A post-script on the Hamoodur Rahman Report: Two points must be noted. The terms of reference covered the west also, on which the Supplementary Report is totally silent. It was, presumably, dealt with in the Main Report. Secondly, the entire political and military background preceding the surrender in the east and ceasefire in the west is excluded. A lot had happened, diplomatically and militarily since the Pakistan Army's brutal crackdown in Dhaka on March 25, 1971, to go no further. Involved principally were Gen. A.A.K. Niazi, Commander, Eastern Command, as well as the Zonal Martial Law Administrator. Major-General Rao Farman Ali was military adviser to the Governor. Niazi took over the job on April 4, 1971 from Lt. Gen. Tikka Khan who was responsible for the crackdown on March 25. He had repla ced Lt. Gen. Yaqub Khan, who, being this honourable man that he is, had resigned on March 7. Bhutto made Tikka Khan Army Chief shortly after he became President. Farman Ali was reputed to be the brains behind the killing of Bengali intellectuals. He was exonerated by the Commission. So was Tikka Khan. At the apex stood Gen. M. Yahya Khan, the Martial Law Administrator who had staged a coup against Ayub Khan in 1969. Niazi was the last of the POWs to be repatriated to Pakistan on April 30, 1974. The Inqu iry was reopened on May 25. The Commission was headed by the Chief Justice of Pakistan, Justice Hamoodur Rahman. The other members of the Commission were Justice S. Anwarul Haq, Chief Justice of the Punjab High Court, and Justice Tufail Ali Abdur Rahman, Chief Justice of Sind and B aluchistan High Court, Lt. Gen (Retd.) Altaf Qadir and M.A. Latif, Assistance Registrar of the Supreme Court of Pakistan and Military Adviser and Secretary of the Commission, respectively. The government had decided to repatriate all Bengalis to Bangladesh. Justice Hamoodur Rahman, a Bengali, was spared. REFERENCE: Lies and war histories A post-script on the Hamoodur Rahman Report. A.G. NOORANI Volume 17 - Issue 21, Oct. 14 - 27, 2000 India's National Magazine from the publishers of THE HINDU http://www.frontlineonnet.com/fl1721/17210580.htm
Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and Bengali Pigs
Zulfikar Bhutto Supported Military Operation against Bengalis

Allegedly, his son, a Major in the Army, was not being cleared for repatriation. Anwarul Haq was elevated to the Supreme Court by the tim e the inquiry was reopened in 1974. A.T. Chaudhuri, one of Pakistan's most intrepid journalists, wrote a revealing article on the Commission in Dawn (July 23 and 26, 1986). It was "based on incontrovertible evidence gathered from and corroborated by several sources. The object is to bring out how a democratic regime accountable to the people tried to muzzle and sweep under the carpet the report of a high-powered commission it had itself set up... "One can say, on the authority of unimpeachable sources, that the probe body was specifically told to confine its investigation to the 'military debacle' and not to delve into the 'causes of surrender', notably its political background. Chief Justice Ham oodur Rahman is believed to have pleaded for the enlargement of the terms of reference to enable him to look into the 'totality of the situation' before the traumatic fall of Dhaka. But he was firmly directed not to burn his fingers with the political ne ttle. The implication was clear." The Commission was "saddled with a former Defence Secretary". Lt. Gen. Altaf Qadir and another high-ranking officer who was the author of Pakistan Army and who had close links with the regime in power. Neither Yahya Khan nor Bhutto was examined though the former submitted a written statement to the Commission (Khabrain; July 15-16, 1994). The Supplementary Report reveals that, like the Main Report, it was tailored to Bhutto's needs. "After analysing the evidence brought before the Commission, we came to the conclusion that the process of moral degeneration among the senior ranks of the Ar med Forces was set in motion by their involvement in Martial Law duties in 1958, that these tendencies reappeared and were, in fact, intensified when Martial Law was imposed in the country once again in March 1969 by General Yahya Khan, and that there wa s indeed substance in the allegations that a considerable number of senior Army Officers had not only indulged in large-scale acquisition of lands and houses and other commercial activities, but had also adopted highly immoral and licentious ways of life which seriously affected their professional capabilities and their qualities of leadership." --- Tikka Khan, "the butcher", was not only exonerated of all charges but was praised: "always willing to redress grievances." Figures of the killings provided by the Army HQs (that is, Tikka Khan) were readily accepted. "Indian infiltrators and members of M ukti Bahini sponsored by the Awami League continue (even after March 25, 1971) to indulge in killings, rape and arson". Read this: "We consider, therefore, that unless the Bangladesh authorities can produce some convincing evidence, it is not possible to record a finding that any intellectuals or professionals were indeed arrested and killed by the Pakistan Army during December 1971." In an article free of any trace of the national chauvinism that besets most in our region, Ahmed Salim exposed this falsehood in the Karachi monthly Newsline (September 2000). The Sunday Times (London) of December 19, 1971 had reported the killing in Dhaka of more than 50 of surviving intellectuals, scientists and businessmen. On January 19, 1992, 101 well-known Bangladeshi personalities including retired Supreme Court Judges, university teachers, veterans of the independence war, artists and journalists formed a committee known as the Ekatarer Ghatak Dalal Nirmul Committee, to track down the killers and collaborators of the 1971 war of independence. Two other bodies deserve mention - the National People's Enquiry Commission of Bangladesh and Generation 1971. "Members of the organisation say they aim to discover why their parents were slaughtered, to investigate war crimes, and to provide fina ncial assistance to families who were left destitute after the '71 carnage." It is no consolation to them that the Report recommended court-martialling of named officers. They all went scot-free, retiring with full pension, save for Niazi and one Brigadier Baquir Siddique. None of those recommended for trial by courts martial was affected one bit. Chaudhury need not have worried. The Commission did not confine itself to its terms of reference. It roamed far and wide to discuss inter alia the Indo-Soviet Treaty of August 1971; failure to achieve a political settlement between May and Septemb er 1971; Yahya Khan's rejection of the Soviet resolution in the U.N. Security Council; Yahya Khan's coup and even "the genesis of the Pakistan movement, the events preceding the establishment of Pakistan, and the political developments which took place b etween 1947 and 1971, including a detailed study of the effects of the two Martial Law periods in hastening the process of political and emotional isolation of East Pakistan from West Pakistan." Its studied omission to deal with Bhutto's role in Dhaka in March 1971 and at the Security Council in December 1971 is as indefensible as it is understandable. It was out "to fix" his opponents; not bring him to account. (For details on Bhutto's role vid e the writer's "The Making of Bangladesh"; Frontline; January 10, 1997) The whole episode of "the Polish Resolution" of December 15, which Bhutto had rejected brusquely, is omitted. The Commission was aware of public disquiet. Outlook of Ka rachi, a weekly edited by the late I.H. Burney, faced Bhutto's ire fearlessly. Its issue of May 25, 1974 carried a brilliant documented "Staff Study" entitled "The War Commission and the Surrender." The facts were well set out and the issues squarely rai sed. It recalled that Bhutto had said on November 23, 1971, that Pakistan should not move the Security Council. The Report censured Yahya Khan, instead, for this omission. Niazi's record reveals him to be a singularly loathsome character. But every man is entitled to justice according to the law. In his memoirs The Betrayal of East Pakistan (Oxford, 1998; pp. 321; Rs.450) he makes the valid point that had he been co urt-martialled under the Pakistan Army Act, as he had demanded, he would have been entitled to cross-examine the witnesses, produce evidence in defence and be represented by a lawyer. A Commission of Inquiry's denial of these rights to any person likely to be affected by its findings vitiates its Report completely. He writes: "Although the Commission consisted of three judges, a legal and a military adviser, the perennial presence of a GHQ team, comprising Major-General Qureshi, Colonel Sabir Qureshi, a nd others, was indeed baffling. Their pompous manner and constant interference were not only irritating, but they also reduced the HRC to an illegal Court of Inquiry. REFERENCE: Lies and war histories A post-script on the Hamoodur Rahman Report. A.G. NOORANI Volume 17 - Issue 21, Oct. 14 - 27, 2000 India's National Magazine from the publishers of THE HINDU http://www.frontlineonnet.com/fl1721/17210580.htm
Blatant and Flagrant Racism of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan in 1887
A LECTURE was given by the Hon'ble Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, before a large and very influential audience of Mahomedans in Lucknow, on 18th December, 1887, at 8.30 P.M., in the Baradari, Kaisarbagh, on the attitude the Mahomedan community ought to assume towards the Government, the political questions of the day, and the Bengali movement. The meeding was attended not only by the Mahomedans of Lucknow, but by gentlemen who had come from all parts of Upper India to be present at the Mahomedan Educational Congress. It represented the intellect and the aristocracy, the brain and the muscle, of the Mahomedan community. There were present the taluqdars of Oudh, members of the Government Services, the Army, the Professions of Law, the Press and the Priesthood; Syeds, Shaikhs, Moghals and Pathans belonging to some of the noblest families in India; and representatives of every school of thought, from orthodox Sunni and Shiah Maulvis to the young men trained in Indian colleges or in England. The Syed's speech lasted an hour and a half, and was delivered with great eloquence. It was received with enthusiastic applause. The chair was occupied by Munshi Imtiaz Ali, the [[2]] legal adviser of the Oudh Taluqdars' Association, a distinguished pleader belonging to an ancient and noble Arab family of Oudh. The speech was delivered in Urdu, taken down by Munshi Aziz-ud-din, and afterwards revised by Sir Syed himself. The substance of the lecture was as follows:--
