Dr. Tahir Ali Javed – The unification group of PMLN is known as Dr Shame in State of Nebraska, USA , where he was allegedly involved in Sexual Harassment
Dunya TV-Khari Baat Lucman Kay Saath-28-02-2011-Pt-1/4
URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzn2aRNGUMU&feature=player_embedded#at=135
Pakistan minister faces US court Last Updated: Tuesday, 16 September, 2003, 05:13 GMT 06:13 UK http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/3111978.stm A provincial health minister in northern Pakistan is facing 30 law suits in the United States in connection with the largest known outbreak there of Hepatitis C infection. The health minister of Punjab, Dr Tahir Ali Javed, who practiced in America from 1989 to 2002, has been formally accused by the state of Nebraska in connection with the Hepatitis outbreak which has been linked to his former clinic. Vowing to defend himself in the US court, he told the BBC that he did not receive any legal notice while he was in the United States and that the cases date back some four years. Dr Javed said the matter has received undue attention in Pakistan for political reasons relating to his determination to regulate private medical practice in Punjab. From the newsroom of the BBC World Service.
Dr Tahir Ali Javed is allegedly involved in Sex Scandal says Shaheen Sehbai
Updated at: 1445 |
Archive for September, 2009
http://awaz-e-haq.com/2009/09/page/68/سٹیٹس کو ‘‘ کو برقرار رکھنے کے بجائے اسے تبدیل کیا جائے گا پاکستان کو بچانے کیلئے انقلاب لانا ہوگا۔ ۔ ۔ نوازشریف
عوام اپنی تقدیر کا فیصلہ اپنے ہاتھوں میں لے لیں تو سب کچھ ٹھیک ہو جائے گا
مجرموں کو سزا سے عاری بنا دیا گیا ہے ہمیں ملک میں جز ا وسزا کا تصور اور معیار قائم کرنا ہے
مسلم لیگ آمروں کے عزائم کا کھلونا بنتی رہی آمر اس میں دراڑ ڈال کر پارٹی پر قبضہ کرتے رہے عوام کو کسی کے رحم وکرم پر نہیں چھوڑیں گے
جن کارکنوں نے پرویز مشرف کے ظلم و ستم کا سامنا کیا وہ ہیروں میں تولنے کے لائق ہیں
ان جانثار کارکنوں کو پارٹی کی تنظیم نو میں پورے عزت و قار کے ساتھ جگہ دی جائے گی
پینتیس سال تک جس کی لاٹھی اس کی بھینس کا سلسلہ چلتا ہے ادارے ٹوٹتے رہے امیدوں کا خون ہوتا رہا
پاکستان مسلم لیگ (ن) کے قائد کا مرکزی مجلس عاملہ پارلیمانی پارٹی ، ٹکٹ ہولڈرز اور ضلعی صدور کے مشترکہ اجلاس سے خطاب
اسلام آباد ۔ پاکستان مسلم لیگ (ن) کے قائد اور سابق وزیراعظم میاں نواز شریف نے کہا ہے کہ ’’سٹیٹس کو ‘‘ کو برقرار رکھنے کے بجائے اسے تبدیل کیا جائے گا پاکستان کو بچانے کیلئے انقلاب لانا ہوگا۔ عوام اپنی تقدیر کا فیصلہ اپنے ہاتھوں میں لے لیں تو سب کچھ ٹھیک ہو جائے گا ہمیشہ مسلم لیگ آمروں کے عزائم کا کھلونا بنتی رہی ہے اور آمر اس میں دراڑ ڈال کر پارٹی پر قبضہ کرتے رہے عوام کو کسی کے رحم وکرم پر نہیں چھوڑیں گے نواز شریف نے عوامی ایشوز کے حل کے حوالے سے مختلف ورکنگ گروپس کے قیام کا اعلان کیا ہے ۔ ان خیالات کا اظہار انہوں نے بھوربن میں پارٹی کی مرکزی مجلس عاملہ پارلیمانی پارٹی ، ٹکٹ ہولڈرز اور ضلعی صدور کے مشترکہ اجلاس سے خطاب کرتے ہوئے کیا میاں محمد نواز شریف نے کہاکہ پارٹی میں پاکستان کا روشن مستقبل دیکھ رہا ہوں مجھے انتہائی تکلیف ہوتی ہے جب یہ سوچتے ہیں کہاں سے سفر کا آغاز کیا تھااور کہاں کھڑے ہیں باسٹھ سالوں میں آگے کے بجائے پیچھے گئے ہیں ۔ 1947ء سے زیادہ آج بدحالی ہے اس رفتار سے آگے چلتے رہے تو کبھی عوام کے مسائل حل نہیں ہوں گے منزل حاصل نہیں کر سکیں گے یہ فکر سب کو ہونی چاہیے آج 1947ء سے زیادہ گھمبیر مسائل ہیں بیروزگاری ، عسکریت پسندی ، انصاف کا فقدان ہے غریبوں کے پاس علاج معالجہ کیلئے پیسے نہیں ہوتے دوسروں کے رحم و کرم پر ہیں ظلم کی چکی میں پس رہے ہیں ملک کو اس راستے پر چلتا نہیں دیکھ سکتے کچھ کرنا ہو گا سٹیٹ کو برقرار رکھنے کے بجائے اسے تبدیل کریں گے انہوں نے کہاکہ ملک منزل سے دور ہے مجرموں کو سزا سے عاری بنا دیا گیا ہے ہمیں ملک میں جز ا وسزا کا تصور اور معیار قائم کرنا ہے اس سے چشم پوشی کیوں برتی جارہی ہے پینتیس سال تک جس کی لاٹھی اس کی بھینس کا