The court refused to receive the FIA report in the absence of DG FIA.Hamid Saeed Kazmi appeared in the court in person and said he wanted to file a reply to the charges leveled against him. He said that corruption allegations were brought against him but no evidence was provided, he submitted. “Evidence will be presented now,” the CJ observed. “My character assassination campaign is going on in the media,” Hamid Saeed Kazmi said. “Media is your enemy. Media conducts programme on court too. We reform ourselves. Whosoever was appointed proved guilty. As if Dr Khalid Soomro and Maulana Qasim are telling lies,” the CJ said. “As if the Pakistan ambassador in Saudi Arabia is telling lies, and is he your enemy too,” Justice Ramday observed. “Yes, he is my enemy. But I don’t consider the parliamentary committee report wrong,” Kazmi said. Minister admits corruption Tuesday, December 07, 2010 By Sohail Khan http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=2502&Cat=13

Tuesday, December 07, 2010, Zilhajj 30, 1431 A.H
Ansar Abbasi [Jang Group] Exposes Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal (MMA)
URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4hPJsAaqHI

LAHORE, Nov 2: The JUI-F leaders and activists are stunned at the land scam reported against their chief, Maulana Fazlur Rehman, as elders of other politico-religious parties are avoiding to directly comment on it. The opposition leader in the previous National Assembly, Maulana Fazl allegedly got allotted hundreds of kanals of army land in Dera Ismail Khan, NWFP, to play the role of a friendly opposition. The land was reportedly transferred to the name of his personal assistant and brother Lutfur Rehman’s secretary in January 2005. Former president Pervez Musharraf had promised to take off his uniform by Dec 31, 2004 in return of the help by the six-party MMA, of which the Maulana was the secretary general, in indemnifying the army ruler’s action of staging a coup against the PML-N’s elected government in 1999. When contacted, former JUI-F secretary-general Hafiz Husain Ahmad instead of commenting on the scandal said he was seeing intensifying of a tussle between party’s Balochistan leaders -- Maulana Muhammad Khan Sherani and MNA Rehmatullah Kakar. Central vice-president Syed Amir Husain Gilani said: “Allah knows better about the veracity of the scandal”. Information Secretary Maulana Amjad Khan sees it as a malicious campaign to disrepute the JUI-F leader for presenting Taliban’s point of view in parliament about the ongoing war on terror. The naib amir of Jamaat-i-Islami, the second largest component of the MMA, Liaquat Baloch says his party is ignorant of the issue, though it has been part of the alliance’s five-year rule in the NWFP. He suggests that as the JUI-F still has representation in parliament and provincial assemblies, its MPs should bring the issue to their respective houses for a clarification and proving the allegation false. He also proposes a foolproof mechanism at the national level for investigating such scandals and bringing to fore the facts. According to him, the Awami National Party (ANP), which is currently ruling the NWFP, also owes the responsibility to probe the issue and ‘misappropriation’ of the province’s lands. ‘Defunct’ MMA’s vice-president Senator Sajid Mir terms the allegation unfortunate. “If the allegation is true then it is deplorable.” Asked if the allegation would be considered while establishing any alliance of the religious parties, he said the issue would be discussed when the stakeholders (of the proposed alliance) would sit together in the founding session. REFERENCE: Partymen stunned: ‘Fazl in land scam’ By Our Staff Reporter Monday, 03 Nov, 2008 http://news.dawn.com/wps/wcm/connect/dawn-content-library/dawn/the-newspaper/national/partymen+stunned+fazl+in+land+scam

ISLAMABAD: Against his public perception of being an anti-American, Maulana Fazlur Rehman is reflected in a cable released by WikiLeaks as a frequent and cooperative American interlocutor, who professes his support for cooperation with the United States. The JUI-F leader has been described in the secret US cable as “more politician than mulla”, and “a frequent and cooperative interlocutor” with the post (US Embassy Islamabad). The Maulana is also shown as professing his “support for cooperation with the United States.” US embassy’s CDA Peter Bodde wrote in his April 3, 2008 cable, released by WikiLeaks, that Rehman, more politician than mulla, has been a prominent and legitimate figure in Pakistani politics since the 1980s. He “has publicly denounced terrorist attacks, but prefers to use negotiations rather than military force against militants. Although he is known to have contacts with Taliban and their sympathisers, he has negotiated with religious militants on the government’s behalf, garnering him criticism from the more hard-line religious sectors.”