{10}[*10*] Think for a moment what would be the result if all appointments were given by competitive examination. Over all races, not only over Mahomedans but over Rajas of high position and the brave Rajputs who have not forgotten the swords of their ancestors, would be placed as ruler a Bengali who at sight of a table knife would crawl under his chair. (Uproarious cheers and laughter.) There would remain no part of the country in which we should see at the tables of justice and authority any face except those of Bengalis. I am delighted to see the Bengalis making progress, but the question is — What would be the result on the administration of the country? Do you think that the Rajput and the fiery Pathan, who are not afraid of being hanged or of encountering the swords of the police or the bayonets of the army, could remain in peace under the Bengalis? (Cheers.) This would be the outcome of the proposal if accepted. Therefore if any of you — men of good position, Raïses, men of the middle classes, men of noble family to whom God has given sentiments of honour — if you accept that the country should groan under the yoke of Bengali rule and its people lick the Bengali shoes, then, in the name of God! jump into the train, sit down, and be [[12]] off to Madras,/6/ be off to Madras! (Loud cheers and laughter.) But if you think that the prosperity and honour of the country would be ruined, then, brothers, sit in your houses, inform Government of your circumstances, and bring your wants to its notice in a calm and courteous manner. REFERENCE: SPEECH OF SIR SYED AHMED AT LUCKNOW [1887] http://www.columbia.edu/itc/mealac/pritchett/00islamlinks/txt_sir_sayyid_lucknow_1887.html"UNQUOTE"
2012: ALI PUR: Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani on Saturday said that creating a Seraiki province was the only possible solution to the problems and sufferings of the people of South Punjab. Addressing a public meeting here in Ali Pur, the prime minister said: “The creation of the Seraiki province is not only your right, but my promise to you.” “Seraiki province is the only solution to your problems as you will have your own assembly, your own chief minister and your own courts,” said Gilani. “I promise you, on behalf of President Asif Ali Zardari – who is also in Multan today – that your rights will be fulfilled,” added the prime minister. “Some elements are working against us because they know that if we will remain in the government we will take the decision to form a Seraiki province,” he said. “I was given many offers. I was even offered to become prime minister when I was in jail, and told that neither Benazir Bhutto nor Nawaz Sharif would return to the country. But I refused them all,” said Gilani. Moreover, the prime minister said that 100,000 new jobs would be created with the upcoming budget, which is due to be announced next month. REFERENCE: Gilani reiterates commitment to Seraiki province Agencies 14th April, 2012 http://dawn.com/2012/04/14/gilani-reiterates-commitment-to-seraiki-province/
MULTAN: President Asif Ali Zardari said on Sunday that he would advise the federal government to set up a Seraiki bank and asked businessmen and entrepreneurs to submit a proposal within a week. During a meeting with the business community of southern Punjab, the president said the proposed bank would address financial problems of businessmen of southern Punjab. He said the banks had been manipulated for political purposes in the past but his government was determined to ensure a financial system without political interference. Talking to a delegation of the Pakistan Cotton Ginners Association, President Zardari said the government was trying to overcome electricity and gas crises and expressed the hope that positive results would be achieved by June 30. He assured the ginners that the government would remove all hurdles in cotton export and would take steps to increase foreign exchange earnings. Addressing a press conference, the president categorically said the government had no intention of abolishing the death penalty because it was part of the Constitution. He said the companies which had invested in the energy sector because of government efforts were forced to wind up their projects owing to false allegations of corruption. Mr Zardari said allegations levelled by former president Farooq Leghari and Ehtesab Bureau chief Saifur Rehman against the Benazir government were now being levelled against the present government. Without naming the PML-N leaders, the president said they were organising protests against electricity loadshedding in their strongholds. He said Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani was facing criticism because he had taken up the cause of Seraiki province. He said powers were transferred to the provinces because the policies pursued by the centre did not yield results. “The capacity of provinces will be increased through evolution and eventually they will be able to deliver,” he said. He said he was the first president to surrender powers willingly and after that Nawaz Sharif called him to say that it was unbelievable that he had surrendered his powers. Mr Zardari said he had spoken in favour of the Seraiki province because giving identity to the nationalities was in accordance with the Constitution and PPP manifesto. Replying to a question about the water dispute with India, he said although his visit to India was a private one, first issue that he raised with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was that of water. Talking to a delegation of intellectuals, President Zardari said that giving identity to nationalities was essential because denying it caused a sense of deprivation. He said Bengalis were denied their rights and their identity and as a result they adopted a course which even the army could not reverse.“We are not doing politics on the issue of Seraiki province. It concerns stability and integrity of the country,” he said. He said poverty and non-development in the area engendered terrorism and a delay in creating Seraiki province will strengthen extremism in the region. He said the people of Seraiki belt had turned against Takht-i-Lahore and they want their own identity and province and the PPP would give them their rights. He said the PPP had no agreement with the PML-Q that the new province would consist of only three divisions of southern Punjab. He said other Seraiki districts would also be included in the province according to people’s wishes. APP adds: The president also met a delegation of ulema and mashaikhs and called upon them to work for religious harmony and assist the government in preventing the youths from falling into the trap of militants. He called upon them to highlight the real message of Islam which preached peace, harmony and tolerance. Mr Zardari said limited job opportunities and poverty in the area encouraged militants and extremists to mislead the youths and use their talent for their nefarious objectives. The ulema and mashaikhs assured the president of full support to the government in the war against militancy and in its efforts to wean the youths away from extremism. REFERENCE: Zardari advises govt to set up Seraiki bank 16th April, 2012 http://dawn.com/2012/04/16/zardari-advises-govt-to-set-up-seraiki-bank/
A half-truth is a deceptive statement that includes some element of truth. The statement might be partly true, the statement may be totally true but only part of the whole truth, or it may utilize some deceptive element, such as improper punctuation, or double meaning, especially if the intent is to deceive, evade, blame or misrepresent the truth http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/half-truth - The Board of intermediate and secondary education in Hyderabad resolved to make Sindhi the official language of the Board making the language compulsory. This led a wave of Mohajir protest against the University and the Board. Nawab Muzaffar Hussain, convenor of the Mohajir Punjabi Pathan Mahaz (MPPM-a political party founded in the 1960s and which won the elections in Hyderabad in 1970) led the Mohajir protest against the decision of the University and the Board. - Hyderabad was the provincial capital when Karachi was the federal capital of Pakistan, and is a city that has always been ripe with politics and political figures. During the pre- and post-partition years, however, just four families dominated the political arena in Hyderabad until the Pakistan People's Party (PPP) came into being: the Kazi Brothers, the Mir Brothers, the Memon community and Syed Mubarak Ali Shah (Moti Mahal). Later during the post-partition era, Nawab Muzaffar Hussein, who founded an alliance comprising the Mohajirs, Pukhtoons, and Punjabis to decrease the dominance of Sindhi-speaking people, became an important name. REFERENCES: Sindh Chronology - Page 8 http://www.safhr.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=73&Itemid=374&limitstart=7
Hyderabad Cantonment http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/pakistan/cantt-hyderabad.htm
January 1965. As results of presidential elections are announced, Fatima Jinnah loses with 28,345 votes against Ayub’s 49,647. Mian Bashir Ahmad gets 65 and K.M.Kamal 183 votes. In a press statement issued on the eve of her defeat, Miss Jinnah says: "The system under which these elections were fought was initially devised to perpetuate the… incumbent of the Presidential Office. Neither does it provide room for the free expression of the popular will, nor does it conform to the known and established principles of democracy in the civilised world… There is no doubt that the elections have been rigged. I am sure that the so-called victory of Mr. Ayub Khan is his greatest defeat. The election campaign… was only the beginning of our march for the emancipation of the country from the shackles of an authoritarian rule. We shall, therefore, continue to work with renewed faith for the achievement of our destined goal and restore to the people their sovereignty which will usher in true democracy in the country." January 4. Ethnic riots erupt in Karachi as citizens protest against violation of Section 144 by President’s son and Pukhtoon transporters, who took out a procession to celebrate election victory. Aggressors raid colonies in the night. Bloody massacres are witnessed, yet official sources claim only six dead. Courtesy: Mr. Khurram Ali Shafique - The Chronicle of Pakistan Compiled by Khurram Ali Shafique 1965 http://pakistanspace.tripod.com/chronicle/1965.htm
Please also see the following report from Milwaukee Journal of January 19 1965 regarding Gohar Ayub Khan’s shamefule role in the violence in Karachi following the 1964-65 elections. He is a politician whose entire political career seems to consist of pitting his own constituents against other groups in the country just for his own short-term political gain. (Captain Gohar Ayub Khan shaking hands with his own Father i.e. Field Marshal (without fighting any war) and American Backed Martial Law Administrator of Pakistan "General Ayub Khan" (1958 to 1969)
Interview of Late. G M Syed on Sindh's Politics vis a vis Pashtuns and Urdu Speaking Communities.
Q. A large ntunber of Urdu-speaking people live in Sind. Will they be invited to join the SNA?
A. A group within us did not want the mohajirs to be included, since there is a section of mohajirs in Sind that was speaking out against the front. Another group wants to trust the Punjabis more than the mohajirs. However, the door is now open for non-Sindhi speaking persons to join the alliance. Before it was for Sindhi-speaking people only, now it is for those who live in Sind. I had talked about this to Nawab Muzaffar a longtime ago. And Isaid that with four conditions we could come together. The first was that we would like-to separate politics from religion. We believe i.n a secular state, a majority of mohajirs do not subscribe to this view. The second condition was that Muslims should not be viewed as a separate nation. The third was to refute the ‘nazariya e-Pakistan.-' At the time agreement could not be reached on those conditions. Those who came from elsewhere, they did themselves to be part of us. Their biggest leader now is Altaf Hussain. He came to see me in hospital, we are on good terms. But how we are to work together, this we did not discuss.
Q. Sind's urban situation has dramatically changed with the emergence of the MQM. What are your views on this phenomenon?
