Over two days Egyptian historians and political analysts discussed the thorny relation between religion and politics in Egypt across the ages in a conference held at the Supreme Council for Culture 26-27 December. The primary aim was to reflect on the current political, social and religious scene in Egypt as a new ruling elite with religious references takes over the reins of power in Egypt. The conference sought to prove that religion has been used in the political formula in Egypt since the early ages of Islam. Historians and political analysts who participated in the conference vehemently criticised this relation, saying that religion has been always put to the service of dictatorship and to achieve the narrow interest of ruling elites. “Tyranny has been always connected to religion in the East. Yes, the Ancient Greeks has merged politics with religion too, but they never developed into theocratic rule, as for them religion was more like folklore than the idea of religion as we know it in the East. I dare to say that this relation is the root of despotism in the East since Hammurabi, who claimed that his laws were inspired to him from God,” said historian and Islamic thinker Mahmoud Ismail. REFERENCE: Mixing religion and politics is the root of despotism in the East, say academics by Mohammed Saad, Monday 31 Dec 2012 http://english.ahram.org.eg/NewsContentP/18/61513/Books/Mixing-religion-and-politics-is-the-root-of-despot.aspx
Dr Tahirul Qadri and Green Long March - 1 Shah
Dr Tahirul Qadri and Green Long March - 1 by SalimJanMazari
Dr Tahirul Qadri and Green Long March - 1 by SalimJanMazari
One such individual is Muhammad Tahir, a self-proclaimed Sheikh-ul-Islam and a self-proclaimed member of the Qādiri sufi order, operating under the name “Dr. Tahir ul-Qadri,” and now under the self-nominated title of “Sheikh-ul-Islam Tahir-ul-Qadri”. He is notorious for giving himself titles, and is well known in his country of Pakistan as a fraud. The Pakistani High Court of Lahore has declared him “a liar,” “dishonest,” “hungry and greedy,” and “a person responsible for making dramas”. A High Court verdict still stands against him for which he failed to plea in any court. REFERENCE: Al Azhar Islamic Studies Scholars Expose Dr. Tahir Qadri as Imposter, Fake Sheikh and Demand: Prove Your Claims April 4, 2012 http://islamicpostonline.com/article/al_azhar_islamic_studies_scholars_expose_dr_tahir_qadri_imposter_fake_sheikh_and_demand_prov
Lahore High Court Decision on Dr Tahirul Qadri Moral Turpitude http://naibaat.com.pk/ePaper/lahore/07-01-2013/details.aspx?id=p1_04.jpg
2012: KARACHI – Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM), the PPP-led government’s coalition partner at Centre and in Sindh, has announced joining the January 14th long march of Tehreek-e-Minhajul Quran from Lahore to Islamabad.Addressing a press conference after the meeting of MQM Coordination Committee at its headquarters Nine Zero on Sunday night, party leader Dr Farooq Sattar said that the manifesto of Dr Tahirul Qadri, chief of Tehreek-e-Minhajul Quran, is same as of the MQM for which their leader Altaf Hussain had been struggling since last 33 years. Sattar said Dr Tahirul Qadri wants to bring an end to feudalism and the MQM had also been struggling for the same cause.“Our mission is not to derail the democratic system; rather Dr Tahir is only desirous for elimination and extermination of outdated and rotten system which has enslaved the nation in the name of so-called democracy. There are similarities between the manifestos and programmes of both parties,” advocated Farooq.MQM, under the leadership of Altaf Hussain, had been following this programme and sent the people from lower and middle class to the Assemblies to represent the poor masses. Sattar, however, made it clear that the MQM was not in favour of delaying the elections. This has already been made clear by Dr Tahirul Qadri also who wants reforms in the system through an impartial caretaker setup, he said.Similarly, MQM also stands for the reforms and wants to bring a revolution in the country, he stated. Sattar said that millions of MQM workers would stand by Dr Tahirul Qadri in his movement for transparent and candid general elections in the country.Earlier, MQM chief Altaf Hussain said that a revolution in Pakistan was inevitable.He was talking online to a delegation of Minhajul Quran, who visited MQM's Karachi headquarters Nine Zero. "We will live together and we will die together. Together we will save Pakistan,” Altaf said.Altaf thanked Minhajul Quran Chairman Dr Tahirul Qadri for sending the delegation and inviting MQM to a march scheduled to begin on January 14th."Both the MQM and Minhajul Quran are working for the noble cause of eliminating feudal system and corruption, introduction of a uniform system of education, establishment of equality in every sphere of life and bringing the just and equitable rule on the pattern of the Pious Caliphs."The MQM chief assured the visiting delegation of his party's support. "Time has come to free the country from the clutches of thieves and robbers."Nazim-i-Aala of Minhajul Quran and central leader of the Pakistan Awami Tehreek Dr Raheeq Abbasi thanked Altaf Hussain for the warm welcome at Nine Zero."Your open support to the programme of Dr Qadri is a source of strength for us and we are thankful to you for this gesture,” he said. REFERENCE: MQM accepts Qadri’s long march invite By: Agencies | December 31, 2012 http://www.nation.com.pk/pakistan-news-newspaper-daily-english-online/national/31-Dec-2012/mqm-accepts-qadri-s-long-march-invite