سلسلہ چلتا ہے ادارے ٹوٹتے رہے امیدوں کا خون ہوتا رہا منتخب وزیراعظم کو پھانسی ، جلا وطن کیا گیا اور انہیں کال کوٹھڑی میں ڈالا گیا ججز کو گرفتار کیا گیا مگر آئین توڑنے والوں کا کبھی احتساب نہیں ہوا ہم میثاق جمہوریت پر عمل کرنا چاہتے ہیں آمر کے احتساب کا وقت آیا تو اس سے فرار ہونا چاہتے ہیں اس طرح پاکستان کو نہیں چلایا جاسکتا حکومت نے جو کام کرنے تھے وہ عوام سڑکوں پر آ کر کروائے ججز کی بحالی کے بارے میں عوام کے جذبے کو خراج تحسین پیش کرتا ہوں عوام اپنی تقدیر کا فیصلہ اپنے ہاتھوں میں لے لیں تو سارے کام ٹھیک ہو جائیں گے ہم نے پاکستان مسلم لیگ (ن) کو انقلابی جماعت بنانے کا فیصلہ کیا ہے ملک کے مسائل کو جڑ سے اکھاڑنے کیلئے انقلاب لانا ہو گا انقلابی جذبے سے ہی مسائل حل ہو سکتے ہیں ملک کو ناکام ہوتا نہیں دیکھ سکتے ججز کی بحالی کے حوالے سے ساٹھ سال کے بعد قوم نے اپنا سکہ اور لوہا منوایا کہ وہ کوئی بھی فیصلہ کر سکتی ہے انہوں نے کہاکہ لوٹوں کی سیاست کا خاتمہ کر چکے ہیں جب آصف علی زرداری نے پنجاب میں ہماری حکومت کو توڑا تو لوٹوں نے واپس آنے کی کوشش کی تھی اللہ نے پارٹی پر کرم کیا اور اسے لوٹوں سے دور رکھا انہوں نے کہاکہ میں نے واضح کر دیاتھا کہ پارٹی میں لوٹے واپس آ گئے تو میں سیاست سے دستبردار ہو جاؤں گا۔ حکومت جاتی ہے تو چلی جائے پنجاب میں کسی اور کی حکومت بن جائے مگر لوٹوں کو واپس نہیں لیں گے پارٹی میں لوٹا بازی کی سیاست کو برداشت نہیں کیا جائے گا نواز شریف نے کہاکہ جن کارکنوں نے پرویز مشرف کے ظلم و ستم کا سامنا کیا وہ ہیروں میں تولنے کے لائق ہیں ان جانثار رکاکنوں کو پارٹی کی تنظیم نو میں پورے عزت و قار کے ساتھ جگہ دی جائے گی کارکنان پارٹی کا قیمتی اثاثہ ہیں اس عہد کے ساتھ جمع ہوئے ہیں کہ پاکستان مسلم لیگ (ن) کو حقیقی معنوں میں بانی پاکستان قائداعظم محمد علی جناح کی میراث بنایا جائے گا ہمیشہ مسلم لیگ کو تماشا بنایا گیا پاکستان مسلم لیگ (ن) نے بانی پاکستان کی سپاہ بن کر اس کی میراث بننا ہے ہم اقتدار نہیں اقدار کی سیاست کر رہے ہیں۔ اقتدار کے کھیل کے کھلاڑی بننے کے لیے اپنے اصول و نظریات کو قربان نہیں کریں گے ۔ ملک میں جب بھی آمر برسراقتدار آیا اسے نے عدلیہ کی آزادی پر شب خون مارنے کے لیے مسلم لیگ میں دراڑ ڈال کر اس پر قبضہ کیا۔مسلم لیگ ہمیشہ آمروں کے عزائم کا کھلونا بنی ہے ۔ وقت آ گیا ہے کہ نئے عزم اور نئے ادارے کے ساتھ آگے بڑھیں ۔ اقتدار کی کرسی ہماری منزل نہیں بلکہ اقدار کی سر بلندی چاہتے ہیں۔ پاکستان مسلم لیگ (ن) کے تنظیمی ڈھانچے کو وقت کے تقاضوں سے ہم آہنگ کیا جائے گا۔ کردار و عمل سے پارٹی کو مثالی بنائیں گے ۔ نواز شریف نے عوامی مسائل کے حل کے حوالے سے مختلف شعبوں تعلیم وصحت، زراعت ، صنعت، مواصلات ، ہاؤسنگ ، تجارت ، قانون و انصاف ، بنیادی حقوق ، دفاعی امور، خارجہ امور معیشت ،بجلی ، مہنگائی ،بے روزگاری کے حوالے سے خصوصی ورکنگ گروپس کے قیام کا اعلان کیا۔ نواز شریف کے کہا کہ پارٹی کا جو رہنما اور کارکنان جن شعبوں میں مہارت رکھتے ہیں۔ وہ ورکنگ گروپس کے حوالے سے اپنے نام پیش کریں۔ وزیر اعلیٰ پنجاب شہباز شریف ، قائد حزب اختلاف چوہدری نثار علی خان، راجہ ظفرالحق، مخدوم جاوید ہاشمی ، غوث علی شاہ ، اقبال ظفر جھگڑا ، احسن اقبال اور دیگر رہنماؤں نے بھی خطاب کیا
مجرموں کو سزا سے عاری بنا دیا گیا ہے ہمیں ملک میں جز ا وسزا کا تصور اور معیار قائم کرنا ہے
مسلم لیگ آمروں کے عزائم کا کھلونا بنتی رہی آمر اس میں دراڑ ڈال کر پارٹی پر قبضہ کرتے رہے عوام کو کسی کے رحم وکرم پر نہیں چھوڑیں گے
جن کارکنوں نے پرویز مشرف کے ظلم و ستم کا سامنا کیا وہ ہیروں میں تولنے کے لائق ہیں
ان جانثار کارکنوں کو پارٹی کی تنظیم نو میں پورے عزت و قار کے ساتھ جگہ دی جائے گی
پینتیس سال تک جس کی لاٹھی اس کی بھینس کا سلسلہ چلتا ہے ادارے ٹوٹتے رہے امیدوں کا خون ہوتا رہا
پاکستان مسلم لیگ (ن) کے قائد کا مرکزی مجلس عاملہ پارلیمانی پارٹی ، ٹکٹ ہولڈرز اور ضلعی صدور کے مشترکہ اجلاس سے خطاب