A. l see it merely as a change of tactics by imperialism and the ruling cliques. The same cliques who were operating the Mohajir-Punjabi-Pathan Mahaz during the Ayub regime are still active. They change their signboards and do the same thing all over again. At that time they created many problems for the people of Sind. They were always with me military, always with the ruling class. They have never changed their ideology. They opposed the quota system at that time. They are doing it now. They were opposed to Sindhi culture. They are still opposed to Sindhi culture. They are setting fire to the Sindhology Department, capttuing the cultural heritage of the Sindhi people, Hyderabad fort and all that. www.sanalist.org/Sangat/september1988.pdf
Nawab Muzzaffar's son Rashid Hussain Khan then joined PML (read IJI and you can also read Mehran Bank League), some say that Mohajir Punjabi Pathan Mahazthat was created by General Yahya during the last days of Ayub to counter movement against One Unit. To understand the complete background, here are few quotes from BBC Urdu
پاکستان کے ساٹھ سال اور سندھ (حصہ اول)
سہیل سانگی
حیدر آباد
وقتِ اشاعت: Monday, 27 August, 2007, 10:59 GMT 15:59 PST
پاکستان کے ساٹھ سال اور سندھ (حصہ دوم)
سہیل سانگی
وقتِ اشاعت: Monday, 27 August, 2007, 12:29 GMT 17:29 PST
Altaf Hussain Said G.M.Syed was a True Pakistani.
Sunday, April 25, 2010, Jamadi-ul-Awwal 10, 1431 A.H
http://www.jang.com.pk/jang/apr2010-daily/25-04-2010/u28942.htm Updated at: 2225
Altaf greets people of Sindh on birth anniversary of GM Syed - KARACHI: Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) chief Altaf Hussain has greeted the people of Sindh on 107th birth anniversary of veteran politician GM Syed. Altaf Hussain said GM Syed was a patriotic veteran politician, said a statement issued by MQM here on Monday. MQM chief said the veteran politician had struggled peacefully throughout his life, for the protection of the rights of the people. app Altaf greets people of Sindh on birth anniversary of GM Syed - Tuesday, January 18, 2011 http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2011\01\18\story_18-1-2011_pg12_12
Harron ur Rasheed (Jang Group) Spits Venom against Sindhi Community with Sweeping Statement.
MQM Ex Parliamentarians demand for Southern Sindh Province
‘Muhajir Suba’ movement shrouded in mystery By Idrees Bakhtiar http://dawn.com/2012/05/21/muhajir-suba-movement-shrouded-in-mystery/
This is a captivating book, but not an easy read for residents of Karachi, who live in close proximity with the MQM and cannot escape the culture of violence fostered by the party. Whether they love or hate the MQM, the reality of the party’s ethos cannot be denied. And no matter which way you look at it, no matter how much MQM apologists may justify militant ways, a killer is a killer. Furthermore, when the party holds a city hostage by bloodshed and destruction under the guise of fighting for human rights, it is a downright insult to people’s intelligence. The antipathy felt for the MQM’s terror tactics by organisations and people desirous of social change through non-violent democratic processes is matched by their abhorrence for all perpetrators of violence, whether they inflict it in the name of religion, or in the name of nationalism. Nonetheless, fear and aversion aside, there are many who would like to understand how so many young men get sucked into a system that so flagrantly defies the law, that disregards basic human tenets and which has, apparently, no value for life. A fine anthropological study by Nichola Khan, a lecturer at Brighton University, is now available that can perhaps answer these questions. We learn through Khan’s book, that the killers are not psychopaths – they have made choices, and then proceed to follow instructions handed down to them. The men engaged in such activities talk of their experiences clinically, describe their acts of violence in graphic detail, and discuss what motivated them to adopt their chosen paths. The stories of their very personal pathways to violence are eye-openers, and often very sad. They are not mechanical beasts, and often their disillusionment with their party leadership can be sensed. Yet, they continue on their course. That such people can be amidst us – for they have not been apprehended, tried or punished for their crimes, is eerie – is a cold hard reality in Pakistan today. Nichola Khan’s book, Mohajir Militancy in Pakistan: Violence and Transformation in the Karachi Conflict provides a vivid glimpse into the lives of four MQM killers, and one of the Jamaat-e-Islami (JI). There is also a brief account of a woman, a widow, and the induction of her two sons into the MQM’s militant cadres. The book neither comments on, nor judges the various characters, and only describes what they did and how they came to do so. The author analyses some of the actions by invoking several researchers of similar violence in other countries – Northern Ireland, Spain and India, to name a few. The purpose is not to compare acts and forms of violence, but to examine how various researchers explain the many possible causes underlying violence. This is a scholarly enterprise and the 20 pages of reference material is ample proof of the sincere effort made by the writer to lay bare a very complex phenomenon. In doing so, the many determinants of violence come to light. Exploring the life of some MQM militants, the writer states:
“….. whilst diverse social contexts shaped the process of acquiring adult autonomy for militants, reproducing dominant-gender hierarchies of dominance, militancy also represented a particularistic disinvestment of parental values and societal conventions. But why, in a situation of large-scale political mobilisation, did only some men become notorious killers? How do the highly disciplined male-dominated cultural aspects of political violence bear on the gendered dynamic of boys’ relations in the family, particularly with fathers?”
She then reflects:
“From Anna Freud to Erikson, theorists of adolescence have stressed the establishment of emotional autonomy and independence from parents as a central feature, whilst also acknowledging the influence of earlier intra-psychic dynamics in the formation of adult identities, and the role of history and society in determining the duration and modalities of social adolescence.”
In her profiles of the MQM militants – young men of modest backgrounds, inspired by the party’s message to address the unfairness experienced/observed by the Mohajirs – one can perhaps understand to some degree, where the rage stems from. But would this explain or justify the wide-scale murders committed by the party cadres, the mayhem engendered and the petty crime indulged in, with poor Mohajirs – the people who the MQM claim to champion the cause of – often being the victims? Thus, while those readers of Nichola Khan’s book who live in Karachi and have been exposed to the many bouts of violence unleashed by the MQM on their city, may begin to get a glimmer of understanding of the genesis of the party and the complexion of its cadres, it is unlikely to dislodge their contempt for the violence perpetrated by the party. The underlying causes of the making of a killer are not easy to establish, especially among those who are the direct or indirect victims of violence. A purely intellectual reaction is perhaps possible only when the violence has abated, and even if not forgotten, receded in memory. Pakistanis may find it easier to understand the ruthless killings in other conflict-ridden countries, but to clinically understand and discuss the killings within Pakistan would be a monumental task.
All that notwithstanding, Nichola Khan’s exposé of the thoughts and feelings of some killers in their own words is eye-opening.
Says one killer: “By 1997, life was unbearable. Many loyalists died. There was immense government pressure to eliminate us. Many top-class boys were martyred. I left for South Africa on fake papers. My friends remained, but I built a good business there. Why stay and be killed?” Says another young MQM man: “Nobody murders for nothing. Circumstances forced us… After my brothers and brother-in-laws were killed in 1996, I fled to Bangkok. On my return in 1998, the police remanded me for 14 days. They registered 33 false murders against me. Those I had committed, they weren’t aware of ! I received bail and fled to Bangkok. I’m keen to forget that life.” There are also narratives of how a pregnant woman was decapitated in her house and how workers sleeping on Karachi footpaths were gunned down. Orders were given, received, and acted upon, but the book does not describe the source of these orders. There is also an account of a ‘friendship’ between two rival militants – one from the MQM and the other from the Jamat-e-Islami. This relationship reveals a human dimension that is retained through the madness, despite the gross inhumanity engendered by the men’s actions. What sense/meaning can be derived from this reality? The reader is left to draw his/her own conclusions. This book is a ‘must read’ for all those keen to understand the MQM. But it would perhaps be most beneficial for MQM supporters and workers, not least because the book lays bare the suffering that violence inflicts on the militants themselves and their families. REFERENCE: Book Review: Mohajir Militancy in Pakistan By Kausar S.K. 18 MAY 2012 http://www.newslinemagazine.com/2012/05/book-review-mohajir-militancy-in-pakistan/

Jang Group & GEO TV Wants Civil War in Sindh - 1 (Meray Mutabiq - 23 July 2011)
URL: http://youtu.be/wAuxKMuGAQ0
Monday, July 25, 2011, Shaban-ul-Muazzam 22, 1432 A.H
Jang Group & GEO TV Wants Civil War in Sindh - 2 (Meray Mutabiq - 23 July 2011)
URL: http://youtu.be/UVxT7hjeY8w
Altaf Hussain (MQM) Oppose Division of Sindh but Jang Group "SUPPORTS DIVISION" - 1
URL: http://youtu.be/ClTQOqWzsxM
Altaf Hussain (MQM) Oppose Division of Sindh but Jang Group "SUPPORTS DIVISION" - 2
URL: http://youtu.be/rq6tY3LTAqo
Altaf Hussain (MQM) Oppose Division of Sindh but Jang Group "SUPPORTS DIVISION" - 3
URL: http://youtu.be/ryGE4Vl9i5A
ISLAMABAD: Mohajir Qaumi Movement’s chairman Afaq Ahmed admitted on Monday that he had received Rs5 million from Younus Habib in 1993, long after he along with several other leaders had parted ways with the party led by Altaf Hussain. He claimed that Mr Hussain had also received Rs5 million from Mr Habib in his presence and that former army chief Gen Mirza Aslam Beg was present on the occasion. Addressing a press conference, Mr Ahmed said he was presenting facts before the media so that it could highlight them without any fear. He accused the Muttahida Qaumi Movement of being involved in extortion and issuing threats to all segments of society in Karachi. “I have told this to the media in Karachi too but they do not have the courage to carry such things,” he said. Mr Afaq said Karachi was a part of the country but policymakers generally thought that negotiating with Mr Hussain was the only way to move ahead because of his influence in the city. He said it was imperative to clear the city of weapons for peace and tranquillity. “We will try to bring religious, nationalists and political groups to one platform for peace in Karachi.” In reply to a question, Mr Ahmed said that if new provinces were made on an ethnic grounds then it would be a never-ending process that might lead to disintegration of the country. REFERENCE: Afaq says he, Altaf got money from Younus A Reporter 20th March, 2012 http://www.dawn.com/2012/03/20/afaq-says-he-altaf-got-money-from-younus.html الطاف حسین بھتہ لیتے ہیں: آفاق احمد
آخری وقت اشاعت: پير 19 مارچ 2012 , 13:46 GMT 18:46 PST http://www.bbc.co.uk/urdu/pakistan/2012/03/120319_afaq_ahmed_tf.shtml
Speech by Mr. Anwar MQM at Seminar on Positioning Pakistan in “War Against Terrorism” Chairperson Sindhi-Baloch Forum Conway Hall, London WC1 Mr. Chairperson

Before the tragic terrorists attacks on the Twin Towers in New York and Washington on 11th. September 2001, the “Positioning” of Pakistan was crystal clear. I am quoting two excerpts from the statements of the President of Pakistan General Parvez Musharraf; the first one was made on 5th. February 2000 that stated: “Jihad is not terrorism, Mujahideen organisations are not terrorist organisations. Jihad had been revived during Afghan war and now it is Jihad in Kashmir. Muslims from different parts of the world are coming together to support their oppressed brothers and sisters”. On 14th. August 2001, he said: “The Taliban are the dominant reality in Afghanistan, and the international community should engage rather than isolate them”. Those statements should be clear enough to establish the position of Pakistan pre- and post 11th. September 2001 tragedy.
