There is no limit to the shamelessness of Jang Group, GEO TV, The News International because now they are discussing False Allegation of Traitor after declaring Apostate and Traitor every moving thing around the globe who differ with them . A known lunatic who has filed a petition against several leading Human Rights activists & Journalists in Pakistan and some of them are associated with the Jang Group but what an irony Zaid Hamid who filed this Treason petition used to be invited by the same newsgroup in one of its outlet AAG TO Discover the Iqbal’s Pakistan on AAG Friday, September 18, 2009 KARACHI: What is Pakistan in the eyes of the youth today? The youth speak out on the true ideology of Pakistan on this gripping episode of Iqbal Ka Pakistan. It is introducing youth participation that makes the show more informative and interactive. Watch the youth speak their mind and discover the Pakistan Iqbal had dreamed of. With Zaid Hamid and Ali Azmat. Tonight (Friday) at 9:00 pm only on AAG. end quote. What an Irony that a newsgroup without any fear of accountability, checks and balance hurl worse kinds of insults, allegations, religious edicts for paving the way for his/her murder in the name of Blasphemy, invite leaders of banned sectarian outfits, 24/7 TV tickers loaded with Ethnic, Sectarian, Religious, Ideological bias in a worse possible way and at worse possible occasion to score some cheap points. This Jang Group is notorious for inciting masses to commit murder of those who belong to the most marginalized community "Ahmedis" in Pakistan (no matter what anyone say or rant, Ahmedis are still Pakistanis and they have every right on this country and if anyone disagree then he/she must drag Muhammad Ali Jinnah for appointing Sir Zafrullah Chaudhry as Pakistan's 1st Foreign Minister) and lest I forget Hamid Mir and Dr Aamir Liaquat Hussain are very fond of spreading hate against Minorities , they even invite Pakistan Nuclear Scientist Dr A Q Khan to spread more hate in an already hate filled Pakistan. Yet this group has the audacity to take a quick somersault whenever they are in hot waters. I would just quote the Hate Filled News they filed in all these years and leave the conclusion to the readers to judge as to how Jang Group, The News International and GEO TV have turned Pakistan into a ticking time bomb through their Vile reporting. Yesterday they telecast a program with Ms. Asma Jahangir, Mr Imtiaz Alam, Mr Najam Sethi, and Mr Hasan Nisar discussing the History of those in Pakistan who were declared Traitors and what not, watch the program and then read the news Jang Group / The News filed and these Hate Filled reports then reflected in their Obnoxious GEO TV Programs.
Who is Traitor in Pakistan ? (Capital Talk 8th... by SalimJanMazari
Asma’s tirade against Army - Viewpoint BY Ahmad Noorani Saturday, May 28, 2011 ISLAMABAD: Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA) president Asma Jahangir has launched an unprovoked but scathing attack against the Pakistan Army and has ridiculed the unanimous resolution recently adopted by the joint session of parliament.
In a private television talk show aired Thursday night, Asma Jehangir spoke her venom against the Army and went to the extent of dubbing the army officers “duffers”. Crossing all limits of decency and constructive criticism, she even made serious allegations of corruption and supporting of terrorist groups without providing any evidence.
Asma, known for her erratic responses, has also been using humiliating language against the parliament and the judiciary in recent times. In one interview she called parliamentarians ‘Ullo kay Phathay.’ Her outbursts against the present independent judiciary is already known to every one. After the apex court’s historic judgment on the NRO, which made the presidency unhappy, Asma used the expression of “17 jarvi bachiyaan bhaithi hain” for the honourable judges of the 17-member bench.
Although the constitution expects from the people to respect state institutions like judiciary and defence, the President of SCBA has shocked many by using extremely objectionable language. Asma who is extremely controversial in Pakistan is respected in many foreign countries including in India and the United States.
In her latest interview after the terrorist attack on India-specific strategic assets, she launched a scathing attack on the Pakistan army. Some of the her translated (in English) quotes are reproduced here; “The army men are duffers, duffers. They are politically duffers. If you will follow their policy, as you have (in the past), the country will never progress. I don’t care what USA or anyone else thinks. I only care that people of our country should save themselves from this Army. Pakistan Army is responsible for the present situation.”
Ignoring the sacrifices of the army to curb terrorism, she instead said, “They have spread terrorism in every nook and corner of the country. The army supports terrorism and encourages it...I don’t allege all the army men. I am not alleging ordinary army jawans. But the army generals, who play golf all the time, gossip and look for the best pieces of land for themselves. Now see what has happened in Karachi; there was a marriage hall. Could you image marriage halls in such a sensitive location? The army has made us (citizens) slaves. Now the time has come to request them with all humility to go back to the barracks and let our children live here. We don’t want bloodshed here. If you really need some crown on your head please go, fight a war and show us that you can win a war. You did the Kargil misadventure, you kill light infantry soldiers.”
