2009: ISLAMABAD: Former chief of the Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) Lt-Gen (retd) Hameed Gul on Saturday disclosed that the PPP could have got landslide victory in 1988 elections, if the Islami Jamhoori Ittehad (IJI) had not been formed. Talking to a private TV channel, he said: ìYes, we had such reports and apprehension of massive PPP victory.î Gul said they feared that the PPP was returning to power after the execution of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. I take the responsibility of forming the IJI, though it was not my idea,î Hameed Gul said. He said that even during Benazir Bhutto’s first visit to the ISI headquarters he told her about his role in forming the IJI. “We wanted the PPP opponents who had affiliation with the GHQ to unite them on one platform,” Gul said. He said ‘emergency’ was one of the options in 1988 after General Zia ul Haq’s plane crashed, but it was decided to go ahead with November 16 election despite request from opponents of the PPP to postpone it. He disclosed that even former Soviet Union sent a message to Pakistan that the 1988 elections could be sabotaged. Gul said: “This is for the first time I am disclosing that former Russian president Mikhail Gorbachev sent his envoy with a message regarding apprehensions of sabotaging the 1988 election through foreign intervention.” He said he was not aware of the conditions to hand over power to former prime minister Benazir Bhutto, but said he was asked to brief her before she was handed over the power. “Benazir wanted a briefing from the Establishment so I was sent for this purpose and the meeting took place at her friend’s house in Karachi, which lasted over two hours, and I told her that the Afghan Jihad had not ended yet. There were two or three other things, which I briefed her and she said she understood the situation,” he said. He denied “Midnight Jackal” as intelligence plot and said it was Imtiaz’s personal plan. “No agency was involved but Imtiaz himself,” Gul said. The ex-ISI chief denied he ever sent a message to MQM chief Altaf Hussain to join IJI and rejected the allegation of former Intelligence Bureau director, Brig (retd) Imtiaz. “I never sent Imtiaz to Altaf with a message to join IJI but to express concern over allegations of collection of ìBhattaî by some elements,” he said. He predicted the victory of Afghans in Afghanistan and the US exit, but expressed concern over post-US Afghanistan situation and said a weak government was going to be set up there. “We failed to give up political system in Afghanistan after Soviet Union left and now I don’t see much will happen after the US exit, but Afghans will win,” he added. REFERENCE: Hameed Gul admits he formed IJI Sunday, August 30, 2009 http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=24196&Cat=13&dt=8/29/2009
Zaid Hamid Press TV 25th July 10 Part 1 of 3
1995: LONDON, July 19: The Karachi situation was discussed "threadbare" at a meeting in London on Tuesday night between the leader of the Mohajir Qaumi Movement, Altaf Hussain, and his team and Gen Hameed Gul, former chief of the ISI. The five-point formula which Gen Gul had discussed with Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, before coming to London for his meeting with Mr Hussain, had already been conveyed to the MQM leadership and considered by them. Mr Hussain is said to have assured the general, who said he had taken the initiative to break the present stalemate on his own, that the MQM had gone into the talks with the government with the attitude that it would lilce these to reach a positive conclusion. Mr Hussain, also complained among other things, about the propaganda campaign being carried out by the government and the official media suspecting disloyalty o Pakistan. It was suggested to him by Gen Gul that a "strong statement' from Mr Hussain in support of the Kashmir cause would go a long way in removing the wrong impression. Gen Gul told Dawn that Mr Hussain seemed to be of the opinion that he would go to "the last limit" to see the talks between Government and the MQM succeed. The MQM team feels that the 21-point charter of demands put forward by the government is nothing more than "a charge sheet". The MQM did not, during the three-hour long parleys, once raise the demand for a separate province for the Mohajirs. The formula brought by Gen Gul, which has been described by an observer, as "balanced", sets the rules of etiquette. The formula suggested holding of a dialogue to contain the rapidly deteriorating situation in Karachi which has "all the potential to degenerate into a wider and more menacing ethnic conflict". His suggestions included the initiation of dialogue in accordance with the laid down