President Abraham Lincoln, to General Phillip "the only good Indian is a dead Indian" Sheridan.
Thomas Gerard "Tom" Tancredo is an American politician from the Republican Party. He has been a member of the United States House of Representatives since 1999, representing the 6th Congressional District of Colorado, which includes most of Denver's southern suburbs. He has gained national attention for his strong stance against illegal immigration, and he has expressed interest in seeking the 2008 Republican Nomination for President. During the 1970s Tancredo pioneered opposition to bilingual education, and this issue would be a trademark of his lifelong pursuit of opposition towards illegal immigration. Today, former Governor Lamm now shares Tancredo's passionate opposition to illegal immigration, and has frequently appeared with Tancredo. Tancredo said he intends to visit New Hampshire, and Iowa, believing that the President of the United States should “[understand] the threat illegal immigrants pose to the country's security.” Tancredo claims that Federal prisons hold many illegal immigrants, some of whom aim to "harm people." Tancredo has said that such individuals "need to be found before it is too late. They're coming here to kill you, and you, and me, and my grandchildren"
[Source: Wikipedia]
And this bigot above often support Smaller Nationalities in Pakistan!
A friend of mine asked a question and i.e.
Who is the greateest hero, George's 'war' in 1779 or George's 'war' in 2003? Was George W. Bush named in honour of George Washington? Most likely!
4th of June 1779.
In North America, during the war against the French, the Iroquois tribes sided with England and were rewarded with a status that allowed them to have land and commercial rights as well as protection against the expansion of colonists. When the war of independence broke out, the settled Iroquois tribes of the State of New York supported the English soldiers and participated in the actions against the rebel colonists. On June 4, 1779, the General of the Revolutionary Army, George Washington, violated the treaty and ordered the invasion of the territory of the Iroquois confederation. He insisted in killing as many Indians as possible without taking into account age or sex. The survivors were to be given as agricultural slaves to the colonists who deserved them “Destroying not only the men but the settlements and the plantations is very important. All sown fields must be destroyed and new plantations and harvests must be prevented. What lead can not do will be done by hunger and winter.” From June to December, 40 Indian settlements were massacred and thousands of their plantations were devastated.
Thomas Gerard "Tom" Tancredo is an American politician from the Republican Party. He has been a member of the United States House of Representatives since 1999, representing the 6th Congressional District of Colorado, which includes most of Denver's southern suburbs. He has gained national attention for his strong stance against illegal immigration, and he has expressed interest in seeking the 2008 Republican Nomination for President. During the 1970s Tancredo pioneered opposition to bilingual education, and this issue would be a trademark of his lifelong pursuit of opposition towards illegal immigration. Today, former Governor Lamm now shares Tancredo's passionate opposition to illegal immigration, and has frequently appeared with Tancredo. Tancredo said he intends to visit New Hampshire, and Iowa, believing that the President of the United States should “[understand] the threat illegal immigrants pose to the country's security.” Tancredo claims that Federal prisons hold many illegal immigrants, some of whom aim to "harm people." Tancredo has said that such individuals "need to be found before it is too late. They're coming here to kill you, and you, and me, and my grandchildren"
[Source: Wikipedia]
And this bigot above often support Smaller Nationalities in Pakistan!
A friend of mine asked a question and i.e.
Who is the greateest hero, George's 'war' in 1779 or George's 'war' in 2003? Was George W. Bush named in honour of George Washington? Most likely!
4th of June 1779.
In North America, during the war against the French, the Iroquois tribes sided with England and were rewarded with a status that allowed them to have land and commercial rights as well as protection against the expansion of colonists. When the war of independence broke out, the settled Iroquois tribes of the State of New York supported the English soldiers and participated in the actions against the rebel colonists. On June 4, 1779, the General of the Revolutionary Army, George Washington, violated the treaty and ordered the invasion of the territory of the Iroquois confederation. He insisted in killing as many Indians as possible without taking into account age or sex. The survivors were to be given as agricultural slaves to the colonists who deserved them “Destroying not only the men but the settlements and the plantations is very important. All sown fields must be destroyed and new plantations and harvests must be prevented. What lead can not do will be done by hunger and winter.” From June to December, 40 Indian settlements were massacred and thousands of their plantations were devastated.
Since centuries following tribes of Native Americans were living in different American States before the arrival of White Aryan Nordic Race.