She added, “You are using innocent children as human shields . You are not able to fight, you cannot run the country, and you cannot make policy. You are a Qabza Group. You are a Qabza Group of this country. We should now say this plainly. Ask me the examples and I can give you several examples of their duffer-ness. See, I want a proper protest procession to be held on the Mall Road (Lahore), named ‘Haath Bandh Jaloos’. This protest procession should say, ‘Fauji Bhaio, Thanks you very much. Please go back to your homes. Sit in the barracks. You have taken so many plots. Now enough is enough. Ooh the Group of corrupts; please leave us alone.”
Asma concluded, “Now I say that either the Army will remain supreme or Pakistan. If both will remain supreme, the country may not move forward.” Asma also attacked the parliamentary resolution and termed it as mere toilet paper.
In the same interview, Asma also said she was the first one to condemn Musharraf’s martial law in 1999. However, in the post-coup interview with BBC that is available on youtube, Asma criticized the out-thrown civilian democratic government of Nawaz Shairf and just added one soft sentence that what Mushrraf had done by launching a military coup was not allowed by the constitution. Most of her interview justified the coup by condemning the ousted democratic government of Nawaz Sharif.
In yet another interview with The News she termed parliamentarians are fools by using the Urdu words ‘Ullo kay Pathay’. Asma has also been unpredictable in her statements towards the independent judiciary. She had opposed the historic July 31, 2009 judgment against the PCO judges and the November 3 Emergency of General Musharraf. She launched an aggressive attack on the independent judiciary after a 17-member bench of the Supreme Court headed by the Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry termed the notorious legislation of National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO) as illegal, unconstitutional and declared it void abi nitio.
Referring to the 17-member bench, Asma had said it seemed that seventeen girls were sitting on the bench; “Satra Jurvi Bachiyaan Bhaithi hain.” While referring to use of article 62-f as the basis for striking down NRO by the Supreme Court, Asma said, “It was a ‘shararat’ (naughtiness) of the judges.”
Asma has repeatedly questioned how all the seventeen judges reached the same reasoning while rejecting this law. She did this more than ten times in about six TV programs in the month of December 2009. Exact quote in Urdu was, “Thora bohat Ikhtilaf hota hay - Kaisay Yeh ho gia keh 17 kay 17 judgoon ki reasoning aik hi ho gi.”
While claiming that the judiciary led by Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry remained silent on the issue of missing persons during Musharraf’s regime, Asma said, “Why did this judiciary remain silent when during the regime of Pervez Musharraf people were being picked up, went missing and were being sent to Guantanamo Bay? Why did this judiciary not speak then and why is it speaking now?”
This however, is a fact that beside the media, the judiciary was the only institution which was continuously taking up the issue of missing persons and even summoned officials of the security agencies for the recovery of these persons.
While criticising the Supreme Court on NRO judgement’s operational part, Asma during the same programme, said, “Prosecutor will be the court, appeal will be heard by court, monitoring cell is the court, watching will be done by court, court will transfer the people and court will appoint its choice people.”
At one point during this program after the NRO judgement, Asma even said, “We have not struggled for this judiciary. (In post Nov 3rd 2007 scenario) We have struggled for an independent judiciary. We have not struggled for such a judiciary.” Again while referring article 62-f Asma said about the Supreme Court judges, “They will be prosecutors, they will examine our eyes.”
While referring to the NRO judgement Asma even said, “Please don’t take this judgment so simply.” Again while mentioning article 62-f in the NRO judgment Asma predicted that if in future some candidate was not liked by the Islamabadites and if the 62-f is invoked against him, then these 17 (judges) will see whether the person is sagacious or not and all the 17 (judges) will reach on unanimous verdict that person is sagacious.
After NRO judgement, in a Dec 21, 2009 programme on TV, Asma even accused the apex court of conspiracy saying, “When the judgement is so controversial then one can smell conspiracy (Agar judgement Itni Mutnaza ho tu Is main say Saazish ki Boo Aati hay).” REFERENCE: Asma’s tirade against Army - Viewpoint BY Ahmad Noorani Saturday, May 28, 2011
Asma Jahangir with Matiullah Jan on Memogate... by SalimJanMazari

The treasonous memo! by By Shaheen Sehbai & Mohammad Malick November 18, 2011 ISLAMABAD/DUBAI: From a smoking gun to a smouldering fuse, the mysterious memo earned many sobriquets even before its precise contents were known to anyone but a handful of highly secretive power players involved in its drafting and communication. The (in)famous, rather possibly game-changing, Mike Mullen memo, ironically contains six mutinous articles and is now being revealed after Admiral Mike Mullen also confirmed its existence and 'remembered' having received it at the height of the OBL crisis.