The primary purpose of the message was to request the FBI to recall information about Fazlur Rehman, which indicated that an individual “Fasilur Rehman” believed to be associated with Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) is behind the March 2008 bombing in Islamabad. The cable said that the information suggests that Fasilur Rehman refers to political party leader Fazlur Rehman of the JUI-F. The embassy “requests that FBI recall this information from all hardcopy and database records due to discrepancies and errors in the report.” It noted that prominent Pakistan politician Fazlur Rehman is not associated with the JI, but instead leads his own political party, the JUI-F. From 2002-2007, the two parties allied with other religious parties in the coalition Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal (MMA). However, the JUI-F and JI retained separate leadership structures as well as separate political objectives and methods, it said.

The cable said that Fazlur Rehman’s JUI-F is a conservative Deobandi religious party that has recently joined the new Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) led government. The JI is a religious party that appeals to a narrow sector of the educated, conservative urban middle class. JI, which has a vibrant student wing, began as a movement for social change based on Sharia. “The JI party policy does not support violence as a means to achieve their political agenda, however, the party quietly has supported Jihad in Afghanistan and Kashmir by providing recruits from their student corps. The party does not support violence perpetuated within Pakistan, such as the recent attack on the restaurant in Islamabad. In addition, Fasilur Rehman and Fazlur Rehman are extremely common Pakistani names, making it impossible to accurately identify the individual with the prominent JUI-F politician.” In an earlier cable, the WikiLeaks showed the Maulana approaching the then US Ambassador Anne Patterson to become the Prime Minister. It was revealed that the leader of the country’s most fiercely pro-Taliban religious party, hosted a jovial dinner for Patterson at which the Maulana sought her backing to become prime minister and expressed a desire to visit America. Maulana-like Maulana’s lieutenant Abdul Ghafoor Haideri acknowledged that “All important parties in Pakistan had to get the approval of the US (to get power).” Fazl keeps regular contact with US embassy, says cable By Ansar Abbasi Tuesday, December 07, 2010 http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=2507&Cat=13
Tuesday, December 07, 2010, Zilhajj 30, 1431 A.H

Both, either Republicans or Democrat are same as far as the Third World is concerned. My reply would be in two Parts:1 - Republicans [Grand Old Party - GOP]:US Government is in the hands of Zionists and i.e. 100% For example one must not overlook a fact that John Kerry [Democart voted in favour of US War on Iraq like John Kerry [Democrat]. Political Activist type of Mullahs e.g. Qazi Hussain Ahmed/Jamat-e-Islami often raise hue and cry against the so-called Imperialism of the US. I call it the connivance of MMA-Qazi Hussain Ahmed and Jamat-e-Islami to support General Musharraf Martial Law Regime [basically US Republican War Machine] from 2002-2007 particularly in reference with 17 th Constitutional Amendment i.e. LFO to offer Musharraf a complete free hand through this notorious and illegal constitutional amendment rather tampering.A key member of MMA [Alliance of Religious Parties of Pakistan which supported General Musharraf] Akram Khan Durrani [the then Chief Minister of NWFP - 2002 - 2007] visited the USA-PENTAGON-US DEFENCE DEPTT, for discussing what Propblem of Muslim Ummah? Read
Let me tell you about Zionists lobby i.e. basically Neocons lest you foget history which is second nature of nowadays Ummah while completely forgetting the facts during Afghan War of Independence 1979-1989 the very same Zionist lobby i.e. Neo-Cons in US were the ones who helped Afghans through Pakistan. Many of the present Neo-Cons [also Zionists] were very young while serving Ronald Reagan's Jihad in Afghanistan e.g. Armitage, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld and countless others. [Do check US State Deptt. website]