Abnaki {Maine}
Apache {South Western USA},
Arapaho {Western USA},
Blackfoot {Montana, Alberta & Saskatchewan},
Cayuse {Oregon & Washington},
Cayuga {New York},
Cherokee {Tennessee, North Carolina},
Cheyenne {Wyoming},
Chickasaw {Mississippi & Alabama},
Chinook {Oregon},
Choctaw {Louisiana},
Comanche {Wyoming, Nebraska, New Mexico & Texas},
Creek {Alabama, Indiana, & Florida},
Crow {Wyoming and Montana},
Dakota {Northern Mississippi},
Delaware {New Jersey, New York, Eastern Pennsylvania and Northern Delaware},
Erie {Lake Erie Region},
Flathead {Montana}
Fox {Wisconsin},
Hopi {Arizona},
Huron {St. Lawrence Valley},
Illinois {Illinois, Iowa and Wisconsin},
Iroquois {New York},
Kiowa {Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas},
Mahican {New York and Western New England},
Miami {Wisconsin and Indiana}
Mohawk {New York},
Mohegan {Southeastern Connecticut},
Narraganset {Rhode Island}
Nahuatl {Rhode Island},
Navaho {New Mexico and Arizona},
Nez Perce {Idaho, Wshington and Oregon},
Ojibwa {Michigan},
Omaha {Nebraska},
Oneida {New York},
Onondaga {New York},
Osage {Missouri},
Ottawa {Michigan},
Paiute {Utah, Arizona, Nevada & California},
Pawnee {Kansas and Nebraska},
Pequot {Eastern Connecticut},
Seminole {Florida},
Seneca {Western New York},
Shawnee {Ohio},
Shoshone {California, Idaho, Nevada, Utah and Wyoming},
Tuscarora {North Carolina and New York},
Ute {Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico}
Zuni {Northeastern Arizona}
The pressures of white expansionism led the United States Government to find ways to remove the Native Americans from their fertile lands. Spurred by this pressure, and the need to fulfill his campaign promise to open Indian land for settlement, Andrew Jackson pushed through Congress the Removal Act. The Act allowed the government to negotiate treaties with the various Native American tribes, pay them for their lands, relocate them to western lands, and support the tribes for one year after removal. President Jackson, more than anyone else, was responsible for the fate of the five civilized tribes of the southeast. When the state of Georgia annexed the Cherokee Nation's land within Georgia territory against all treaties the Federal Government had with the Cherokee Nation, Jackson support it, even going as far as to ignore the Supreme Court when it ruled the Georgia annexation unconstitutional and the Cherokee Nation as an Independent Domestic Nation. In another era Jackson's actions would have been deemed treasonous and a total abuse of executive power but in the 1830's, the growing population, the need to expand to accommodate this growth and perhaps Congress' reluctance to submit the country to constitutional debate of power led to the removal of the Indians. Indian Reaction the
leaders of the Cherokee Nation and other tribes knew that fighting the white settlers would gibe the national and state governments an excuse to send in troops and take away land. The Cherokee nation responded with diplomacy. Several chief went to Washington to plead their case, pointing out the legal treaties between the Cherokee Nation and the United States guaranteeing them their land.
The removal issue was hotly debated in Congress. Support forth tribes by Henry Clay, Davy Crockett, Daniel Webster and other prominent statesmen feel on deaf ears. The issue was also being fought in the legal system. In Worcester vs. Georgia, Chief Justice John Marshall ruled that the laws of Georgia were invalid in Cherokee land and that The Cherokee land belongs to the Cherokee. The ruling was not enforced by the Executive branch with President Jackson refusing to do so. Dishearten and divided the Cherokee Nation broke into two factions, for removal or against. John Ross, Cherokee Nation chief, led the larger group against removal while
Major Ridge led the smaller group for removal. Major Ridge and his faction sighneda treaty with the United States Government for five million dollars. The government was fully aware that ridge didn’t represent the majority of the Cherokee Nation, but they validated the treaty anyway. With this, the fate of the tribe was sealed. Several of the other civilized tribes were removed ahead of the Cherokees. The Choctaws removal was tragic. The journey west was badly planned and badly carried out. An enormous number of Indians died in their removal. The Cherokee's removal was just as trajicculminating in the death of over four thousand Cherokees in what has come to be known as the trail of tears. Reasons for such a tragic outcome are numerous. Contaminated food and water supplied by government contractors accounted for a large portion of the death toll. The government and the contractors were, as always, motivated by economic variables. The cost of the removal was first and foremost on their agenda. Fatigue, poor logistical planning, to outright negligence are also contributing factors. The United States removed the first few thousand Cherokees by boat, but that proved to be so tragic that John Ross convinced the government to allow the tribe to manage the removal themselves and to allow them to make the journey across land. This proved not to be the answer as thousands more died of starvation, illness, and the elements as the US Army marched them across the western frontier. The Seminoles fought their removal from their lands by warring with The United States, but to no avail. The Seminoles were the only one of the Five Civilized Tribes to resist American culture.
