Administering Justice and awarding punishment is the responsibility of the Ruler/State [even in the harshest Islamic State] not of the Masses or Mullahs. A detail view is as under for kind perusal. I guarantee you that those who have done the above deed would also have been the most ignorant about Islam, Quran and Shariah.
Thursday, January 06, 2011, Safar 01, 1432 A.H
"Killing" is the Right of "Judiciary" - Qazi, means Enforcement of Law and Administering "Punishment" is the Responsibility of State not the "Masses" and what Muslims in Pakistanis do is this "they violate very religion they claim to follow" - lets assume that Blasphemy Law is right and Guilty is to be punished through Death Sentence then that "sentence" would be implemented by the State not the "Public".It is not permissible for individuals to carry out this punishment themselves. Rather the matter must be referred to the ruler or his deputy to prove the crime and carry out the punishment, because if individuals carry out hadd punishments, that will lead to a great deal of corruption and evil. Ibn Muflih al-Hanbali (may Allaah have mercy on him) said in al-Furoo’ (6/53): It is haraam for anyone to carry out a hadd punishment except the ruler or his deputy. This is something on which the fuqaha’ of Islam are unanimously agreed, as was stated in al-Mawsoo’ah al-Fiqhiyyah (5/280): The fuqaha’ are unanimously agreed that the one who should carry out hadd punishments is the ruler or his deputy, whether the punishment is transgressing one of the limits of Allaah, may He be exalted, such as zina, or a transgression against another person, such as slander. {Further References: Durrul Al Behy by Shawkani, Baloogh Al Maram by Hajar Asqalani - both are in Arabic and available in English and Urdu as well]
Read the "Shahadat - Testimony of Late. Mr. Salman Taseer for proving that he was a Muslim" and do read News filed by the Ansar Abbasi of Jang Group, and Program Telecast against Mr. Salman Taseer on GEO TV to prove that he was not Muslim for inciting hate against him and read these Hadiths in the light of Salman Taseer's Testimony published by the very Jang Group after inciting masses for his murder.
Whoever offers prayers as we do and turns his face to our Qiblah and eats the animal slaughtered by us, he is a Muslim for whom is the covenant of Allah and the covenant of the Messenger of Allah; so do not violate Allah's covenant." [Sahih Bukhari]
``Ibn Umar related that the Holy Prophet said: If a Muslim calls another kafir, then if he is a kafir let it be so; otherwise, he [the caller] is himself a kafir.''(Sunnan Abu Dawood)
``Abu Zarr reported that the Holy Prophet said: No man accuses another man of being a sinner, or of being a kafir, but it reflects back on him if the other is not as he called him.''(Bukhari)
``Withhold [your tongues] from those who say `There is no god but Allah' --- do not call them kafir. Whoever calls a reciter of `There is no god but Allah' as a kafir, is nearer to being a kafir himself.'' (Tabarani, reported from Abdullah Ibn Omar)
If the above Hadiths do not satisfy then read this!
Usaamah bin Zaid reported,
“Allaah’s Messenger sent us towards Al-Huruqa, and in the morning we attacked them and defeated them. I and an Ansari man followed a man from among them and when we overwhelmed him, he said, “La ilaha illal-Lah.” On hearing that, the Ansari man stopped, but I killed him by stabbing him with my spear. When we returned, the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) came to know about that and he said:
"O Usaamah! Did you kill him after he had said “La ilaha ilal-Lah?” I said, “But he said so only to save himself.” He kept on repeating that so often that I wished I had not embraced Islaam before that day. [Agreed upon, and this is the wording of Bukhari]
and in another version in Sahih Muslim about the same incident:
``Did you tear open his heart to see what was in it?'' [Muslim]
Read the "Shahadat - Testimony of Late. Mr. Salman Taseer for proving that he was a Muslim" and do read News filed by the Ansar Abbasi of Jang Group, and Program Telecast against Mr. Salman Taseer on GEO TV to prove that he was not Muslim for inciting hate against him and read these Hadiths in the light of Salman Taseer's Testimony published by the very Jang Group after inciting masses for his murder.