Richard Armitage

Donald Henry Rumsfeld

Paul Dundes Wolfowitz
Under this doctrine, known as the Kirkpatrick Doctrine, the Reagan administration initially tolerated leaders such as Augusto Pinochet in Chile and Ferdinand Marcos in the Philippines and General Ziaul Haq in Pakistan. As the 1980's wore on, however, younger, second-generation neoconservatives, such as Elliot Abrams, pushed for a clear policy of supporting democracy against both left and right wing dictators.Thus, while U.S. support for Marcos continued until and even after the fraudulent Philippine election of February 7, 1986, there was debate within the administration regarding how and when to oppose Marcos. In the days that followed, with the widespread popular refusal to accept Marcos as the purported winner, turmoil in the Philippines grew. I am amazed at selective and compartmentalized approach of Islamists and Pakistanists of Pakistan which condmens Asif Ali Zardair but absolves General Zia and Jamat-e-Islami. Even during the of Musharraf, his allies in NWFP and Baluchistan [i.e. MMA Alliance of Religio Political Parties] visited the USA and even if that was not enough they were welcomed in Pentagon and US Defence Department.Under the very nose of US Republican Party and George Bush, the Radical Islamic Fundamentalist were allies [MMA an alliance of religio political party were partners in power with Musharraf in NWFP AND Baluchistan 2002-2007].

Jeane Kirkpatrick
The amazing thing is that a key leader of this Radical Islamic Fundamentalist Group met with several highups of US Department of Defence and Pentagon and leading US Power Brokers and guess what MMA leader were given a detailed tour of Pentagon under this very George W Bush and his "War on Terror".As per news reports in 2005 [GEO TV and Daily Dawn reference is at the end] the then Chief Minister NWFP [Pakistan] Akram Khan Durrani's [member of Religious Parties Alliance]US Visit where he met senior policy advisor on South Asia Jonah Blank and Senator Sanatorium at Capital Hill. Earlier, Mr Durrani met Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defence Peter Floury at Pentagon where he visited various sections. During his meetings with US authorities, Mr Durrani explained policies of the MMA government.

Qazi Hussain Ahmed [Chief of Jamat-e-Islami and MMA - An alliance of Religious Political Parties and allies of General Musharraf]

Maulana Fazal ur Rahman [Chief of Jamita-e-Ulmai-e-Islam - F Central Leader of MMA - An alliance of Religious Political Parties and allies of General Musharraf]

Chief Minister NWFP Akram Khan Durrani [A leader of MMA]
Addressing members of Brooking Institution , he said that a government of the people was in place in the NWFP. He said that common man had easy access to MMA government and minorities and women were being given specialcare.
As per Mr. Shaheen Sehbai [A correspondent in The News International in Pakistan had written]

WASHINGTON DC, July 19, 2005 | ISSN: 1684-2057 | www.satribune.com
A Madrassa near Peshawar, Capital of NWFP
Top MMA Leader Tries to Convince Pentagon, NSC on Hardline Islamic Law
Special SAT Report