The Military and the ISI had created the Taliban and hundreds other terrorists groups, trained them, fed them, nourished them and then armed them in the name of “Jihad”. It then, connected them with Osama-bin-Laden and his Al-Qaeda to conquer the entire Afghanistan in search of strategic-depth in case of an Indian attack. Expecting Pakistan to fight terrorism is like asking Frank stein to destroy his own monster.
While supporting the United States, Great Britain and the International Community in dismantling the Taliban and Al-Qaeda network, the ISI continually played the double game. It continued its logistic support to the Taliban, formulated their war strategy including supply of arms and men. The MQM continuously kept informing President George W Bush and the Prime Minister Rt.Hon. Tony Blair about the double game and duplicity of the ISI. The intelligence information gathering of the MQM was validated by the voluminous International Press reports about the double game of the ISI, later on.
I, on behalf of the MQM and the permanent citizens of Sindh offered fullest and unconditional support to the United States and Great Britain in combating and eradicating terrorism from face of the earth including Afghanistan. I offered them humint resources for intelligence gathering and monitoring of “Madrassas” in Sindh province and Punjab. I organised “Rally Against Terrorism” in Karachi in which, over 300,000 men, women and children participated to show their solidarity with the International Community on 26th. September 2001. This was the first demonstration of its kind in favour of the United States and Great Britain, in any part of the world. The “Rally against Terrorism” was followed by the province-wide vigil on 27th. September 2001. Terrorism and violence, in any shape or form, cannot and will not be tolerated, whether committed by the Governments’, groups or individuals, in any part of the world. We must endeavour to make the world free of violence, terrorism, hatred and vengeance.
However, my heart throbs for Pakistan. Blood within my veins gushes for Sindh. Annexation of 17 villages of Sindh to the province of Punjab by the colonialists and expansionists Establishment will not be tolerated. If, expansionism of Punjab to the detriment of Sindh continues, I swear, Mohajirs and Sindhis will have no alternative but to seek the right to self-determination. Kalabagh Dam will never be built. Due shares of Sindh under the NFC and in other spheres of life including employment must be attained.
The President of Pakistan General Parvez Musharraf, on his trip to the United States and Turkey, repeatedly said that Afghanistan is a multi-ethnic country. All ethno-linguistic and cultural groups shall be included in the broad-based government. He repeatedly cited the “Pashtun” segment. Similarly, the religious parties and Jihadi groups claimed that they would not accept the Government of the Northern Alliance or any one nation. They persist that a broad-based government in Afghanistan should be formulated in which all ethno-linguistic groups should be represented including the “Pashtun”. There is a “Hadith” in which the prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said, “You should only preach what you practice”. Parvez Musharraf should form a broad-based government in Pakistan, first, before preaching for a broad-based government in Afghanistan. All the ethno-linguistic groups of Pakistan should be equitably represented not only in the governance of the state but also in all walks of life including the Army and other institutions. He should also make public announcement in regards to giving equal rights to all the ethno-linguistic cultural minorities of Pakistan including the religious minorities. The religious minorities should be incorporated into the “Joint Electoral System” instead of voting rights under “Separate Electoral System”.
The present and past ruling oligarchies, Punjabi Establishment and the political and religious leaders claimed that those seeking rights on the basis of ethnicity are the agents of Jews, Christians and the Hindus and also anti-Islam. They also claim that in Islam, there is no ethnicity and having recited the “Kalama” (verse) the ethno-linguistic and cultural identity transcends into one identity that is Islam. The same religious and political parties that proclaimed nationhood on the basis of Islam are now advocating the formation of a broad-based government in Afghanistan and the inclusion of “Pashtun” alongside of the other ethnicities. I had been all along telling that religion does not supersede ethno-linguistic and cultural affinities and religions do not form nations. I challenge the religious and political leaders to have a public debate with me over this subject.
Nations are born in accordance with the teachings and maxims of the revered and blessed saint of Sindh, Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai RH that the land of Sindh belongs to people who live on it whether he is a Hindu, Christian or Muslim or non-Muslim. This land is the land of those who live on permanent basis and it provides sanctuary to people belonging to all faith under her wings. The ideology of religion is not dependent on the geographical boundaries and those confine it into geographical boundaries, commit wrong. I ask the Jihadi and religious groups who claim of the renaissance of Islam and hoisting of Pakistani flag on the Red Fort of Delhi shall not make Sindh, a centre of their fanaticism and go to Punjab to carryout their terrorism and patronisation of the terrorists. They claim Lahore as the heart of Pakistan but demonstrate in Karachi.
I re-iterate that the permanent citizens of Sindh are united on the issues of the Kalabagh Dam and NFC Award and on the injustice practised against them in other sectors including employment and recruitment in the Army and other national institutions. I call upon the Establishment of Punjab that if a single village of Gothki were annexed to Punjab then the people of Sindh would not like to live with Pakistan. I do not care if another case of treason is registered against me on this account. If those villages are annexed to Punjab then we will struggle in unison and snatch those villages back to form the part of Sindh, again.
The MQM is brining political awareness amongst the permanent citizens of Sindh and building bridges to narrow the gap between Sindhis and Mohajirs. The understanding and harmony between both the communities is being harnessed and an understanding of this is developing amongst Mohajirs and Sindhis. “Divide and Rule” policy of the rulers and feudal oligarchy will not work any more and nor would the process of colonisation of Sindh. The grass roots Sindhis are joining the MQM and a realisation is dawning upon both that a unified struggle is now inevitable against the common enemy. The Mohajirs have accepted Sindhis as a ground reality in Sindh and Sindhi brethren should also accept Mohajirs as a ground reality, we both have to live and die for Sindh. We must choose the way of compromise over conflict. We must remember that united we stand and divided we fall. If we remain divided, both Mohajirs and Sindhis would never get their rights and the Establishment of Punjab will continually rule over us and we will continually remain as its salves. We have to choose freedom over slavery.
Thank you, Ladies and Gentlemen.
Speech given by Mr. Anwar on behalf of Mr. Altaf Hussain who could not attend the function because of his brother- in-law’s serious health condition.
Organisers: World Sindhi Congress & Baloch Voice (Sindhi Baloch forum) 2.12.01. REFERENCE: Speech by Mr. Anwar MQM at Seminar on Positioning Pakistan in “War Against Terrorism” http://www.balochvoice.com/SBF/Seminar_MQM_2_12_01.html Terror War and Pakistan: Limited Options for the Nation Monir Ahmed Research Scholar, Deptt of Public Administration University of Karachi, Pakistan http://www.eurojournals.com/RJIS_18_07.pdf
Let me tell you very clearly as to who is playing this “Alleged Sindh Card” – It is the Jang Group and Shaheen Sehbai who had himself written on these parochial lines after the death of Benazir Bhutto.
Daily Jang had carried this “Purely Anti Sindhi Community” Advertisement after the death of Benazir Bhutto.
PML-Q Punjab alters ethnically exclusive ad
KARACHI: The PML-Q Punjab has amended the language of a controversial advertisement it published on riot damage compensation for non-Sindhis in Sindh, after a bad reaction from the southern province’s party leaders and workers. The advert now says Sindhis (in bold lettering) can also apply for compensation.
But the damage has been done. The PML-Q central leaders should find out who allowed the publication of a party advertisement excluding Sindhis from claiming damages in the post-BB assassination riots, argued the party’s Sindh information secretary Saturday.
A flurry of letters has made its way to the party’s chief Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain. “The way the PML-Q started an advertisement campaign in such sensitive conditions is strange,” said Jafar al Hasan, president, PML-Q (Youth Wing) Sindh, who added that he and others registered their protest.
The PML-Q Punjab started the advertisement campaign in the national print media Friday. On the first day, four colored half-page advertisements were printed with news clippings, saying that people affected by the riots could apply for compensation. One of the news items said that during violence in Bin Qasim (Karachi) 12 girls were kidnapped and raped – however, it failed to mention which newspaper published the stories. “I don’t remember exactly which newspaper published this story but I think it was an Islamabad-based Urdu newspaper,” said Mian Abdul Sattar, senior vice president PML-Q Punjab.
“It is against the party’s basic manifesto and with such a move the PML-Q leadership is dividing the party workers ahead of the polls; that would be so dangerous,” said Ismail Rahu, a former minister and PML-Q leader. “I have collected the details of the losses in my district and most of the sufferers were Sindhis. Most of the petrol pumps, shops and vehicles set on fire were not destroyed by Sindhis.”
