Delusions are beliefs that are not backed up by reality. They may remain despite obvious evidence to the contrary, and the fact that nobody else believes them to be true. Paranoid Delusions are beliefs of a suspiscious nature, where the person believes something is not right with them, another person(s), or the world in general, which poses serious problems for them.
Shireen M. Mazari - Tehreek-e-Insaf's Spokesperson on Foreign Affairs [She was a close confidant of American Backed Military Dictator General Musharraf who appointed her as Director General of Institute of Strategic Studies from where she wrote in favour of Kargil Operation]
The fact is that as a Muslim country, our nuclear weapons cause discomfiture in the west and Israel plays on this. Recall the words attributed to the first leader of the Israeli state, Ben Gurion: "The world Zionist movement should not be neglectful of the dangers of Pakistan to it. And Pakistan now should be its first target, for this ideological state is a threat to our existence... this lover of the Arabs is more dangerous to us than the Arabs themselves". (Jewish Chronicle August 1967) Of lies, media spins and the US targeting our nukes by Shireen M Mazari, Wednesday, May 20, 2009 - The News International
But Ms Shireen M Mazari is completely forgetting this or wilfully avoiding these Harsh Realities of Pakistan - Israel Connections!!

U.S Jewish Leader, Jack Rosen
U.S. Jewish leader Rosen visits Pakistan to support Musharraf By Marc Perelman, Jewish Daily Forward dated Last update - 21:02 26/11/2007
With the blessing of Washington, Jack Rosen, chairman of the American Jewish Congress's Council for World Jewry, traveled halfway across the globe for a face-to-face meeting with Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf, who he had hailed two years ago as a courageous leader and driving force in Jewish-Muslim dialogue. In recent weeks Musharraf has been roundly criticized for declaring emergency rule and cracking down on his opposition, in particular the judiciary. The de facto declaration of martial law has been widely viewed as an effort to preempt a ruling from the Supreme Court that would have invalidated Musharraf's reelection as president last month. "The real choice we face is not between Musharraf and a return to an effective democratic system, but between Musharraf and the possible collapse of Pakistan," Rosen wrote in a letter to the editor appearing in this week's edition of the Jewish Daily Forward.
Rosen made the trip to Islamabad after consulting with the State Department and key members of Congress. In addition to Musharraf, he met with General Ashfaq Kiyani, the deputy chief of staff who is expected to take over for Musharraf as head of the army, as well as ministers and intelligence officials. In his letter to the Forward, he said he also met with opposition leaders. Rosen declined further comment. The Council of World Jewry has made efforts to reach out to Jewish groups in France and Russia, but to date its signature achievement has been Musharraf's appearance at an AJCongress dinner in 2005, the first address made by a Pakistani leader before a Jewish group. At the dinner, Musharraf vowed to improve Muslim-Jewish ties, including relations between Israel and Pakistan, and said he was committed to combating extremist groups. Rosen did stress in his letter to the editor of the Forward that democracy should be the 'ultimate goal' and that Musharraf understands this. But he noted that Pakistan first had to focus on dealing with the multiple threats it is facing. "The most compelling idea that should inform our policy toward Pakistan is the urgent need to keep that country's nuclear arsenal out of the hands of the Islamist extremists," Rosen writes. "That requires some stability, which rests, inter alia, on cooperation between a strong military and a strong executive branch.

Late Maj Gen Aboobaker Osman Mitha [The Only Memon General of Pakistan Army and he founded the Special Service Group (SSG - Commando Division of the Pakistan Army) posthumously published autobiography, Unlikely Beginnings.
According to Gen Mitha, it was Gul Hasan who saved Brig Zia-ul-Haq, as he then was, from being sacked. Zia was in Jordan. The year was 1971. Gen Yahya received a signal from Maj Gen Nawazish, the head of the Pakistan military mission in Amman, asking that Zia be court-martialled for disobeying GHQ orders by commanding a Jordanian armour division against the Palestinians in which thousands were slaughtered. That ignominious event is known as Operation Black September. It was Gul Hasan who interceded for Zia and had Yahya let him off. Mitha was treated very badly. His Hilal-i-Jurat was withdrawn in February 1972, something that also appears to have been Gul Hasan’s handiwork.
Toward the end of 1981, he remarked: Pakistan is like Israel, an ideological state. Take out the Judaism from Israel and it will fall like a house of cards. Take Islam out of Pakistan and make it a secular state; it would collapse. He likewise surprised many observers in March 1986, when he called on the PLO to recognize the Jewish state. As discussed elsewhere, he was actively involved both in the 1970 Black September massacre of the Palestinians in Jordan as well as in Egypts re-entry into the Islamic fold more than a decade later. From 1967 to 1970 our Commander of the Faithful Late. General Muhammad Ziaul Haq was in Jordan in Official Militray Capacity and he helped late. King Hussain of Jordan in cleansing the so-called Palestinian Insurgents, Zia and Hussain butchered many innocent Palestinians in the name of Operation against Black September {a militant organization of Palestinians}. The intensity of bloodletting by Zia ul Haq and King Hussain was such that one of the founder father of Israel Moshe Dayan said:
King Hussein (with help from Zia-ul-Haq of the Pakistani army) sent in his Bedouin army on 27 September to clear out the Palestinian bases in Jordan. A massacre of innumerable proportions ensued. Moshe Dayan noted that Hussein "killed more Palestinians in eleven days than Israel could kill in twenty years." Dayan is right in spirit, but it is hardly the case that anyone can tch the Sharonism in its brutality.
P. R. Kumaraswamy. Beyond the Veil: Israel-Pakistan Relations Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies (JCSS)
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