Sunday, October 19, 2008

Non Violent Hindus - 4

No doubt as compare to Pakistan there exist an strong Civil Society and Free Press with an Strong Democratic Traditions in India. But is this call you a check on Jihadi Muslims?

Malegaon [INDIA] Blasts, Bajrang Dal/RSS and Biased Media.

The large section of media and opinion makers dare not speak this. Even non BJP Governments and non BJP leaders refrain from referring to RSS affiliates' role in terrorism. By now the mass consciousness has been doctored in tune with the goals of US at global level and RSS at local level. Is there sufficient ground to suspect Bajrang dal? Can this RSS progeny indulge in such acts? In the aftermath of Pastor Stains murder, the then Home Minister L.K. Advani, even in the face of hard evidence, stated that Bajrang dal people cannot be part of this murder. After investigations and long trial Bajrang Dal's Dara Singh is now in jail punished, with death sentence by the courts. Bajrang Dal and even Durga Vahini have been conducting the arms training on regular basis, many times even in the school premises in BJP ruled states. RSS has been keeping up with times; starting from lathis its progenies by now have upgraded their weaponry. On 7th April 2006 at midnight, a powerful bomb exploded in the house of RSS sympathizers, killing two Bajrang dal activists. ATS, chief Suryavanshi did confirm the same. Despite the report from ATS, and citizen's inquiry reports, the state Government neither banned nor touched all those who might have been involved and connected with the blasts. In our democracy some are criminals because they are born in a particular religion, and some can get away with crime because of the privilege of their birth and association with RSS progeny.

Investigation Into Malegaon Blasts By Ram Puniyani 16 September, 2006

A Song, A Blast And The Indian Media's 'Secular'Pretensions

By Yoginder Sikand 15 September, 2006

Bias against Muslims is deeply-rooted in large sections of the Hindu-owned media in India, even in influential sections of the English press that prides itself in its claim of being 'secular' and 'progressive'. Two ongoing controversies-the Vande Mataram affair and the Malegaon bomb blasts-suffice to confirm this argument.

MUMBAI: The police are probing whether the Bajrang Dal or a Lashkar group could have been involved in Friday’s Malegaon blasts. The Bajrang Dal is known to have followed a similar pattern in blasts at Parbhani’s Mohammadi Masjid and mosques at Pona and Jalna earlier this year. "We are probing this angle, though it is too early to hold any group responsible," DGP P S Pasricha said on Friday. (Times of India, 9 th Sep 2006, Updated at 12.3111 hrs IST)

A section of the readers would definitely feel surprised over the inclusion of Bajrang Dal or for that matter any of the Parivar organizations on the list of possible suspects. Perhaps they are unaware of similar terrorist acts committed by these very organizations or their activists. One of the most recent one being the deaths of few activists of Bajrang Dal on 6 th April in Nanded, Maharashtra while making bombs. One could have a look at a news clipping of The Telegraph ( 10 th April 2006) how they got killed.

Malegaon Blasts: Footprints Of Nanded? By Subhash Gatade 15 September, 2006

Any news about Muslims and their involvement in terror activities is big news in India. Therefore news coming out of London is picked up with more vigor here than in Britain itself. Even London Police was more careful in declaring the entire community as terrorists but here in India our 'security' experts start discussing the issue in totally communal terms. No questions are ever raised about those who communalized India and created communal disturbances. A former DG of Uttar-Pradesh police Prakash Singh openly said in a TV interview as what could he do all the terrorists happen to be Muslims? Yes, Prakash Singh either does not know history or pretend not to know it. Hopefully, he will read text of Israel's terror regime in Gaza and other parts of the Palestine.

After the Malegaon, the political leaders started making visit to the town and news channels started campaign for 'united India'. One does not know how India could be united with out participation of a community, which is being singled out for such an atrocious treatment. Just by lighting a candle in your house for India's unity would not bring unity of mind between the Hindus and Muslims or for that matter other communities in India. It is essential that any plural society can only function when there is a fare representation of it in every sector of governance and public life. Had there been more Muslims in our newspapers and TV channels, the stories like terming them terrorists would have never been there because you realize the other side of the story.

Lesson From The Malegaon Carnage: Price Of Alienating A Community

By Vidya Bhushan Rawat 15 September, 2006

Bajrang Dal behind bomb blasts in Nanded By: Krishnakumar April 9, 2006

In what could prove to be a huge embarrassment on the eve of Lal Krishna Advani’s Bharat Suraksha Yatra in Maharashtra, police officials in Nanded said Bajrang Dal activists were actually making a bomb before a bomb exploded in an activist’s house.

What’s more, police officials have also recovered another bomb from the site and have diffused it on Saturday.

A bomb blast had occurred at a retired irrigation department official’s house at Path Bhandare Nagar under the jurisdiction of Bhagyanagar police station on Wednesday morning. Raj Kondawar the retired official was not present at the time but was away with his wife at Shirdi when the incident occurred.

There were five people present at the time Naresh Kondewar along with his friends — Himanshu Phanse, Maruti Wagh, Rahul Pande and Ramraj Guptewar.

Naresh and Himanshu died on the spot while the other three are admitted in the hospital in a serious condition. Wagh is still in a coma.

One of the investigating officers, police inspector Shrikant Mahajan said that preliminary investigations have shown that Naresh and Himanshu were members of Bajrang Dal.

“We have got information that they were office bearers of Bajrang Dal from time to time and used to attend their meetings,” said Mahajan.

Mahajan said the blast was very powerful and that only the concrete structure survived, but everything else in the house was destroyed. He added that both the bombs were powerful devices.

Officials added that the recovery of the second bomb meant the people assembled in the house were preparing the bomb when the first one went off.
“We will know more about it only after we speak to the injured people,” said a top police official. For Advani who has been under a cloud after the Jinnah house, this blast couldn’t have come at a wronger time, as Sangh Parivar’s own have been alleged in making bombs.

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