Whoever offers prayers as we do and turns his face to our Qiblah and eats the animal slaughtered by us, he is a Muslim for whom is the covenant of Allah and the covenant of the Messenger of Allah; so do not violate Allah's covenant." [Sahih Bukhari]
``Ibn Umar related that the Holy Prophet said: If a Muslim calls another kafir, then if he is a kafir let it be so; otherwise, he [the caller] is himself a kafir.''(Sunnan Abu Dawood)
``Abu Zarr reported that the Holy Prophet said: No man accuses another man of being a sinner, or of being a kafir, but it reflects back on him if the other is not as he called him.''(Bukhari)
``Withhold [your tongues] from those who say `There is no god but Allah' --- do not call them kafir. Whoever calls a reciter of `There is no god but Allah' as a kafir, is nearer to being a kafir himself.'' (Tabarani, reported from Abdullah Ibn Omar)
If the above Hadiths do not satisfy then read this!
Usaamah bin Zaid reported,
“Allaah’s Messenger sent us towards Al-Huruqa, and in the morning we attacked them and defeated them. I and an Ansari man followed a man from among them and when we overwhelmed him, he said, “La ilaha illal-Lah.” On hearing that, the Ansari man stopped, but I killed him by stabbing him with my spear. When we returned, the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) came to know about that and he said:
"O Usaamah! Did you kill him after he had said “La ilaha ilal-Lah?” I said, “But he said so only to save himself.” He kept on repeating that so often that I wished I had not embraced Islaam before that day. [Agreed upon, and this is the wording of Bukhari]
and in another version in Sahih Muslim about the same incident:
``Did you tear open his heart to see what was in it?'' [Muslim]
Late. Salman Taseer didn't utter a single word against Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him), here are the proofs - Column kaar - 8th January 2011 - p1

Source: Express, 8 January 2010
Calling someone a Shaheed (Martyr)
Is it allowed for us to bear witness for anyone who was killed fighting in the path of Allaah with the term: ‘Shahaadah’ (martyrdom) and can we unrestrictedly apply for him the term ‘so and so is Shaheed’ (a martyr) just as some of the people unrestrictedly apply it on some of the callers?
Answer: The issue in this case is straight forward; since Al-Bukhaaree mentions in his ‘Saheeh’ in the book of Jihaad: chapter: it is not to be said; so and so is a Shaheed, and then he mentions some hadeeth in that section. So from the Shaheed is the one who is Shaheed in that which is apparent, and from them is the Shaheed in that which is secret/hidden, whilst the people are not aware that he is Shaheed. So the Shaheed in that which is apparent when he is killed in battle may have died upon a bad intention, whilst the secret/hidden one may be killed and it not be known of him – or that it may not be presumed that he reached the level of Shaheed. Then there is the Shaheed who died from other than being killed as the Prophet (Sallaallaahu 'alaihi wa ‘alaa aalihi wa sallam) said: ((The Shuhadaa (martyrs) are five: The one who dies in a plague, the one who dies of a stomach ailment, the one who drowns, the one who is crushed to death, and the martyr in the path of Allaah)), and the hadeeth is found in the two saheehs of Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim. So if you said: ‘so and so is a Shaheed in accordance with that which is apparent’ then there is nothing wrong with this Inshaa Allaah, and if you fear that he may not have been upon the Sunnah or that he may not have been sincere – since this is because the meaning of Shaheed is that you are ruling for him Paradise, and you would not want to make the ruling upon him of Paradise because ruling out who enters Paradise is not for us, so one does not make the ruling of Paradise for anyone except for one whom Allaah has ruled Paradise for, or Allaahs Messenger (Sallaallaahu 'alaihi wa ‘alaa aalihi wa sallam) has ruled Paradise for. As for us, then we hope for the doer of good with all good and with Paradise, and we fear for the wrongdoer with punishment and the hell fire.