اسلام آباد ۔ پاکستان مسلم لیگ (ن) کے قائد اور سابق وزیراعظم میاں نواز شریف نے کہا ہے کہ ’’سٹیٹس کو ‘‘ کو برقرار رکھنے کے بجائے اسے تبدیل کیا جائے گا پاکستان کو بچانے کیلئے انقلاب لانا ہوگا۔ عوام اپنی تقدیر کا فیصلہ اپنے ہاتھوں میں لے لیں تو سب کچھ ٹھیک ہو جائے گا ہمیشہ مسلم لیگ آمروں کے عزائم کا کھلونا بنتی رہی ہے اور آمر اس میں دراڑ ڈال کر پارٹی پر قبضہ کرتے رہے عوام کو کسی کے رحم وکرم پر نہیں چھوڑیں گے نواز شریف نے عوامی ایشوز کے حل کے حوالے سے مختلف ورکنگ گروپس کے قیام کا اعلان کیا ہے ۔ ان خیالات کا اظہار انہوں نے بھوربن میں پارٹی کی مرکزی مجلس عاملہ پارلیمانی پارٹی ، ٹکٹ ہولڈرز اور ضلعی صدور کے مشترکہ اجلاس سے خطاب کرتے ہوئے کیا میاں محمد نواز شریف نے کہاکہ پارٹی میں پاکستان کا روشن مستقبل دیکھ رہا ہوں مجھے انتہائی تکلیف ہوتی ہے جب یہ سوچتے ہیں کہاں سے سفر کا آغاز کیا تھااور کہاں کھڑے ہیں باسٹھ سالوں میں آگے کے بجائے پیچھے گئے ہیں ۔ 1947ء سے زیادہ آج بدحالی ہے اس رفتار سے آگے چلتے رہے تو کبھی عوام کے مسائل حل نہیں ہوں گے منزل حاصل نہیں کر سکیں گے یہ فکر سب کو ہونی چاہیے آج 1947ء سے زیادہ گھمبیر مسائل ہیں بیروزگاری ، عسکریت پسندی ، انصاف کا فقدان ہے غریبوں کے پاس علاج معالجہ کیلئے پیسے نہیں ہوتے دوسروں کے رحم و کرم پر ہیں ظلم کی چکی میں پس رہے ہیں ملک کو اس راستے پر چلتا نہیں دیکھ سکتے کچھ کرنا ہو گا سٹیٹ کو برقرار رکھنے کے بجائے اسے تبدیل کریں گے انہوں نے کہاکہ ملک منزل سے دور ہے مجرموں کو سزا سے عاری بنا دیا گیا ہے ہمیں ملک میں جز ا وسزا کا تصور اور معیار قائم کرنا ہے اس سے چشم پوشی کیوں برتی جارہی ہے پینتیس سال تک جس کی لاٹھی اس کی بھینس کا سلسلہ چلتا ہے ادارے ٹوٹتے رہے امیدوں کا خون ہوتا رہا منتخب وزیراعظم کو پھانسی ، جلا وطن کیا گیا اور انہیں کال کوٹھڑی میں ڈالا گیا ججز کو گرفتار کیا گیا مگر آئین توڑنے والوں کا کبھی احتساب نہیں ہوا ہم میثاق جمہوریت پر عمل کرنا چاہتے ہیں آمر کے احتساب کا وقت آیا تو اس سے فرار ہونا چاہتے ہیں اس طرح پاکستان کو نہیں چلایا جاسکتا حکومت نے جو کام کرنے تھے وہ عوام سڑکوں پر آ کر کروائے ججز کی بحالی کے بارے میں عوام کے جذبے کو خراج تحسین پیش کرتا ہوں عوام اپنی تقدیر کا فیصلہ اپنے ہاتھوں میں لے لیں تو سارے کام ٹھیک ہو جائیں گے ہم نے پاکستان مسلم لیگ (ن) کو انقلابی جماعت بنانے کا فیصلہ کیا ہے ملک کے مسائل کو جڑ سے اکھاڑنے کیلئے انقلاب لانا ہو گا انقلابی جذبے سے ہی مسائل حل ہو سکتے ہیں ملک کو ناکام ہوتا نہیں دیکھ سکتے ججز کی بحالی کے حوالے سے ساٹھ سال کے بعد قوم نے اپنا سکہ اور لوہا منوایا کہ وہ کوئی بھی فیصلہ کر سکتی ہے انہوں نے کہاکہ لوٹوں کی سیاست کا خاتمہ کر چکے ہیں جب آصف علی زرداری نے پنجاب میں ہماری حکومت کو توڑا تو لوٹوں نے واپس آنے کی کوشش کی تھی اللہ نے پارٹی پر کرم کیا اور اسے لوٹوں سے دور رکھا انہوں نے کہاکہ میں نے واضح کر دیاتھا کہ پارٹی میں لوٹے واپس آ گئے تو میں سیاست سے دستبردار ہو جاؤں گا۔ حکومت جاتی ہے تو چلی جائے پنجاب میں کسی اور کی حکومت بن جائے مگر لوٹوں کو واپس نہیں لیں گے پارٹی میں لوٹا بازی کی سیاست کو برداشت نہیں کیا جائے گا نواز شریف نے کہاکہ جن کارکنوں نے پرویز مشرف کے ظلم و ستم کا سامنا کیا وہ ہیروں میں تولنے کے لائق ہیں ان جانثار رکاکنوں کو پارٹی کی تنظیم نو میں پورے عزت و قار کے ساتھ جگہ دی جائے گی کارکنان پارٹی کا قیمتی اثاثہ ہیں اس عہد کے ساتھ جمع ہوئے ہیں کہ پاکستان مسلم لیگ (ن) کو حقیقی معنوں میں بانی پاکستان قائداعظم محمد علی جناح کی میراث بنایا جائے گا ہمیشہ مسلم لیگ کو تماشا بنایا گیا پاکستان مسلم لیگ (ن) نے بانی پاکستان کی سپاہ بن کر اس کی میراث بننا ہے ہم اقتدار نہیں اقدار کی سیاست کر رہے ہیں۔ اقتدار کے کھیل کے کھلاڑی بننے کے لیے اپنے اصول و نظریات کو قربان نہیں کریں گے ۔ ملک میں جب بھی آمر برسراقتدار آیا اسے نے عدلیہ کی آزادی پر شب خون مارنے کے لیے مسلم لیگ میں دراڑ ڈال کر اس پر قبضہ کیا۔مسلم لیگ ہمیشہ آمروں کے عزائم کا کھلونا بنی ہے ۔ وقت آ گیا ہے کہ نئے عزم اور نئے ادارے کے ساتھ آگے بڑھیں ۔ اقتدار کی کرسی ہماری منزل نہیں بلکہ اقدار کی سر بلندی چاہتے ہیں۔ پاکستان مسلم لیگ (ن) کے تنظیمی ڈھانچے کو وقت کے تقاضوں سے ہم آہنگ کیا جائے گا۔ کردار و عمل سے پارٹی کو مثالی بنائیں گے ۔ نواز شریف نے عوامی مسائل کے حل کے حوالے سے مختلف شعبوں تعلیم وصحت، زراعت ، صنعت، مواصلات ، ہاؤسنگ ، تجارت ، قانون و انصاف ، بنیادی حقوق ، دفاعی امور، خارجہ امور معیشت ،بجلی ، مہنگائی ،بے روزگاری کے حوالے سے خصوصی ورکنگ گروپس کے قیام کا اعلان کیا۔ نواز شریف کے کہا کہ پارٹی کا جو رہنما اور کارکنان جن شعبوں میں مہارت رکھتے ہیں۔ وہ ورکنگ گروپس کے حوالے سے اپنے نام پیش کریں۔ وزیر اعلیٰ پنجاب شہباز شریف ، قائد حزب اختلاف چوہدری نثار علی خان، راجہ ظفرالحق، مخدوم جاوید ہاشمی ، غوث علی شاہ ، اقبال ظفر جھگڑا ، احسن اقبال اور دیگر رہنماؤں نے بھی خطاب کیا

