KARACHI: Ameer of Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan Syed Munawar Hassan called up on the nation on Sunday to be prepared for bringing a revolution in the country and viewed that elections held after the revolution will bear better results. Addressing a public meeting at Banaras Chowk area of Karachi on Sunday, the JI chief also said that the nation should be prepared for elections. He claimed that bearded men and Hijab-wearing women would change the fate of the country. Munawar Hassan criticized the government saying it speaks of supremacy of parliament but its deeds were contrary to that. He urged the Chief Justice of Pakistan to ensure implementation of Supreme Court verdicts. Touching the Memo issue, JI chief said it was aimed at defaming the armed forces of country. He also emphasized the need of reviewing foreign policy of country and added that Nato attack on Salal checkpost was an attack on the sovereignty of Pakistan. The USA with the help of India had been trying to weaken Pakistan. The JI chief said his party has never been involved in corruption and therefore there is no such allegation on it. “We dont have any feudal lord in JI,” he said. Syed Munawar Hassan severely criticized the present rulers for making miserable the lives of the people of Pakistan by inflation and skyrocketing prices of petroleum and other things. REFERENCE: JI chief tells nation to be prepared for revolution in country http://www.dawn.com/2012/01/01/ji-chief-tells-nation-to-be-prepared-for-revolution-in-country.html
LAHORE, Dec. 28: The Jamaat e Islami chief, Syed Munawar Hasan, has said that there was a strong longing for the blessed Islamic system in Pakistan as well and a Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco like revolution could not be ruled out here prior to the elections. He was addressing large rallies organized by the JI Khyber P. at Karak and Sarai Norang. JI deputy chief, Sirajul Haq, JI provincial chief, Prof. Muhammad Ibrahim and oher local leaders also spoke on the occasion. Syed Munawar Hasan said the need of the time was to boycott Zardaris, Gilanis and such others who were responsible for the present crisis in the country. Besides, he said, the people would have to get rid of the US agents in our ranks in order to avoid memo scandals in future. The JI chief said that there wont be any elections under President Zardari, and remarked that only Zard ( yellow) elections could take place under Zardari. He said the nation would have to get out of the IMF and World Bank clutches to be able to end US interference. He said the US had met a crushing defeat in Afghanistan despite raining tons of gunpowder. Syed Munawar Hasan said that the JI was fighting the dankness all around in the society with courage and determination. He said the western system based on exploitation and revolt from Allah was finally dying and millions of the western people were protesting against that. He said, an Islamic system could be established only by defeating the US and its capitalist system. He condemned the statement of the Planning Commission Deputy Chairman suggesting that winding up the nuclear programme was essential to ensure economic progress. He said this was only US- India – Israel agenda and added that the nation would never accept US slavery or Indian supremacy in the region. Doubting the US announcements to quit Afghanistan by 2014, the JI chief said this was a plain lie as the US had no such intention as it desired to occupy the rich mineral resources of this region. However, he said that if the US did not quit voluntarily, the valiant Afghans would wipe out the Americans on their soil and send their dead bodies home. Syd Munawar Hasan said that the people changing parties at this juncture should inform the people of the misdeeds of their previous parties. REFERENCE: Islamic revolution in Pakistan not far off http://www.munawarhasan.com/en/newsdetail.php?id=159
Syed Munawar Hasan & Imran Khan Meeting in Mansoora Lahore
Sita White on Imran Khan's Illegitimate Child.