principles, between the concerned parties through mediators. The second proposal is for an end to agitation/resistance and the cleanup operation. Thirdly, the setting up of a neutral and authoritative administration for Karachi for interim period. Fourthly, the organisation of ad hoc (impartial) local councils to provide civic relief till local bodies elections are held. And lastly, holding of local bodies elections. Among the confidence-building measures suggested is cutting off the media campaign and hostile statements. It also calls for official efforts to recover the missing Ms Rais Fatima and government's word of syrnpathy and monetary relief for Ms Farzana Sultan. Relief for detained MQM senators is also suggested. Gen Gul's formula urged de escalation rather than escalation of demands as well as repression. It asked the parties to vow to help each other in exposing miscreants and violators after the settlement. The post-settlement actions suggested include general amnesty for emotionally charged crimes, trials for foreign agents and professional criminals and the establishment of a peace corps comprising well behaved youth to reduce overbearing presence of the police. The reaction from the MQM side to the talks is still awaited. REFERENCE: MQM in broad accord with Gul From Ather Ali DAWN WIRE SERVICE Week Ending: 20 July, 1995 Issue:01/28 http://www.lib.virginia.edu/area-studies/SouthAsia/SAserials/Dawn/1995/20Jly95.html#mqmi
Zaid Hamid Press TV 25th July 10 Part 2 of 3

2003: What do we need to survive and get ahead in the world? Most of us think we should have military power. At least that is what one hears when the “umma” thinks of the OIC. What do we do with military power? We go to war to get justice. And how do we go to war? We do jihad. Why do we do jihad? Because, say most clerics, jihad is ordained by Allah and everyone is under obligation to do it. Somehow we don’t easily think of the importance of education when we think of survival. Maybe that is because we never think of “autonomous” knowledge when we think of education. We have already a lot of “non-autonomous” education and may not need more of it. Most of us, in thrall to military thinking, forget that we actually suffer from a fourth “jeem” of “jahalat”. GEO (13 October 2003) had host Nasir Beg discussing the OIC summit with Allama Turabi, General (Retd) Ghulam Umar, General (Retd) Hamid Gul, Turkish scholar Prof Ramzan and a Pakistani scholar. General Hamid Gul said the “umma” needed three “jeems” (jamhuriyat, jihad, jauhari quwwat) that meant democracy, jihad and nuclear power. Turabi said Muslims had forgotten the intellectual legacy of Kindi, Farabi, Ibn Rushd and Ghazali. Prof Ramzan said that Muslims had been bypassed in the 18th and 19th century during which the Ottoman Empire missed out on the industrial revolution. In the 20th century the Islamic world had failed to create the nation-state and today it was missing out on the reformulation of the state under globalisation. He said the Islamic world lacked democracy and respect for human rights. General Ghulam Umar thought globalisation was a trap that imposed Western moral and political values on the rest of the world. Turabi said some Islamic states were rich but had wasted their resources.
It is interesting to note that Pakistan’s top military mind doesn’t include education in his scheme of essential things. In this worldview there is the fourth invisible “jeem” of “jahalat” (lack of education). No one can miss the irony. Pakistan has had the three “jeems” but is an extremely unhappy country. It had “jamhuriat” for the 1990s but our political parties did not run it as it should have been run or it was immolated on the altar of jihad, the other “jeem”. Pakistan had a lot of jihad and overt nuclear power since 1998 but went almost bankrupt by 1999. The Pakistani mind is militarised and will not give importance to education. Education might give us the power of intellect and intellect might give us the power to disagree with the generals. Allama Turabi has referred to three great Muslim thinkers, but the fact is that two out of them were rejected by the Muslims while they were living. Ibn Rushd was cruelly beaten up and defrocked because the clergy did not like his free thinking. Coptic Bouros-Boutros Ghali in his opening speech at the UN after being chosen as its secretary general quoted from Al Farabi. The Muslims today will not. Prof Ramzan said things that Pakistanis simply can’t understand. If you read his comment you realise that Pakistan doesn’t need the three “jeems” as pointed out by Hamid Gul but had to take care of human rights and reformulate their idea of the state if they have to survive. The fourth “jeem” (jahalat) is killing us.