It is the Law against which the Federal Government of General Pervez Musharraf has petitioned the Supreme Court of Pakistan claiming it was against the Constitution and should be declared null and void. The MMA says it will contest forcibly in the SC.
“Yes I visited the Pentagon and gave them a copy of the Hasba Act,” Durrani (above) told the South Asia Tribune on Saturday night, explaining that it was not at all odd that he was trying to convince Washington that the Act was not meant to Talibanize the Pakistani society.
Durrani has been in Washington from July 9-19 as guest of Institute for Global Engagement (IGE) which, according to its web site, was “created to develop sustainable environments for religious freedom worldwide, and to inspire and equip emerging leaders with faith-based methodologies of engagement.”
Founded by Robert A. Seiple, the first-ever US Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom, “IGE uniquely combines strategic analysis with an operational component that seeks solutions to complex political and religious problems in difficult parts of the world.”
“In this age of widespread religious conflict, pluralism, and change, finding such solutions requires a deep understanding of geopolitical realities as well as an approach that is "shrewd as snakes and innocent as doves," the web site of IGE says.
To meet this challenge, IGE partners with governments, religious organizations, scholars, practitioners, and international advocacy groups to take on innovative projects that strike at the root of religious intolerance and educate emerging leaders to take religion seriously in their consideration of international affairs.
“We're a "think tank with legs," or if you're feeling less poetic, a "think-and-do-tank." What does that mean? We recognize that thinking is simply our initial step. We're also committed to praying and acting on the basis of our thought and research,” the IGE web site explains.
Chief Minister Durrani has been in Washington with his three sons, one Principal Officer and an Interpreter, all hosted by IGE for 11 days in the US capital and New York. “I had a wonderful trip, my children also saw America and we had good meetings with National Security Council and Pentagon officials. I gave every one a copy of the Hasba Act,” Durrani told the South Asia Tribune.
The religious leader from the radically Islamized province has been trying in all his meetings to convince the Americans that his party was not as radical as perceived and they could do business with the Americans on the same terms as any one else.
But as a slip of his tongue in one of the TV interviews, Durrani claimed that after he explained the provisions of the Hasba Act to Pentagon officials, they almost approved it and gave a green light to go ahead. But he quickly stopped making the remark to other media channels and when he was specifically asked by South Asia Tribune whether he was able to convince the Pentagon, he was non-committal and said it was for Pentagon to give their opinion.
He was asked whether the Hasba Act, now in the Supreme Court of Pakistan after it was challenged by the Federal Government as violative of the Constitution, would still be pursued if the Court ruled against the MMA, and whether MMA would accept the Court decision, Durrani was a little uncomfortable answering the question saying “Let us think positively as our legal brains have studied the Act in detail and they can successfully argue that it does not come into conflict with the Constitution.”
Durrani was, however, almost sure after his round of meetings with think tanks and NSC/Pentagon officials in Washington that his Government in NWFP would not be dismissed by General Musharraf because of the Hasba Act.
“I did say that we will wreak havoc if Governor’s Rule was imposed, but I am sure that stage would never be reached as we have worked with the Center on many sensitive issues in the past and reached a mutually acceptable solution,” he said.
But Durrani could not convincingly respond to the question that by bringing up the Hasba issue at this stage, the Opposition MMA had actually played into the hands of the Musharraf Government and diverted the focus of national politics from the up-coming unity talks and a possible alliance between the MMA, PPP and PML-N on the more basic issue of getting rid of a military dictator.
“We are talking to the Opposition parties for a joint struggle at the Federal level but provinces can legislate and opposition to local laws does not mean we would stop talking to each other at all levels,” he said.
Yet the fact is that MMA has hijacked the national agenda by introducing and passing the Hasba Act in a hurry which prompted other major parties including PPP to sharply attack the MMA and condemn it. No one would have been happier than General Musharraf with this political move.
And MMA itself is almost in a win-win situation because if the Hasba Act is enforced, they will have a new Islamic Police at their command which can ultimately be used politically against the Center and other political opponents. On the other hand, if the Act is not allowed by the Supreme Court or if the NWFP Assembly is dismissed, MMA would emerge as “martyrs of Islam” and would be able to recruit more supporters for its hardline policies. URL: http://antisystemic.org/satribune/www.satribune.com/archives/200507/P1_durr.htm
On one hand these Mullahs particularly of Jamat-e-Islami talk against the West particularly the USA, Secularism, Democracy, Liberalism and on the other hand they had sought from the same quarter as NWFP Chief Minister Akram Khan Durrani, who visited USA, and met US Senator Mr Biden in Washington. Addressing members of Brooking Institution [According to Islamist Mullahs/Pakistanists every Think Tank is CIA backed and Zionist in nature], he said that a government of the people was in place in the NWFP. He said that common man had easy access to MMA government and minorities and women were being given special care. Since last many decades these numskulls Mullah declare anybody an agent of Zionists, USA, and CIA, if he/she belongs to MQM, PPP, PML-N and they since 9/11 declaring Musharraf and Co an agents of Zionists, I wonder what was in the mind of Pro Taliban Mullah Chief Minister NWFP when he was 'briefing' the brains and strategists in the US Defence department which as per a news article overwhelmingly Zionist.
The Israeli lobby has many "thinktanks" that provide future advisors to the various administrations, both Republican and Democrat. During the Clinton Administration, the Israeli lobby provided officials from the Washington Institute for Near East Policy like Martin Indyk. During the Bush Jr Administration, many of the officials the Israeli lobby provided are from their Republican "thinktanks, " like the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) and the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA).