Shaykh Muqbil bin Haadee (Saudi Scholar) - Ghaaratul Ashritah, volume 2, page 284-285 Translated by Aboo Haatim Muhammad Farooq
If criticizing the Misuse of Blasphemy Law is Blasphemy then what's this?
Need to prevent misuse of Blasphemy Law Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain
Saudi daily calls Taseer a martyr, justice crusader????
That is demonstrably untrue. There is bigotry in Pakistan but then it exists in every society. Clearly the murder was an act of religious fanaticism. But it was individuals who were responsible, not a mass movement. Taseer was murdered by one or perhaps more bigots who believed that he wanted to repeal the country’s blasphemy law. But he was a Muslim, not his murderer or those who, sickeningly, celebrate this evil deed. He worked for the good of his country trying to promote tolerance and understanding and peace between its different communities. He stood up against extremism and violence. It cost him his life and that makes him a martyr and his heartless, grinning murderer an ignorant instrument of evil. But while Pakistan has lost a bold campaigner for truth and justice, there is comfort for it in the knowledge that Taseer was not alone. There is a host of other activists whose faith is generous and embracing and who refuse to be intimidated by the twisted advocates of hatred. Pakistan is deeply shocked by this murder. This could be a defining moment for its leaders to stand up and rally the country against the deviant forces that would bring darkness to it and Islam. As for those Islamophobes who would see in Taseer’s murder proof of fanaticism, they should look instead to the Islam he stood for — a faith that pursues justice, truth and respect, the real Islam. REFERENCE: Murder in Pakistan Leaders should stand up and rally the country against the forces of intolerance EDITORIAL
Jan 5, 2011 22:38
If criticizing the Misuse of Blasphemy Law is Blasphemy then what's this? Even Imran Khan dislikes "Blasphemy Law" Policy Matter: Imran Khan on Asia Bibi Case & Blasphemy Laws (November 27, 2010)

Pakistani Media's role in Salman Taseer's Murder.

The Anti-Terrorism Act (ATA) of 1997 covers these areas. For example, Section 6 states that terrorism means the use or threat of action where “the use or threat is made for the purpose of advancing a religious, sectarian or ethnic cause”. Actions of terrorism include: “Involves the doing of anything that is likely to cause death or endangers a person’s life” and “incites hatred and contempt on religious, sectarian or ethnic basis to stir up violence or cause internal disturbance.” The ATA also includes the ‘prohibition of acts intended or likely to stir up sectarian hatred’ which comprise the use of threatening words, abuses and behaviour, the distribution of written and visual material that could incite sectarian hatred as well as possession of written and visual material with the intent of distribution and display. The Pakistan Penal Code also includes punishments for defamation and criminal intimidation. According to Naveed, “A parallel can be drawn to the murder of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl; where an environment was created and calls were made for him to be killed. The common factor is that both Pearl and Taseer were killed by religious extremists.” REFERENCE: Taseer’s assassination: The legal basis for incitement to murder Saba Imtiaz January 8, 2011

Jang Group of Newspapers, particularly Mr. Ansar Abbasi through GEO TV created a Hate Campaign against Late. Mr. Salman Taseer which paved the way for his murder but the same Jang Group publish this as well "against" Blasphemy Law. Go through as to what The News (Jang Group) published in English and compare it with the Hate Campaign by GEO TV (Urdu Language TV Channel of Jang Group) against Late. Salman Taseer.
The recent awarding of the death penalty to a Christian woman on charges of blasphemy has sparked a debate in the country on the need to review the blasphemy laws. In a number of Muslim countries, blasphemy is dealt under state law. Article 156 (a) of Indonesia’s Criminal Code forbids “anyone from deliberately, in public, expressing feelings of hostility, hatred or contempt against religions with the purpose of preventing others from adhering to any religion” and forbids “anyone from disgracing a religion.” The maximum penalty for violating Article 156 (a) is five years’ imprisonment.