Ansar Abbasi Launches ATTACK on Nawaz Sharif, ISI, & MQM.
URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFtfXXDWkvw&feature=channel_video_title

Would Nawaz Sharif be-come Asif Ali Zardari of the PML-N? Ansar Abassi

The success of the long march and the sit-in would be equally shared by all the participating stakeholders but if it fails, the blame would squarely be placed at the door of the Raiwind Farmhouse. The vibes and statements from the PML-N have left little or no doubt that their party is looking for lame excuses — blaming the lawyers’ leaders — to stay away at least from the sit-in while it is going to take part in the long march with a controlled participation. The Sharif brothers have repeatedly admitted that they got votes in last year’s parliamentary elections for their support to the movement for the restoration of the deposed judges. Now, if they participate in the long march and stay away from the sit-in, they would be ridiculing the judgment of their own voters, who would certainly feel disgusted and repentant for supporting them. Some critics even say if the party keeps itself aloof from the sit-in, which is part of the protest, and merely participates in the long march half-heartedly, then the PML-N’s fate would be worse than that of the PPP and Nawaz Sharif would be-come Asif Ali Zardari of the PML-N.
No matter how unpopular the PPP is among the masses, it is at least ruling Islamabad, has governments in Balochistan and Sindh, is a partner in the Frontier government and has a loudmouth governor in Lahore. Though at the cost of its future, yet the PPP has at least gained something. But the PML-N, if it dithers from its election promise as well as the oath its parliamentarians had taken for the restoration of the Nov 2, 2007 judiciary before the elections, would make itself look like an amateur loser. While it is important for the lawyers’ fraternity to take the pro-judiciary political parties into confidence and evolve a unified strategy to attain the sole goal of the deposed judges’ restoration, there is no reason for any political party or its leader to get egoistic. Pragmatism in politics has its advantages but in our case it is nothing but deception and cheating. Perhaps the Raiwind meeting would give some clues to whether the virus of pragmatism has affected Nawaz Sharif as well. REFERENCE: Has the virus of pragmatism hit Nawaz Sharif? Ansar Abbasi Wednesday, February 11, 2009 http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=161907&Cat=2&dt=2/12/2009
http://www.insaf.pk/Forum/tabid/53/forumid/1/tpage/1/view/topic/postid/46235/Default.aspx#46235 http://www.jang.com.pk/thenews/dec20...main/main1.htm
Huge Sharif family assets confiscated
Assets include 5 industrial units, 5 houses, 2 plots, agriculture properties and Rs 300 million bank deposits; family leaves Pakistan; Kulsoom says she will be back in a month or two
By Tariq Butt & Shakil Shaikh

Following is detail of the confiscated assets of the Sharif family:
Bank deposits: Rs 300 million.
Industrial assets: 1. Brother Steel Mills; 2. Ilyas Enterprises; 3. Hudabiya Paper Mills Limited; 4. Hudabiya Engg Co; 5. Hamza Spinning Mills Ltd.
Residential properties: 1. Residential houses at Model Town Lahore; 2. 135-Upper Mall, Lahore; 3. A plot at Model Town, Lahore; 4. A plot at Upper Mall, Lahore; 5. Three houses on Hall Road, Murree.