GEO TV (13 October 2003) interviewed MQM leader-in-exile, Altaf Hussain. Commenting on the future of Pakistan, he said that a country where “ethno-cultural particularism” was rampant could not hope to survive. He spoke in favour of “pluralism”, decried religious politics and advocated tolerance of the minorities for Pakistan if it wanted to survive. He added that a country which was dangerously impoverished and enjoyed bad relations with its neighbours had stacked the deck against itself. His tangential reference to bad relations with India came after he had cleared the MQM of the charge of seeking India’s help in its political brawls with the “establishment” in Pakistan. The Altaf Hussain of London is definitely more enlightened than the Altaf Hussain we saw ruling Karachi and killing some of our most respectable citizens to emphasise his own power. But the transformation of Altaf Hussain is important. Most exiled Muslims develop quirks that bring nothing but misery to the Muslim masses back home. Syed Qutb went to America and came back full of hatred and we are still reaping the harvest of that transformation at the hands of Dr Al-Zawahiri. GEO TV (14 October 2003) announced the result of its phone-in survey on General Musharraf’s statement that Pakistan was more threatened from within than from without. A TV channel conducted a telephonic survey on the statement and found that a majority of 47 percent men thought that General Musharraf was right while 36 percent did not agree. Significantly, women agreed much more emphatically, fully 53 percent of them saying that the country was indeed threatened from within. One must keep in mind that the survey was based on people ringing in rather than the channel telephoning a carefully selected tranche of opinion. As has been noticed in the past surveys, only those who are greatly agitated by the question must have rung up. Had a widely selected survey been conducted, a higher percentage of those in agreement would have emerged. Pakistan is hell (internally) for those who are underprivileged in it. Women and the minorities must feel differently from the rest of us who think it is the world outside which is hurting us. For the women and the minorities the law is the source of suffering and the law is indigenous. For them Pakistan is threatened from within. For men and those in power, Pakistan is threatened from without, from India and from the United States and Israel. * REFERENCE: Second opinion: Fourth ‘jeem’ of ‘jahalat’ —Khaled Ahmed’s TV Review Tuesday, November 18, 2003 http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=story_18-11-2003_pg3_5
Zaid Hamid Press TV 25th July 10 Part 3 of 3
LAHORE: Stratfor, an online publisher of geopolitical analysis, said in a statement that former ISI chief Lt Gen (r) Hamid Gul was one of the many individuals to whom the organisation had given complimentary access. The statement said there were many others in Pakistan who also received complimentary subscriptions from Stratfor, including think tanks and news organisations, while many other Pakistanis were paid Stratfor subscribers. The statement further says, “Stratfor, the world’s leading online publisher of geopolitical analysis, is based in Austin, Texas. Stratfor is a private, subscription-based company with a wide range of subscribers in the US and abroad, including media, think-tanks, government agencies, corporations, NGOs and universities, as well as individuals. They pay for access to Stratfor research and analysis. However, Stratfor, from time to time, will give complimentary subscriptions.” The statement continues, “Former ISI chief Lt Gen (r) Hamid Gul is one such individual to whom complimentary access has been given. There are many others in Pakistan who also receive complimentary subscriptions from Stratfor, including think tanks and news organisations. Many other Pakistanis are paid Stratfor subscribers.” REFERENCE: Gul complementary subscriber like many others, says Stratfor Thursday, March 01, 2012 http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2012%5C03%5C01%5Cstory_1-3-2012_pg7_21