After days of huddles between the troika and other major power players of the country resulted in a resignation offer by President Zardari's closest foreign and domestic policy adviser and Ambassador to the US, Husain Haqqani, the memo has acquired the importance of a political nuclear bomb.
The memo was sent to Mike Mullen through mutually trusted contacts by US businessman Mansoor Ijaz, who claimed doing so at the behest of an unnamed senior Pakistani diplomat, who has now been identified as none other than Mr. Husain Haqani. The memo is said to have been approved by the President of Pakistan.
Chief of the Army Staff General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani reportedly endorsed and seemed convinced with the evidence that Mansoor Ijaz has provided to the army and took this up in his latest one-on-one meeting with the president. Sources say without offering many options, the president was 'asked' by Gen. Kayani to immediately summon Haqqani for further enquiries.
The President, who earlier through his spokesman had simply shrugged off the whole affair while rubbishing Mansoor's claims, readily obliged and Haqqani was summoned to Islamabad. So far however, the ambassador is still staying put in Washington on the officially offered explanation that he is finishing up prescheduled diplomatic commitments.
Besides the Memo, the electronic correspondence between the diplomat and Mansoor Ijaz has also become available in full and is a graphic account of dates, time lines, words, and even emoticons, which are normally used by youthful SMS users. Part of this conversation was recently released by Mansoor Ijaz to the media in his almost 3,700 word long statement. All communications between Haqqani and Mansoor have now been transcribed from the cell phones and made available to The News.
The Memo has reached The News from more than one source, both within Pakistan and from abroad, and is nothing short of being offensively repulsive, offering an alarming insight into a power-corrupt mindset willing to compromise national interest for petty personal power gains. It is, arguably, a document crafted by soul-less conspirators who clearly have no shame and dignity, no national pride or respect.
The originator, writer, approver and the ultimate beneficiary of the Memo all look like vicious anti-state collaborators and traitors hiding under the garb of national leaders and proving themselves to be decision-makers occupying positions they never deserved and should never have been allowed to occupy in the first instance. All that has come in bits and pieces in the media so far are simply peanuts as compared to the 929 words of the Confidential Memo, which has been obtained and confirmed to be authentic by The News.
Couched as a "Briefing for Admiral Mike Mullen," each word has a deep meaning and each sentence carries an offer, a plan, an incentive to demolish national security apparatus of Pakistan, play havoc with its nuclear assets, allow American boots on Pakistani soil and help and abet the US in accusing and proving the Pakistani armed forces and intelligence agencies guilty of "complicity" in the Osama bin Laden affair, his secret stay in Pakistan and his mission.
To top it all and make such an investigation into a foolproof nutcracker, the memo also invites US authorities to hand pick the investigators panel. Aping Camp-Justice style justice, the memo also assures its recipient that the investigation process, "will result in immediate termination of active service officers".
In other words, byebye to a recalcitrant Kayani, adios to a hardnosed Pasha?
The memo brazenly accuses the Pakistan Army leadership of "brinkmanship aimed at bringing down the civilian apparatus in Pakistan" and calls the time it was written in May 2011 as "a 1971 moment in Pakistan's history" when the armed forces had been defeated in East Pakistan and civilians led by ZA Bhutto had gained the upper hand over the military.
And what do the drafters of this treasonous memo have in mind for changing the security paradigm of Pakistan? In lieu of prolonging their own stay in power, the authors of the memo promised the US administration to replace the, "National security adviser and other national security officials with trusted advisers that include ex-military and civilian leaders favourably viewed by Washington". Talk of being his master's voice.
The Memo talks of creating a "new national security team" which promises to give "carte blanche" or a blank cheque to the Americans to carry out Osama-type military raids inside Pakistan and any operation on Pakistani soil. Could there be a greater violation of national sovereignty? One wonders. Clearly the authors of the memo did not give two hoots about at least two unanimous resolutions of the national parliament, which categorically forbade any violation of Pakistan's sovereignty by a third country and any action by it against Pakistani citizens inside Pakistan.
Not only this but the memo also promises that the US would be given the "green signal" to not only track down people on Pakistani soil but also to kill them if so needed. The memo stands in clear defiance of the binding resolutions adopted by the Constitutionally elected parliament.
