to punish. He told the people to call Rabi and Himlan. When they came, they pushed the people away and he set out on his journey again. He was accompanied by a number of other people as well. When he passed through Muslims Sabat, Jarrah bin Sanan of the Asad tribe attacked him. He held the bride of his horse. He carried a long pointed missle in his hand. He said: God is great! O Hassan, you have committed infidelity as your father had done before you. Then he inflicted a blow on his thigh with a spear. The spear tore thorough the tight and penetrated down to the bone. Hadhrat Hassan grappled with him and both of them tumbled to the ground. Meanwhile one of the Shias of Hassan leapt towards them. His name was Abdullah bin Khatal Tai. He snatched the spear from Jarrah’s hand and jabbed it into his belly. An other man Zibiyyan bin Ammarah also pounced at him and chopped off his nose. He died instantly. The other man with him was also caught and kille. Hadhrat Hassan was brought to Madain on a cot, and he stayed at the residence of Saad bin Masud Thaqafi who officially represented the Amir-ul-Mo-minin in Madain. Hadhrat Hassan had also retained him in the same office. In Madain he devoted his attention towards his treatment. Meanwhile a number of chieftains secretly wrote to Muawiyyah that they were ready to pledge to him. They strongly persuaded him to come to them. They assured him that they would either had over Hadhrat Hassan to him as soon as he reached there or kill him. Hadhrat Hassan also came to know about their secret plan. He received a letter from Hadhrat Qays bin Saad. He had dispatched him to Abdullah bin Abbas on his return from Kufah to meet Hadhrat Muawiyyah and to prevail upon him to keep off Iraq. He had also appointed him the leader of the party and told him that in case of his martyrdom Qays bin Saad would act as the leader. Qays informed him in the letter that they had invited Muawiyyah to a settlement called Hububiyyah. On the other side Hadhrat Muawiyyah sent for Ubaidullah bin Abbas. He fixed a sum of one million dirham as surety. Half of the amount was to be shelled out immediately while the remaining half would be paid in Kufah. Ubaid Ullah moved towards Muawiyya’s army with his special companions during the night. When the people found their leader off the scene, Hadhrat Qais bin Saad led the prayers and acted on his behalf. Hadhrat Hassan realized that the people were determined to humiliate him. He felt that they had switched their loyalties. They ridiculed him as a result of the twist in their motives, accuse him of infidelity, looted his property and legitimized his murder. Most of the people around him were mischief—mongers. They were all out to harm and humiliate him. His own Shias and the Shias of his father were too few to put up a meaningful and effective resistance to the Syrian on-slaught. Hadhrat Muawiyyah dispatched a letter of conciliation to him.
He also mentioned in his letter the letters of his companions in which they had expressed their intention of either handing him over or killing him. He offered a package of terms and conditions to bring about a reconciliation, and to agree to these terms was what the times clearly dictated, but Hadhrat Hassan did not trust him and mistook his gesture of sincerity for and ill-conceived pretense, though, on account of the treachery and disloyalty of his companions, the best course for him was to accept his offer of conciliation. I have already stressed the fact that his companions were a bunch of rogues. They were scoundrels and seemed determined to install some one else as their Amir in his place. Most ho them wanted to spill his blood and hand him over to his adversaries. His own cousin was also against him and he wanted to degrade him and pass him over to his opponents. The majority of his companions were inclined towards earthly benefits and rewards and had grown indifferent towards the punishments of the next world. However, Hadhrat Hassan secured the trust and confidence of Hadhrat Muawiyyah. He raise all the objections that could possibly be raised. One of the conditions was that the Amir-ul-Mominin will not be persecuted. During prayers he will not be condemend; the Shias of Ali will not be maltreated and justice will be done to everyone. Hadhrat Muawiyyah accepted all the terms and pledged to fulfil them

Ibn abi al-Hadid adds: When Hadhrat Hassan decided to leave Madain, he addressed the people: You have pledged to me that you will be reconciled to those with whom I am reconciled and you will fight those with whom I fight. By God! At this moment I bear no malice towards any member of my community whether he lives in the east or in the west. You dislike grouping, peace and reconciliation but these are better that rift, fear, spite and enmity which you appear to relish. My father Hadhrat Ali used to say that we should not look down upon the leadership to Muawiyyah because if we discard him, it will be like the irreversible chipping of heads off the shoulders that carry them.