Others argued that it was a PML campaign tactic. According to the PPP’s Syed Naveed Qamar, after Benazir’s assassination, the people sympathized with the PPP, something the PML-Q leaders were aware of.
The PML advertisement asked non-Sindhis in Sindh (Mohajirs, Pathans, Punjabis etc) to contact it with details of the losses they suffered in the riots after Benazir’s killing. The criticism was that the advert implied that Sindhis did not suffer any losses and were to blame for the rioting and looting.
Haleem Adil Shaikh has written a critical letter to the PML-Q’s central president Chaudhry Shujaat, asking for an unconditional apology for the people of Sindh. Shaikh, who is also a settler in Sindh, said that the advertisement ignored Sindhi people of Sindh. If the advertisement campaign was a mistake, then an inquiry should be conducted to find out who is responsible and who must apologize unconditionally to the Sindhi people, Shaikh wrote. If the advertisement was deliberate, then its aim was to cause linguistic and ethnic tensions. “There was a strong feeling that the party was only for the Punjab,” he said. Hafiz Tabassi, the media coordinator for the PML-Q Sindh, said that the letter had been sent to Shujaat already. PML-Q Punjab alters ethnically exclusive ad By Amar Guriro and Qazi Asif Sunday, January 06, 2008 http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=200816%5Cstory_6-1-2008_pg12_1

Deeply aggrieved, full of anger and passionately in mourning, Sindhis are baffled and confused at the strange reaction in Punjab, specially the ruling elite which has adopted an aggressively parochial attitude, not just against the PPP but against entire Sindh, after the death of Benazir Bhutto. The accusations that large numbers of Punjabis have been forced to flee Sindh and become refugees in their province may help the PML-Q leaders rebuild their shattered election campaign but it is certainly not helping national unity and the cause of the federation of Pakistan. A quick tour of the heart broken hinterland of Sindh, starting from Karachi to Jamshoro, Sehwan Sharif, Dadu, Larkana, Naudero, Garhi Khuda Bux, Sukkur, Khairpur, Nowshero Feroze, Moro, Hala, Hyderabad and back to Karachi by road, revealed many facets of the Bhutto murder fallout which cannot be imagined while sitting in cozy drawing rooms before TV sets. It was quite baffling to note that while we were driving towards Larkana on the Jamshoro-Sehwan route, not one burnt vehicle was seen anywhere from near Karachi until we entered the constituency of Benazir Bhutto in Larkana, over 250 miles away, where we saw a skeleton of a bus. Neither could we see any burnt banks or buildings on this route. But strikingly on our way back from Sukkur to Hyderabad , the damage was evident but not as widespread as was being reported or projected to be. Some 100 trucks, buses and very small number of cars were still presenting the scene of a battlefield, especially in Moro and some other portions of the National Highway. A few banks on the main road were also visibly damaged. But the interesting explanation we got by talking to residents and locals was that most of the damage all along the National Highway was in areas and constituencies which were not PPP strongholds and were either represented by Muslim Leagues or other breakaway PPP factions like the Jatois and others. Many gas and petrol stations were still totally undamaged while just in front of them, on the road, cars and buses had been burnt. The protestors were either not interested in burning some property or were cleverly selective in picking their targets. At one point in front of a huge CNG station, which was intact, several vehicles were burnt but right across the road was a Rangers headquarter and no one seemed to have noticed the violence or done anything to stop it. When we crossed it the Rangers were being guarded by a police picket and van, odd as it may seem.
So when the majority PPP dominated areas were relatively quiet, how would the violence in non-PPP areas be explained. The PPP leadership, rank and file have a ready made explanation that the reaction was orchestrated to blame Sindh and PPP and it was exaggerated to suit the establishment to counter the wave of sympathy for the PPP. It looks somewhat obvious that such an explanation would be given by the PPP but the sudden regression of the pro-establishment section of the Punjab leadership into a parochial mode has lent a lot of credence to the Sindhis’ complaints. Talking to the deeply disturbed and extremely nervous PPP leadership in Larkana, Naudero and Garhi Khuda Bux, the clear impression that emerges is not good news for the federation. Mr Asif Ali Zardari and Bilawal Bhutto made extra efforts in their early appearances before the media to send the message across that the PPP still wanted the federation, as it did when Benazir Bhutto was alive. But this message has been distorted by Punjab. The creation of a refugee centre in the heart of Lahore was almost hitting the federation below the belt. Some of the Punjabi small businessmen, roadside gas station owners and hotel stops whom we met on our journey were highly critical of this Punjab move. One of them near Hala said he was always a PML voter but would now vote for the PPP as Punjabi leadership, especially close to the establishment, was unfair. He was safe and doing his business without any fear though he admitted that for four days after the Bhutto murder, he did not come out of the house or open his business. His hotel and shops had not been touched by anyone during the riots. A PPP student wing leader in Larkana was specifically moved by the huge ads in newspapers from the PML which isolated Sindhis and spoke of large-scale migration from Sindh. “What do they want now that they have killed so many of our leaders? Do they want to push us into the sea. This is all rubbish and meant to fan hatred against Sindh for political gains,” he reacted. The PPP leadership is having a bad time in the sense that they have been pushed to the wall and now fears they have to take on the establishment which they fear would be a disaster for the country. Senior leaders candidly admit that the death of Benazir Bhutto has landed the party into a crisis but unity in the ranks and swift transition of power from Benazir to Asif Zardari has helped the party leaders and cadres focus on the real issue of winning the elections, helped by the sympathy wave.
One leader said it was challenging for Mr Zardari to get into the shoes of Ms Bhutto but since she had passed on the leadership to him in her will, the party had accepted the decision and quickly converted the street protests and violence into a determined electoral mission to win the elections. But February 18 was the cut off date for all practical purposes and it was impossible for any PPP leader, including Mr Zardari, to show any soft corner for President Pervez Musharraf or the establishment before the elections. “We have to decide that if Feb 18 turns out to be a fraud with us and the nation, what we have to do and this is not an easy decision but this decision cannot be put off any more,” said one leader. “And this time President Musharraf will have to accept all our demands without any precondition or bargaining because we have already paid the highest price that could be asked in any bargain.” Senior PPP leaders do not believe that the establishment would go for the elections even on Feb 18, if the PPP wave continues, which it will. “They are not prepared to hand over power through the ballot box and unless they are in a position to either manipulate the result and contain the PPP or strike a deal on their terms, they would not agree to a poll,” one leader said. “But the PPP is not in a position to offer anything now. If Mr Musharraf wants a deal with the PPP, he will first have to hold a free and fair election without asking for anything in return. This risk he has to take, or otherwise take much bigger risks.”
This PPP sentiment is reflected at all levels of the leadership which is now gearing up to accept the coming challenges. Whatever doubts and suspicions people may have about Mr Zardari, he has now been catapulted into a position where he has very little room for maneouvre or go against the general party sentiment. People want revenge and he has to lead the party into getting one. “The PPP candidates have been decided by Benazir so those cannot be changed. The PPP leadership all over the country is in place so no particular Zardari men can be inducted. The election is just around and no one can risk intra-party infighting. The mourning has been successfully converted into a fury to take revenge at the ballot boxes so the party has been saved from disarray,” according to a senior leader. This transition from protests and fury on the streets to revenge through democracy has been remarkably smooth. As we drove hundreds of miles in PPP and non-PPP territory, life had come to almost normal and only the remnants of the burnt out trucks, especially NLC containers and car-carriers, reminded us of the angry reaction. The first hurdle has successfully been crossed by the PPP, headed by Mr Zardari to control the people and turn them into highly motivated and committed workers. REFERENCE: Sindh is angry and Punjab is not helping The News, January 6, 2008 By Shaheen Sehbai http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=12113&Cat=13&dt=1/6/2008

یہ ٹوپی باز !