1). Richard Perle----One of Bush's foreign policy advisors, he is the chairman of the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board. A very likely Israeli government agent, Perle was expelled from Senator Henry Jackson's officein the 1970's after the National Security Agency (NSA) caught him passing Highly-Classified (National Security) documents to the Israeli Embassy. He later worked for the Israeli weapons firm, Soltam. Perle came from one the above mentioned pro-Israel thinktanks, the AEI. Perle is one of the leadingpro-Israeli fanatics leading this Iraq war mongering within the administration and now in the media.

2). Paul Wolfowitz--- -Deputy Defense Secretary, and member of Perle's Defense Policy Board, in the Pentagon. Wolfowitz is a close associate of Perle, and reportedly has close ties to the Israeli military. His sister lives in Israel. Wolfowitz came from the above mentioned Jewish thinktank, JINSA. Wolfowitz is the number two leader within the administration behindthis Iraq war mongering.

3). Douglas Feith----Under Secretary of Defense and Policy Advisor at the Pentagon. He is a close associate of Perle and served as his Special Counsel. Like Perle and the others, Feith is a pro-Israel extremist, who has advocated anti-Arab policies in the past. He is closely associated with the extremist group, the Zionist Organization of America, which evenattacks Jews that don't agree with its extremist views. Feith frequently speaks at ZOA conferences. Feith runs a small law firm, Feith and Zell, which only has one International office, in Israel. The majority of their legal work is representing Israeli interests. His firm's own website stated, prior to his appointment, that Feith "represents Israeli ArmamentsManufacturer. " Feith basically represents the Israeli War Machine. Feith also came from the Jewish thinktank JINSA. Feith, like Perle and Wolfowitz, are campaigning hard for this Israeli proxy war against Iraq.

4). Edward Luttwak----Member of the National Security Study Group of the Department of Defence at the Pentagon. Luttwak is reportedly an Israeli citizen and has taught in Israel. He frequently writes for Israeli and pro-Israeli newspapers and journals. Luttwak is an Israeli extremist whose main theme in many of his articles is the necessity of the U.S. waging waragainst Iraq.

5). Henry Kissinger--- --One of many Pentagon Advisors, Kissinger sits on the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board under Perle. For detailed information about Kissinger's evil past, read Seymour Hersh's book (Price of Power: Kissinger in the Nixon White House). Kissinger likely had a part in the Watergate crimes, Southeast Asia mass murders (Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos),Installing Chilean mass murdering dictator Pinochet, Operation Condor's mass killings in South America, and more recently served as Serbia's Ex-Dictator Slobodan Milosevic's Advisor. He consistently advocates goingto war against Iraq. Kissinger is the Ariel Sharon of the U.S. Unfortunately, President Bush nominated Kissinger as chairman of the September 11 investigating commission. It's like picking a bankrobber to investigate a fraud scandal.