Major Ridge led the smaller group for removal. Major Ridge and his faction sighneda treaty with the United States Government for five million dollars. The government was fully aware that ridge didn’t represent the majority of the Cherokee Nation, but they validated the treaty anyway. With this, the fate of the tribe was sealed. Several of the other civilized tribes were removed ahead of the Cherokees. The Choctaws removal was tragic. The journey west was badly planned and badly carried out. An enormous number of Indians died in their removal. The Cherokee's removal was just as trajicculminating in the death of over four thousand Cherokees in what has come to be known as the trail of tears. Reasons for such a tragic outcome are numerous. Contaminated food and water supplied by government contractors accounted for a large portion of the death toll. The government and the contractors were, as always, motivated by economic variables. The cost of the removal was first and foremost on their agenda. Fatigue, poor logistical planning, to outright negligence are also contributing factors. The United States removed the first few thousand Cherokees by boat, but that proved to be so tragic that John Ross convinced the government to allow the tribe to manage the removal themselves and to allow them to make the journey across land. This proved not to be the answer as thousands more died of starvation, illness, and the elements as the US Army marched them across the western frontier. The Seminoles fought their removal from their lands by warring with The United States, but to no avail. The Seminoles were the only one of the Five Civilized Tribes to resist American culture.
They were fiercely independent. At the outset of the Indian removal, the Seminoles split into factions, just like the Cherokees, opposing and favoring removal. They fought against each other and against their evictors, the US Army. Jackson's insistence that the Seminoles live under Creek rule in the west provoked the resistance among the Seminoles. Jackson's resistance in allowing the Seminoles to live independently out west precipitated hostilities, which led to the Second Seminal War. The Seminoles held their own against the US. Army, mainly due to the fact that they used guerrilla tactics. Even after the majority of the tribe was captured, few were allowed to stay in order to end hostilities. Indian Acceptance The American Indians attempted to prevent their extermination by co-existing with Europeans and ceding large portions of their land. Land that was considered by the various tribes as having spiritual significance. Indian cultures were connected to the land. Their preception that the land needed to be protected, and worshipped were at odds with Europeans since first contact. Europeans were different, they viewed the land as lifeless, and to be manipulator subjected to the whims of the white man. Europeans came to America to us its vast wilderness; to conger and exploit it's natural wealth for private gain. The in satiable greed that Europeans had for the land prompted them to take the Indians land. The primary concern of the American Indians was survival. By the 1800's,survival ment ceding land, incorporating American culture into their own and ultimately accepting removal to anew and strange place. Small bands of Indians may have put up some resistance, but the only manner in which the Indians could was through warring with the United States. A war that was impossible for them to win unless all the nations banded together. For the United
States was far too strong for one, two, or even three nations to consider a combine resistance. A combine Indian effort was not forthcoming simply because the various nations did nougat along and because of varying self-interests. This was not the first time that a people have witnessed their successful society brutally assaulted by an ugly destructive force, nor will it be the last.
The U.S. government has always valued religious freedom. The freedom to worship is a right that is basic to our national life and history. Ironically, however, the colonizers who first came to North America to escape religious persecution routinely violated the religious freedom of the continent's native people. This practice devastated Native American communities, whose strong religious beliefs underlay all aspects of their lives and cultures. European colonizers perceived native cultures as barbaric and godless, and therefore felt justified in condemning and destroying them.
States was far too strong for one, two, or even three nations to consider a combine resistance. A combine Indian effort was not forthcoming simply because the various nations did nougat along and because of varying self-interests. This was not the first time that a people have witnessed their successful society brutally assaulted by an ugly destructive force, nor will it be the last.
The U.S. government has always valued religious freedom. The freedom to worship is a right that is basic to our national life and history. Ironically, however, the colonizers who first came to North America to escape religious persecution routinely violated the religious freedom of the continent's native people. This practice devastated Native American communities, whose strong religious beliefs underlay all aspects of their lives and cultures. European colonizers perceived native cultures as barbaric and godless, and therefore felt justified in condemning and destroying them.
The development of the United States produced agendas that often contained discrimination and bigotry. The hate was not spontaneous but part of a plan to advance agendas.