2003: World should unite against US: Qadri - LAHORE: Pakistan Awami Tehrik Chairman, Dr Tahirul Qadri on Friday said the US was pushing the world into a disastrous war and urged the world leaders to stand out against US war plans. In a statement Dr Qadri said the American leadership was busy creating war hysteria, threatening to undermine the supremacy of the United Nations. “If America launches attack on Iraq, it would undermine the supremacy of the UN”, he added. Dr Qadri urged the Pakistani government to play its part in uniting the Muslim countries so as to take up a united stand on Iraq. Deploring the inaction of the Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC), he said the inefficiency of the body had already inflicted a great harm on Muslims. Meanwhile, the PAT also staged a demonstration in front the Press Club against the US. Central leaders of women’ wing, Humeria Rashid, Dr Noshaba, Rafia Ali and Fareeda Sajjad led the demonstration. REFERENCE: World should unite against US: Qadri Staff Report Saturday, February 01, 2003 http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=story_1-2-2003_pg7_37#.UOCKBt1gIN0.twitter
Dr Tahirul Qadri and Green Long March - 2
Dr Tahirul Qadri and Green Long March - 2 by SalimJanMazari
Dr Tahirul Qadri and Green Long March - 2
Dr Tahirul Qadri and Green Long March - 2 by SalimJanMazari
Altaf wants army to act against corrupt leaders KARACHI, Aug 22 In a surprise move, Muttahida Qaumi Movement chief Altaf Hussain said on Sunday that “the MQM will openly support the patriotic generals if they take any martial law-type action against corrupt politicians and feudal lords”. In a telephonic address from London to a workers` convention at the MQM headquarters here, Mr Hussain criticised the politicians, `feudal lords` and army generals and also lashed out at the United States for what he called supporting the feudal lords instead of the masses. A few hours after the address, MQM leader Farooq Sattar told a private news channel that Mr Hussain had not supported imposition of martial law, but rather issued a policy statement that reflected his `courageous` stance. “The country is in the ICU (intensive care unit) and needs surgery,” Mr Sattar said. Referring to the country`s chequered political history, Mr Hussain said the army generals had in the past directly or indirectly ruled Pakistan through martial laws, in clear violation of the mandate of millions. “If these generals can topple political and democratic governments they can also take steps to weed out corrupt politicians and feudal lords.” The MQM chief called upon “patriotic army generals” to stop supporting the feudals and corrupt politicians for the sake of the country. Action against corrupt politicians should be taken irrespective of which party they belonged to. He said that at a time when the country`s integrity was at risk, well-known and senior politicians were playing a game of musical chair and trying to make it to the corridors of power. Mr Hussain also criticised the country`s foreign policy and said it was ineffective compared to that of neighbouring India. He said that during foreign trips Pakistani leaders and diplomats spent more time in shopping than in meeting world leaders and diplomats. In contrast, the Indian leaders pleaded their case in a far more effective manner. The MQM chief said the war in Afghanistan was mainly between the Soviet Union and the United States, but in Pakistan it was portrayed as a conflict between Islam and the evil. During the war, army generals and the so-called religious forces pocketed plenty of money. After the war, the army did nothing to change the country`s foreign policy, Mr Hussain said. He said the army and the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) should decide once and for all that Pakistan would make no compromises over its sovereignty and integrity and that US dictations would be ignored. About the worst calamity in Pakistan`s history, he said although many towns and villages had been wiped out, feudal lords had used their clout to divert floodwaters to save their own land. “Such feudal lords committed a crime against humanity and they should be tried for mass murder.” He said he would like to ask where the funds donated by the international community after the 2005 earthquake had gone. “Why didn`t the government buy helicopters which would have been useful in providing relief to the flood-affected people now?” He lauded the role of the army and said its personnel were doing their best to save their fellow countrymen affected by the calamity. Mr Hussain said Pakistan desperately needed a change and the MQM could bring about that change and take action against corrupt leaders and feudal lords. He asked US President Barack Obama to review his policies towards Pakistan. REFERENCE: Altaf wants army to act against corrupt leaders By Azfar-ul-Ashfaque (23-08-2010) http://www.dawn.com/news/856594/altaf-wants-army-to-act-against-corrupt-leaders