6). Dov Zakheim----Under Secretary of Defense, Comptroller, and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for the Department of Defense. He is an ordained rabbi and reportedly holds Israeli citizenship. Zakheim attended attended Jew's College in London and became an ordained Orthodox Jewish Rabbi in 1973. He was adjunct professor at New York's Jewish Yeshiva University.Zakheim is close to the Israeli lobby.

7). Kenneth Adelman----- One of many Pentagon Advisors, Adelman also sits on the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board under Perle, and is another extremist pro-Israel advisor, who supports going to war against Iraq.Adelman frequently is a guest on Fox News, and often expresses extremist and often ridiculus anti-Arab and anti-Muslim views. Through his hatred or stupidity, he actually called Arabs "anti-Semitic" on Fox News (11/28/2001) , when he could have looked it up in the dictionary to find out that Arabs by definition are Semites.

8). Lewis Libby -----Vice President Dick Cheney's Chief of Staff. The chief pro-Israel Jewish advisor to Cheney, it helps explains why Cheney is so gun-ho to invade Iraq. Libby is longtime associate of Wolfowitz. Libby was also a lawyer for convicted felon and Israeli spy Mark Rich, whom Clinton pardoned, in his last days as president.

9). Robert Satloff----U. S. National Security Council Advisor, Satloff was the executive director of the Israeli lobby's "think tank," Washington Institute for Near East Policy. Many of the Israeli lobby's "experts" come from this front group, like Martin Indyk.

10). Elliott Abrams-----National Security Council Advisor. He previously worked at Washington-based "Think Tank" Ethics and Public Policy Center. During the Reagan Adminstration, Abrams was the Assistant Secretary of State, handling, for the most part, Latin American affairs. He played an important role in the Iran-Contra Scandal, which involved illegally sellingU.S. weapons to Iran to fight Iraq, and illegally funding the contra rebels fighting to overthrow Nicaragua's Sandinista government. He also actively deceived three congressional committees about his involvement and thereby faced felony charges based on his testimony. Abrams pled guilty in 1991 to two misdemeanors and was sentenced to a year's probation and 100 hours of community service. A year later, former President Bush (Senior) granted Abrams a full pardon. He was one of the more hawkish pro-Israel Jews in the Reagan Administration' s State Department.

11). Marc Grossman---- -Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs. He was Director General of the Foreign Service and Director of Human Resources at the Department of State. Grossman is one of many of the pro-Israel Jewish officials from the Clinton Administration that Bush has promoted to higher posts.

12). Richard Haass-----Director of Policy Planning at the State Department and Ambassador at large. He is also Director of National Security Programs and Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). He was one of the more hawkish pro-Israel Jews in the first Bush (Sr) Administration who sat on the National Security Council, and who consistently advocates goingto war against Iraq. Haass is also a member of the Defense Department's National Security Study Group, at the Pentagon.

13). Robert Zoellick---- -U.S. Trade Representative, a cabinet-level position. He is also one of the more hawkish pro-Israel Jews in the Bush (Jr) Administration who advocated invading Iraq and occupying a portion of the country in order to set up setting up a Vichy-style puppet government. He consistently advocates going to war against Iraq.

14). Ari Fleischer--- -Official White House Spokesman for the Bush (Jr) Administration. Prominent in the Jewish community, some reports state that he holds Israeli citizenship. Fleischer is closely connected to the extremist Jewish group called the Chabad Lubavitch Hasidics, who follow the Qabala, and hold very extremist and insulting views of non-Jews. Fleischer was the co-president of Chabad's Capitol Jewish Forum. He received the Young Leadership Award from the American Friends of Lubavitch in October, 2001.

15). James Schlesinger- ----One of many Pentagon Advisors, Schlesinger also sits on the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board under Perle and is anotherextremist pro-Israel advisor, who supports going to war against Iraq. Schlesinger is also a commissioner of the Defense Department's National Security Study Group, at the Pentagon.