2010: Karachi: The targeted attacks on Aalmi Majlis-e-Tahafuza-e-Khatam-e-Naboowat (AMTKN) Chief Mufti Saeed Jalalpuri and leader of banned outfit Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan (SSP), Maulana Abdul Ghafoor Nadeem, were aimed at inciting sectarian violence across the city, investigators probing the attacks told The News. Investigators believed that a group of six to 10 men are involved in the attacks, in which AMTKN chief Mufti Saeed Jalalpuri was gunned down on late Thursday night along with three associates, while SSP leader, Maulana Nadeem, was also attacked earlier the same day. Maulana Nadeem survived the attack, but his son, Maviya, perished in the attack while trying to save his father. The investigators asserted that both Mufti Jalalpuri and Maulana Nadeem were targeted because they were active in their respective organisational work. DIG-East Zone Abdul Khaliq Sheikh, when contacted by The News, said that in the case of Mufti Jalalpuri, an FIR has been lodged on the complaint of Hafiz Shabir, Jalalpuri’s relative, at Sachal Police Station. The FIR nominates noted media evangelist Zaid Hamid as a suspect, and claims that some days ago, Hamid had threatened Maulana Jalalpuri over the phone. “We have suspicions that Zaid Hamid may be involved in the murder of Mufti Jalalpuri,” Sheikh said, while pointing to the altercation that occurred between the two men. Sources meanwhile told The News that two official investigation teams were subsequently formed by the Sindh police, one led by Senior Superintendent Police (SSP)-Investigation Niaz Ahmed Khosa, while the other was headed by Special Investigation Unit (SIU) Chief SSP Raja Umar Khattab to probe the targeted attacks. Moreover, sources said, another Criminal Investigation Department (CID) probe team was also formed, which is functioning under the direct supervision of Additional Inspector General Saud Ahmed Mirza. Senior investigation officers, speaking to The News on condition of anonymity, said that statements of eyewitnesses in both cases, including the injured, have already been recorded. However, no authentication in the attack on Mufti Saeed Jalalpuri has been made as yet. The eyewitnesses in the attempted murder of Maulana Nadeem include a constable of Nazimabad Police Station, who has told the probe teams that he can identify and help making sketches of two suspects who attacked Maulana Nadeem. The constable narrated that the two men, aged between 26 and 30 years, attacked Maulana Nadeem’s convoy, and then escaped towards Golimar. They got trapped in a traffic gridlock, but then resorted to aerial firing to make way for themselves. The weapons used in both attacks were the same and of three kinds, investigators said, which included 9mm pistols. The empties recovered from the scene of crime are also the same, they argued. This has given rise to the reasoning that the assailants in both cases were from the same group. REFERENCE: ‘Attacks on religious leaders aimed at inciting sectarian violence’ Salis bin Perwaiz Saturday, March 13, 2010 http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=27760&Cat=13&dt=3%2F13%2F2010
Allama Tahir Ashrafi's open challenge to Zaid Hamid for a debate
KARACHI: As thousands of people attended the funeral of Mufti Saeed Ahmed Jalalpuri here on Friday, police booked Zaid Hamid, who claims to be a security consultant and strategic defence analyst, for the murder of the prominent religious scholar, his son and two associates. Mufti Saeed Jalalpuri of Aalmi Majlis-i-Tahaffuz-i-Khatm-i-Nabuat, his son Huzaifa Jalalpuri and close associates Fakhruz Zaman and Abdul Rehman were returning from Jamia Masjid Khatman-un-Nabi in Gulshan-i-Iqbal on Thursday night when four to five gunmen sprayed their car with bullets, killing all of them. SSP Javed Mahar of Gulsha-i-Iqbal Town said the FIR had been registered under Sections 302 (premeditated murder), 324 (attempt to murder), 109 (punishment of abetment if the act abetted committed in consequence and where no express provision is made for its punishment) and 34 (common intention) against Zaid Hamid (Zaid Zaman Hamid) on the complaint of Mufti Jalapuri’s close aide Hafiz Shabbir. He said that although the text of the FIR did not mention the profession of the accused, the investigators were told by the complainant that they had nominated Zaid Hamid who appeared in TV shows and delivered lectures mainly on security and defence issues. Anwaar Ahmed, another aide of Mufti Jalalpuri, told Dawn that the scholar used to actively expose Zaid Hamid who, he alleged, was a close associate of ‘a person who had laid claim to prophethood’. Anwaar Ahmed said: “In late 1990s a man named Yusuf Kazzab emerged and claimed prophethood, who was aided and assisted by Zaid Hamid. At that time he was known as Zaid Zaman Hamid but currently he has cut his name short to Zaid Hamid”. He said he had insisted that both names be mentioned in the FIR, because his organisation suspected his role in the killing of Mufti Jalalpuri. REFERENCE: Daily DAWN – Zaid Hamid named in Jalalpuri murder FIR, March 13 2010
Hafiz Tahir Mahmood Ashrafi Talks About Fitna Of Zaid Hamid At Gol Masjid Faislabad.