اصناف: بحث, ثقافت, سیاست, پاکستان
وسعت اللہ خان 2009-12-02 ،12:23
جس طرح عالم ہونا خوبی ہے، اسی طرح ایک جید جاہل ہونا بھی ہر کسی کے بس کا کام نہیں ہے۔ ہفتے بھر پہلے میں نے ایک پاکستانی چینل پر دو جیدوں کی پونے دو منٹ کی گفتگو دیکھی اور سنی۔ جس سے اندازہ ہوا کہ صدرِ مملکت آصف زرداری نے کابل میں صدر حامد کرزئی کی تقریبِ حلف برداری میں سندھی ٹوپی پہن کر سندھ کارڈ کھیلنے کی کوشش کی۔ صدرِ مملکت چونکہ وفاق کی علامت ہیں اس لیے انہیں بین الاقوامی سطح پر ملک کی نمائندگی کرتے ہوئے علاقائی لباس کی بجائے قومی لباس اور ٹوپی زیبِ تن کرنا چاہیے وغیرہ وغیرہ۔
میں اب تک سمجھتا تھا کہ سندھ ایک وفاقی اکائی ہے اور اس ناطے وہاں کا لباس اور ٹوپی بھی وفاقی ثقافت کا حصہ ہے۔ لیکن دونوں جئیدین کی گفتگو سے پتا چلا کہ سندھ پاکستان میں شامل نہیں بلکہ نائجیریا یا انڈونیشیا یا بولیویا کا حصہ ہے۔
دوسری بات یہ معلوم ہوئی کہ اگر کوئی فوجی آمر وردی پہن کر بیرونِ ملک جائے تو یہ فوجی کارڈ کھیلنا نہیں کہلائے گا۔ اگر کوئی صدر یا وزیرِ اعظم تھری پیس سوٹ اور ٹائی میں غیر ملکی دورے پر جائے تو یہ مغربی کارڈ کھیلنے کے مترادف نہیں ہوگا۔ کوئی حکمران اگر شلوار قمیض پہن کر ریاض ایرپورٹ پر اترے تو یہ پنجابی، پختون، سندھی یا سرائیکی یا بلوچ کارڈ تصور نہیں ہوگا لیکن سندھی ٹوپی پہننے سے وفاقی روح کو اچھا خاصا نقصان پہنچ سکتا ہے۔
ایسے ہی ٹوپی بازوں نے پاجامہ کرتا پہن کر قرار دادِ لاہور پیش کرنے میں پیش پیش بنگالیوں کو شلوار، شیروانی اور جناح کیپ پہننے سے انکار کے جرم میں ملک بنتے ہی 'پاکستانیت' کے دائرے سے باہر نکال دیا تھا۔ ان ہی عالی دماغ تنگ نظروں نے سینتیس برس پہلے سندھی کو صوبائی زبان کا درجہ دیے جانے پر 'اردو کا جنازہ ہے، زرا دھوم سے نکلے' کا نعرہ لگا کر پورے سندھ کو آگ اور خون میں جھونکنے کا اہتمام کرنے کی کوشش کی تھی۔
اگر ان میڈیائی مجتہدین کا بس چلے تو وہ محمد علی جناح کی ایسی تمام تصاویر اتروا دیں جن میں وہ کھلا لکھنوی پاجامہ یا چوڑی دار پاجامہ پہن کر ہندوستانی کارڈ اور قراقلی ٹوپی پہن کر بلوچ کارڈ اور فیلٹ ہیٹ پہن کر برطانوی سامراجی کارڈ کھیلنے میں مصروف ہیں۔ علامہ اقبال کی ایسی تمام تصاویر نذرِ آتش کروا دیں جن میں وہ تہبند میں ملبوس پنجابی کارڈ یا پھندنے والی لال ٹوپی پہن کر ٹرکش کارڈ کھیل رہے ہیں۔
ان ٹوپی ڈرامہ بازوں کو تو شاید یہ بھی معلوم نہ ہو کہ جب سندھ اسمبلی میں قرار دادِ الحاقِ پاکستان منظوری کے لیے پیش ہوئی تھی تو بیشتر مسلمان ارکانِ اسمبلی نے سندھی ٹوپی پہن کر اس کی تائید کی تھی۔ انہیں غالباً یہ خبر بھی نہیں پہنچی کہ فی زمانہ سندھی ٹوپی سندھ سے زیادہ جنوبی پنجاب، صوبہ سرحد، بلوچستان اور افغانستان میں پہنی جاتی ہے۔
تو کیا ہمارے گھروں کی ٹی وی سکرینوں پر تاریخ اور ثقافتی جغرافیے سے نابلد خوخیاتے بندر استرا لہراتے ہوئے ایسے ہی ٹوپی ڈرامہ کرتے رہیں گے؟

Meray Mutabiq 21st Nov 2009 Part 4 NRO [Insuting Remarks of Jang Group Correspondent on Sindhi Cap]
Real Face of Dr Shahid Masood Part 6
Do note the ugly role Jang Group played before, after and during the recent Riots in Karachi (July 2011) after Dr. Zulfiqar Ali Mirza controversial statement , the news about Sarki was immediately updated (see the jpg of Jang Group) and also complete statement video: Burning Sindh & Totally Irresponsible, Unnecessary & Unacceptable Statements. http://chagataikhan.blogspot.com/2011/07/burning-sindh-totally-irresponsible.html Now read (very attentively and note minutely that how Jang Group attacked MRC in 2007 and same Jang Group suddenly started updating MRC Updates on GEO right between the Riots, and also note what The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), The same Jang Group, Dawn, The All Pakistan Newspapers Society (APNS), The Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) had earlier (in 2007 after 12 May 2007 Tragedy) not only condemned MRC but also demanded forced MQM (and Press Cartel had succeeded to Force MQM to withdraw its Minister from Musharraf Cabinet). Also note that Mirza is "declaring" that Afaq is true leader of Muhajir (please don't forget that he part ways with MQM in 1991) and before that he was very much part and parcel of "MQM" and only parted way after Jam Sadiq Ali fingered him at the behest of Ghulam Ishaq Khan in 1991 (you know at the behest of whom, Afaq had been a guest of you know whom in Lahore and then Afaq and Aamir (not me) then went to USA and after coming back to Karachi, held a press conference in Karachi Press Club and rest is history Interview: Afaq Ahmed By Massoud Ansari 9 July 2003 . http://www.newslinemagazine.com/2003/07/interview-afaq-ahmed/ Reversal of Fortune By Amir Siddiqui 14 June 2004 http://www.newslinemagazine.com/2004/06/reversal-of-fortune-2/ Nobody fears MQM , its just an aura created by Jang Group to get its (Jang Group) ulterior motives otherwise there are several Newspapers and Magazines (in Urdu) who openly criticize MQM (even exaggerate) and nothing happens. Go through the videos you will know everything in detail", I followed all the major TV Channels and even Ayaz Lateef Paleejo viciously criticized Mirza (guess what ? on GEO TV), Qureshi, Magsi and others held press conference against Mirza's remarks and also criticized MQM (Yesterday's Dawn and Todays Dawn) Hamid Mir (Jang Group/The News) & Journalists on Hit List. http://chagataikhan.blogspot.com/2011/07/burning-sindh-totally-irresponsible.html Role of Jamat-e-Islami in all this (Obvious JI deny that they are involved in Secret Politics but actually they are and wanted Mirza's shoulder and Mirza had almost obliged Jamat-e-Islami), read and do read 2004/2006 Dawn News clipping as to why JI wanted to use Mirza against "MQM" (to fix their own score using PPP shoulder) MQM-PPP-ANP Play with Fire & Jang Group (GEO TV) Adds Fuel. MQM-PPP-ANP Play with Fire & Jang Group (GEO TV) Adds Fuel. http://chagataikhan.blogspot.com/2011/07/mqm-ppp-anp-play-with-fire-jang-group.html
Jang Group/GEO TV want this happen and happen again for Better Channel Ratings (Pictures are from Daily Dawn)
Jang Group/GEO TV want this happen and happen again for Better Channel Ratings (Pictures are from Daily Dawn)
ISLAMABAD: Twelve journalists have been declared "enemies" by an organisation linked to a party that supports President Musharraf, a media rights group said. The New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists said in a statement on Saturday that the Karachi-based Muhajir Rabita Council has "listed 12 journalists by name and identified them as 'enemies.'" The CJP did not say why the designations were made, but they seem to be linked with coverage of violence in Karachi on May 12 in which some 41 people were killed and dozens wounded, many from gunfire. Minister of State for Information Senator Tariq Azeem Khan said he was unaware of any such list. The CPJ said the council is closely associated with Muttahida Qaumi Movement, an ethnic-based party that is centred in Karachi and strongly backs Musharraf. A Muttahida lawmaker denied the group was involved in threatening journalists. "Threatening anyone is not our policy," said Haider Rizvi, an MQM MNA. Members of the Muhajir Rabita Council could not be reached for comment. The media rights group said that after the Muhajir Rabita Council publicised its list of "enemies," Syed Huma Ali, president of the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists, received anonymous threatening phone calls. "Threats against journalists are mounting in Pakistan and the government must take immediate steps not only to protect journalists, but also to actively seek out and bring to justice those that would harm them," Bob Dietz, CPJ's Asia programme coordinator, said in the group's statement. Tariq Azeem Khan said Pakistan has "unprecedented freedom for press and journalists." "So far we have no news of anyone (being) singled out for maltreatment or any threat," he added. REFERENCE: CPJ condemns list of ‘enemy’ journalists Monday, May 28, 2007 http://thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=8152&Cat=13&dt=5/30/2007
Jang Group/The News "DENY" their own Report within a Day.