2003: Benazir Bhutto becomes life member of Minhajul Quran LAHORE: Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) Chairperson Benazir Bhutto has sought lifetime membership of the Tehrik Minhaj ul Quran (TMQ) in the presence of Dr Tahir ul Qadri in London. Sources said, a 35-member senior delegation led by Benazir Bhutto visited the TMQ and remained there for three and quarter hours. She was impressed by Tehrik’s educational programme and social welfare projects. She held an hour-long meeting with Dr Tahirul Qadri and discussed the political situation in Pakistan. Later, speaking to journalists, Benazir said no party, group or organisation could compete the TMQ throughout Europe. She said she had joined the Tehrik because of its non-political status. REFERENCE: Benazir Bhutto becomes life member of Minhajul Quran Staff Report Friday, August 08, 2003 http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=story_8-8-2003_pg7_3

MQM`s strange recipe to end feudalism The MQM, which often complains of Taliban`s growing presence in Karachi and is unhappy for being unable to convince its coalition partners to retain the local government system of the Musharraf era at least in Sindh, has surprised everybody by suggesting an unthinkable remedy for the country`s ills that every parliamentarian has only recently vowed to reject and fight back by adopting the 18th Amendment.
The MQM chief Altaf Hussain has publicly urged `patriotic generals` to impose a sort of martial law in the country and bring to an end the hegemony of corrupt politicians and landlords. It immediately caused a political storm. Several politicians belonging to both the coalition government and the opposition have reacted instantly and condemned the statement, calling it irresponsible and mischievous. Civil society has also rejected Altaf Hussain`s utterance and reminded him that democracy is the only way to move forward. It was during a telephonic address to a gathering of MQM workers in Karachi on Sunday last that Mr Hussain had floated this proposal which his local deputies later insisted was the right step to save the country. The political pundits are in a fix as to what has prompted the leader of the urban-based party to issue such a statement that can lead to dangerous consequences.
However, the Karachi-based MQM leaders are facing difficulty in keeping a bold face to defend what their London-based chief has spoken out in his usual screaming tone a well-calculated policy statement, of which apparently they were not informed in advance and were equally taken aback like other citizens. He was in fact addressing the real stakeholders of power in the country seeking their intervention to put the country`s affairs back on the rail but at a time extremely inappropriate for such an invitation. The country is struggling to overcome effects of the worst ever floods in a century. The MQM, a coalition partner of the PPP in Sindh and at the Centre and holding some important portfolios in the two cabinets, boasts of being a secular, democratic and liberal party and usually talks of sweeping changes in the current social system to eliminate feudalism and provide greater facilities to the middle and lower middle classes. REFERENCE: MQM`s strange recipe to end feudalism (29-08-2010) http://www.dawn.com/news/557766/mqm-s-strange-recipe-to-end-feudalism Ataul Haq Qasmi in Jang 21-12-2012 http://jang.com.pk/jang/dec2012-daily/21-12-2012/col3.htm
Dr Tahirul Qadri and Green Long March - 3
Dr Tahirul Qadri and Green Long March - 3 by SalimJanMazari
Dr Tahirul Qadri and Green Long March - 3
Dr Tahirul Qadri and Green Long March - 3 by SalimJanMazari
At the meting, he also blamed the US for supporting the reactionary feudal classes in Pakistan that have strangulated the masses through their corrupt ways. In the face of the barrage of criticism by the PML-N, PML-Q, ANP, JUI-F and JI, An MQM Senator told a private news channel that his party was not in favour of derailing democracy and that Altaf Hussain did not mean martial law but something similar to it that would end corruption and bring back the plundered wealth of the nation. He particularly referred to the NRO and demanded across the board action against the looters whether they were politicians, generals or the bureaucrats. The Peoples Party, which has been accommodative of the concerns of the MQM in its drive to take all the political parties on board to provide moral support to the army in its efforts to eliminate religious militancy from country`s soil, has been careful in its reaction initially but has now strongly criticised Altaf`s views favouring a martial law.