A Los Angeles court ruled that cricket hero-turned-politician Imran Khan was the legal father of a four-year-old illegitimate southern California girl. "Imran Khan is the father of the child," superior court commissioner Anthony Jones said on August 13, after a brief hearing. Khan, who had refused to co-operate by taking a blood test for the genetic determination of paternity, did not show up for the proceedings. His attorneys also failed to appear, so a default judgement was entered. Khan led Pakistan to a World Cup triumph in 1992. Earlier this year, he failed in his bid to become prime minister of Pakistan. "We believe the complaint, as originally filed, was ill-motivated," said Khan's New York attorney, Bernard Clair. "We believe the mother may have been the unwitting tool of my client's opponents." Sita White, who lives in Beverly Hills, had a relationship with Khan in 1987-88 and, when they met again in Los Angeles on October 2, 1991, she told him she wanted to have his baby, her attorney Gloria Allred said. "We did not request child support," Allred said. "We hope that, one day, he will open his heart to his little daughter and give her the love, respect and support every little girl deserves. "White got pregnant and Khan told her he hoped it was a boy. When he learnt the baby would be a girl, Khan expressed disappointment and said the child would not be able to play cricket. He urged White to have an abortion, but she refused," Allred said. Tyrian Jade was born on June 15, 1992, at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. Since her birth, Khan has neither seen nor spoken to the child although he and White have spoken periodically during that period," said Allred. "He never paid any child support." During his quest to become prime minister, Khan denied having fathered an illegitimate child, which could have made him ineligible to become prime minister. "He categorically denies the paternity of this child," Clair said. "We think to use the child as a pawn in such a publicity circus demonstrates, to us at least, that the mother has other reasons for pursuing paternity." Khan, 42, said he dated and frequented night clubs during his days as a cricketer and, before that, as a student at Oxford University. But, since retiring from sports in 1992, he said he has transformed himself into a devout Muslim. He even vowed to marry a woman who observed purdah (life behind the veil). But, in 1995, he married British heiress Jemima Goldsmith. His political opponents have attacked Jemima, the daughter of the late English billionaire, Sir James Goldsmith, for her Jewish heritage. Khan says, though his wife's ancestors were Jewish, she was Protestant and had converted to Islam to marry him. UNI. REFERENCE: Imran Khan fathered illegitimate child, rules California court http://m.rediff.com/news/aug/14imran.htm
LAHORE, Dec. 29: The Jamaat e Islami chief, Syed Munawar Hasan, has said that the people have lost faith in the present electoral system and the country was heading towards an Islamic revolution. Addressing a big public meeting at Bannu on Thursday, he said that the elections in the country had only added to the worries of the masses. The law and order was deplorable, the power crisis was aggravating day by day and price spiral and unemployment had made the life of the people a hell. The JI chief said that the end of the dictatorial regimes of Hosni Mobarak and Col. Gaddafi had given a ray of hope to the Muslim masses. He said the people of Libya, Tunisia, Egypt and Morocco had followed the teachings of Hasan al Banna Shaheed and Syed Abul Ala Maudoodi and supported the Ikhwanul Muslimoon which helped them bring about a revolution. He said a large majority of Pakistanis wanted an Islamic revolution in this country and they would not accept slavery of the western colonialism. He said, the US wanted to punish Pakistan for is defeat in Afghanistan and it was using its slaves like the ANP for the purpose, and the ANP was minting dollars in the process. He said the ANP had always opposed brave Pushtoons. It was behind the bomb blasts in the Khyber P. and had been supporting India on the Kashmir issue. He said the elections in this country had never yielded positive results. The elections held under the civil and military rule had crushed the masses sentiments. The country’s foreign policy was serving the US interests which had endangered the independence of the country. He assured the masses that the JI alone could steer the country out of the present crisis and bring relief to them. The JI deputy chief, Sirajul Haq, JI provincial chief, Prof. Muhammad Ibrahim Khan also spoke on the occasion. REFERENCE: People have lost faith in the present electoral system and the country was heading towards an Islamic revolution. http://www.munawarhasan.com/en/newsdetail.php?id=160
Saudi Arabian Scholar on Blasphemous Founder of Jamat-e-Islami i.e. Mawdudi - Mawdudi, Qutb and the Prophets of Allaah http://www.salafipublications.com/sps/downloads/pdf/NDV080001.pdf
Mawdudi Was a Blasphemous Founder of Jamat e Islami http://www.scribd.com/doc/98969773/Mawdudi-Was-a-Blasphemous-Founder-of-Jamat-e-Islami
Mawdudi Was a Blasphemous Founder of Jamat e Islami
Deobandi Fatwas against Mawdudi, Jamat-e-Islami, Barelvis, Ahl-e-Hadith & Shias
Differences In Ummat & Siraat e Mustaqeem By SHEIKH MUHAMMAD YUSUF LUDHYANVI (RA) http://ia700100.us.archive.org/3/items/February2010/DifferencesInUmmatSiraatEMustaqeemBySheikhMuhammadYusufLudhyanvira.pdf
Deobandi Fatwa Against Mawdudi and Jamat e Islami http://www.scribd.com/doc/98966337/Deobandi-Fatwa-Against-Mawdudi-and-Jamat-e-Islami
Deobandi Fatwa Against Mawdudi and Jamat e Islami

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