The Agenda of Colonialism--Colonists arrived to take advantage of the land resources and opportunities afforded by a virgin America. The entry of European and Christian values into a continent that was inhabited by American Indians (Native Americans) of a distinctly different culture made clashes inevitable. Operating with government assistance, the colonists subdued the original Native Americans and usurped their most fertile fields, prized resources, timber lands, and grazing areas. The Native Americans who agreed to cooperate with the Colonists and behave peacefully were still decimated. In June 1837, Seminole Chief Osceola was tricked into capture under a controversial flag of truce. He died six months later in prison. After the discovery of gold in Cherokee territory, Congress passed the "Indian Removal Act." In 1838, the Cherokee nation, which had its own written language and had adopted a constitution and manners similar to those of the white population, were taken from their land and forced to move a thousand miles to new homes in Oklahoma. The journey became known as "Nunna daul Tsuny" or "The Trail Where They Cried."Nez Perce Chief Joseph, who had nobly assisted the colonists in their western settlements, summarized the agony of the subdued Native Americans:
I am tired of fighting. Our chiefs are killed. Looking Glass is dead. Toohoolhoolzote is dead. The old men are all dead. It is the young men who say, "Yes" or "No." He who led the young men [Olikut] is dead. It is cold, and we have no blankets. The little children are freezing to death. My people, some of them, have run away to the hills, and have no blankets, no food. No one knows where they are -- perhaps freezing to death. I want to have time to look for my children, and see
how many of them I can find. Maybe I shall find them among the dead. Hear me, my chiefs! I am tired. My heart is sick and sad. From where the sun now stands I will fight no more forever.
According to the Colorado Daily, for Indians and their supporters Peltier has become a figure as important for the United States as Nelson Mandela is for South Africa. It explains that Peltier's legal problems began in Pine Ridge, the site of an infamous massacre of Native Americans by federal troops. This is one of the bloodiest pages of U.S. history, and not a very old history, that leaders in that country prefer to ignore. In 1876, General George Custer, commanding the U.S. Army's 7th Cavalry, was defeated in Pine Ridge by Sioux and Cheyenne Indians commanded by the legendary Sitting Bull. Fourteen years later, government troops encircled Sitting Bull at the Standing Rock reservation, captured him and killed him for "resisting arrest." Many Sioux warriors fled toward Pine Ridge, but the federal troops caught up with them in Wounded Knee, where they mercilessly killed several hundred men, women and children. While the soldiers were covered with medals for their criminal "feat," the Native Americans were left to a miserable existence on the reservations. As per other noted American Historians the tone of the so-called Democratic American Leaders was like;
President Abraham Lincoln, to General Phillip "the only good Indian is a dead Indian" Sheridan.
The Wounded Knee Massacre in 1890 (which was originally referred to by the United States army as the Battle of Wounded Knee -- a descriptive moniker that remains highly contested by the Native American community) is known as the event that ended the last of the Indian wars in America. As the year came to a close, the Seventh Cavalry of the United States Army brought a horrific end to the century-long U.S. government-Indian armed conflicts. On the bone-chilling morning of December 29, devotees of the newly created Ghost Dance religion made a lengthy trek to the Pine Ridge Reservation in southwestern South Dakota to seek protection from military apprehension. Members of the Miniconjou Sioux (Lakota) tribe led by Chief Big Foot and the Hunkpapa Sioux (Lakota) followers of the recently slain charismatic leader, Sitting Bull, attempted to escape arrest by fleeing south through the rugged terrain of the Badlands. There, on the snowy banks of Wounded Knee Creek (Cankpe Opi Wakpala), nearly 300 Lakota men, women, and children -- old and young -- were massacred in a highly charged, violent encounter with U.S. soldiers. The memory of that day still evokes passionate emotional and politicized responses from present-day Native Americans and their supporters. The Wounded Knee Massacre, according to scholars, symbolizes not only a culmination of a clash of cultures and the
failure of governmental Indian policies, but also the end of the American frontier. It is a cold December day in South Dakota. Dead and injured Indians are being laid to rest along the straw covered floor of an Episcopalian church. A banner over the pulpit reads,
HISTORY OF U.S. POLICY: A DISREGARD OF NATIVE RELIGIOUS FREEDOM 1506 Broadway Boulder, Colorado 80302 (303) 447-8760
Hate in America Hate in America - A short historical perspective
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: An Indian History of the American West by Dee Alexander Brown IT BEGAN with Christopher Columbus, who gave the people the name Indios..."
The Wounded Knee Massacre December 29, 1890 An Introduction by Lorie Liggett
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: An Indian History of the American West by Dee Alexander Brown.
First published in 1970, this extraordinary book changed the way Americans think about the original inhabitants of their country. Beginning with the Long Walk of the Navajos in 1860 and ending 30 years later with the massacre of Sioux men, women, and children at Wounded Knee in South Dakota, it tells how the American Indians lost their land and lives to a dynamically expanding white society. With meticulous research and in measured language overlaying brutal narrative, Dee Brown focused attention on a national disgrace. Still controversial but with many of its premises now accepted, Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee has sold 5 million copies around the world. Thirty years after it first broke onto the national conscience, it has lost none of its importance or emotional impact.
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