Agricultural properties: 1. 10 kanal, 2 marla land at Khanpur, Sheikhupura Road, Lahore; 2. 41 acres, 7 kanal land at Watton, Sheikhupura; 3. 14 kanal, 2 marla land at Bhaipheru, Chunian; 4. 35 kanal, 3 marla land at Bhaipheru, Chunian; 5. 88 kanal land, Phubtian, Raiwind.
Important liabilities/encumbrances of any of these assets/properties will be cleared by the Sharif family before takeover by the government.
Meanwhile, after being granted pardon by the president, deposed prime minister Nawaz Sharif and 18 members of the Sharif family left Pakistan on Sunday morning to begin their exile in Saudi Arabia, military sources confirmed to The News.
Ousted by the military last year, Nawaz Sharif struck a deal with the government when the Saudi Royal family intervened to secure his release.
The 19 members of the Sharif family were brought to Chaklala from Lahore, Karachi, Attock and Islamabad amid tight security before they boarded the waiting Saudi royal plane to take them to Jeddah.
"They left Pakistan early Sunday morning and they have reached Saudi Arabia," military spokesman Major General Rashid Qureshi told The News. Earlier, Nawaz Sharif was taken to the Armed Forces Institute of Cardiology (AFIC) for medical check-up. Sharif was brought to the AFIC from the 16-century Attock Fort, where he was languishing for the last several months.
Eyewitnesses told The News that two coaches brought the members of the Sharif family, including Mian Mohammad Sharif, Nawaz Sharif, Shahbaz Sharif, Abbas Sharif, Hussain Nawaz, Begum Kulsoom Nawaz, Mrs Saira Hussain, Mrs Abbas Sharif, Mohammad Safdar, Mariam Safdar, Asma Sharif and kids of the family, to the Chaklala Air Base at around 6.00 am. "We are not slipping out of Pakistan in the dark of the night," Begum Kulsoom Nawaz told reporters at her Islamabad residence at 4 am, minutes before she left for the airport.
No one from the neighbouring houses or the PML workers gathered or appeared on their balconies to see the departing Sharif family. Efficient sleuths of the Islamabad administration ensured that nobody came to the place or nearby nor any irrelevant cars followed them.
Clad in a dark gown and with a smiling face she denied that the Sharif family sought exile and added they were forced to leave the country. "I will be back in a month or two or as soon as Nawaz Sharif recovers from his ailment," she added. She said no formal written request was made to the government for sending them abroad. She however termed the family lucky to be going to the holy land. "We are being thrown out," she claimed.
She said had the family tendered any apology the rulers should disclose it to the public. "All the best wishes for the nation and the people of Pakistan and Almighty Allah may bless them with happiness and prosperity. We will return to the country as soon as we get the opportunity," said Kulsoom, who was flanked by Safdar, her son-in-law, and a small crowd of Muslim Leaguers.
"We are not thankful to the government for sending the Sharif family abroad," said the newly-appointed Acting President of Pakistan Muslim League, Javed Hashmi. The mood of the Muslim Leaguers was clearly evident as only Javed Hashmi, Tehmina Daultana, Zafar Iqbal Jhagra, Mushahidullah Khan and few other party leaders were present to off the family. Kulsoom and other family members were confined under a verbal order in their F-10 rented residence since Saturday evening. Some ladies, including wives of Saifur Rehman and Mujibur Rehman, met Begum Kulsoom Nawaz and others and shared their grief. Trucks loaded with luggage of the Sharif family followed the cavalcade which took them to 10-Corps Mess where they first time met each other. Mian Sharif, father of Nawaz Sharif, and Shahbaz Sharif, saw their jailed sons first time since October 12, 1999. Safdar, son-in-law of Nawaz Sharif, told The News that it was no more possible for them to stay in Pakistan as Nawaz Sahib has been exiled to Saudi Arabia. "The life was very painful, but we are thankful to Almighty Allah for saving our lives," he added. http://jang.com.pk/thenews/dec2000-daily/11-12-2000/main/main1.htm http://forum.pakistanidefence.com/index.php?showtopic=73693&pid=1024825&mode=threaded&start=
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Evaluation of Sharif assets soon By Sajid Iqbal LAHORE, Dec 10:A valuation committee, comprising chartered accountants and a representative of the government, would determine the total worth of industrial units, agricultural land and other assets surrendered by the Sharif family to clear its liabilities, sources told Dawn on Sunday. Chartered accountant firms have already been identified but the government has yet to nominate its representative. The committee will start deliberations next week and will take a couple of weeks to complete its work. Most of the assets surrendered by the Sharif family are expected to be liquidated after the valuation process gets completed.
Sources familiar with the business interests of Sharif family say that Hudaibia Paper Mill and Hudaibia Engineering are the only two industrials concerns surrendered by Ittefaq Group to the government. The administrative control of both the units was handed over to the government on Sunday.
The Sharif Medical City and Educational Complex will also be surrendered shortly. "These are welfare projects and are unlikely to be liquidated. There will, however be a change in the board of trustees," sources said. Bhopattian farm, agriculture land in Raiwind and Multan and 180/181-H, Model Town, the residence of the Sharif family will also be handed over to the government. However, the Sharif family residences in Jati Umra will be retained by them. "Ramzan Sugar Mill (Chiniot), Chaudhry Sugar Mill (Gojra) and Mehran Ramzan (Manga Road) will remain with the Sharif family and their affairs will handled by Hamza Shahbaz Sharif," the sources said. Hamza Shahbaz will be the only member of the Sharif family who will continue to live in Pakistan. Salman Shahbaz, the younger son of former Punjab chief minister Shahbaz Sharif, is expected to leave for the United States within a week or so to pursue his undergraduate studies at Boston University. Meanwhile, Ittefaq Group has resorted to a large-scale layoff of senior executives and managers.
http://www.insaf.pk/Forum/tabid/53/forumid/1/tpage/1/view/topic/postid/46235/Default.aspx#46235 http://www.jang.com.pk/thenews/dec20...main/main1.htm
Nawaz and Shahbaz pay no tax SOURCE: Jang-Group October 17, 1999, Karachi http://www.friendsmania.net/forum/pakistani-news-urdu-news-sindhi-news-live/112127.htm

Out of every 100 persons of this poor country of 140 million people, only one Pakistani is a taxpayer, and the tax to GDP ratio is not more than 10 per cent, against an average of 18 per cent for the third world countries.