Saturday, July 16, 2011, Shaban-ul-Muazzam 13, 1432 A.H
http://jang.com.pk/jang/jul2011-daily/16-07-2011/u76197.htm Updated at: 1430
KARACHI: MQM Deputy Convener, Farooq Sattar said that the Rangers were deployed to Kati Pahari after the intervention of DG ISI, Geo News reported. Sattar said that the government and Interior Minister, Rehman Malik did not listen to the MQM and did not send the Rangers to Kati Pahari for four days. He said that MQM Chief Altaf Hussain contacted DG ISI, Lt General Shuja Pasha and informed him of the situation after which Rangers were sent to the area. The MQM Chief informed the ISI Chief that it had become essential to deploy forces in order to bring an end to the killing of innocent people and firing on mosques and imam bargahs. After the conversation took place, Rangers entered the area within 6 hours and cleared it. REFERENCE: Rangers deployed to Kati Pahari after DG ISI contacted: Sattar Updated 10 hours ago http://www.thenews.com.pk/NewsDetail.aspx?ID=18807&title=Rangers-deployed-to-Kati-Pahari-after-DG-ISI-contacted%3A-Sattar
Rangers deployed to Kati Pahari after DG ISI contacted: MQM Deputy Convener Dr. Farooq Sattar (GEO TV/Express News 16 July 2011)
URL: http://youtu.be/GRew5F0yYJg
Altaf said June 26 should be observed as a day of condemnation each year to mark the dictatorial actions of the present government. “They have trampled democratic principles, ethics and norms in order to force the MQM, the third largest political party of the country, out of the elections.” He said in 1993, the then corps commander of Karachi Lt Gen Naseer Akhter had also tried to browbeat the MQM into accepting four seats only, but the MQM had refused to bow down and boycotted the elections. He appealed to journalists, media persons, human rights organisations and democracy loving people to raise their voice against the undemocratic actions of the government. “We are always criticised for supporting the government despite its betrayals. We supported the government not for our personal gains, but for the continuation of the democratic process and for establishing brotherly relations in the province.” He said the MQM had faced coercive power of the state in the past and ‘we are ready to test it even now’. But he warned that it was 2011 and not 1993. REFERENCE: Govt cheated us, its destruction starts from today: Altaf Fasahat Mohiuddin Monday, June 27, 2011 http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=7024&Cat=13&dt=6/27/2011
Saturday, July 16, 2011, Shaban-ul-Muazzam 13, 1432 A.H Updated at: 2340 | http://jang.com.pk/jang/jul2011-daily/16-07-2011/u76242.htm
Daily Express News 17 July 2011
Muhajir Rabita Council dismisses apology | |||||||||
Updated at: 1311 PST, Thursday, July 14, 2011 | |||||||||
KARACHI: The APNS has welcomed the resignation of Federal Minister for Housing Syed Safwanullah of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement, who resigned on Monday in compliance with his party’s directives. The APNS has repeatedly contacted the Muttahida Qaumi Movement on this issue following the May 22 hit list of anti-Muhajir “journalists” issued by the Muhajir Rabita Council. The APNS had urged the Muttahida Qaumi Movement to remove Safwanullah from his Ministry in the federal government as he was the President of the Muhajir Rabita Council at the time of issuance of the journalists’ hit list. The APNS believes that the Muttahida Qaumi Movement has acted effectively: firstly, in disassociating itself from the Muhajir Rabita Council statement, and secondly, after effecting Safwanullah’s resignation from the Muhajir Rabita Council, it has withdrawn him from the federal cabinet as a consequence of the hit list issued by the Muhajir Rabita Council during his tenure as its president. The only outstanding item from the agenda of the actions urged by the APNS is for the Muttahida Qaumi Movement leadership to persuade the Muhajir Rabita Council to withdraw the 13-members hit list of journalists that the Muhajir Rabita Council had earlier issued. REFERENCE: APNS welcomes Safwanullah’s resignation Wednesday, July 11, 2007 http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=8962&Cat=13&dt=7/13/2007
KARACHI: The Muhajir Rabita Council has dismissed the apology made by Interior Minister Rehman Malik Thursday, Geo News reported. According to general secretary of the council Arshad Siddiqui, MQM workers are demanding that Zulfiqar Mirza should personally apologize to MQM Chief Altaf Hussian. According to the council, President Asif Ali Zardari should immediately remove Zulfiqar Mirza from his post and if this is not done then the president will be responsible for the situation in the city. REFERENCE: Muhajir Rabita Council dismisses apology Updated 2 days ago http://www.thenews.com.pk/NewsDetail.aspx?ID=18701&title=Muhajir-Rabita-Council-dismisses-apology
Muhajir Rabita Council (MRC) Exposes Nawaz Sharif & Supports General Pervez Musharraf. (Express News 2009)
KARACHI: The Muhajir Rabita Council (MRC) has demanded that Senior Provincial Minister Zulfiqar Mirza and ANP Sindh President Shahi Sayed leave Karachi within 48 hours otherwise strong protests would continue, Geo News reported. The General Secretary of MRC Arshad Siddqui in a statement said Zulfiqar Mirza had insulted the founders of Pakistan adding that he should come on the media and apologize to MQM Chief Altaf Hussain. Arshad Siddiqui said that the apology from Rehman Malik is not acceptable and MQM workers want Zulfiqar Mirza to apologize to the MQM chief. He said that President Asif Ali Zardari should take immediate action and remove Zulfiqar Mirza from his post and if the President did not remove Mirza than he would be responsible for the ensuing situation. REFERENCE: MRC issues ultimatum to Mirza, Sayed Updated 2 days ago http://www.thenews.com.pk/NewsDetail.aspx?ID=18704&title=MRC-issues-ultimatum-to-Mirza,-Sayed UK paper blames MQM for May 12 carnage Rauf Klasra Sunday, June 03, 2007 http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=8280&Cat=13&dt=6/1/2007
KARACHI, May 25: The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has expressed resentment over a press release issued on May 22 by the Mohajir Rabita Council (MRC) that “included a list of journalists described as chauvinistic, among other insults”. A statement issued by IFJ said: “It is alleged that the list included Zaffar Abbas (resident editor, Dawn, Islamabad), Mazhar Abbas (AFP bureau chief in Karachi), Azhar Abbas (DawnNews TV channel), Ayaz Amir (Dawn), Sajid Mir (anchor of TV One), Shaheen Sehbai (head of ARY One World), Dr Shahid Masood (anchor of GEO TV), Aneeq Ahmed (anchor of ARY One World), Afsar Imam (Aaj TV), Zarar Khan (Bureau chief, AP, Karachi), Zahid Hussain (chief reporter, GEO) and Irfan Siddiqui (columnist, Nawa-i-Waqt).” The statement condemned the MRC press release and called it “very disappointing”. “The last thing Pakistani journalists need is future generations of enemies being developed,” IFJ president Christopher Warren is quoted in the statement as saying. “Threats such as these lead to self-censorship among journalists, which of course is the goal of the intimidators, but which is also a condition that governments who are committed to press freedom cannot allow to develop,” Mr Warren said. “Journalists need to know that they will be protected from threats or attack, and the Pakistani government needs to step up and provide that protection,” he said. REFERENCE: IFJ enraged by MRC’s threat to journalists May 26, 2007 Saturday Jamadi-ul-Awwal 09, 1428 http://archives.dawn.com/dawnftp/
KARACHI, May 24: The Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), in an appeal to all media groups, has called for immediate safety and security measures for journalists, including comprehensive life insurance, in view of increasing incidents of violence and threats against them. In a statement issued here on Thursday, the PFUJ expressed concern over what it termed record rise in incidents of violence against journalists and other media personnel in 2007. Terming unacceptable a recent press release issued by the Muhajir Rabita Council, which had named some journalists and columnists as chauvinists, the PFUJ urged the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) to use its influence on organisations like the MRC to withdraw the statement, as it would not only create a feeling of insecurity among media personnel but would also harm the democratic culture and freedom of expression in the country. REFERENCE: PFUJ demands adequate security May 25, 2007 Friday Jamadi-ul-Awwal 08, 1428 http://archives.dawn.com/dawnftp/
KARACHI, May 25: The All Pakistan Newspapers Society (APNS) has urged the president and prime minister to take notice of recent statements of Mohajir Rabita Council (MRC) and MQM Rabita Committee against journalists and said that such deliberations may generate hatred against the press. In a statement signed by APNS secretary-general Mohammad Aslam Kazi, it was said that the society was concerned over the statements of the MRC and the Rabita Committee “denouncing journalists and analysts in the print and electronic media as being anti-Mohajir and biased chauvinists”. In the statement of the MRC, which was issued by four high ranking office-bearers, 13 leading journalists from the print and electronic media were named in a publicly announced hit list as ‘Mohajir dushman’ (enemies of Mohajirs), the APNS statement said, adding that the president of the MRC, Syed Safwanullah, a Muttahida Qaumi Movement minister in the federal government, upon contact had expressed his ignorance about the statement and promised a contradiction, which remained unrealised so far. According to the APNS, another statement issued in the names of two members of the MQM Rabita Committee, Mohammad Ashfaque and Javed Kazmi, had used almost the same expressions as the MRC and hurled similar charges. The APNS believed that the statements of both the MRC and the Rabita Committee against journalists “are likely to provoke hatred against the press in general and incite supporters of the two parties to the possible commission of an offence against those journalists named in the statements,” it said. It urged the MQM committee to formally denounce the inclusion of a hit list in the Rabita Council’s statement and to persuade them to withdraw the inflammatory declaration and also re-examine the statements issued by two of its members, and withdraw it as well in the interest of better relations between political parties and the press. REFERENCE: APNS assails statements of MRC against journalists May 26, 2007 Saturday Jamadi-ul-Awwal 09, 1428 http://archives.dawn.com/dawnftp/
Karachi --- The Mohajir Rabita Council has condemned death threats to some Karachi-based journalists, and described it as yet another conspiracy to malign Mohajirs. It demanded a high level inquiry into the matter and punishment to the culprits. In a statement faxed to Dawn by its press secretary Minhajul Arfeen, MRC's Senior Vice-President Yaqoob Bandhani, General Secretary Tasadduq Hussain, Finance Secretary Ms Raeesa Mohani and members of the working committee claimed that they had come to know from the print and electronic media that some unidentified people had dropped envelopes containing bullets and threatening letters in the vehicles of three journalists. It may be pointed out that cars of the two reporters and photographer were parked outside the Karachi Press Club when the envelops were discovered. Each envelope contained only one bullet and no threatening letter. The media also reported accordingly. Demanding a high level inquiry into what it described as a deplorable threat to journalists, the MRC press release maintained that the organisation comprised elders who had played a pivotal role in the creation of Pakistan and had always, through peaceful means, struggled for the rights of Mohajirs. It maintained that after the May 12 mayhem in the city, conspirators had expedited their drive against Mohajirs, and claimed that the envelopes with bullet and threatening letters were part of that conspiracy. REFERENCE: Mohajir community denies allegations that they threatened journalists Dawn Thursday, May 31, 2007 Asia Media PAKISTAN: Threats to journalists termed 'conspiracy against Mohajirs' http://www.international.ucla.edu/asia/news/article.asp?parentid=71119
Karachi --- The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has expressed resentment over a press release issued on May 22 by the Mohajir Rabita Council (MRC) that "included a list of journalists described as chauvinistic, among other insults".
A statement issued by IFJ said: "It is alleged that the list included Zaffar Abbas (resident editor, Dawn, Islamabad), Mazhar Abbas (AFP bureau chief in Karachi), Azhar Abbas (DawnNews TV channel), Ayaz Amir (Dawn), Sajid Mir (anchor of TV One), Shaheen Sehbai (head of ARY One World), Dr Shahid Masood (anchor of GEO TV), Aneeq Ahmed (anchor of ARY One World), Afsar Imam (Aaj TV), Zarar Khan (Bureau chief, AP, Karachi), Zahid Hussain (chief reporter, GEO) and Irfan Siddiqui (columnist, Nawa-i-Waqt)."