Information minister Qamaruzzaman Kaira has described the statement being against the spirit of the constituion and democracy and hence not acceptable. As compared to the PML-N leaders` calls for invoking the Article 6 (that deals with the cases of sedition), the PPP leadership used only cautious words and insisted on the importance of saving democracy, for which it had rendered so many sacrifices. It may be recalled that it was the MQM chief who proposed the name of Asif Ali Zardari for the office of the president. The `secular` credentials of the MQM had been a source of strength for the PPP that had put war on terror on the top of its agenda in its election campaign. The MQM was duly awarded for its support to the PPP it has a well-deserved share in the provincial (Sindh) and central government portfolios while Ishratul Ibad continues to be the governor of Sindh, originally selected and installed during the Musharraf regime. There was no problem for the PPP to form a government in Sindh on its own; the PPP would not have needed this party in the centre either if Zardari had offered some exceptional concessions to the PML-N. But keeping the MQM out of the government would have been more problematic for the PPP given this party`s control on the two major cities of the Sindh — Karachi and Hyderabad. Though the MQM secured good share in power in both the Sindh and the Centre but it was more than manifest to its leadership that the abolition of the local government (LG) system would do it the real damage. It had pinned much hopes on the Rabbani-led parliamentary committee and it proposed the redrawing of the provincial boundaries while it supported the provincial autonomy but such a move was defeated.
It was not only the MQM that has been upset by the 18th amendment but a large segment of the population that had attached high hopes with this monumental exercise to correct the anomalies in the law of the land. The ANP wanted to strip the constitution of its `Islamic` credentials that would have really alleviated the sufferings of the religious minorities and made the country more acceptable to the civilised world but the federal law minister spearheaded the move to sabotage this move. The ANP did not press for its demand and remained contented with the renaming of NWFP as Khyber-Pukhtoonkhaw — the other `secular` forces also saw it better to keep quite. Such other forces were the Baloch nationalist parties who wanted a new `social contract` and do away with the present constitution altogether. While the ANP, PPP and PML-N stood for provincial autonomy, the MQM wanted to condition it with regional concessions it wanted the LG system intact to ensure its control over Karachi and other urban centres of Sindh which constitute its support base. Hopes of the leadership remain high and it entered into negotiations with the PPP on the issue but its hopes did not materialise. The political atmosphere of Karachi heats up and flares up each time when the Sindh government tries to convey the message that the LG system of the Musharraf era cannot be revived.