2010: KARACHI, March 11 Panic gripped the city when a senior cleric of a religious organisation, his son and two associates were gunned down on Thursday night. In another attack earlier in the day, another prominent cleric, Maulana Abdul Ghafoor Nadeem, was wounded and his son was killed. Police said that Mufti Saeed Ahmed Jalalpuri of Aalmi Tahaffuz-i-Khatm-i-Nabuat, his son Huzaifa Jalalpuri and close associates Fakheruz Zaman and Abdul Rehman were returning from Jamia Masjid Khatman-un-Nabi on Metrovill Road in Gulshan-i-Iqbal area when four to five gunmen on motorcycles sprayed their car with bullets. Police found the casing of spent bullets of 9mm pistol at the scene. Gulshan-e-Iqbal SP Javed Meher said the attackers had opened fire from two directions. “The assailants appeared to be waiting at a place for the cleric and ambushed the car when it reached there,” a police officer said. They were taken to Patel Hospital where Mufti Saeed and his son were pronounced dead while their associates died some time later. Tension gripped the area after the incident and unknown people started firing in the air, forcing shops to close. A large number of people and students of a seminary gathered at the hospital. The bodies were later taken to the Aalmi Tahaffuz-i-Khatm-i-Nabuat in Gurumandir. In the morning, Maulana Abdul Ghafoor Nadeem, a central leader of Ahl-i-Sunnat Wal Jamaat (formerly Sipah-i-Sahaba Pakistan), was injured in what appeared to be an assassination attempt in the city`s Nazimabad area. The attack, however, claimed the life of his youngest son. Maulana`s two other sons and a security guard and a driver were injured. Police said that Maulana Nadeem and his two sons, Rashid Nadeem and Zubair Nadeem, were going in their car to the city courts for a hearing of cases registered against them on August 17 last year during disturbances which followed the killing in Khairpur of Maulana Ali Sher Hydari, chief of the defunct Sipah-i-Sahaba. When the car was near Annu Bhai Park, two men on a motorcycle opened fire. Maulana`s younger son Mauvia Nadeem, 25, who was following the car on a motorcycle suffered fatal bullet wounds, Liaquatabad SP Abdul Hameed Khosa told Dawn. The injured were taken to Abbasi Shaheed Hospital. Additional Police Surgeon Dr Liaquat Memon said that one of the injured had been brought dead to the hospital. Maulana Nadeem received two bullets in his right and left hands and one in the abdomen. Mauvia suffered multiple bullet wounds in the head and torso and died on the spot. Maulana Aurengzeb Farooqi, the organisation`s Karachi president, told Dawn that funeral prayers of Mauvia Nadeem would be offered outside the Chief Minister`s House on Friday. REFERENCE: Panic in Karachi after murder of scholar By Our Staff Reporter March 12, 2010 http://archives.dawn.com/archives/36579
LAHORE: Pakistan Ulema Council Chairman Hafiz Muhammad Tahir Mahmood Ashrafi has challenged Zaid Hamid to hold a dialogue over allegations he made in a TV programme. In a letter to Zaid Hamid on Tuesday, Ashrafi said that he should talk sensibly and prove his allegations. He said that Zaid should tell the nation about himself and his thoughts about Khatm-e-Nubawwat first. Later, talking to Daily Times, Mahmood Ashrafi said that Zaid was a self-styled paragon of the ultra-right and was using Islam and patriotism as a tool for his ulterior motives. He said that he had no right to label charges against people. He said that he had labelled SAFMA as an extension of the Indian intelligence agency RAW, which was altogether baseless. Recalling the Yusuf Kazab case, Ashrafi said that Zaid had gone to Imtiaz Alam and had asked him to rescue Kazab but Alam had refused to help him. Zaid had also been nominated in Maulana Saeed Jalalpuri murder case, he added. He said that Zaid was now targeting those people who had refused to help him in Kazab case. He said that nobody knew what Zaid was, whether he was a right-winger, the army’s representative, a holy warrior, an intellectual or a saint. staff report REFERENCE: Tahir Ashrafi challenges Zaid Hamid to dialogue Wednesday, September 07, 2011 http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2011%5C09%5C07%5Cstory_7-9-2011_pg7_11
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