In a criminally dangerous development, the memo presents as an equivocal fact that the top al-Qaeda leadership is based inside Pakistan when the authors promise to hand over the likes of Ayman Al Zawahiri, Mulla Omar etc. This angle alone would have qualified Pakistan to be declared a rogue terrorist state but try telling that to a duo with vaulting ambitions who appear to have no qualms of destroying the state in order to perpetuate their stay in office and continue with loot and plunder.
As an icing on the cake, the authors of the memo also promised to bring Pakistan's nuclear assets under a "more verifiable, transparent regime.. For those in the know, this translates into retooling the entire setup and providing unrestricted access to Pakistan's nuclear assets to United States, something that has long figured high on the US wish list. This offered concession also fits in neatly with the framework softly being pushed through the slower and circuitous Cooperative Threat Reduction regime (CTR) That the move to place our nuclear assets at the mercy of the US and its 'friends' has direct security consequences for Pakistan vis-‡-vis India, among other serious concerns, is clearly no priority for the authors. And understandably so because their only concern was to stay in power no matter how. Let the country pay the price of their avarice.
What political repercussions this memo will have on the power politics of Pakistan is too early to predict but what has been established is that the military establishment is not happy at all with what was going on and the Opposition will jump on the government with a relentless campaign to bring the culprits to book. Will the President stick to his guns and refuse to abandon his man in Washington? Or will he move with ruthless efficiency and speed to sever any possible incriminating link? Will the expected sacking of the envoy signal the end of the crisis or mark the beginning of the next and possibly fateful phase?
The political landscape is waiting for some more aftershocks, it appears. What is certain however is that the heat from the smouldering fuse is being felt by the keg. REFERENCE: The treasonous memo! by By Shaheen Sehbai & Mohammad Malick November 18, 2011!
How Dr Aamir Liaquat Hussain & GEO TV Incited... by SalimJanMazari

Excuse me, madam From whom we seek justice BY Ansar Abbasi Tuesday, November 09, 2010 Since her election as president of the Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA), Asma Jahangir is repeatedly targeting the Jang Group and Geo. In her criticism, she has not only resorted to personal attacks, but has also pursued a posture that can never be expected from a person who claims to be the torchbearer of human rights, democracy and freedom of media.
I never expected from her the attitude she displayed last week during a TV talk show, hosted by senior journalist and anchorperson Nasim Zehra. Zehra herself was amazed by Asma Jehangir’s passion to remain focused on the Jang Group and Geo, although the media group was not the topic of the show.
In my presence, she taunted the Jang Group, Geo and me and accused us of practising yellow journalism. She interrupted me time and again all throughout the show. Such interruptions led to the show turning into a fish market, at least twice.
I was amazed to observe Asma Jehangir emerging as the great defender of co-chairperson of the PPP and President Asif Ali Zardari. She told me that I am suffering from Zardari-phobia but displayed the kind of responses that left her so-called independence badly exposed. She reacted almost every time when I talked of President Zardari despite the fact that the PPP’s Senator Maula Bux Chandio was one of the participants in the show.
What even surprised Ms Zehra was the strange interruption of Ms Jehangir when I named three politicians, including Asif Ali Zardari, Nawaz Sharif and Altaf Hussain, to discuss the powers given under 18th amendment to party leaders, she cut me and remarked that perhaps I was suffering with Zardari-phobia. At this stage the astounded anchorperson had to explain to Asma Jehangir that Ansar Abbasi is talking of different political leaders and not that of Asif Ali Zardari alone. Her strange reaction has further my earlier doubts with regard to the alleged understanding between her and the Presidential camp.
Her conduct forced me to ponder if she possesses the patience and restraint that is expected from a person holding the coveted office of the SCBA president. I thought of her predecessors — Aitzaz Ahsan, Ali Ahmad Kurd and Qazi Anwar — who, despite the criticism of media, have always been decent and gentle and never lost their cool and composure.
In the backdrop of a coordinated campaign, launched by the government and Zardari-PPP against the Jang Group and Geo, Asma Jehangir appeared like joining hands with the government to defame us.
During the talk show, she maintained that Jang, The News and Geo had been publishing and broadcasting lies. She accused the Jang Group of mudslinging against her. “They talked about me being an Ahmadi,” she said and asked me as to who had told me that she was Ahmadi (Qadiani, who are declared non-Muslim). Though during the show she was not ready to listen to me but now may I ask her as to when did I say that she is a Qadiani or Ahmadi? Leave me; will she now explain to us as to when did Jang or The News write that she is a Qadiani?