The tussle between the MQM and the ANP has caused a heavy loss to the peace, life and property in Karachi, each side claiming deaths of their workers in hundreds whenever there is an exchange of fire. The interior minister and the premier had to rush to Karachi early this month when the murder of MQM`s provincial legislator plunged the city into chaos and anarchy. In current month the ANP has lost one of its leaders. The spiral of violence just goes on. Altaf Hussein`s call for `some sort of martial law` is a clear message to the US, (Ambassador Bryan D. Hunt met him a few days ago in London), which he has criticised for supporting the feudal lords, not the middle class. In the same vein he has praised India for having a `successful` foreign policy while terming that of his own country as `ineffective`. Although he made the call for martial law, he also questioned whether time had not come for refusing to accept America`s dictates. While the political parties including PML-N, JUI-F and ANP have rejected MQM`s call, the civil society has also come forward in defence of democracy. “We have witnessed time and again that military rule exacerbates ethnic cleavages and separatist tendencies gain currency amongst smaller nationalities under military rule. It is only democracy that can cater to the needs of a country having diverse nationalities and can hold it together.” said a press release of the Centre for Peace and Development Initiative (CPDI) , Islamabad, adding that it “vehemently condemns these invitations to the generals and urges politicians to see beyond narrow parochial and short-term interests.” REFERENCE: MQM`s strange recipe to end feudalism (29-08-2010) http://www.dawn.com/news/557766/mqm-s-strange-recipe-to-end-feudalism Ataul Haq Qasmi in Jang 21-12-2012 http://jang.com.pk/jang/dec2012-daily/21-12-2012/col3.htm
Dr Tahirul Qadri and Green Long March - 4
Dr Tahirul Qadri and Green Long March - 4 by SalimJanMazari
Dr Tahirul Qadri and Green Long March - 4
Dr Tahirul Qadri and Green Long March - 4 by SalimJanMazari

EDITORIAL: Marching towards tyranny, again?
Altaf Hussain, chief of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM), has appealed for a “martial law-like” intervention by “patriotic generals” against “corrupt feudals and landlord politicians”. Coming from someone whose party is known for its ethnic exclusivism — despite pretending otherwise of late– and various other crimes like land grabbing, bhatta (protection money), torturing and/or murdering dissenters, Mr Hussain’s statement could have been laughed at for its sheer absurdity. The only problem is, this is no laughing matter.
When General Musharraf was in power, we witnessed a militarisation of the state and society. Because of this, the people lost respect for the army. Ever since General Kayani became the chief of army staff (COAS), he has tried to portray himself as a professional soldier with no interest in politics. Under General Kayani, the army has refurbished its image by protecting our territorial integrity and internal security, which is its primary task. Apart from fighting the Taliban, the military has been at the forefront of rescue and relief efforts during the floods. This has done the army’s image much good. On the other hand, the incompetence of the incumbent civilian democratic government is no secret; allegations of massive corruption against the government and its track record have not helped matters either. After the recent floods, despondency can be felt all over the country. It seems that the public has lost faith in the incumbents. An anti-government lobby is now trying to exploit this situation to its advantage. Thus, the MQM chief’s ‘call’ for a not-so-divine intervention by the army at this point in time may be a reflection of not just that anti-democratic lobby but some signals from the powers-that-be may also have something to do with it.
The MQM came into being with the support of the intelligence agencies to counter Sindhi nationalism. Since then it accumulated more and more power and eventually got out of hand, a la the Taliban. After a few ups and downs in its relationship with its mentors, the MQM is back in the game and wants to return to the fold of the establishment. Altaf Hussain’s statement has been criticised by almost every political party. Some have even gone so far as to suggest the ultimate penalty for him since this is a clear violation of Article 6(1) of the constitution: “Any person who abrogates or attempts or conspires to abrogate, subverts or attempts or conspires to subvert the Constitution by use of force or show of force or by other unconstitutional means shall be guilty of high treason.” This may only be wishful thinking because Mr Hussain has only ‘suggested’ a military intervention while no military dictator has ever been tried under this Article even though they directly subverted the constitution. Dr Farooq Sattar has denied that his party chief has asked for a martial law; he claims that Mr Hussain has taken a bold stance and has his finger on the pulse of the public. Now this is going a bit too far because despite the public’s reservations about the incumbents, no sane person wants a return of military rule. Those who oppose democracy argue that we would be electing the same faces even if the present government completes its tenure since there is a dearth of alternatives. This is true, but if one were to rationally think about it, the only way to find new leadership is to continue with the democratic process.