Tax evasion is rampant and, generally, everyone who is some one in this country does not like to pay his or her tax. Agriculture sector is the best example. With its 25 per cent share in the gross domestic product of over Rs 3,000 billion, its share in income tax is mere few hundred million rupee. More than 90 per cent members of the electoral Houses, both at the federal and the provincial level, has a feudal and landlord background. So, they use all their powers to stay out of the tax net.
The industrialists used this provision by holding large agricultural farms to hide their taxable incomes. Traders or retailers, known as shutter power, have also been successful by shutting their business down whenever an attempt was made to tax their incomes.
So, it leaves the burden of tax only on the urban salaried class. This constrained revenue outlook forced the policy-makers in initial years of the 90s to introduce deductions at source on various income streams, including interest incomes, rental income, income of exporters, importers, suppliers, contractors, etc, in shape of withholding and presumptive taxes.
Fixed levies were also introduced either on ownership and trading in assets, like property and automobiles, or on consumption of services, like electricity and telephone. After failure of these attempts, another indirect mechanism of surcharges emerged, largely on petroleum products, and more recently on edible oils. Rather than transferring the benefits of falling prices to consumers, the government found it expedient to pick up the difference as a windfall in revenues.
The tax strategy for the fiscal 1998-99, remained weak and non-innovative that forced the multilateral donors to put their foot down by pressing the government to go for the value-added mode of sales tax. Removal of sectoral exemptions from GST, like services, electricity, gas and POL products has to be announced, and the retailers and fixed taxpayers were brought under a turnover tax regime to nab the potential tax evaders.
These measures were generally, revenue-neutral. Some of these measures were, however, revenue-oriented, like increase in gas and furnace oil prices, GST on packed/ branded food items, and introduction of turnover tax on retailers and fixed taxpayers.
During the caretaker regime of Moeen Qureshi, tax records of various leading politicians were leaked to the press. These records showed that majority of the politicians either filed zero income tax statements, or made partly contributions against their huge declared and undeclared assets. Benazir Bhutto, Farooq Leghari and others were also mentioned in such news reports.
The 11-member family of Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif holds a gross wealth of Rs 676.8 million (declared in tax returns). However, Nawaz and Shahbaz paid no income tax or wealth tax to the national exchequer.
Following the modern tradition of large industrial houses, the family of Nawaz Sharif also owns large agricultural farms. Nawaz Sharif himself owns two pieces of land at the Raiwind Road and Mandiali (Sheikhupura), containing 212 Produce Index Units (PIUs). According to the tax statements of June 30, 1998, total income tax paid by the 11-member Sharif family was just Rs 0.25 million. The family also paid Rs 0.55 million as wealth tax and 0.13 million as agriculture tax raising the total tax payment of the family to Rs 0.94 million. This amount is just a peanut, keeping in view their business empire that actually runs into many billions. The tax statements declared majority of the industrial concerns in losses and the income tax was computed largely on the salary paid to the directors of the group or on the dividend paid by Chaudhry Sugar Mills. The total income tax, wealth tax and agriculture tax paid by the family, with a gross worth of Rs 676.8 million, was just Rs 0.94 million or a little above 0.1 per cent of the total declared asset value of the family. The 11-member family includes Mian Muhammad Sharif, Mrs Shamim Akhtar, Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Mrs Kulsoom Nawaz Sharif, Hussain Nawaz, Hassan Nawaz, Mian Shahbaz Sharif, Mrs Nusrat Shahbaz, Hamza Shahbaz, Mian Abbas Sharif and Mrs Sabiha Abbas. Majority of the assets were in the name of elders, minors and wives of the Sharifs.
The factories declared by the Sharif family show losses. These industrial units, as shown in the various tax returns include Chaudhry Sugar Mills, Ramzan Sugar Mills Ltd, Mehran Ramzan Textile Mills Ltd, Muhammad Baksh Textile Mills, Hamza Spinning Mills, Hudabiya Paper Mills, Hudabiya Engg (Pvt) Ltd, Hamza Board Mills, Kulsoom Textile Mills, Ittefaq Brothers (Pvt) Ltd, Ilyas Enterprises (Pvt) Ltd, Brothers Steel Ltd, Ittefaq Sugar Mills, Khalid Siraj Textile Industries, Ramzan Baksh Textile Mills, Ittefaq Textile Mills, Brothers Textile Mills, Ittefaq Foundries, Khalid Siraj Industries, Barkat Textile Mills, Abdul Aziz Textile Mills, Brothers Sugar Mills and Effective (Pvt) Ltd.
According to the documentary evidence, the deposed prime minister, Muhammad Nawaz Sharif with national tax number (NTN) has declared his income tax liability as 'nil' on June 30, 1998. His total net wealth (as declared) was Rs 2.1 million and total admissible debts were shown at Rs 6.4 million. So his net wealth, according to the tax statement (assets minus admissible debts), would go into deficit. The income tax liability of Mrs Kulsoom Nawaz was also shown as 'nil'. However, she declared a small amount of eight thousand rupee as tax on dividend from Chaudhry Sugar Mills where she had declared to hold 4,000 shares. The net asset value of Mrs Nawaz was shown at Rs 3.98 million. However, her net wealth was computed at Rs 32 thousand after adjusting admissible loans of Rs 3.95 million. So, she paid Rs 178 only as wealth tax for the year ending June 30, 1998.