How the Jang Group, Geo or Ansar Abbasi could be blamed when such utterances were made during the elections of the SCBA. To set the record straight, let me explain that in his report on the lawyers’ politics, published on the polling day, Mr Tariq Butt wrote in the middle of his write up, “Among the lawyers who would be casting their votes in the SCBA election, there has also been talk of the ‘Qadiani’ factor against Asma Jehangir, which might play an important role.”
Although Tariq Butt is a senior journalist and important member of our investigation team, he never told me what he was writing. Obviously like any other independent journalist he also did not write on my directive or desire.
Above all Tariq Butt never described her as Qadiani, but had briefly referred to the talk of the town that was under way in the entire legal fraternity. He was very cautious while referring to that factor.
Although Asma Jehangir had targeted the entire Jang Group, a scan of recent newspapers show that a lot of material has published in her favour also. In his recent column, it was the leading columnist of Jang Group Mr Hamid Mir, who dispelled the impression about Jehangir being a Qadiani. The column penned in her favour explains that some family members of her in-laws are followers of the Lahori Group of the Ahmadis, but her husband is not Qadiani.
Apart from Hamid Mir, there is a lot of material written by others in favour of Asma Jehangir in Jang and The News. The writers included Munnoo Bhai, Ayaz Amir, Ghazi Salahuddin, Shakil Sheikh, Babar Sattar and Shafqat Mahmood.
The Jang Group, termed by Asma Jehangir as liar, had also published an editorial in her favour after her victory in the elections. Was anyone prevented to write in her favour? Was any word written in her favour deleted from the write up of any columnist or writer of the Group? If not then where is the so-called campaign that she believed was launched by the Jang Group against her?
I wonder what was the root cause of her rage, but one point needs mention. And that is, a day prior to her election, she and some senior journalists, supporting her, had tried to bring pressure on the Jang Group to black out the story of Ahmad Noorani wherein the budding journalist had submitted the exact contents of Asma Jehangir’s anti-judiciary statements made by her after the Supreme Court ruling on NRO.
The matter is yet under probe within the department, but it’s anybody’s guess as to who had informed her and her supporters in the media that such a story was filed by Noorani. The Jang Group may be held guilty of not to succumbing to the pressure to block publication of that story.
She maintains that Jang Group speaks and writes lies. Besides the reflection in other newspapers, some of our correspondents also wrote before the SCBA elections that Asma Jehangir enjoyed the support of the government and the PPP. We admit the guilt of having published the statement of Sardar Latif Khosa, head of People’s Lawyers’ Forum and a confidante of President Asif Ali Zardari, claiming that everyone, including PPP lawyers, the government and Babar Awan, would support her in the election of the Supreme Court Bar.
Prior to the elections, we published two stories that to my reckoning had irked her. One of them had appeared 3-4 months before the elections and the other 8-9 months before. The first story had no relevance to her elections. It was her reaction to the decision of the parliamentary committee on 18th Constitutional Amendment not to touch any of the Islamic provisions of the Constitution. In her statement, Asma Jehangir had termed the parliamentarians fools (Uloo kay Pathay). Although the next day she had denied having given the statement, proof of the interview is in possession of the concerned correspondent of The News.
The second story stated that she would be the candidate of the Zardari and PPP camp in the Supreme Court Bar Association elections. The said story contained the version of both Asma Jehangir and her chief supporter Justice Tariq Mahmood. Later, the statement of Sardar Latif Khosa also proved that what the Jang and The News had carried a couple of months earlier were based on truth.
In case of a campaign against her, much would have been written and published a few weeks prior to elections. But that did not happen although Tariq Mahmood had been saying that Jang Group desired results according to its will. I was also accused of stating that I would not let Asma Jehangir win these elections. Those who know me would bear witness that neither I have neither such mentality nor I talk in such a tone.
No doubt Asma Jehangir had served the cause of human rights, but it is also true that I have no personal grudge against her. We, however, do have differences on ideological ground. I have firm belief that Islam is a complete code of life and take pride in the Islamic foundations of our Constitution. She thinks contrary and at times even cross the limits. Despite our differences on beliefs and faith, I think it is vital that we should not consider ourselves something so special and someone beyond human beings. Those thinking of themselves as heavenly creatures could not be exempted from criticism just because they are in the habit of sitting in Ivory Tower. REFERENCES: Excuse me, madam From whom we seek justice BY Ansar Abbasi Tuesday, November 09, 2010 Wednesday, January 12, 2011, Safar 07, 1432 A.H Jang Group & Ansar Abbasi Justify Salmaan Taseer Murder Friday, January 07, 2011, Safar 02, 1432 A.H
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