The statement condemned the MRC press release and called it "very disappointing". "The last thing Pakistani journalists need is future generations of enemies being developed," IFJ president Christopher Warren is quoted in the statement as saying. "Threats such as these lead to self-censorship among journalists, which of course is the goal of the intimidators, but which is also a condition that governments who are committed to press freedom cannot allow to develop," Mr Warren said. "Journalists need to know that they will be protected from threats or attack, and the Pakistani government needs to step up and provide that protection," he said.
APNS assails statements of MRC against journalists
Karachi --- The All Pakistan Newspapers Society (APNS) has urged the president and prime minister to take notice of recent statements of Mohajir Rabita Council (MRC) and MQM Rabita Committee against journalists and said that such deliberations may generate hatred against the press. In a statement signed by APNS secretary-general Mohammad Aslam Kazi, it was said that the society was concerned over the statements of the MRC and the Rabita Committee “denouncing journalists and analysts in the print and electronic media as being anti-Mohajir and biased chauvinists”. In the statement of the MRC, which was issued by four high ranking office-bearers, 13 leading journalists from the print and electronic media were named in a publicly announced hit list as ‘Mohajir dushman' (enemies of Mohajirs), the APNS statement said, adding that the president of the MRC, Syed Safwanullah, a Muttahida Qaumi Movement minister in the federal government, upon contact had expressed his ignorance about the statement and promised a contradiction, which remained unrealised so far. According to the APNS, another statement issued in the names of two members of the MQM Rabita Committee, Mohammad Ashfaque and Javed Kazmi, had used almost the same expressions as the MRC and hurled similar charges. The APNS believed that the statements of both the MRC and the Rabita Committee against journalists “are likely to provoke hatred against the press in general and incite supporters of the two parties to the possible commission of an offence against those journalists named in the statements,” it said. It urged the MQM committee to formally denounce the inclusion of a hit list in the Rabita Council's statement and to persuade them to withdraw the inflammatory declaration and also re-examine the statements issued by two of its members, and withdraw it as well in the interest of better relations between political parties and the press. REFERENCE: Asia Media Date Posted: 5/25/2007 Council releases a list of journalists deemed subversive to society Dawn Friday, May 25, 2007 PAKISTAN: IFJ enraged by MRC's threat to journalists http://www.international.ucla.edu/article.asp?parentid=70724
KARACHI, May 29: In what appears to be a direct death threat, bullets were found on Tuesday night in the cars of three senior journalists parked outside the Karachi Press Club. The cars belonged to secretary-general of Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists Mazhar Abbas, Zarar Khan and photojournalist Asif Hussain. When the journalists opened their vehicles, each of them found a bullet wrapped in a brown paper envelope. It may be pointed out that names of Mazhar Abbas and Zarar Khan had appeared in a statement of the Mohajir Rabita Council in which they were described as anti-Mohajir chauvanists. The journalists immediately informed Sindh Governor Dr Ishratul Ibad Khan and IG Police Azhar A. Farooqi. An FIR was lodged with the police. The Karachi Union of Journalists has strongly condemned death threats to the journalists and demanded that the culprits be brought to justice. It also demanded that the organisations whose names have appeared in this connection must publicly denounce and disassociate itself from such terrorist activities. REFERENCE Journalists get death threats By Our Staff Reporter May 30, 2007 Wednesday Jamadi-ul-Awwal 13, 1428 http://archives.dawn.com/dawnftp/
LAHORE, May 30: The Punjab Union of Journalists on Wednesday staged a demonstration in front of the Lahore Press Club to condemn death threats to three senior Karachi journalists. A large number of city journalists carrying placards and banners urged the government to protect journalists. They also raised slogans against the MQM and the government. The journalists given death threats included Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists Secretary General Mazhar Abbas, Zarar Khan and Asif Hussain. Speaking on the occasion, PUJ President Arif Hameed Bhatti and General Secretary Amer Raza urged the government to take stern action against the MQM, and ban it. It should also expose those disturbing peace in Karachi, they said. They also urged the Punjab government to ban the entry of the members of the party into Punjab.
They said the union would give a call for a hunger strike if the government failed to protect journalists who would continue to perform their duty without caring for the consequences. Meanwhile, in a statement the South Asia Media Commission (SAMC) expressed its anger over threats to the life and property of journalists in Karachi and Peshawar given by, what it said, different extremist organizations. It urged the Pakistani authorities to protect the journalists. The statement issued by SAMC Regional Coordinator Husain Naqi here said the life threats to the three Karachi journalists came a week after a shadowy organization, The Mohajir Rabita Council with links to the MQM, a party that supports military ruler President Pervez Musharraf, issued a list of a dozen journalists, declaring them as enemies, it said.
It said on May 25 gunmen attacked the Peshawar home of Daily Times cartoonist Muhammad Zahoor at around 2am. Four-time winner of the All Pakistan Newspaper Society’s annual best cartoonist award, Zahoor had drawn many cartoons on the Supreme Court chief justice’s dismissal in recent weeks. The home of Nasrullah Afridi, the Urdu language daily Mashriq in the Khyber Agency section of the Tribal Areas, came under grenade attack after death threats made against him five days earlier by the head of Lashkar-i-Islam. “We believe it is a very serious threat to working journalists. It is an attempt to muzzle the free media. The government should arrest those behind the threats,” SAMC Chairperson N Ram and General Secretary Najam Sethi said. They said journalists needed to know that they would be protected from threats or attack. “If the government fails to do so, we will be justified in believing that there is complicity of the government in the current campaign to harass journalists,” they said. They said the Muhajir Rabita Council had issued a threatening statement on May 22 with a list of some 20 journalists it described as chauvinist and hostile to their movement. REFERENCE: PUJ rally condemns threats to journalists By our Staff Reporter May 31, 2007 Thursday Jamadi-ul-Awwal 14, 1428 http://archives.dawn.com/dawnftp/

Ugly Racist Role of Muhammad Saleh Zaafir (Jang Group, GEO TV, The News) (1997)
URL: http://youtu.be/yuMWieusbZs
Muhammad Saleh Zaafir is a paid agent and he is paid through SECRET FUND.
Real Face of Jang Group's Saleh Zaafir:) the house in which he lives in Islamabad is meant for Government Officer, and Zaaifr was given the house of 4 Canal in his wife name who is a Teacher in Grade 17 but Youfus Raza Gillani (Zaafir is personal contact of Prime Minister) allowed Zaafir to live in House which is meant for Federal Secretary, the same Saleh Zaafir "day in day out lecture" everybody like his catamite boss Mir Shakil ur Rehman.
Pakistani Journalists Living in Government Houses - Part - 5 (Matiullah Jan Dawn News)
URL: http://youtu.be/mK1vC4d4Obk

ISLAMABAD: The Supreme Court (SC) on Tuesday reprimanded a reporter who filed a story claiming that the government was preparing misconduct references against four more judges of the apex court. A 13-member full court, which is hearing the petition of the chief justice of Pakistan challenging the presidential reference against him, took suo motu notice of the story and summoned the reporter, who tendered an unconditional apology for filing the “baseless and unauthentic” story. The court accepted the apology of Saleh Zaafir, a reporter for Jang and The News, but issued him a stern warning. The bench ordered the two newspapers to publish Zaafir’s apology on their front pages. When the head of the bench, Justice Khalilur Rehman Ramday, asked the reporter if he had any proof as to the authenticity of his story, Zaafir admitted he did not and apologised. He said he would not commit the same mistake in future if were forgiven this time. The court passed the following order, asking journalists to print it verbatim:
“Muhammad Saleh Zaafir, editor special reporting, of daily Jang and The News, has entered appearance on our call, in connection with the news items appearing in the Rawalpindi edition of the daily Jang and the daily The News of 11th June, 2007, regarding some references being made against four senior honourable judges of this court who, presumably also happen to be members of this bench. The said news item appeared to be open to further serious exception because such a news item had been published, more than boldly, on the front pages of the said two newspapers on the day when this bench was expected to announce its decision on the maintainability of the petitions filed in this court questioning the presidential reference against the honourable chief justice of Pakistan. It may be added that certain insinuations had been made in the said news items pointing towards some alleged misconduct committed by the four un-named senior judges of this court. Muhammad Saleh Zaafir, who is the reporter of the said news items, when confronted with the same, frankly and honestly conceded that he had made no effort to verify the veracity of the allegations levelled in the said news items before publishing the same nor did he have any proof in support of the contents thereof. He, however, added at the very outset that he had utmost regards and respect for not only the said honourable judges of this court but for the entire judiciary; that he did not have even an iota of doubt about their integrity and character and that reporting the said news items was a grave mistake on his part. He tendered verbal unconditional apologies in open court and also placed on record his statement to the above noted effect, in writing. The regrets offered by Muhammad Saleh Zaafir, reporter/editor, appear to be sincere and the remorse expressed by him appears to be genuine. In this view of the matter, we do not consider it necessary to proceed with the matter any further except warning him to be careful in future. On our call, Muhammad Afzal Butt, President of the Rawalpindi-Islamabad Union of Journalists, also entered appearance for assistance. The reporting of the proceedings which have taken place in court in connection with the matter in question shall be made only to the extent that the apology tendered by the said Muhammad Saleh Zaafir shall be published in full and so would be published this order passed thereon. The daily Jang and the daily The News which had published the news items in question, shall publish the said apology and this order, prominently, on their front pages. Muhammad Saleh Zaafir undertakes to do the same and has been ordered accordingly.” staff report. REFERENCE: Reporter apologises to SC for ‘baseless report’ Wednesday, June 13, 2007 http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2007%5C06%5C13%5Cstory_13-6-2007_pg7_3
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