Then he climbed down the pulpit. The people said to him: You have uttered these words because you want to resign and dish out the Khilafat to Hadhrat Muawiyyah. Therefore they flared up, rejected his contention, looted the goods, snatched away his shawl and pounced upon the slave maid who was with him and they splintered into different groups. One group clearly played his tunes while the majority of people supplied the discordant notes. He said:

(O Allah! I need your help)

He ordered the people to march and they marched away. Somebody brought his horse to him and he jumped on it. Some of his friends surrounded him but the others protected him and the march continued. Sanan bin Jarah Asadi accompanied him to Muzlim Sabat and stayed with him. He came closer to him and spoke to him in rather confidential tones. Then he struck his spear at his thigh with such force that it almost touched the bone. He became unconscious and his friends caught him, trying to excel on another.

Shia historian have elucidated that the people who had forced Hadhrat Hassan, looted his property and wounded him, belonged to Sabat Madian, the spot to which Hadhrat Ale had Exiled Abdullah bin Saba. They were deeply impressed by the views and beliefs of Ibn Saba and were actively engaged in their dissemination and publicity. They also included Mukhrtar bin abi Ubaid Thaqafi, a victim of Sabaism, who subsequently gained immense reputation and became the self-styled spokesman of the views preached by the dissembling jew, Ibn Saba. The historian have mentioned that when Hassan ibn Ali landed in Madain in wounded state, Mukhtar knew the whole state of affairs. Mukhtar asked him: do you need wealthy and status? He inquired: how is it possible? Mukhtar replied: you should arest Hussain ibn Ali and dispatch him to Muawiyyah as a prisoner. Hadhrat Hassan replied: may God disgrace you and curse your words! Do you expect me to betray the grandson of the Messenger of Allah?

When Hadhrat Hassan perceived that the Sabai threat had acquired ominous proportions, his own Shias were degrading and humiliating him and human blood was spilling all over, he found reconciliation the only way out of the intractable situation. The Shia historian Yaqubi relates that Hadhrat Hassan had lost a large quantity of blood when he was brought to Madain. The malady had taken a serious turn. The people had left him. Hadhrat Muawiyyah came to Iraq and took over the rein of Khilafat. When Hadhrat Hassan realized that he didn’t have the strength to fight and his friends had deserted him and wee absolutely unwilling to collide with him, he patched up with Hadhrat Muawiyyah. He ascended the pulpit, praise d the Lord and then addressed the people: you were rewarded with God’s blessing on account of our ancestors but you shed one another’s blood on account of our descendants. Therefore I have patched up with Hadhrat Muawiyyah and handed over the Khilafat to him and I can’t say whether it is a test of you faith or a source of benefit for a limited period.

Hadhrat Hassan went even a step further. He not only handed over the Khilafat to Hadhrat Muawiyyah, but also pledged fealty at his hand alongwith his brothers and commanders of the army as Kashi has reported from Jafar bin Baqir:

"Muawiyyah wrote to Hadhrat Hassan: you, Hadhrat Hussain and the companions of Ali should come to see me. Thus when they came to Syria, Qays bin Saad bin Ubadah Ansari was also with them. Hadgrat Muqwiyyah gave them permission to enter. He had already churned up an address for the occasion. Muawiyyah said to handed over the Khilafat to him and I can’t say whether it is a test of your faith or a source of benefit for a limited period"

Hadhrat Hassan went even a step further. He not only handed over the Khilafat to Hdhrat Muawiyyah, but also pledged fealty at his hand alongwith his brothers and commanders of the army as Kashi has reported from Jafar bin Baqir:

"Muawiyyah wrote to Hadhrat Hassan: you, Hadhrat Hussain and the companions of Ali should come to see me. Thus when they came to syria, Qays bin Saad bin Ubadah Ansari was also with them. Hadhrat Muawiyyah gave them permission to enter. He had already churned up an address for the occasion. Muawiyyah said to Hassan: come and pledge to me. Hadhrat Hassan pleedged at his hand. Then he asked Hadhrat Hussain: get up and pledge to him. He also stood up and pledged at his hand. Then he addressed Qays: come and pledge to him. He looked towards Hadhrat Hussain for Orders. He said: pledge at his hand because he (Hadhrat Hassan) is my lmam".


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