The tax return of Mian Shahbaz Sharif shows one thousand rupee tax deducted on dividend received by him from Chaudhry Sugar Mills. He had declared to have 5,000 shares of the unit. Mian Shahbaz also filed a deficit tax return of Rs 4.5 million. The Big Sharif-Mian Muhammad Sharif declared to have shares of Chaudhry Sugar Mills. Mian Sharif had paid Rs 50102 as his income liability. Father of the prime minister paid Rs 1.96 lac as wealth tax. He also owns 2834 PIUs agricultural land at Feroze Watoan Sheikhupura and Lahore. Mother of the prime minister also paid Rs 60 thousand income tax. She announced to have 18174 PIUs agricultural land in the rural area of Lahore. She paid Rs 131 thousand as agriculture income tax.
Almost a Decade ago "Mr. Ansar Abbasi" had filed these News Reports on Mr. Nawaz Sharif and on PML (N) Governance in "Daily Dawn"

A commission source, however, told this correspondent that the reference had actually been sent to the commission and it had been redirected to the provincial anti-corruption department for verification of the allegations. The Ehtesab Commission has so far referred a total of 54 cases to special benches of the high courts for trial. These include only two references against the PML leaders Chaudhry Sher Ali (MNA) and Jam Mashooq Ali (MNA). But both had been sent to the high courts much before the present government came to power. It is learnt that the agencies concerned have been told to keep a low profile in some cases involving bureaucrats and other top officials. The case of Raana Sheikh, former MD, PTV, for instance, has been pending with the interior division but they have been asked not to send it to the Ehtesab Commission, interior ministry sources told dawn. Later, the Accountability Cell of the PMs Secretariat suspended all these officers except the two Ahmad Riaz Shiekh and Chaudhry Sharif. The FIA administration, the sources said, wanted to move against these two officials but they had not only been saved but the authorities had also been asked to process the case of promotion of one of them. According to one source, these officers have set the condition that they will only go to FIA if the incumbent director general is removed. REFERENCE: PML leaders being excluded from Ehtesab process Ansar Abbasi DAWN WIRE SERVICE Week Ending : 26 April 1997 Issue : 03/17 http://www.lib.virginia.edu/area-studies/SouthAsia/SAserials/Dawn/1997/26Apr97.html#pmll

Political appointments in certain cases is allowed under the rules provided it is done in the public interest. However, during the year under review hardly any of these political appointments were made on the recommendation of relevant government agencies. “Everything has been travelling down from big office,” a source said. The sources said transfer of bureaucrats remained a tricky issue and most of the appointments at key positions were made without consulting the government agencies which were supposed to initiate and regulate the transfers of bureaucrats. The establishment division, which is responsible for the career planning of the officers, has turned into a post office and is there only to stamp whatever is communicated to it by the prime minister’s office. Under the rules the prime minister issues the transfer order for bureaucrats in grade 21 and 22. The rest is the jurisdiction of the secretary, establishment. But in case of the transfer of grade 21 and 22 bureaucrats the establishment division is the authority to identify the vacancy, look for suitable candidates and propose a panel of officers before the prime minister. The PM is then supposed to select one of the officers.
“But in actual practice no such exercise is done. Now everything is done by the PM’s office who simply conveys as to who should be transferred against which position,” a source said, adding during this year almost all the key positions like federal secretaries, chief secretaries, inspector generals of police (IGPs) and heads of different departments were decided without the knowledge of the ED. “The ED has been only bothered at the time of the issuance of notifications,” the source said. Even in those cases where the secretary, establishment, is the competent authority, the PM office has been interfering to give the plum postings to ‘blue-eyed’ bureaucrats. Sources in the PM’s office confirmed to this correspondent that most of these posting orders were issued by the PM’s office on the wish of the parliamentarians and other influentials. The promotions have also been very controversial during this year. Most of the groups of the civil bureaucracy remained frustrated because of their bleak promotion prospects. The district management group, however, got good promotions. It got two promotion in grade 22, 14 in grade 21, at least 21 in grade 20 and others.
Information group officers, having very bleak promotion prospects, were happy during this year because of their en-block promotions. These promotions were made without following the statutory provisions. Disparity in the pace of promotion between different groups has further worsened. Bureaucrats, particularly belonging to the groups of office anagement/secretariat, information, military land and cantonment, railways, and commerce and trade, remained the worst as far as promotion is concerned. The government has set a new precedent during the year 1998 by giving out of turn promotions to at least four of its ‘blue eyed’ bureaucrats. Two juniors were promoted (in grade 20 and 21 respectively) in PSP; and one each in secretariat group (in grade 22) and DMG (in grade 20) without considering a brigade of their seniors. All these officers were promoted without following the statutory provision or fulfilling the prescribed procedure and in complete violation of government rules. Long-standing issues, like the fixation of share for different occupations in the secretariat group, remained unresolved. The issue is pending since the introduction of the 1973 administrative reforms. REFERENCE: Over 90 men appointed on political basis Ansar Abbasi DAWN WIRE SERVICE Week Ending: 02 January 1999 Issue : 05/01 http://www.lib.virginia.edu/area-studies/SouthAsia/SAserials/Dawn/1999/02Jan99.html#over