Misuse of Blasphemy Law for Murder - Part 4
Our blasphemy laws dates back to the original 1860 Indian Penal Code in which Articles 295 and 298 were inserted, keeping in view the religious sensitivities of the inhabitants of the subcontinent. Blasphemy was not an offence punishable with death. Besides, the sections shared universal application and did not refer exclusively to one faith. These provisions also required malicious intention integral to the offence concerned. In 1927 the law was amended to incorporate clause 295-A which reads: “Whoever with deliberate intention of outraging the religious feelings of any class of citizens… by words, either spoken or written, or by visible representations, insults the religion or the religious beliefs of that class… shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years or with fine or both.” Later, after independence, the term of punishment was increased up to ten years. Zia-ul-Haq added new provisions in the form of 195-B, 295-C, 298-A and blasphemy under Section 295-C became an offence punishable by death.
Misuse of Blasphemy Law for Murder - Part 5
The wording of the blasphemy law in Article 295-C is vague and ambiguous. According to Section 295-C, any person who, “by words, either spoken or written, or by visible representation, innuendo, or insinuation, directly or indirectly, defiles the name of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is liable to be punished with the death sentence or imprisonment.” Here the element of “ill-will” or malicious intention has been disregarded.
In October 1990, the Federal Shariat Court ruled that the “penalty for contempt of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)… is death and nothing else.” The ruling also noted that “no one after the Holy Prophet (PBUH)… exercised or was authorised the right to reprieve and pardon.” The FSC also directed the court to remove the punishment of “life imprisonment” for the offence of blasphemy under 295-C. The bill in this respect was passed by the Senate but could not be approved by the National Assembly. In 1993 a bill was introduced in parliament to extend the scope of 295-C by including the words “the names of Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) companions and family members,” but no legislative enactment could be effected in this regard.
Misuse of Blasphemy Law for Murder - Part 6
Misuse of Blasphemy Law for Murder - Part 7
Misuse of Blasphemy Law for Murder - Part 8
It is not uncommon for the accusers to be motivated by religious bigotry, personal prejudices, selfish gain or professional rivalry. Prosecution often relies on unsubstantiated oral testimony of the complainants. The offence has been made cognisable and non-bailable. Ill-treatment and torture in police custody are commonplace. The judicial proceedings are protracted and the judges presiding over the proceedings of the case are given death threats and intimidated by local clerics. In October 1997, Justice Arif Iqbal Bhatti was murdered because he had acquitted two men accused of blasphemy. In the present state, blasphemy laws in Pakistan can be and are easily misused. The provision of capital punishment for blasphemy without the strictest possible safeguards is inimical to the fundamental rights of minorities. A democratic evolution of the country requires a level playing field for all groups inhabiting the land, irrespective of differences of caste, colour, creed and religion. If the PPP government wants to prove its credentials of a liberal party, it must take the initiative to rectify this state of affairs. REFERENCE: Blasphemy laws Wednesday, December 15, 2010 Nauman Asghar
1 comment:
Dr. Shahid Masood is notorious for taking things to extreme. And he has done some good reporting as well – most notably at the time of atrocities by the U.S. and Afghan forces in Afghanistan in the early days following 9/11. However Dr. Shahid Masood is also responsible for waging a psychological campaign of depressing the public with his programs. Dr. Shahid Masood violated the norms of honest journalism when he published a prominent piece in the Urdu Jang newspaper (part of Geo TV) describing the “events” at the President House at the time of Musharraf’s resignation. Much was made of the wordplay and snide commentary in that article, since it was reported as an “eyewitness” observation.Human Memory is weak and when one is prejudiced then it is more detrimental and that is the case of Mr. Kamran Khan, Senior Correspondent Jang Group of Newspapers/The News International and GEO TV [Judge, Jury & Executioner]. Nowadays "Kamran Khan, Jang Group of Newspapers, GEO TV, and The News International "advising" Nawaz Sharif and inciting him about government.
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