It would be wise if Mr Hussain could think with a cool mind instead of giving an open call to the military to seize power. Pakistan has already suffered greatly in its history by not adhering to democratic norms. Military interventions have brought nothing but pain to us and a fresh one will not bring anything new. Democracy on the other hand is a painfully slow process but to develop our institutions, there is no other alternative in sight. We should let it take its normal course instead of delving into tried and failed interventionist territory. REFERENCES: EDITORIAL: Marching towards tyranny, again? Tuesday, August 24, 2010 http://dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2010%5C08%5C24%5Cstory_24-8-2010_pg3_1
Nusrat Javed for Daily Exrpess http://express.com.pk/epaper/PoPupwindow.aspx?newsID=1101707734&Issue=NP_LHE&Date=20121228

2007: Altaf demands demolition of Lal Masjid, Jamia Hafsa KARACHI: Muttahida Qaumi Movement chief Altaf Hussain on Sunday demanded of President Pervez Musharraf and Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz to get Lal Masjid and the Jamia Hafsa vacated from the “Mullahs” who were trying to enforce what he called “Kalashnikov and Danda Bardar Shariah”. Addressing a huge protest rally in the evening, Altaf described it as a “tide of moderate Muslims against religious fanaticism” and warned of “Dama Dam Mast Qalandar” if the mosque and the seminary were not vacated. The rally, which was organised by the Muttahida’s Coordination Committee, started from Gurumandar and terminated at Tibet Centre. Tens of thousands of people, waving party flags and chanting slogans against “Kalashnikov and Danda Bardar Shariah”, participated in the rally. Altaf lamented that the Jamia Hafsa students and the Lal Masjid clerics were burning video cassettes shops and threatening their owners to switch over to other businesses and bullying women to give up driving. “These are not only un-Islamic but also barbaric acts,” he said, adding that “this is against the spirit of Islam, which teaches humility and tolerance.”
On his call a number of religious scholars, including Aun Muhammad Naqvi, Shah Sirajul Haq Qadri, Asas Abdullah Farooqi and Alama Asad Deobandi, announced over the public address system that Islam forbids building mosques on illegally occupied land, and praying there or imparting Islamic teachings at these mosques is un-Islamic.
The Muttahida chief claimed that Lal Masjid and the Jamia Hafsa are built on illegally occupied land. He asked the Ulema of different schools of thought who were present at the rally about the status of the mosque. And they said offering prayers at such places is “Haram” in Islam. Altaf said the two buildings were illegal and should be demolished. Altaf appealed to all the “Ulema-e-Haq” to appear on TV and radio and issue edicts against “Jamia Hafsa women and those masquerading as guardians of Islam at Lal Masjid.” “Had Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Shaafai, Imam Hambal, Imam Malik or Imam Jaffar Sadiq ever used batons or swords to enforce their interpretation of the Holy Qur’aan and Hadith, he asked, and said: “There is no evidence of use of force in Islam.” The Muttahida chief said Sunday’s mammoth rally, attended by a large number of people from all over the country and Azad Kashmir, was a referendum against the “Kalashnikov and Danda Bardar Shariah”. He advised “the so-called Mullahs not to confront the Muttahida” or else “be ready to face the music”. “This is not Islamabad, this is Karachi where the 98 per cent middle class people live, and they are ready to stand up against the Kalashnikov Shariah.” He announced that the Muttahida would extend all-out cooperation to the “Ulema-e-Haq,” who would raise their voice against the “Ulema-e-Soo”. “Let me make it clear that the Muttahida is not against the Madrassas which are teaching modern technology as well as Islamic education, but we are against those seminaries which are teaching extremism and terrorism.” Referring to a pamphlet of the Lal Masjid and Jamia Hafsa, which threatened throwing acid on women who were found driving, Altaf warned that the Muttahida members would protect their mothers and sisters and cut off the hands of those who throw acid on women in Karachi. He said these Ulema wanted to push the country back to the Stone Age but the Muttahida wanted that each and every person in this country is free to acquire education — religious as well as modern technology. He criticised the Jamaat-e-Islami Amir Qazi Hussain Ahmed. For the first time Altaf referred to Naib Amir of the Jamaat-e-Islami, Professor Ghafoor Ahmed, and said he could never become the JI Amir, therefore, “I invite him to join the Muttahida”. The Muttahida chief said his party firmly believed that the minorities be considered as equal citizens of the country. REFERENCE: Altaf demands demolition of Lal Masjid, Jamia Hafsa BY Fasahat Mohiuddin
Monday, April 16, 2007 http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=7177&Cat=13&dt=4/16/2007 Nusrat Javed for Daily Exrpess http://www.express.com.pk/epaper/PoPupwindow.aspx?newsID=1101707174&Issue=NP_LHE&Date=20121227
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