“There was absolutely no mention of the Taliban in the meeting which was called merely to discuss sectarianism,” a source who attended the meeting said. The Punjab Chief Secretary, A.Z.K. Sherdil, however, told Dawn by telephone from his Lahore residence that some intelligence reports did suggest that religious extremists from Pakistan got training in Afghanistan and before joining sectarian violence in the country. He said these intelligence reports maintained that such elements received training in camps inside Afghanistan, had fought along with the Taliban against the Afghan opposition, and had infiltrated into Pakistan and were involved in sectarian violence. “We are quite concerned about this situation and want a comprehensive policy to check this movement across the Pakistan-Afghan border,” Mr Sherdil said. He, however, denied that there was any mention, in these intelligence reports, about Riaz Basra’s protection by the Taliban. The chief secretary said there was massive gun-running from Afghanistan to the tribal areas in Pakistan from where the weapons came to the NWFP and then supplied to other provinces. He said since the Pakistan-Afghan border was not properly manned, this practice continues. However, official sources in the federal government totally deny having seen any such intelligence report. But some sources believe that the Punjab chief minister who has recently returned from an “important US trip” had taken an initiative to dissociate Pakistan from the Taliban and Afghanistan. Meanwhile the Foreign Office, in a press statement issued here on Wednesday evening, regretted “the baseless speculation and incorrect reporting in some sections of the media, claiming that the Taliban government of Afghanistan is allegedly involved in recent incidents of terrorist violence in the country.” REFERENCE:Shahbaz Sharif talks of intelligence report; flat denial by FO Ansar Abbasi DAWN WIRE SERVICE Week Ending : 09 October 1999 Issue : 05/41 http://www.lib.virginia.edu/area-studies/SouthAsia/SAserials/Dawn/1999/09oct99.html#shah

ISLAMABAD, Dec 12: The government did not consult the Cabinet but took into confidence the military elite while granting pardon to Nawaz Sharif and sending the family into exile. A well-placed government source confided to Dawn that the dramatic decision had been taken purely by the men in uniform. The matter was discussed in the closed circles of the military before being put to the corps commanders at their two-day meeting last week. Asked whether the matter was placed before the cabinet, the source said: “No”. It was too sensitive a matter to be discussed by the cabinet, he added. The military elite’s support to the idea came when it was explained that the pardon and the exile was being allowed following Saudi Arabia’s request. It was said that the Saudi government had given assurance that the Sharifs would not take part in politics “for quite some time”. “Besides, the Sharifs, too, had given the undertaking in writing not to take part in politics,” the source said. Asked how Saudi Arabia would prevent any of the Sharifs to travel to London and issue political statements from there against the military regime, the source said: “If the Saudis can get the Sharifs freed, they can also make them behave accordingly. They (the Saudis) are very strict in their commitments.”
The source, however, refused to accept that there was any Saudi “pressure” on the government to get the Sharifs off the hook. In reply to a question, the source said that those exiled to Saudi Arabia would remain there. “If anyone of them goes to some other country he would be bound to come back to the country of exile,” the source said. “We have the best example of Idi Amin who lives in Saudi Arabia with his 19 wives but as a completely non-political entity.” Persuading the government for pardon, the Saudi authorities had said that not only would it be an Islamic act to set Nawaz Sharif free after the payment of Qisas but it would also be politically helpful to the military regime. “We were told by the Saudis that they had also tried to get Zulfikar Ali Bhutto freed but Pakistan’s response in negative had plunged the country in an unending political turmoil,” the source said. He stated that the military government was expecting that the departure of Sharifs’ from politics would set things, particularly economic situation, right for the country. The government, he said, hoped that the present state of “shock” and “uncertainty” would not last long. “Don’t you agree with the idea of throwing the dirt out to get the house in order,” the source commented. REFERENCE:Cabinet had no idea of exile deal Ansar Abbasi DAWN WIRE SERVICE Week Ending: 16 December 2000 Issue : 06/48 http://www.lib.virginia.edu/area-studies/SouthAsia/SAserials/Dawn/2000/dec1600.html#cabi

ISLAMABAD, Dec 10: The exile of the Sharif family to Saudi Arabia following the pardon announcement by the government, has deprived the Raiwind dwellers of their 15 assets, worth billions of rupees. A spokesman for the government, Maj-Gen Rashid Qureshi, told Dawn on Monday that almost 80 per cent of the Sharifs’ property had been “taken over” by the government. According to Mr Qureshi, the 15 assets that have been taken over by the government in return for providing a safe “exit” to the Sharif family include Rs300 million in cash; industrial assets including Brother Steel Mills; Ilyas Enterprises; Hudaybia Paper Mill; Hudaybia Engineering Company; Hamza Spinning Mills; residential property including the Model Town bungalow; three houses at Mall Road Murree; property at 135 Upper Mall Lahore; a plot at Model Town Lahore; a plot at Upper Mall, Lahore; agricultural property including 10.2 kanals of land at Khanpur Sheikhupura Road Lahore; 41 acres and 7 kanals of land at Sheikhupura; 14.2 kanals of land and another 35 kanals at Bhaipharu in Chunnian and 88 kanals of land at Raiwind.
The Raiwind palace of the Sharif family, which ruled the country for almost 15 years, has however not been Confiscated by the government. Mr Qureshi dispelled the impression that there had been any underhand deal between the government and the Sharif family. He said the government had simply responded to the repeated mercy petitions filed by the Sharifs. Contrary to what the Sharifs were pretending before the public and
in their statements to the media, Mr Qureshi said they had been writing to the government including the chief executive and the president, appealing for pardon.
in their statements to the media, Mr Qureshi said they had been writing to the government including the chief executive and the president, appealing for pardon.
“We were receiving their requests for mercy in the past three to four months particularly after the courts handed over decisions against Nawaz Sharif,” he said. These requests were renewed recently following Nawaz Sharif’s reported ailment. Mr Qureshi stated that since the chief executive had repeatedly said that he was not vindictive so he recommended to President Tarar that the imprisonment of the Sharifs be pardoned and turned into exile while the rest of the punishments including fines, forfeiture of property and disqualification should stay. When told that the people in streets felt as if they had been betrayed by the government for allowing a safe exit to the Sharifs, the government spokesman said, “the Government has actually taken a compassionate view of the situation and converted the imprisonment into exile.” Qureshi dispelled the impression that a “deal” was ‘brokered’ either by a Saudi prince or was the exit the consequence of Saudi Arabia’s pressure. REFERENCE: Sharifs lose 80pc of assets, says Qureshi Ansar Abbasi DAWN WIRE SERVICE Week Ending: 16 December 2000 Issue : 06/48 http://www.lib.virginia.edu/area-studies/SouthAsia/SAserials/Dawn/2000/dec1600.html#shar