16). David Frum-----White House speechwriter behind the "Axis of Evil" label. He lumps together all the lies and accusations against Iraq for Bush to justify the war.

17). Joshua Bolten----White House Deputy Chief of Staff, Bolten was previously a banker, former legislative aide, and prominent in the Jewishcommunity.

18). John Bolton----Under- Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security. Bolton is also a Senior Advisor to President Bush. Prior to this position, Bolton was Senior Vice President of the above mentioned pro-Israel thinktank, AEI. He recently (October 2002) accused Syria of having a nuclear program, so that they can attack Syria after Iraq. He must have forgotten that Israel has 400 nuclear warheads, some of which are thermonuclear weapons (according to a recent U.S. Air Force report).

19). David Wurmser----Special Assistant to John Bolton (above), the under-secretary for arms control and international security. Wurmser also worked at the AEI with Perle and Bolton. His wife, Meyrav Wurmser, along with Colonel Yigal Carmon, formerly of Israeli military intelligence, co-founded the Middle East Media Research Institute (Memri),a Washington-basedIsraeli outfit which distributes articles translated from Arabic newspapers portraying Arabs in a bad light.

20). Eliot Cohen-----Member of the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board under Perle and is another extremist pro-Israel advisor. Like Adelman, he often expresses extremist and often ridiculus anti-Arab and anti-Muslim views. More recently, he wrote an opinion article in the Wall Street Journal openly admitting his rascist hatred of Islam claiming that Islam shouldbe the enemy, not terrorism.

21). Mel Sembler----- President of the Export-Import Bank of the United States. A Prominent Jewish Republican and Former National Finance Chairman of the Republican National Committee. The Export-Import Bank facilitates trade relationships between U.S. businesses and foreign countries, specifically those with financial problems.

22). Michael Chertoff ----Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division, at the Justice Department.

23). Steve Goldsmith--- -Senior Advisor to the President, and Bush's Jewish domestic policy advisor. He also serves as liaison in the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives (White House OFBCI) within the Executive Office of the President. He was the former mayor of Indianapolis. He is also friends with Israeli Jerusalem Mayor Ehud Olmert and often visits Israel to coach mayors on privatization initiatives.
24). Adam Goldman----- White House's Special Liaison to the Jewish Community.

25). Joseph Gildenhorn-- ---Bush Campaign's Special Liaison to the Jewish Community. He was the DC finance chairman for the Bush campaign, as well as campaign coordinator, and former ambassador to Switzerland. 26). Christopher Gersten----- Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Administration for Children and Families at HHS. Gersten was the former Executive Director of the Republican Jewish Coalition, Husband of Labor Secretary, Linda Chavez, and reportedly very pro-Israel. Their children are being raised Jewish.

27). Mark Weinberger-- ---Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Tax Policy.

28). Samuel Bodman-----Deputy Secretary of Commerce. He was the Chairman and CEO of Cabot Corporation in Boston, Massachusetts.

29). Bonnie Cohen-----Under Secretary of State for Management.

30). Ruth Davis-----Director of Foreign Service Institute, who reports to the Office of Under Secretary for Management. This Office is responsiblefor training all Department of State staff (including ambassadors) .

31). Lincoln Bloomfield-- ---Assistant Secretary of State for Political Military Affairs.

32). Jay Lefkowitz--- --General Counsel of the Office of Budget and Management.

33). Ken Melman-----White House Political Director.

34). Brad Blakeman---- --White House Director of Scheduling.
1 - The Proposed Hasba Bill at a Glance Tahseen Ullah Khan NRDF, Peshawar
2 - Durrani meets US senator
Bureau Report
July 16, 2005 Saturday Jumadi-us-Sani 8, 1426
3 - Life under the Hasba law By Iqbal Haider
4 - Towards a shackled society, perhaps By Omar R. Quraishi
5 - What's wrong with the Hasba Bill Iqbal Haider
6 - Zionist Influence On The US War Machine
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